Jeunesse et Reconstruction Workcamps in France 2014 INTRODUCTION Name of the organisation: JEUNESSE ET RECONSTRUCTION Year of foundation: 1948 Location of the central office: 10, rue de Trévise 75009 PARIS FRANCE Tel : + 33 1 47 70 75 72 Fax : + 33 1 48 00 92 18 Email : Other offices : 3 local offices Aims and objectives: Jeunesse et Reconstruction is a youth organisation, whose aim is to favour and promote international youth exchanges, through the means of voluntary service, regardless of social, racial or religious background to develop personal commitment in a group or individual activity. Activities: workcamps (short term, midterm), long term volunteering (ICYE), trainings, language courses, seminars. Official website: Conditions for participation in our workcamps : - age limit : 18 to 30 years old (except social camps : 20 to 30 years old) - common languages used in the camps : English/French or French/English depending on the composition of the groups, - French speaking camps : some camps are declared French speaking, to promote the use of French language, and to give a possibility to the volunteers to practice French. Social camps are also indicated as French-speaking because knowledge of French is compulsory. - Extra fee : for festivals, we charge an extra fee of 50€ to be paid by volunteer on arrival. - Teenager camps : extra fee of 350€ to pay on arrival (or by partner organisation) List of workcamps (by date order) Type age limit No. of vols JR14/309 CASTELNAU MAGNOAC – dates not confirmed RENO ,ENVI , 18/30 14 JR14/307 FLOURENS – dates not confirmed ENVI , 18/30 11 JR14/218 LE CHATELARD FRENCH SPEAKING – dates not confirmed ENVI ,MANU , 18/30 9 JR14/219 LUZINAY – dates not confirmed RENO , 18/30 9 JR14/221 PONTAIX – dates not confirmed RENO , 18/30 14 Code name from to JR14/208 AVT ERMITAGE JEAN REBOUL 1 09/06/14 27/06/14 DISA , 20/30 4 JR14/305 ARIFAT 15/06/14 28/06/14 MANU ,RENO , 18/30 4 JR14/211 HUEZ (L'ALPE D'HUEZ) 15/06/14 28/06/14 RENO , 18/30 7 JR14/216 SAINT-ALBAN-LEYSSE 15/06/14 05/07/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30 11 JR14/215 ETOILE-SUR-RHÔNE 29/06/14 19/07/14 RENO , 18/30 12 JR14/05 30/06/14 18/07/14 SOCI , 20/30 8 JR14/213 MENS EMMAUS 1 - FRENCH SPEAK 06/07/14 19/07/14 ENVI , 18/30 10 JR14/302 MILLE PATTES 1 06/07/14 25/07/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30 8 JR14/204 CHÂTEAUNEUF-DU-RHÔNE 06/07/14 26/07/14 RENO , 18/30 13 JR14/205 EMMAÜS ETOILE 1 06/07/14 20/30 8 JR14/01 SPECIA L FEE 06/07/14 26/07/14 SOCI ,MANU , RENO ,ENVI ,MANU 26/07/14 , 18/30 11 JR14/100 CHALVIGNAC 06/07/14 26/07/14 RENO ,MANU , 18/30 12 JR14/212 ROCLES, VOLUNTEERS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT 06/07/14 26/07/14 ENVI , 18/30 11 JR14/105 CHAZERON CASTLE 07/07/14 26/07/14 RENO ,CONS , 18/30 12 JR14/300 BRAMEVAQUE 07/07/14 26/07/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30 13 JR14/104 CHAMBON SUR LAC 07/07/14 26/07/14 ENVI ,MANU , 18/30 12 JR14/106 BIAU JARDIN 08/07/14 26/07/14 ENVI ,SOCI ,AGRI , 18/30 10 JR14/110 MONTMORIN 09/07/14 19/07/14 RENO ,MANU , 18/30 8 JR14/202 BASE NATURE VERCORS 1 TEENAGER WORKCAMP 10/07/14 14/17 15 JR14/112 PICHERANDE 13/07/14 18/30 14 JR14/113 SAINT NECTAIRE 13/07/14 24/07/14 ENVI ,CONS , ENVI ,CONS ,MANU 02/08/14 , RENO ,CONS 02/08/14 ,MANU , 18/30 12 JR14/200 CAP GENERATIONS 13/07/14 02/08/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30 11 JR14/02 15/07/14 04/08/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30 16 JR14/102 ONE COUNTRY ONE FILM 16/07/14 29/07/14 FEST ,MANU , 18/30 6 50,00 € JR14/210 GARANCE REGGAE FESTIVAL, FRENCH SPEAKING 20/07/14 30/07/14 ENVI ,FEST , 18/30 4 50,00 € JR14/206 EMMAÜS ETOILE 2 20/07/14 20/30 8 JR14/109 JOB AGGLO 20/07/14 09/08/14 SOCI ,MANU , RENO ,SOCI ,MANU 09/08/14 , 20/30 9 JR14/217 PONT SAINT ESPRIT 23/07/14 13/08/14 RENO , 18/30 11 JR14/214 CREST JAZZ FESTIVAL 27/07/14 13/08/14 FEST , 18/30 13 JR14/304 ANTICHAN DE FRONTIGNES 27/07/14 16/08/14 ENVI ,FEST , 18/30 11 JR14/107 GELLES 27/07/14 16/08/14 MANU , 18/30 15 JR14/108 ISSOIRE 27/07/14 18/30 14 JR14/114 VOLLORE VILLE 27/07/14 16/08/14 ENVI ,MANU ,AGRI , ENVI ,CONS ,MANU 16/08/14 , 18/30 12 JR14/203 BASE NATURE VERCORS 2 TEENAGER WORKCAMP FESTIVAL INTERCELTIQUE DE LORIENT, FRENCH JR14/03 SPEAKING 28/07/14 11/08/14 ENVI ,CONS , 14/17 15 350,00 € 29/07/14 15/08/14 ENVI ,FEST , 18/30 3 50,00 € JR14/207 EMMAÜS ETOILE 3 03/08/14 23/08/14 SOCI ,MANU , 20/30 8 JR14/301 PUY L'EVEQUE 03/08/14 23/08/14 RENO ,CONS , 18/30 11 JR14/111 MUROL 03/08/14 23/08/14 ENVI ,MANU , 18/30 12 JR14/308 LE TRUEL 04/08/14 22/08/14 ENVI ,FEST , 18/30 7 JR14/06 04/08/14 20/30 8 18/30 11 18/30 11 JUZIERS LEFFRINCKOUCKE EMMAUS 2 - FRENCH SPEAK JR14/101 CHASPINHAC 10/08/14 22/08/14 SOCI , ENVI ,MANU ,RENO 30/08/14 , JR14/306 SAINT LEONS 10/08/14 30/08/14 RENO ,ENVI ,FEST , 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ 350,00 € 50,00 € JR14/04 FESTIVAL COUVRE FEU 13/08/14 29/08/14 FEST , 18/30 15 JR14/103 BILLOM 17/08/14 06/09/14 ENVI ,CONS ,AGRI , 18/30 14 JR14/303 MILLE PATTES 2 18/08/14 06/09/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30 8 JR14/201 CHAMPAGNY EN VANOISE 24/08/14 13/09/14 RENO ,CONS , 18/30 14 JR14/209 AVT ERMITAGE JEAN REBOUL 2 31/08/14 19/09/14 DISA , 20/30 4 JR14/220 AVT ERMITAGE JEAN REBOUL 3 19/12/14 05/01/2015 DISA , 20/30 4 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ 50,00 € LOCATION OF WORKCAMPS Auvergne region JR14/100 to JR14/114 4 ______________________________________________________________________________ Rhône-Alpes Region JR14/200 to JR14/221 5 ______________________________________________________________________________ Midi-Pyrenees Region JR14/300 to JR14/309 6 ______________________________________________________________________________ Ile de France region JR14/01, JR14/05, JR14/06 7 ______________________________________________________________________________ Pays-de-Loire region JR14/04 8 ______________________________________________________________________________ Bertagne region JR14/04 9 ______________________________________________________________________________ Letter to the volunteers To come to a workcamp in France means, first of all, to make the choice of “discovering”: discovering a culture in which you are going to be fully integrated; discovering of a new language; discovering intercultural learning in a group of volunteers coming from all parts of the world; discovering of a region… Jeunesse et Reconstruction was created in 1948 and, since then, it has never stopped promoting the idea of another way of travelling. The organization has its head office in Paris, and regional offices in Auvergne, MidiPyrénées and Rhône Alpes. Since its creation, it has hosted more than 100 000 volunteers on workcamps or on long term volunteering programmes. The aim of a workcamp is to promote volunteering through a community service project in the municipality which is going to host you, but also to promote respect, exchange and tolerance through intercultural and intergenerational exchanges. The work that has to be done is thus central in the set up of a workcamp and its completion guarantees the recognition of the group within the community. Depending on the type of workcamp, the work can be: the renovation or restoration of a monument/building, the maintenance of « green spaces », the protection of the environment, a social or a cultural project… Then, we are not talking of usual tourist holidays any longer: you are going to be integrated in the French culture and its diversity; as a consequence, you will make a significant and enriching experience. Moreover, the volunteers who come to a workcamp come from different countries, different backgrounds, and their age can be different too (from 17 to 30 years old) : they are not only students but all of them want to share they culture. A workcamp is thus a space and a time for exchanges and encounters for the volunteers, but it is also the result of an important partnership between our organization, the municipality that is hosting the camp and different structures such as the district and regional councils or the Youth and Sports ministry. The funding of a workcamp is done by those different structures as a policy promoting open-mindedness and intercultural learning. The camps mainly take place in rural areas, and consequently, the aim is to meet foreign cultures, for those people who cannot travel abroad, and to mobilise the volunteers around a common project which is useful to the community. The group will be managed by a « camp leader »: he/ she is not a paid staff of our organisation but a volunteer, just like you, who has chosen to get more involved in order to federate the workcamp volunteers: he/she will be in charge of the management of the group, of the food budget and of the free time activities but he/she will always be ready to listen to your suggestions because initiatives are always welcome and strengthen the team spirit of the group, particularly concerning free time activities. The team leader will expect a personal involvement from you and also some help in the daily life and chores. He/She is also the representative of our organisation towards the different actors: municipality, funding partners, local organisations...etc. You have chosen to make the experience of a workcamp organised by Jeunesse et Reconstruction consequently you are making a commitment and that is why we expect from you: 10 ______________________________________________________________________________ 1) At work: - To respect the work timetables and schedules defined with the village/city municipality and to adapt to the difficulties inherent to every workcamp. - To follow the safety regulations in order to protect yourself and to protect the other members of the - To wear appropriate clothes for working, - To take good care of the materials and tools, - To respect the environment in which you are going to work, - To involve yourself so that the work is finished at the end of the camp. group from any accident, 2) In the daily life of the group and during the free time activities: - To respect the culture of the other volunteers and of all the people you are going to meet during the camp. - To get involve in the daily life of the group through the free time activities and the daily chores, - To respect the accommodation premises and equipment (kitchen, bathroom….) - To adapt to the living conditions of the camp because they may be very different from what you are used to live in (tents, school rooms, etc…) and to accept simple living conditions. Moreover, workcamps are usually located in quite isolated rural areas. - To follow the regulations concerning the consumption of alcohol: no excess will be accepted, please be responsible and adult. The use of any drug is prohibited in France, and thus fully prohibited on the workcamp. - To give life to the group: indeed, the success of a workcamp lies in the personal involvement of all the volunteers : initiatives are welcome and they allow better exchanges. - To make sure you will be present from the starting date till the ending date of the camp in order not to disturb the group, but above all in order to respect the hosting municipality. - To follow the advice of the camp leader for the well-being of the group. The involvement is thus important but it will guarantee the success of your experience and, above all, the quality of the exchanges during the workcamp. We remind to read carefully the infosheet of your workcamp. Please pay attention to the remarks giving you advice on what to bring for the workcamp. Particularly, be careful to the necessity of bringing good shoes for work (for safety) and a sleeping bag (in case you do not bring it, we cannot provide one and you will have to buy one). Have a nice workcamp and enjoy it! The Jeunesse et Reconstruction staff and team 11 ______________________________________________________________________________ CAMP DESCRIPTIONS In date order Requirements/what to bring (for all camps) 1/ Bring with you: a sleeping bag, warm clothes (a sweater and rain-coat), a bathing suit. For male volunteers: short pants are generally prohibited in the public swimming pools in France, please bring a bathing suit. For work: worn out clothes and strong shoes (like boots – obligatory for your own safety). Your games, songbooks, cassettes, musical instruments and recipes, will be also welcome! To make exchanges and encounters easier, please also bring photographs of your home, some postcards, and small gifts. If you have a driving licence, please bring it along in case of necessity. – 3/ Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card, for the refunding of medical expenses in your country). – 4/ At the end of the work camp, no transportation will be organized by our association. You will then have to arrange your own means of transport to return to the train station. – 5/ Our association does not provide a car during the work camp. ****************** JR14/309 CASTELNAU MAGNOAC Tarbes RENO ,ENVI , 18/30. 