Value of Artificial Neural Networks as

Neural Network Weight Extraction for Strategic and Clinical Decision-Making
Colleen M. Ennett, BSc(Eng), MASc, PhD Candidate
Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
Monique Frize, P.Eng., Ph.D., Professor
Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
Robin C. Walker, MB, ChB, FRCPC, FAAP, Chief Neonatologist
Department of Paediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON
INTRODUCTION Traditionally, statistical analysis techniques have predominated in medical research and in the
development of clinical decision aids. In the past decade, an increasing interest in the use of artificial neural
networks (ANNs) in place of statistical approaches has developed. An ANN is a parallel, distributed, adaptive
system that processes information in order to learn patterns as a result of exposure to a set of representative training
cases [1]. The main advantage of neural networks over statistical techniques is that the model does not have to be
explicitly defined before beginning the experiments to develop the model. ANNs can recognize the relevant data and
patterns, whereas a statistical model requires prior knowledge of the relationships between the factors under
investigation [2]. Also, with statistics, it is difficult to integrate data of different formats (i.e. working
simultaneously with continuous, binary, ordinal and nominal data), but this can easily be achieved using ANNs.
Previous work by our research group [3] has shown the usefulness of ANNs for estimating: (1) resource use
such as duration of mechanical ventilation or length of hospital stay [4,5] which is valuable for strategic planning;
and (2) clinical outcomes such as mortality [6,7] to aid clinical decision-making. The previous barrier that
discouraged many from using neural networks was their image as “black boxes.” ANNs use complex algorithms for
calculating the weights on each input and node. Our research group can extract the weights of the inputs and hidden
nodes to assess the importance of each variable with respect to the outcome [8]. Weight-extraction is somewhat
controversial, however, there is definite support in the field for this concept [9].
METHODOLOGY These neural network experiments used patient cases from the Canadian Neonatal Network’s
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) database with the input variables from SNAP-II (Score for Neonatal Acute
Physiology, Version 2: lowest values for blood pressure, temperature, pO2/fiO2 ratio, serum pH and urine output,
and presence of seizures –measured within 12 hours of NICU admission) and SNAPPE-II (with Perinatal Extension
– plus birth weight, small for gestational age (SGA) and Apgar score at 5 minutes) [10]. The outcome under
investigation was in-hospital mortality. The SNAP-II variables are a subset (found via logistic regression) of the
original SNAP score that contained 37 inputs [11].
The feed forward backpropagation ANN with the hyperbolic tangent transfer function was trained (3358
cases) and tested (1744 cases) on independent datasets of complete cases from the Canadian Neonatal Network. A
two-layer (linear) network was used with the weight-elimination cost function to prune the network and the
logarithmic-sensitivity index as a stopping criterion which optimizes for both sensitivity and specificity [12].
Multiple trials were executed using different random number generator seeds. The weights were rescaled below such
that the largest weight was 100.
RESULTS The weights for the SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II sets were consistent across the trials and between the
sets. Changing the order of the input variables did not change their associated weights. This finding supports the
theory that the weights are linked with the input variable’s impact on the outcome under investigation. Overall, the
weights were reasonable, in that they tended to follow clinical intuition on the importance of the variables. In the
SNAPPE-II experiments, the weights for birth weight, SGA and Apgar score at 5 minutes were surprisingly low. A
possible explanation is that these “demographic” variables were not among the original SNAP parameters used to
develop the SNAP-II model. Those three variables are particularly important to clinicians so they can quickly assess
which risk category an infant may belong to.
SNAPPE-II Variable Weights: pO2/fiO2 ratio 100; Urine output 66; Apgar @ 5 mins 43; Lowest temperature 42;
Small for gestational age 32; Lowest serum pH 28; Birth weight 19; Lowest blood pressure 19; Seizures 19.
SNAP-II Variable Weights: pO2/fiO2 ratio 100; Urine output 71; Lowest temperature 51; Lowest serum pH 42;
Lowest blood pressure 37; Seizures 25.
NEXT STEPS Missing values in databases are difficult to deal with and current methods of replacing them are
unsatisfactory. Either valuable information is discarded or values based on the entire data set are imputed which may
be inappropriate. Instead, a new approach that attempts to incorporate specific information about the characteristics
of the cases with missing values is essential to impute relevant values.
We propose to use these extracted weights from the ANN as the weights of a matching algorithm to find
the closest-matching cases. From this set of matched cases, the statistical mean of the variable which is missing in
the query is calculated and replaces the query’s missing value. Since there are no complete cases for the original
SNAP score because no patient would have all tests and parameters recorded, this new approach for imputing
missing values is quite valuable. Starting from the complete SNAPPE-II dataset, the database can be expanded
either “vertically” or “horizontally.”
Vertical Expansion suggests imputing missing values for the SNAPPE-II variables into the remaining
incomplete cases to broaden the spectrum of infants by including some less sick babies in the database. We know
that the fewer missing values that an infant has, the sicker the infant is [7]. The imputed values would be drawn from
the sickest population and may not reflect the actual value for a baby that was less ill. To overcome this, the first
imputed cases would be missing only one of the six SNAP-II variables, assuming that an infant only missing one
variable would be similarly ill to a baby not missing any. Then groups of these infants (say 500 cases) would be
added to the match-database to gradually lean the mean of the matched cases away from the bias of the sickest
babies. Similarly, the next set would be the infants missing two values, etc.
Horizontal Expansion means working with infants with similar severity of illness, so the true values for
their unrecorded data may be similar. The objective is to expand the NICU dataset to include all 37 SNAP variables,
then the neural network with weight-elimination can determine the most important variables for predicting mortality
and find the minimum data set. We are interested to see if the ANN model returns the same six input variables as the
SNAP-II variables or if the ANN minimum data set contains a different set of variables.
CONCLUSIONS We have validated that the variable weights for the linear ANN are consistent and reasonable.
This finding can strengthen the confidence in neural networks as a decision support tool for strategic and clinical
decision-making. The weights from the ANN may be useful for replacing missing values using a matching
algorithm, so that an appropriate minimum data set can be developed for a variety of medical outcomes.
Specifically, the minimum data set found by the neural network will be compared with that found using statistical
1. Penny W, Frost D. “Neural networks in clinical medicine.” Med Decis Making 1996;16:386-398.
2. Blum A. “Neural Networks in C++.” John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York, 1992.
3. Medical IDEAS Research Group (Intelligent Decision Aid Systems),
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