Notice of Intent - Resource Conservation District of Tehama County

2 Sutter Street, Suite D  Red Bluff, California 96080  530-527-3013  Fax: 530-527-7451
Tehama County Resource Conservation District
Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Notice of Public Hearing for the
Jellys Ferry Restoration Project
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), River Partners (Project
Proponent) has prepared an Initial Study. The Tehama County Resource Conservation District is
considering the adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Jelly Ferry Restoration Project at
its monthly Board of Directors meeting to be held on June 17, 2014 at 8:30AM in the conference
room of the USDA Service Center, 2 Sutter Street Suite D Red Bluff CA 96080. The Tehama County
Resource Conservation District is established under Division 9 of the California Public Resources
Code, by the rules of the Tehama County Local Agency Formation Committee as a locally governed
agency with primary authority to implement local conservation measures.
Project Information
Project: Jellys Ferry Restoration Project
Project Proponent: River Partners, Chico, CA.
Location: The project site is located in Northern Tehama County approximately 11 miles North of
Red Bluff on the east side of the Sacramento River at River Mile 266. The project area is near the
southern end of the 18,000 acre Sacramento River Bend Area of Critical Environmental Concern,
which is owned and managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The legal description of the site is
Township 29 North, Range 3 West, Sections 34 and 35, The APN numbers are APNs 009-120-22-1
and 009-120-10-1.
Proposal: River Partners in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will restore
and enhance native riparian wildlife habitat on 145 acres of the Jelly’s Ferry Unit within the BLM’s
Sacramento River Bend Area of Critical Environmental Concern. Based upon a recently completed
site assessment, two different plant communities are proposed for the project area depending upon
varying soils and topography along with hydrological and biological conditions. These include valley
oak savannah and upland herbaceous. Tree and shrub densities along with their composition will vary
across the site. An integral component of the design is a native understory which will be included in all
communities. Plantings will be completed in a grid-like tile design. The tiles are repeated across the
site and vegetative diversity and structure inherent in the tile design are applied to the entire site in
the same proportions.
Restoration biologists chose suitable riparian plant species by matching site-specific characteristics to
the descriptions of terrestrial natural plant communities provided by CDFW’s California Natural
Diversity Database and the Holland classification system. The planting design also incorporates
essential habitat elements to conserve, restore, and enhance riparian habitat for special-status plants,
wildlife, and fish, and improve habitat quality for migratory bird species. The physical layout or
planting pattern follows the recommendations of Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science.
The California Environmental Quality Act requires this notice to disclose whether any listed toxic sites
are present on the project site. The project site does not contain a listed toxic site.
The Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and reference documents for this project
are on file for public review and comment starting May 19, 2014 through June 17, 2014, at the
Tehama County Resource Conservation District (TCRCD) office, 2 Sutter Street, Suite D Red Bluff,
CA 96080. The IS/MND is also available for review on the TCRCD website at All persons are invited to review the document. Written
comments will be accepted by the TCRCD at the above address. Comments are encouraged to be
submitted in writing at any time prior to the hearing or orally at the meeting listed above or as may be
continued to a later date. If you challenge the above application in court, you may be limited to raising
only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in
written correspondence delivered to the TCRCD at, or prior to the public hearing. For information call
or send an email to Tom McCubbins, (530) 527-3013 ext. 120 (office), or 530-200-1231 (cell) or .