14 VOLS WORK: Supervised by a professional team, you will participate in various works around the theme of the environment and the restoration of local heritage. You can help such as cleaning and clearing of footpaths that serve as a link between the lake and the village center. Then, you will help to rebuild the pavement around a fountain and you will participate in various painting. ACCOMODATION: You will stay in tents, camping municipal. The volunteers prepare their own meals, team of 2. The sanitary facilities (toilets and showers) are available on site. The association provides mattress. Bring your towel and your sleeping bag. We can not pick you if you arrive before the start of construction. Accommodation possible, at your expense: LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Altitude: 340m, 850 inhabitants. The village of Castelnau-Magnoac is located in a hilly landscape with good weather, with wonderful views of the Pyrenees. It retains its rich architectural heritage, including its half-timbered houses and narrow medieval streets. Entertainment options: sports equipment, numerous hiking, lakes, village festivals, markets. In places: small shops, post office, cafes ... Other activities are available : (a visit to Lourdes and other cities, museums ...). TERMINAL: Tarbes DATES NOT CONFIRED YET JR14/307 FLOURENS Toulouse ENVI , 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: Supervised by employees and officials elected of the town, you will participate in various works around the theme of the environment. You can help such as cleaning and woodcutter around the lake, and the creation of a pontoon handipêche near the same lake. ACCOMODATION: You will stay in a dwelling of the Municipality. The volunteers prepare their own meals, team of 2. The sanitary facilities (toilets and showers) are available on site. The association provides mattress. Bring your own towel and sleeping bag. We cannot pick you if you arrive before the start of camp. Accommodation are possible, at your expense: or LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Small town of 1.800 inhabitants 12 km east of Toulouse, Flourens is located in the middle of nature. During the weekend, its receives many visitors, walkers and fishermen who enjoy the tranquility and beauty of its lake.; Various activities are available on site (local market, animations ...) and the proximity of Toulouse (capital of the region and 4th city in France, with 445.000 inhabitants) makes possible many visits. Other activities are available at your expense: museums, theater, concerts, swimming, sports... More information on the site TERMINAL: Toulouse DATES NOT CONFIRED YET JR14/218 LE CHATELARD FRENCH SPEAKING Aix-les-bains ENVI ,MANU 18/30. 9 VOLS WORK: You will help cleaning and clearing out the different areas of the town (footpaths, stairs, streets... ) and may do some painting work too. You will also assist in the establishment and running of a summer festival in the town: help in the kitchen to prepare the meal, installation of furniture, lighting equipment and sound, storage and cleaning after the party .. . Your creative talents will be involved: you will indeed be asked to decorate the space and imagine stands / animation to present your country and culture to the villagers and tourists attending the event. You are invited to bring some specialities, and typical recepies and things from your country (music, costumes, objects, flag...) in order to make this fest an international celebration! You will work 4 to 5 hours per day and will have 2 days off per week. Possible work on Saturday and / or Sunday for the carrying out of the party. ACCOMODATION: You will stay in a communal building in the heart of the village, in very simple conditions. Kitchen, toilet and shower on site. Mattresses will be installed on the ground for the night. Please don’t forget to bring your own bed 12 ______________________________________________________________________________ sheets and sleeping bag! Meals will be prepared together and you are expected to contribute to everyday tasks (cooking, washing up, cleaning …). Be aware : we can not take responsibility if you arrive before the beginning of camp. To be noted: we cannot take care of you if you arrive before the work camp starting date, neither beyond the end date LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Le Châtelard is located in the regional natural park of Les Bauges, 35 km from Chambéry, 30 km from Annecy and Aix les Bains. This site is ideal of nature leisure activities. Possible leisure activities: sport, trekking, meetings and exchanges with the local population. You will also participate actively in the organisation of the village festivities. More information: TERMINAL: Aix-les-Bains DATES NOT CONFIRED YET JR14/219 LUZINAY Vienne RENO , 18/30. 9 VOLS WORK: Like the international volunteers of summer 2012, you will work on the chapelle d’Illins, registered in 2008 to the inventory of Historical Buildings. The chapel is located outside the village (15/20 minutes walk)! So, 5 days a week, 4 to 5 hours a day, in the morning, please bring work clothes and strong and closed shoes ! No flip flop at work ! the nature of project works will be specified later ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted in a municipal building called "salles des arcades": kitchen, wc, showers available. Jeunesse et Reconstruction provides you with ground mattresses ; please don’t forget to bring your bedsheet and your sleeping bag ! You will prepare your meals by teams of 2. Every volunteer has to participate to the chores (cooking, cleaning...). We cannot take care of you if you arrive before the starting date of the camp ; therefore you can be lodged at your own expenses in Vienne or Lyon. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Luzinay, 2300 inhabitants, is located in the Isère department, 10 km away from Vienne and 30 km from Lyon. It is a rural village but you can therefore find a church, a post office and some little shops. Possible leisure activities in the region: walks, meetings with the inhabitants, shared evening with the villagers, swimming pool, visit of Luzinay and surrounding villages, visit of Vienne, St Romain en Gal (archeological site), Lyon. The local volunteers will try to find bikes for you so that you can visit the region by yourself. TERMINAL: Vienne DATES NOT CONFIRED YET JR14/221 PONTAIX Valence RENO , 18/30. 14 VOLS WORK: You will participate to the restoration of the footpath that connects the village center to the ancient castle: clearing bushes, evacuating branches and stones, possibly also: creating and putting in some protection gates and rebuilding a stone wall. You will be supervised by the some local volunteers, but they won’t be the whole time on the working place with you: your team will therefore need to show a great motivation and independence at work! You will work 4 to 5 hours every morning, 2 days off per week. ACCOMODATION: Accommodation site needs to be specified. You will sleep under tents. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The village of Pontaix is located in the South East of France, in the Southern Alps, just at feet of the Vercors mountains and by the river Drôme. Pontaix and its valley are dominated by the Glandasse mountain (high 2041 m). During this camp, you will have the opportunity to visit Die, and maybe Valence, and why not the famous vineyards of Clairette de Die (bubble wine, really appreciated in the region). You will also have the opportunity to swim in the river “Drôme” and to hike in the beautiful landscapes of Diois area. Possible activities: Swimming in the river, canoeing, visit of the hill-top villages, visites of caves, meeting with inhabitants, hiking… More info about the area : TERMINAL: Valence DATES NOT CONFIRED YET ********************************************* JR14/208 AVT ERMITAGE JEAN REBOUL 1 Clelles-mens 09/06-27/06/14 DISA , 20/30. 4 VOLS JR14/209 AVT ERMITAGE JEAN REBOUL 2 Clelles-mens 31/08-19/09/14 DISA , 20/30. 4 VOLS JR14/220 AVT ERMITAGE JEAN REBOUL 3 Clelles-mens 19/12-05/01/15 DISA , 20/30. 4 VOLS WORK: You will have to help a handicapped vacationer in his daily life: showers, meals... but moreover you will be with him/her during the mainly different activities organized by the centre. The first 2 days of the camp will be dedicated to a special training in order to allow you to learn the good behaviors and technics to help the people (how to drive a wheel chair, how to do wash someone…). Former volunteers will tutor you during this training. Working at the Ermitage is a really intense experience: days of work are going from 7:30AM to after dinner, around 11 PM. Sharing the vacationer’s daily life requires a constant investment and a lot of energy, however, supervisers and other volunteers will support you all the time. Once a week you will have to take on the night watch; the day after will be your day off (only one day off each week!), for resting or staying with the group to visit some local attraction. The international group may be very small, but don’t worry, different French volunteers speak English, and you will be welcome in a very familial atmosphere. 13 ______________________________________________________________________________ ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted within the centre, with other volunteers. Dormitory or rooms of 2/3 people. Showers and WC available. Meals shared with the handicapped vacationers. Every food diet is possible (glutenfree, vegetarian…etc) LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The Ermitage is located in the wonderful region of Trièves, surrounded by the Alps mountains, at 68 km from Grenoble and 67 km from Gap. You will attend the handicapped vacationers in many different activities: adapted sport, manual activities, mountain leisure activities, swimming in a lake, visits of Grenoble or Gap...according to the timetable of the camp. You will have many occasions to discover the region in the working days. Moreover the centre focuses on a regional approach of tourism and food! You can discover French cuisine in the mountains ! TERMINAL: Clelles-Mens SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Remember that you come to allow a person to have great holidays, and that you should show a great involvement in the project. Please include a motivation letter in the inscription form ! 1/ Bring your insurance certificate 2/ Being motivated, open minded and patient. Remember that you will have to deal with vacationer’s privacy (shower, clothing, stripping…) and show therefore care and respect. 3/ Jeunesse et Reconstruction does not provide you with a vehicle during the camp. 4/ Most of vacationers and volunteers there are French speakers: basics of French would be welcomed to facilitate contact, but are not an obligation to participate to this camp. Be aware however that many conversations and exchanges will happen in French! You will have to be creative and patient in order to get along with people! 5/ Bring things from your country that you can share with the volunteers and vacationers REMARKS: tout régime alimentaire possible - any food diet is possible (vegetarian, gluten free...etc) JR14/305 ARIFAT Albi 15/06-28/06/14 MANU ,RENO , 18/30. 4 VOLS WORK: Supervised by volunteers of the association “ASPSA”, you will work in a room located in the outbuildings. The work will consist of double walls, remake the ceiling, install the laminate flooring and paint the walls. ACCOMODATION: You will stay in bungalows camping in a neighboring Arifat. Sanitation (toilets and showers) are available on site. Take your BED SHIT and SLEEPING BAG. The volunteers cook theirs meals, by teams of two. We can not take care of you if you arrive before the beginning of the camp. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located in the Tarn department, the village Arifat belongs to Canton Montredon-Labessonnié. Dominant site waterfalls, castle Arifat presents a typical architecture of medieval castle sites. The site offers many opportunities for hiking, visits to local heritage ... Housed in the camp of Saint-Pierre de Trivisy, many activities will be available: swimming, tennis, tree climbing, ... TERMINAL: Albi JR14/211 HUEZ (L'ALPE D'HUEZ) Grenoble 15/06-28/06/14 RENO , 18/30. 7 VOLSWORK: Managed by municipal employees and local volunteers, you continue repairing the stonewall of the cemetery started last year by international volunteers (more information here: Masonry work, 4 to 5 hours a day (in the morning), 5 days a week. Relatively physical work! ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted in appartments : bedrooms, showers, WC and kitchen available. You will prepare your meals by teams of 2 volunteers. Please bring your own bed sheet and sleeping bag. We cannot take care of you if you arrive before the starting date of the camp, hosting is therefore possible at your own expenses : Camping Claj – gîte d’étape d’Huez (Avenue du Moulin, 38750 Huez, 0033. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The village of Huez, almost 1500 inhabitants, is a popular mountain station, sitting on the magnificient Oisans mountains, at an altitude of 1000m. Tourists come there in winter for skiing and in summer for multiple open-air leisure activities. Possible activities during the workcamp : walking, biking, swimming, meeting local people etc. More info : TERMINAL: Grenoble JR14/216 SAINT-ALBAN-LEYSSE Chambery 15/06-05/07/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: With the local organization "the paths of St Alban" and with the technical service of the community, You’ll realize various maintenance of the communal paths and various public facilities (small heritage, street furniture) . The volunteers of "the paths of St Alban" are mainly retired people who love their village! Work 5 hours a day, in the morning, 5 days a week. ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted in a local building in the village center: kitchen, WC and showers available + mattresses on the floor for sleeping. Jeunesse et Reconstruction provides you with mattresses but please, bring your own sleeping bag and bed sheet. We cannot take care of you if you arrive before the beginning of the camp. Housing is possible at your own expenses: Youth Hostel of Aix les Bains ( or many hostels in Chambéry. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The small town of St Alban Leysse has around 6000 inhabitants and is 3km away from the city of Chambéry, capital of Savoy, which counts more than 50 000 inhabitants. Settled at the limit of the mountains and natural park of Les Bauges, the region offers many outdoor activities such as mountains trekking. Possible leisures during the camp: trekking with inhabitants, meeting and exchanges, visit of Chambéry, of Aix les Bains, trekking in the park of Les Bauges, to the cross of Nivolet, lake… More info on : TERMINAL: CHAMBERY 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ JR14/215 ETOILE-SUR-RHÔNE Valence 29/06-19/07/14 RENO , 18/30. 12 VOLS WORK: Leaded by a professional you will do traditional masonry work in the village. Working place will be specified later. Work 4 to 5 hours, each morning, from Monday to Friday, in cooperation with a group of teenagers from the local organization, House of Youth and Culture (=MJC) ACCOMODATION: In a former chapel (“les Pénitents Blancs”), regional office of Jeunesse et Reconstruction. Dormitory, kitchen, showers and WC in the chapel. We provide you with mattresses and bed sheet; please do not forget your sleeping bag!. Meals will be prepared together and you are expected to contribute to everyday tasks (cooking, washing up, cleaning …). We cannot take care of you if you arrive before the starting date of the workcamp. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located 10 km south of Valence, in the Drôme department, Etoile (5000 inhabitants) is a town which overhangs the Rhône valley. Its village, at the heart of an enclosure of the 15th century, reveals an architectural heritage of quality: church, apparent-stone houses, chapel and castle. As for its countryside, it is characterized by much diversified landscapes (edge of river – Rhône and Véore -, agricultural and fruit-bearing zones, hills and woods). The teenagers of the MJC will be happy to share some leisure activities with you (sports, visits…) and some other local organization as well. Lake festival at Etoile and national day on 14th of July; meeting with other workcamps. Other possible free time activities (you can organize them, at your charges, with the coordinator): discover of Crest (visit of the Tower, old town) and of various sites of the Drôme valley such as Die (old town and cooperative cellar), Saillans (magnanerie), Aouste (oil mill)...; possible visit of the towns of Valence, Montélimar (museum of the miniature and manufacture of nougat), Romans (the shoe museum); excursion to discover the Vercors mountains. More info : TERMINAL: Valence JR14/05 EMMAUS 1 - FRENCH SPEAK Paris 30/06-18/07/14 SOCI , 20/30. 8 VOLS JR14/06 EMMAUS 2 - FRENCH SPEAK Paris 04/08-22/08/14 SOCI , 20/30. 8 VOLS WORK: The work will consist into helping the community in the everyday tasks such as: sorting out 2nd hand cloths, sorting out 2nd hand furniture or materials or books… helping into collecting the 2nd hand things in the people house (only strong volunteers can do that), selling the books/cloths/furniture to the public, tidying up the different little “shops” in the community… finally any mission useful for the well being of the community. Most of the companions have had hard times and harsh experiences. They are often tough people in appearance, who won’t talk much at first. Volunteers should be mature, and aware of the difficulty of establishing communication with the companions and of gaining their confidence It is important to keep in mind that it is a social project, so that volunteers have to adapt their timetable to the one of the companions. Volunteers will have to be really motivated because it is a difficult work : they will work from Tuesday to Saturday from 7:30 am till 5:00 pm. Sunday and Mondays are free. Please note that although the project is close to Paris, you will have a limited time to visit the city, due to long working hours which cannot be bargained. If you do not agree with these conditions please do not apply. ACCOMODATION: To facilitate communication and integration, volunteers will take all their meals with the companions at the restaurant of the community. Volunteers will be hosted in basic conditions : they will sleep in a prefabricated building and share the shower and the toilets of the companions. The consumption of drugs and alcohol is strictly forbidden LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Town of Neuilly-Plaisance, departement de Seine-St-Denis (Ile de France). Possible activities : walk along the Seine, visit of Paris (at your exepense), of Vincennes, activities ti be organised with the companions. TERMINAL: PARIS SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Coming to Emmaüs means a commitment to respect both the companions and the rules of the community. You will show TOLERANCE and OPENMINDNESS. - Alcohol is forbidden ! MINIMUM AGE 20 - MOTIVATION LETTER in french to be sure that the volunteers understand the project and explain why you want to participate JR14/213 MENS Clelles-mens 06/07-19/07/14 ENVI , 18/30. 10 VOLS WORK: Clearing and cleaning of natural areas, such as river, footpath: weeding, pruning… Work 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. THE WORK MAY BE PHYSICAL AND TEDIOUS ! ACCOMODATION: Sleeping in tents on the camping of Mens. Kitchen, showers and wc available. We will provide you with mattresses, please bring your own sleeping bag! Meals will be prepared together and you are expected to contribute to everyday tasks (cooking, washing up, cleaning …).We cannot take care of you if you arrive before the camp starts. NIGHTS are sometimes cold, so do not forget to bring with you warm clothes!! LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Workcamp in the heart of the mountains! Mens is located in the Trièves region, a 700m high plateau, where you will have several opportunities for hiking in beautiful landscapes. The village counts 1500 inhabitants and hosts every summer many tourists who love outdoor sports and enjoy the café’s terraces. Possible leisure activities: hiking, meetings with locals, swimming, bike… More : TERMINAL: Clelles-mens JR14/302 MILLE PATTES 1 Foix 06/07-25/07/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30. 8 VOLS JR14/303 MILLE PATTES 2 Foix 18/08-06/09/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30. 8 VOLS WORK: Supervised by a volunteer of the association “Mille Pattes”, young volunteers participate in various maintenance and development on the site of Château Saint-Barthelemy located in Durban-sur-Arize. This includes the restoration of walls (masonry works) and cleaning vegetation. 15 ______________________________________________________________________________ ACCOMODATION: You will stay in tents in the grounds of the castle. Important: housing conditions are very simple and rudimentary (dry toilets and solar showers), notice to the lovers of peace and nature. Access to the castle is only by foot (15 minute steep path from the village, watch out for your travel bags - prefer a backpack). We cannot accommodate you if you arrive before the starting date of the workcamp. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located halfway between Foix and St Girons, the village of Durban-sur-Arize, crossed by Arize is a charming village in the Ariège part of the Regional Natural Park of the Pyrenees. With the castle overlooking, the village has a remarkable built heritage with most of the stone buildings. This castle belonging to the association "Mile Pattes" is an ancient and medieval fortress dated 11th century. Located in the heart of Séronnais, the site offers many hiking. TERMINAL: Foix JR14/204 CHÂTEAUNEUF-DU-RHÔNE Montelimar 06/07-26/07/14 RENO , 18/30. 13 VOLSWORK: Under the supervision of a professional, you will be responsible for the rehabilitation of a cobblestone street in the city centre (masonry work). You will be working 5 hours a day, from Monday to Friday. PHYSICAL WORK ! ACCOMODATION: Municipality building. Mattress provided by Jeunesse et Reconstruction. please think about bringing a blanket and sleeping bag with you We cannot take responsibility for you if you arrive before the work camp starting date. Accomodation might be at your expense if you arrive earlier (you should contact the hotels to check the availability). In Montélimar : Hôtel restaurant des Blaches* : 00 33 4 75 01 84 02 - Hôtel restaurant La Pignata* : 00 33 4 75 01 87. – Chateauneuf du Rhône : Camping la Graveline : Tél. : 00 33 4 75 90 80 96 LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Châteauneuf-du-Rhône is a medieval city of 2200 inhabitants, located in Drome Provençale, at 7 km from the South of Montélimar. At the heart of a lavender-colored greenery, Châteauneuf-du-Rhône enjoys its ideal location at the doorway of Provence and close to Southern East French big cities. Possible visits: Montélimar and its city centre, its nougat factories, Valence, Pierrelatte, La garde Adhémar, DOnzère, Avignon (the bridge, the popes’palace), Grignan. Numerous possible hikings in the region, canoe, swimming, tennis, biking…. For more information: TERMINAL: MONTELIMAR JR14/205 EMMAÜS ETOILE 1 Valence 06/07-26/07/14 SOCI ,MANU , 20/30. 8 VOLS JR14/206 EMMAÜS ETOILE 2 Valence 20/07-09/08/14 SOCI ,MANU , 20/30. 8 VOLS JR14/207 EMMAÜS ETOILE 3 Valence 03/08-23/08/14 SOCI ,MANU , 20/30. 8 VOLS WORK: The group of volunteers will work from Tuesday to Friday, 7 to 8 hours a day, as the companions. Days off on Sunday and Monday. Volunteers have to be motivated and they have to respect the timetable at all times (this is very important for the companions to have fixed schedules). The work will consist into helping the community in the everyday tasks such as: sorting out 2nd hand cloths, sorting out 2nd hand furniture or materials or books… helping into collecting the 2nd hand things in the people house (only strong volunteers can do that), selling the books/cloths/furniture to the public, tidying up the different little “shops” in the community… finally any mission useful for the well being of the community. ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted at the community in a building. WC and Showers available. Every volunteer has to participate into the chores such as cleaning, sweeping… Emmaüs provides you with mattresses but you have to bring your bed sheet and sleeping bag. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Etoile sur Rhone. Visit of the village, inter-camps meetings (if possible), visit of valence… The community will organize leisure activities for the volunteers such as concerts of visits outside the community. The volunteers of « Emmaüs Etoile 2 » will join you during the last week of your camp. TERMINAL: VALENCE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Coming to Emmaüs means a commitment to respect both the companions and the rules of the community. You will show TOLERANCE and OPENMINDNESS. - Alcohol is forbidden ! MINIMUM AGE 20 - MOTIVATION LETTER in french to be sure that the volunteers understand the project and explain why you want to participate. JR14/01 JUZIERS Paris 06/07-26/07/14 RENO ,ENVI ,MANU , 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: Under the supervision of local technical agents, you work on the rehabilitation (cutting logs - clearing - digging in) of hiking paths. You will also participate in the opening of a footpath. You will work 5 days a week in the morning, 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: You will stay in the municipal House for Everyone. We will provide you mattresses and so you will have to bring your sleeping bag and eventually a pillow. You will cook in a kitchen area of the House; there are refrigerator and cook; dishes and kitchenware will be provided. For the lunch, you will eat at the canteen with the young people of the youth center. We cannot take care of you if you arrive before the starting date of the project. Accommodation is nevertheless possible, at your own expenses, if you arrive before the beginning: Camping Canada at Epône (8 km) +33 1 30 42 61 76 +33 1 30 42 61 76 Hotel St Vincent at Gargenville (2,5km) +33 1 30 93 60 03 +33 1 30 93 60 03 LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located on the right side of the Seine at 38 km from Paris, Juziers is a city-door of the natural regional park of the Vexin. This park spreads over 66 000 hectares and gather 99 municipalities with the goal to preserve the natural 16 ______________________________________________________________________________ environment, to rehabilitate the built heritage and to develop the agriculture in the respect of the environment. Possible free time activities (you can organize them with the camp leader, some activities could be at your charge): visits, excursions, barbecues, international evening, hikes in the forest... TERMINAL: Paris JR14/100 CHALVIGNAC Mauriac 06/07-26/07/14 RENO ,MANU , 18/30. 12 VOLSWORK: Restoration of the old bread oven in the center of the town and one other 1,5 kilometer from the center. Work -> Exterior cleaning: roof (remove invasive vegetation), repair joints inside the building and delivery of stone by stone delivery locations in places inside the oven (door). ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in the school of the village in the center. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will make you available mattresses. Bring your sleeping bag and WARM clothes. Toilets in the school. One shower in the municipal building. You will create solar shower. You will cook in a room of the school; there are refrigerator and cook; dishes and kitchenware will be provided. There is one shop in the village; you could also visit the local producers to shop (meat, cheese, vegetables…). Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project; no possible accommodation if you arrive before the beginning of the project. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Chalvignac is a charming village of 500 inhabitants in the south-west of the Auvergne region, near the Dordogne’s Gorges. Its natural surroundings are exceptional, with beautiful landscapes. The village has a lot of built heritage buidings, as witnesses of the historical past of Chalvignac. The volunteers of the Miremont et Petit Patrimoine Association will make you discover all of these resources. Taking part to the Chalvignac workcamp represents a way to be integrated in the local life for 3 weeks and to discover the local culture: Miremont Castle celebration (the 12th, 13th and 14th of July), the Crouzit-bas hamlet fest. You will be proposed some visits, excursions and some sports with the local youth during your stay. TERMINAL: MAURIAC JR14/212 ROCLES, VOLUNTEERS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Valence 06/07-26/07/14 ENVI , 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: You will participate to the restoration of a footpath that should connect Rocles village to the neighbor community of Joannas. You will be supervised by elders for clearing, carrying away the cut branches, possibly also for installing signage and benches along the path! You will work 4 to 5 hours every morning. Besides these working hours you may be asked to help the local volunteers and elected members to organize a celebration evening for the village. In the last week of your stay, you will be in charge of realizing a photo exhibition that reflects the workcamp, its memorable moments, the results of the work; these photos will be exhibited to the inhabitants and will be showed afterwards by Jeunesse et Reconstruction on diverse events to promote volunteer projects. ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted next to a communal building in rather basic conditions. You will sleep under tents installed on a field (tents and mattresses provided by Jeunesse et Reconstruction; don’t forget to bring your own sleeping bag!). Kitchen and WC available in the communal building. For showers: solar installation outside + you will have access to one shower stall in the building. NO WIFI in the village! Meals will be prepared together and shared with the whole group, and you are expected to contribute to everyday tasks (cooking, washing up, cleaning …). To be noted: we cannot take care of you if you arrive before the work camp starting date, neither beyond the end date.. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Rocles is a small village in the Ardèche mountain, quite isolated but very welcoming! Located 30 km away from the next town, Aubenas, Rocles has only two shops: a bakery and a restaurant. The inhabitants, especially the youngsters, will be ready to show you around. Possible leisure activities: hiking, horse riding, diner at locals, meeting with volunteers from other workcamps… You may participate in organizing a big celebration evening for the village, with the local volunteers and elected members. In the last week of your stay, you will be in charge of realizing a photo exhibition that reflects the workcamp, its memorable moments, the results of the work; these photos will be exhibited to the inhabitants and will be showed afterwards by Jeunesse et Reconstruction on diverse events to promote volunteer projects TERMINAL: Valence JR14/105 CHAZERON CASTLE Riom chatel-guyon 07/07-26/07/14 RENO ,CONS , 18/30. 12 VOLS WORK: A fence wall of stone as to be completely rebuilt. You will work with a professional and you will learn technical knowledge related to the reconstruction of such a building. The amount of work is important : it’s necessary to be motivated and be interested in the built heritage. ACCOMODATION: Accommodation inside the castle. REMARK : YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST RESPECT THE PLACE AND DO NOT INTERFERE THE SIGHTSEEING TOURS DURING THE DAY. Mattresses provided. Bring your sleeping bag, extra blankets and warm clothes for the night. Sanitaries avalaible. Equipped kitchen where you will prepare you meals. Diner room inside the castle. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Chazeron Castle is located in the town of Loubeyrat 30 minutes from Clermont-Ferrand. The castle offers a unique overlook on the Auvergne volcanic area. Many activities may be carried out during the stay : walking and excursions, participation in the festival taking place in the castle, visit different tourist places. TERMINAL: RIOM CHATEL-GUYON 17 ______________________________________________________________________________ JR14/300 BRAMEVAQUE Montrejeau-gourdan-polignan 07/07-26/07/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30. 13 VOLS WORK: Supervised by an experienced mason, you will continue the conservation of the remains of the castle of the Earls of Comminges: clearing of the overgrowth, masonry, building of small stone walls. The site hosts several hundreds of visitors in the summer months. ACCOMODATION: You will stay in tents in the grounds of the castle. Important: housing conditions are very simple and rudimentary (dry toilets and solar showers), notice to the lovers of peace and nature. Access to the castle is only by foot (10 minute steep path from the village, watch out for your travel bags - prefer a backpack). We cannot accommodate you if you arrive before the starting date of the workcamp. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Bramevaque is a small rural village of 30 inhabitants, at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains which mark the border with Spain. The site offers beautiful landscapes and view points. The Barousse valley is one of the most remarquable valleys of the Pyrenees; it is also on the itinerary of the “Tour de France” cycling race. Possible free time activities : hiking, swimming in the river, visit of prehistorical caves, the famous abbey of St Bertrand de Comminges, the watersports resort of Antignac, the Barousse museum. Please browse: TERMINAL: Montrejeau-Gourdan-Polignan SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Access to the castle is only by foot (10 minute) steep path from the village, watch out for your travel bags - prefer a backpack !;Isolated site for NATURE LOVERS ! NB : chantier ouvert à partir de 17 ans pour les participants Français JR14/104 CHAMBON SUR LAC Clermont-ferrand 07/07-26/07/14 ENVI ,MANU , 18/30. 12 VOLS WORK: There will be a diversity of environmental work impacting three location. The first week you will enhancing the Couze Chambon river and maintenance of their embankments : clean and remove invasive vegetation. The second week is to rebuild a path around the town. For the last week, you will remove vegetation from a very old castle (1000 years old !). Work could be hard but in a beautiful place. ACCOMODATION: Accommodation under tents in the campground. Mattresses provided. Bring your sleeping bag, extra blankets and warm clothes for the night (Chambon sur Lac is 900 metres high, nights could be cold). Sanitaries avalaible. Equipped kitchen where you will prepare you meals. Diner room under a big tent. Somes shops in the village. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project; Possible lodging in Chambon sur lac at your expenses : LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The village of 351 inhabitants is a part of the Natural Regional Park of the Volcanoes of Auvergne. It is located in the Massif du Sancy born 5 millions years ago. The village benefits of a preserved environment and great landscapes made up of volcanoes and lakes. Chambon sur lac is 40 km away from Clermont-Ferrand. You will be proposed some activities during your stay thanks to the local association : visits, excursions, hiking… Other activities, at your expenses, are possible: canoe, museums… More information on the website: TERMINAL: CLERMONT-FERRAND JR14/106 BIAU JARDIN Gerzat 08/07-26/07/14 ENVI ,SOCI ,AGRI , 18/30. 10 VOLS WORK: For 3 weeks you will take part in various activities of the organization : essentially gardening, plant maintenance, weeding, fruits and vegetables picking. An interest in gardening and growing plants would be great. You will work with people in social inclusion. You will work 5 days a week, 4-5 hours a day (morning). ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents nearby the garden. Mattresses and tents are provided but bring your own sleeping bags. Showers and toilets nearby. Meals will be served with organic garden produce and you will be able to cook it. LANGUAGE: French LOCATION: BIAUJARDIN is located in the town of Gerzat (10,000 inhabitants). The garden is located in a protected rural areas because these lands represent a specific agronomic interest (volcanic history) threatened by urban expansion of Clermont-Ferrand (10 KM). Possible activities: visits in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy de Dôme, and hiking nearby. TERMINAL: GERZAT SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/FRENCH SPEAKING – You need to have some basic French for having a better experience during your stay JR14/110 MONTMORIN Clermont-ferrand 09/07-19/07/14 RENO ,MANU , 18/30. 8 VOLS WORK: Complete restoration of the oven in the hamlet of Coissard. You will learn the methods of construction and how to use antique materials. The goal is to re-open the oven. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in the school of the village. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will make you available mattresses. You will go by car to work. Montmorin is 600 metres of altitude, bring warm clothes. You will cook in the kitchen of the school; there are refrigerator and cook; dishes and kitchenware will be provided. There are no shops in the village. The closest shops are in Billom (4 km). Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project. There is no accommodation in Montmorin. Possible lodging in Billom, at your expenses (please check by calling): a campsite “Le Colombier” (tel.: + 33 (0)4 73 68 91 50 + 33 (0)4 73 68 91 50 ); more information on, link “Tourisme/hébergements”. Thera re also possibilities in Clermont-ferrand: youth hostel “Le Cheval blanc” (tel.: +33 (0)4 73 92 26 39 +33 (0)4 73 92 26 39 ), Office of Tourism (tel: + 33 (0)4 73 98 65 00 + 33 (0)4 73 98 65 00 ). More information on, link “Séjourner”. LANGUAGE: French 18 ______________________________________________________________________________ LOCATION: Montmorin is a small rural village of 518 inhabitants, formed by 40 hamlets. The village is located, for one part, in the region of Buttes and the other part is in the Regional Natural Park of Livradois-Forez. Montmorin has a great build heritage, for exemple the Montmorin castle, built in the 12th century, partially destroyed now. It is classified “Monuments Historiques”. This village will delight those who love nature and old stones. You will be proposed some activities during your stay: visits, excursion, and hiking... More information on the website: TERMINAL: CLERMONT-FERRAND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ You will be with local population that don’t speak English so you have to speak French. – JR14/202 BASE NATURE VERCORS 1 TEENAGER WORKCAMP Age: 14/17. 15 VOLS SPECIAL FEE 350.00 EUR JR14/203 BASE NATURE VERCORS 2 TEENAGER WORKCAMP Age: 14/17. 15 VOLS SPECIAL FEE 350.00 EUR Die 10/07-24/07/14ENVI ,CONS , Die 28/07-11/08/14ENVI ,CONS , WORK: You will help building eco-huts on the site of Base Nature Vercors. Guided by “Base Nature Vercors Team” you will be able to perform various tasks: construction of a floor, framing, fabrication and installation of a coated straw .... You may also be asked to participate in other maintenance activities on the site: gardening, constructing (and experimenting…) dry toilets, writing blog of the association, crafts and various constructions (eg solar oven), preparation of an open day for visitors, etc.. You may also be involved, with the support of your teamleaders, in creating a theatrical performance to promote the local environment and heritage ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents on the site of ‘La Grange aux Loups’ managed by the association. The mattresses will be provided, but please bring your own sleeping bag! With the help of your leaders, you will actively participate in the organization of daily life: cooking, dishes, storage, cleaning, garden maintenance ... The association Base Vercors Nature carries a special attention to the management of resources , energy and waste on the site, but also to the source of materials and food. Whenever possible, meals are prepared with local and organic products. You will surely eat less meat than you are used to, but this is for our planet’s good! LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Base Nature Vercors is located a few miles from Vassieux en Vercors, a mountain village of more than 1000m. Warning: nights are cold!! With leaders of the association you can organize numerous activities for leisure and discovery: group games in Nature, introduction to Aikido, hiking, visiting local food producers, creating a radio show. .. The Vercors plateau is known for having sheltered a large scrub resistance during the second world war, you can also explore this piece of local history on the occasion of 70th anniversary of the resistance TERMINAL: DIE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: EXTRA FEE: 350€ for the whole stay. JR14/112 PICHERANDE Issoire 13/07-02/08/14 ENVI ,CONS ,MANU , 18/30. 14 VOLS WORK: Enhancing of the waterfall “Cascade de la Barthe”. You will build a path to rich this beautiful waterfall with a wooden bridge. You will work 5 hours a day and 5 days a week from Monday to Friday. 2/You will participate to the Gentian fest : decorating the village and setting the installations and taking part to the 2 parades by day in the traditional clothes of your country/region (Please, bring them!). ACCOMODATION: Accommodation under tents on the campsite of Picherande, which is nowadays closed (3 minutes by foot away from the center). Sanitaries in the campsite. Mattresses and tents provided. Bring warm sleeping bag, extra blankets and warm clothes (nights are cold; 1000 metres high). Equipped kitchen under a big tent, where you will cook your meals. Some shops in the village. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project; Possible lodging in Picherande, at your expenses (Central Hôtel - tel.: + 33 (0)4 73 22 30 79/ Les Balcons du Sancy - tel.: + 33 (0)4 73 22 31 04). LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Picherande is a village of 385 inhabitants, located in the Massif du Sancy, born 5 millions years ago. The village is a part of the Natural Regional Park of the Volcanoes of Auvergne. The village benefits of a preserved environment and great landscapes. 60 km away of Clermont-Ferrand. During you stay, you will enjoy the activities organised in the village: the Fest of Gentiane (the 15th and 16th/08) with parades, friendly meals, fishing contest, the Saint Fest (the 17the, 18the and 19th/08). You will be proposed some other activities: hikings with the inhabitants, visit of a traditional cheese factory… TERMINAL: ISSOIRE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Bring: sleeping bag AND extra blankets, warm clothes and rain-coat, JR14/113 SAINT NECTAIRE Issoire 13/07-02/08/14 RENO ,CONS ,MANU , 18/30. 12 VOLS WORK: Restoring a gîte located nearby the Romanesque church of Saint Nectaire. Interest in restoration of building would be great ! ACCOMODATION: Accommodation in the school. Mattresses provided. Bring your sleeping bag, extra blankets and warm clothes for the cold night. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Village of 725 inhabitants, Saint Nectaire is considered one of the most beautiful Auvergne. It is also part of the Regional Natural Park of the Volcanoes of Auvergne. Saint Nectaire is located in the Massif du Sancy, born 5 million years ago. The village enjoys an unspoiled and beautiful landscapes made of volcanoes and lakes environment. The site is known for his soft cheese casino and thermal baths dating from the beginning of the century. Activities will be offered during 19 ______________________________________________________________________________ your stay: visits, excursions, hiking ... Other activities are possible in and around Saint Nectaire, which are your responsibility: swimming, canoeing, museums ... TERMINAL: ISSOIRE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Bring: sleeping bag AND extra blankets, warm clothes and rain-coat, JR14/200 CAP GENERATIONS Lozanne 13/07-02/08/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: You will work in cooperation with a group of local young people on several different projects sites. Supervised by volunteers and technical employees, you will perform various maintenance, development and enhancement of the towns of Châtillon and Le Bois d’Oingt (painting, trail maintenance, Fabrication of a cabin for ecological toilet, Improvement of the existing accomodation to become a bat shelter). Work in the morning, 4-5 hours per day, 5 days a week. ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted in the neighbor town Chessy-les-mines, on the former camping place. You will sleep under tents, on ground mattresses we will provide; please think of bringing your own sleeping bag! Kitchen, showers and wc in a small building on the former camping. You will prepare the meals by teams of two. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project, nor if you decide to leave aftyer the last day of the camp. Possible lodging at your own expenses in Lyon: Auberge de jeunesse (41-45, montée du Chemin Neuf - Tel : +33 (0)4 78 15 05 50) or in Chessy (Hôtel de la Gare Tel. 04 78 43 97 19) LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The Pays d’Oingt is located 40 km north from Lyon, in the “Land of golden stones”, a lovely part of Beaujolais, also named “little Beaujolais-Tuscany” … Possible leisure activities: visit of the village, and of surroundings villages, visites of vineyards and caves, visit of Lyon, ceremony on national day, meetings and shared evenings with the inhabitants, cycle tours, tennis, swimming pool…etc. TERMINAL: Lozanne JR14/02 LEFFRINCKOUCKE Dunkerque 15/07-04/08/14 RENO ,ENVI , 18/30. 16 VOLS WORK: With a technical leader, you will work on various parts of the site of the fortress for the clearing of its outskirts, the restoration of the external staircases, the collecting of old paved stones and branches and finally, the clearing of undergrowth in the ditches. This work will be carried ou in small groups. NB: the workcamp will end on Monday August 4th in the morning, volunteers will help prepare and participate in a meeting with associations of the town (Beach Fest), during the weekend of 2nd and 3rd of August 2014, and will present international workcamps. ACCOMODATION: Under tents, at the municipal football grounds (stade municipal). Kitchen and showers nearby. We cannot be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of workcamp. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The town of Leffrinckoucke is located at a few km from the The town of Dunkerque. The fortress is at 500 meters from the beach, and at 500 meters from the town of Dunkerque. Buses are available to reach neighbour towns. The nearest train station is in Dunkerque, and many connections are available by TGV to LILLE (35min) or PARIS (2h00). TERMINAL: DUNKERQUE JR14/102 ONE COUNTRY ONE FILM Issoire 16/07-29/07/14 FEST ,MANU , 18/30. 6 VOLS SPECIAL FEE 50.00 EUR WORK: As a volunteer, you will be integrated with the volunteer team of the local organization. Your work will be divided in three parts: before, during and after the festival. You will be under supervision of the volunteers of “Un monde meilleur”. Before: settings up the scenery of the projection room, installation of barriers around the town, create decorations. During: setting up of the projection room every day, information/box office, refreshment area, cleaning every day the area. After: dismantling of the installation, cleaning of the site. BE CAREFUL! You will work a lot during the whole duration of the festival. The rhythm of the work can vary from one day to another. Be flexible and committed. The work could be physically demanding. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated separately to inhabitants’ houses in a friendly atmosphere for half of the stay. You will share the meals with the family which hosts you. This experience will be full of sharing and conviviality. You could bring the recipes of your country to prepare a traditional dish. The other half of the stay you will sleep in a communal Hall so bring your own sleeping bag. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Apchat is a small village of 210 inhabitants located in the south of the Puy-de-Dôme department, in the Auvergne region. Apchat is located in the Natural Regional Park of Volcanoes of Auvergne in a natural environment. The village has also a great build heritage: the Saint-Medard Church from the 15th century is listed as a Historical Monument since 1985. You will be proposed some activities during your stay. TERMINAL: ISSOIRE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/FRENCH SPEAKING – You need to have some basic French for having a better experience during your stay SPECIAL FEE 50.00 EUR JR14/210 GARANCE REGGAE FESTIVAL, FRENCH SPEAKING Avignon 20/07-30/07/14ENVI ,FEST , 18/30. 4 VOLS SPECIAL FEE 50.00 EUR WORK: You will be part of a French volunteers team from Connexions (around 20 people in total) and participate to waste and bin managing on the campsite (putting together and installing bins, collect tours, cleaning) but also to awareness raising initiatives on sorting to festival-goers who are camping: that’s why you have to be able to speak French ! Be aware 20 ______________________________________________________________________________ that you will have to work every day, in small groups. You will not have days off during the working camp but many breaks every day and the possibility to arrange your working schedule to attend the concerts you are interested in. For this work camp, we are looking for involved people, ready to meet other people, and willing to have good time while working on cleaning the place! ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted with the whole Connexion volunteers team, at the “Manoir”. You will sleep on mattresses under tents (both provided by the organizers); please bring your own sleeping bag! Kitchen, toilets and bathrooms in the “Manoir”. Meals will be prepared together and you are expected to contribute to everyday tasks (cooking, washing up, cleaning …). To be noted: we cannot take care of you if you arrive before the work camp starting date, neither beyond the end date. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The Garance Reggae festival occurs since more than 20 years at Bagnol sur Cèze, a little town of the Midi area and at the doorways of Provence! The festival is essentially occurring in Arthur Rimbaud park, a wonderful place surrounded by the Cèze river. The big stage, the sound-system stage and the numerous food, craft and disk stands will be installed there. For 4 days, more than 40 artists will perform. You will have a free access pass’ for the whole festival and your working days can be arranged so that you can take the most of the festival, the concerts and entertainments. You will not have day off during the work camp but many breaks to rest, discover the city and enjoy the crazy atmosphere of the event! TERMINAL: Avignon SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Additional fees: 50 Euros 2/ Being able to speak French is necessary for participating in this project (awareness actions about garbage sorting are planned: you will have to communicate in French with festivalgoers). JR14/109 JOB AGGLO Clermont-ferrand 20/07-09/08/14 RENO ,SOCI ,MANU , 20/30. 9 VOLS WORK: Rehabilitation of urban furniture in a socially disadvantaged area, in Clermont Ferrand. The work will mainly consist in painting and cleaning common areas of public housing. You will work with local youth (often quite difficult) in the heart of sensitive areas : motivation needed ! You will work from Monday to Thursday, from 8 to 12 and from 13 to 16.30. The Wednesday afternoon are free as well as the Friday. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in an apartment in Clermont-Ferrand. There is a kitchen in the apartment with a refrigerator and a cook; dishes and kitchenware will be provided. There are a lot of shops in Clermont-Ferrand. We will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project : Possible lodging, at your expenses (please check by calling):; and LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Clermont-Ferrand is the prefecture of the department of Puy-de-Dome and capital of the Auvergne region. Partly for historical reasons, the city is often called Clermont. The modern city was born of a union of two separate cities, Clairmont and Montferrand imposed by Louis XIII and confirmed under Louis XV. While Montferrand was founded in the early twelfth century by the Counts of Auvergne, on the model of Southwest towns, Clairmont is much older, as it existed in ancient times. The oldest mention of the existence of Clairmont appears in the work of Strabo, in the early first century. Clermont is located in the Massif Central, at 410 metres above sea level. To the west, the city is dominated by basaltic plateau (900m on average) with the chain of Puys, the largest chain of volcanoes (extinguished) in Europe, including the Puy de Dome, the most famous volcano. To the east of the metropolitan area reaches the plain of Limagne, with river Allier. The city is both a point of contact between the plain Limagne and Mountains of Domes. A large part of the city occupies a volcanic hill called the central plateau. It is, in fact, the edge of the crater, one hundred fifty six thousand years old. It is approximately 1,5 km in diameter and has been filled by the alluvium of the Tiretaine, small river running through the city. Clermont is also built on the edge of the valley of Allier. The city has developed around this central plateau on which stands the cathedral, extending to the east in the plain, and to a lesser extent, on the hillsides to the west. requirements TERMINAL: CLERMONT-FERRAND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: MINIMUM AGE: 20 / FRENCH SPEAKING / MOTIVATION LETTER REQUIRED WITH APPLICATION. JR14/217 PONT SAINT ESPRIT Bollène 23/07-13/08/14 RENO , 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: You will work for the arrangement of a small square located at the door of the ancient town. You will first have to demolish the concrete surfacing and to carry away the rubble and the ground. Leaded by local volunteers and municipal employees, you will then participate in the “landscape” arrangement of the location. You will work 4 to 5 hours every morning!! A LOT OF HANDLING needs to be done, the work can be quite physical! ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted in the Centre Pépin, a communal building in the town center, designed for hosting groups: collective rooms, WC and showers. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will provide you with bed sheets; don’t forget to bring your own sleeping bag! Meals will be prepared together (cooking place still needs to be specified) and shared with the whole group, and you are expected to contribute to everyday tasks (cooking, washing up, cleaning …). To be noted: we cannot take care of you if you arrive before the work camp starting date, neither beyond the end date.. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Pont Saint Esprit is town of 11.000 inhabitants, located at the doorway of the Provence, famous for its ancient stone bridge across the Rhône river. The town is quite lively in summer and you will have the opportunity to enjoy the open air screening, night markets, the “Nuits des étoiles”, The inhabitants will be ready to welcome you and to show you their town and the surroundings. Possible leisure activities: hiking, diner at locals, meeting with volunteers from other workcamps, discovery of Avignon (theater festival, former Pope’s 21 ______________________________________________________________________________ residence), Nîmes… More info about Pont Saint Esprit and the region : TERMINAL: Bollène JR14/214 CREST JAZZ FESTIVAL Valence 27/07-13/08/14 FEST , 18/30. 13 VOLS SPECIAL FEE 50.00 EUR WORK: Guided by the volunteers of the association Crest Jazz Vocal, you will participate in the stages, platforms and dressing rooms installation, in the cleaning after each performance (scene, outside space, toilets…). You will have to participate into the waste management by using the recycling bin (glass/paper/...etc). NB: some tasks are repetitive but essential; organizers of the festival rely on your motivation to help them before, during, but also after the festival; working hours may be very VARIABLE; time for leisure or for the group life will depend on the needs for help on the festival area. The volunteers are expected to be dynamic, enthusiastic and of course, found of music! You will have a free access pass for the whole festival duration and be able to attend most of the concerts. ACCOMODATION: In a sport hall (gymnasium). Kitchen, showers and WC in a building few meters away from the gymnasium. Jeunesse et Reconstruction provides you with small mattresses but DO NOT FORGET BED SHEETS AND SLEEPING BAG. Meals will be prepared together and shared with the whole group, and you are expected to contribute to everyday tasks (cooking, washing up, cleaning …). We cannot take care of you if you arrive before the starting date of the camp. Accommodation is possible, at your own expenses (please, check availability before coming) : -in Crest: “Le Square” hotel, 04 75 40 65 75 ; “Les Moulins”hotel, 04 75 76 74 11 ; “Les Clorinthes”camping, 04 75 25 05 28 . / -In Valence (30km far from Crest): hotel of Lyon, 04 75 41 44 66; camping of “l’Epervière” and lodging in dormitories, 04 75 42 32 00. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located in the Drôme valley, in the south of the regional park of the Vercors, the small town of Crest has 8000 inhabitants. It is a town which owns an inheritance of quality, dominated by its medieval tower (52m height). Very busy in summer period, the town offers many sport and cultural activities as. Towns nearby: Montélimar (40km) or Valence (30km). Possible free time activities (to be decided with the camp leader and local partners) : Visit of the Tower; visit of the towns of Valence, or Die (old town and cooperative cellar); night markets; free concerts within the jazz festival; swimming pool; meetings with other workcamps volunteers ;canoe... More info about the region: http://www.drometourisme.com TERMINAL: Valence SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: EXTRA FEES: 50€/person to pay on arrival at the camp JR14/304 ANTICHAN DE FRONTIGNES Montrejeau-gourdan-polignan 27/07-16/08/14 ENVI ,FEST 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: You will participate in various works in the village (pruning, weeding, cleaning of stones ...) and you will also participate in the organization, conduct and closure of the local festival that animates and mobilizes every year much of the population over this period. ACCOMODATION: You will stay in tents near the village. Sanitation (toilets and showers) are available nearby. The association provides tents and sleeping pads. Bring your towel and sleeping bag. We cannot pick you if you arrive before the start of camp. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: 580 m altitude, 87 residents, Antichan of Frontignes is a small rural village at the foot of the chain of Pyrenees near the Spanish border, surrounded by beautiful mountain scenery. Animation: the site is rather isolated but offers many opportunities for hiking, visiting the beautiful local built heritage, sports; possibility of swimming in the lake near the village ... and the village is very lively during the festival. TERMINAL: Montrejeau-Gourdan-Polignan JR14/107 GELLES Laqueuille 27/07-16/08/14 MANU , 18/30. 15 VOLS WORK: Enhancing the river and maintenance of their embankments : clean and remove invasive vegetation. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in the presbytery in the center of the village. Beds provide, bring your sleeping bag. You will go by walk to work (about 5 minutes). Gelles is 800 metres of altitude, bring warm clothes. You will cook in the kitchen of the presbytery. Some shops in the village. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project. Possible lodging in Gelles, at your expenses (please check by calling): a campsite (tel.: + 33 (0)4 73 87 80 20), B&BS ( LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located at 850 m of altitude, the village of Gelles covers a surface with 4753 ha and gathers a population of 1002 inhabitants. Gelles is sheltered by the small chain of Puys (Neuffont, Vialle, Banson, and Boucaud). Gelles owns beautiful houses made of gray-blue stones, around the Saint-Georges church. Formerly, it was a stage on the Roman way from Clermont to Limoges. Today, close to major roads of communication, it offers beautiful nature. Gelles is 46 km away from Clermont Ferrand. You will be proposed some activities during your stay: village festival on August, exchanges with the Conscrits (young people of the village who organize this festival), musical evening and traditional dance of Auvergne with a folk group “Bruyères et Jonquilles”, basket ball, pétanque at night, Gel’ Arc: shooting with bow, international meal, football, tennis, excursion in Clermont Ferrand and hiking on the Puy-de-Dôme. Internet sites: (office of tourism) TERMINAL: Laqueuille SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Bring: sleeping bag AND extra blankets, warm clothes and rain-coat, 22 ______________________________________________________________________________ JR14/108 ISSOIRE Issoire 27/07-16/08/14 ENVI ,MANU ,AGRI , 18/30. 14 VOLS WORK: The first phase will consist of cleaning up the abandoned land to accommodate the pedagogic garden. In a second time, you will building wooden bins and think with the team on the garden plan. An interest in gardening and growing plants would be better. Members of local partner organizations on this project will work with you. ACCOMODATION: Lodging in the Fernand Cournil Sport Hall. Camp beds provided. Bring your sleeping bad and/or blankets. Cooking place in the Sport Hall. You will cook your meals by team (2 persons). Many shops in Issoire. Jeunesse et reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project: possible lodging in Issoire, at your expenses. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Town of 14,000 inhabitants, Issoire is located 35 km south of Clermont Ferrand, between two natural parks: the Auvergne Volcanoes Park and the Livradois Forez Park. The Allier river runs through Issoire and attracts many canoe riders in the summer. You will be proposed some activities: tour of the town, sport activities, meetings with the local associations, many activities with the Youth Center. TERMINAL: ISSOIRE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Bring: sleeping bag AND extra blankets, warm clothes and rain-coat, JR14/114 VOLLORE VILLE Thiers 27/07-16/08/14 ENVI ,CONS ,MANU , 18/30. 12 VOLSWORK: You will built a traditional bread oven in the city center of the town. A professional will teach you some traditional knowledge. The second work will consist of maintaining pedestrian path nearby a natural canyon : clearing and building steps. ACCOMODATION: Accommodation under tents in a campground. Mattresses provided. Bring your sleeping bag, extra blankets and warm clothes for the night. Sanitaries avalaible. Equipped kitchen where you will prepare you meals. Diner room under a big tent. Somes shops in the village. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project; Possible lodging in Vollore-ville at your expenses. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Vollore Ville is located in the heart of the Regional Natural Park of Livradois-Forez. Positioned on a real natural platform, it offers a remarkable view over the Puys, the Sancy Artense and the Parf of Livradois. Habited since prehistoric times, crossed by the ancient Gallo-Roman path of Auvergne, it was a fortress deemed impregnable until the sixth century. Its history is very rich. Its architectural and religious heritage is conducive to the discovery and cultural events. His castle visible from the entire territory attracts visitors to its discovery. A protected natural environment exist around the town and the practice of outdoor activities is possible ( hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking). The label " Green Station" in 2008 confirms these environmental qualities. TERMINAL: THIERS SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Bring: sleeping bag AND extra blankets, warm clothes and rain-coat, JR14/03 FESTIVAL INTERCELTIQUE DE LORIENT, FRENCH SPEAKING Lorient 29/07-15/08/14 ENVI ,FEST , 18/30. 3 VOLS SPECIAL FEE 50.00 EUR WORK: You will be part of a French volunteers team from Les Connexions (around 15 people in total) and participate to waste and bin managing (putting together and installing bins, collect tours, cleaning) but also to awareness raising initiatives on sorting for people in charge of stands and festival-goers: that’s why you have to be able to speak French ! Be aware that you will have to work every day in small groups. You will not have days off during the working camp but many breaks every day and the possibility to arrange your working schedule to attend the concerts you are interested in. For this work camp, we are looking for involved people, ready to meet other people, and willing to have good time while working on cleaning the place! ACCOMODATION: You will be hosted with the whole Connexion volunteers team, in a big house. You will sleep on mattresses (provided by the organizers); please bring your own sleeping bag! Kitchen, toilets and bathrooms on the spot. Meals will be prepared together and you are expected to contribute to everyday tasks (cooking, washing up, cleaning …). To be noted: we cannot take care of you if you arrive before the work camp starting date, neither beyond the end date. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Lorient is a Britain city of 60 000 inhabitants, close the ocean, famous for its football team and … its festival! This event for which you will be volunteering is THE worldwide meeting of celtic cultures. During 10 days, stage and bars concerts, free fest’noziou, music workshops, conferences, daily parades, art, book and costumes exhibitions, artisanal markets will occur. You will have a free access pass’ for the whole festival and your working days will be arranged so that you can take the most of the festival, the concerts and entertainments. You will not have day off during the work camp but many breaks every day to rest, discover the city and enjoy the crazy atmosphere of the event! You will not have day off during the work camp but many breaks to rest, discover the city and enjoy the crazy atmosphere of the event! TERMINAL: Lorient SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Additional fees: 50 Euros 2/ Being able to speak French is necessary for participating in this project (awareness actions about garbage sorting are planned: you will have to communicate in French with festivalgoers). No specific knowledge of waste management is required, you will get trained and assisted by The Connexions coordinator on this topic. ! FRENCH SPEAKING WORKCAMP ; working hours are substantial ! JR14/301 PUY L'EVEQUE Cahors 03/08-23/08/14 RENO ,CONS , 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: Supervised by a professional mason, you will continue masonry work started by the previous international workcamp, namely the construction of a stone wall. You also will intervene in various beautification work located in the old Puy L’Eveque. 23 ______________________________________________________________________________ ACCOMODATION: You will host in the municipal appartments, in dormitories, with kitchen and sanitary facilities available. The volunteers cook theirs meals, by teams of two. Take your BED SHIT and SLEEPING BAG. We can not take care of you if you arrive before the beginning of the camp. Housing possible at your own expenses at the local camping: LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: 130 m altitude, 30 km west of the town of Cahors, Puy l’Evêque is a picturesque village of 2300 residents. It is a former mevieval town, located in the heart of Cahors vineyards, it is built on a hill overlooking the river Lot. It has a very rich heritage of stonebuilt houses and walls. Possible free time activities (for some at your expenses and in agreement with the camp leader): swimming pool, canoeing and kayaking, visits to surrounding castles, hikes. Nearest town is Cahors, rich in history. Other activities, at your expenses, are possible. Please browse: TERMINAL: Cahors JR14/111 MUROL Clermont-ferrand 03/08-23/08/14 ENVI ,MANU , 18/30. 12 VOLS WORK: Enhancing of the Couze Chambon river and maintenance of their embankments : clean and remove invasive vegetation. ACCOMODATION: Accommodation under tents near the rugby playground. Mattresses provided. Bring your sleeping bag, extra blankets and warm clothes for the night (Murol is 860 metres high, nights could be cold). Sanitaries avalaible. Equipped kitchen where you will prepare you meals. Diner room under a big tent. Somes shops in the village. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project. Possible lodging in Murol, at your expenses (please check by calling): “le Repos du baladin” hotel (tel.: + 33 (0)4 73 88 61 93and more. More information on the website, link « tourisme », then «Hébergement». LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Murol is considered as one of the most beautiful sites of the Auvergne region. The village of 560 inhabitants is a part of the Natural Regional Park of the Volcanoes of Auvergne. It is located in the Massif du Sancy born 5 millions years ago. The village benefits of a preserved environment and great landscapes made up of volcanoes and lakes. The site attracted a lot of artists at the beginning of the 20th century who created the Murol School. Murol is 38 km away from Clermont-Ferrand. You will be proposed some activities during your stay: visits, excursions, hiking… Other activities, at your expenses, are possible: canoe, museums… More information on the website: TERMINAL: CLERMONT-FERRAND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Bring: sleeping bag AND extra blankets, warm clothes and rain-coat, JR14/308 LE TRUEL Rodez 04/08-22/08/14 ENVI ,FEST , 18/30. 7 VOLS WORK: Supervised by municipal staff and elected officials, you will work on the theme of the environment, including the restoration of hiking trails: cleaning and clearing. You will work 5 hours per day, 5 days per week. Ability to work in a team. You will help and will also participate in the preparation and organization of the village festival (9 and 10 August) on the theme of sports games and small meeting between neighboring villages : very convivial moment. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in a place, close to the municipal camping. You will have access to the sanitories of the camping site. You will cook in a kitchen with a fridge and a cooking place; dishes and kitchenware will be provided. Mattresses will be provided by the association Jeunesse et Reconstruction. Volunteers prepare their own meals, by team of 2. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The village of Le Truel is a small village (332 habitants) but during summer a lot of tourists drive in. It is dived in a natural environment with noteworthy views and a swimming area. Around the village and during leisure time you can go hiking, the paths are very pleasants. You can also use the soccer field, volleyball and the tennis court. The municipal swimming pool may also be used. You can also visit the region and its architectural heritage. More informations on : TERMINAL: Rodez JR14/101 CHASPINHAC Le puy en velay 10/08-30/08/14 ENVI ,MANU ,RENO , 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: Completion of the third phase of rehabilitation works of the Saint-Quentin site will take place this summer. It will involve in preserve one of the building (consolidation of the existing : pointing with lime) and clearing the site to welcome tourists. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in a building of the village in the centre. Mattresses provided, gring a sleeping bag and extra blankets. The village is 900 metres high; WARM SLEEPING BAG AND CLOTHES NEEDED, especially during the nights. Toilets in the building. Solar showers that you will build. Equipped kitchen in the building where you will prepare your own meals. No shop in the village. You will go from the accommodation to the working place with a car rented by the municipality. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project; possible accommodation: B&B La Paravent (tel.: +33 4 71 03 54 75) LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Chaspinhac has 800 inhabitants and is located 15km north of Le Puy-en-Velay city (no transportation to go to the city). It’s a village with a huge history which attracts tourists and hikers, especially with its preserved environment. Several sites have environmental protection: the Loire’s Gorges, the Loire’s Valley. One of the hiking path crosses the Saint-Quentin site and offers a beautiful view on the Loire’s Gorges. The hamlet of Saint-Quentin, built during the 19th century, hosted farms years ago. Deserted for 70 years, the buildings are becoming ruins. You will be proposed some activities during your stay: visits, hikings, excursions… This workcamp is for those who like nature and are really interested in the environmental/ecological dimension. You will meet local organic farmer and taste great produce. TERMINAL: LE PUY EN VELAY 24 ______________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Bring: sleeping bag AND extra blankets, warm clothes and rain-coat, JR14/306 SAINT LEONS Millau 10/08-30/08/14 RENO ,ENVI ,FEST , 18/30. 11 VOLS WORK: Supervised by employees of the town, you will participate in various works around the theme of the environment and the restoration of local heritage. You can help such as cleaning and clearing of footpaths and the cleaning of old houses for future rehabilitation. Finally, during the last weekend of the site will be the feast of the village, you will participate in the preparation of the festival with residents. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents at the old football stadium with toilets and showers nearby. The old football stadium is a 30 minute walk from the village center. The association provides tents and sleeping matress. Bring your own bed shett and your sleeping bag. We cannot take care of you if you arrive before the beginning of the workcamp. Volunteers prepare their own meals, by team of 2. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located halfway between Rodez and Millau, the village of Saint Leons is a charming village in the Aveyron department. Saint Leons, nature city, is a village whose originality relies on its amphitheater disposing. Backed on a spur of the plateau de Lévézou, it dominates the valley of the Muse whose course meanders Tarn over a distance of twenty kilometers. Rich of a distant past that dates back to the sixth century, Saint Leons develops over centuries. From this past, there remains a rich built heritage, the castle recently restored, and also many restored typical houses that are making the admirable architectural unity of the village. TERMINAL: Millau JR14/04 FESTIVAL COUVRE FEU Nantes 13/08-29/08/14 FEST , 18/30. 15 VOLS SPECIAL FEE 50.00 EUR WORK: Led by the set directors of the association organising the festival, you will participate in setting up and setting donw the festival. This includes the installation of circus tents (where concerts take place), close the site with barriers, arrangement of parking lots, dressing rooms, refreshment stands and restaurants ... during the 3 day festival you will participate in welcoming the public and site maintenance. . The week following the weekend’s festival will be dedicated to dismantling, equipment storage, cleaning and restoration of the site. Note: tasks a little repetitive but essential festival organizers are counting on your motivation to help before, during and after the festival but also, work schedules will VARY A LOT according to needs; little time for leisure but the atmosphere is very festive. Volunteers from this site must be especially dynamic and enthusiastic. And of course must be a fan of music! Time for leisure will be made available to any departure of the mission. ACCOMODATION: You will stay as all the other volunteers (400 people) and organizers of the festival, in tents at camping site. Toilets and showers on site. The association provides tents, you will need to bring sleeping bags and mattress (it can be a karimat or self-inflatable mattress). Throughout the duration of work, preparing meals will be provided by volunteers from the association. NB : it can be cold in the evening and humid, it is advisable to bring warm clothes and a warm sleeping bag. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located on the south bank of the Loire estuary, and northern boundary of the Pays de Retz Atlantic, The village of Corsept has 2,600 inhabitants. Pays de Retz: At the heart of unspoiled landscapes and varied hyphen between Brittany and the Vendee, west of Nantes and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Loire. Enjoying the beach and water sports, beach resorts, charming as Pornic and Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, large sandy beaches dotted with fishing. Walks along the coastal footpath in Bourgneuf Bay, along the Loire estuary, or in swamps and thickets of the hinterland. TERMINAL: NANTES SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1 / - The association is a vehicle available at the beginning of stay only. 2 / - Remember to bring a sleeping bag, warm clothing (a sweater and a K-Way), a bathing suit. For work, pack old clothes and sturdy and closed footwear (sandals not valid for work). Extra fee to pay on arrival at the camp : 50€. JR14/103 BILLOM Clermont-ferrand 17/08-06/09/14 ENVI ,CONS ,AGRI , 18/30. 14 VOLS WORK: Do you know the “Incredible Edible” movement ? You will work on a project that aim to provide vegetable tray in a place of the center. You will work 5 hours a day, the morning, and 5 days a week from Monday to Friday. ACCOMODATION: You will be lodged in the main building of the campsite. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will make you available mattresses. Billom is 500 metres of altitude, bring warm clothes. You will cook in a cooking place with a refrigerator and a cook; dishes and kitchenware will be provided. There are shops in the village: supermarket, bakery, butcher’s shop, restaurants, pharmacy and café. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project. Possible lodging in Billom, at your expenses (please check by calling): municipal campsite (tel.: + 33 (0)4 73 68 91 50 LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Billom is a village of 4 800 inhabitants, located in the Regional Natural Park of Livradois-Forez, 20 minutes away from Clermont-Ferrand and from Thiers. Originally druidic center, its intense development enabled this gallic village to become one of the first important town of Auvergne, in the XII century and to build its fortifications. The medieval area and old documents are not enough to describe this welcoming town. Billom is 25 km away from Clermont-Ferrand. You will be proposed some activities during your stay: participation in a medieval festival organized by the association Billom Renaissance, meeting with the local associations, Visit of the medieval city with Billom Renaissance, swimming pool, football, basketball, tennis. TERMINAL: CLERMONT-FERRAND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Bring: sleeping bag AND extra blankets, warm clothes and rain-coat, 25 ______________________________________________________________________________ JR14/201 CHAMPAGNY EN VANOISE Moutiers 24/08-13/09/14 RENO ,CONS , 18/30. 14 VOLS WORK: Supervised by local employees and employees of the National Park, you will participate in the restoration of drystone walls on the path leading to the chapel of Friburge in the small valley of Champagny-le Haut. A magnificent environment! 5 hours work per day, 5 days per week. You’ll have to walk 1 km every morning to go to the workplace. ACCOMODATION: Accommodation in Champagny-le Haut (5km from Champagny Village) at the town’s campsite, “Le Canada” ( ; bar, restaurant, Wi-Fi access, grocery, washing-machine, TV lounge, bowls playing ground, table-football, Ping-Pong tables at the campsite. Sleeping in tents. A room will be made available for eating and cooking. Jeunesse et Reconstruction provides mattresses for the floor; please think about bringing a blanket and sleeping bag with you. You will prepare meals yourselves in teams of 2 and will take part in all the daily household tasks (cleaning, washing-up, cooking…). The night are sometimes cold, so do not forget to bring with you warm clothes. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Appreciated by tourists in winter for its ski slopes, the town of Champagny, situated at 1250m altitude, benefits from an exceptional natural environment. You will definitely have the opportunity to go for a hike in the alpine pastures and in this way observe the mountain’s flora and fauna (marmots, ibex, chamois goats…) but also to meet the local inhabitants who will be delighted to show you the surroundings. Possible activities: Hiking, Mountain-biking, Via Feratta, rock-climbing, glacier museum, swimming, bowls, Ping-Pong etc. TERMINAL: Moutiers 26 ______________________________________________________________________________