Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales Publication Order Form


Hybu Cig Cymru

– Meat Promotion Wales

Publication Order Form

Please indicate which publication you would like and how many copies and return this form by post to:

Hybu Cig Cymru,

Tŷ Rheidol,

Parc Merlin,

Glanyrafon Industrial Estate,

Llanbadarn Fawr,



SY23 3FF

Or by email: info@hccmpw.org.uk


Grassland Management

Mixed Grazing –The Benefits

Water Management on Farms and


Grassland Management

Environmental Grazing Case Study -


Environmental Grazing Case Study -


Environmental Grazing Case Study -


Sheep Management


Directory of Performance Recorded Sheep in Wales

Easier Management Systems for Sheep

Getting Ready for Tupping

Keeping Lambs Alive

Lamb Producers Handbook “From Gate to


Lambing Management

Practical Sheep Breeding

Practical Sheep Nutrition

Rearing Entire Males

The Breeding Structure of the Welsh Sheep


Cross Breeding Welsh Mountain Ewes

Beef Management

Beef Sires for the Dairy Herd

Bull Buyers Guide

Making the Most of your Finishing Beef


Making the Most of your Cull Cows

Making the Most of your Suckler Cows

Beef Producers Handbook “From Gate to


Practical Beef Cattle Nutrition


Animal Health and Welfare


Cattle and Sheep Vet Notes

Chemical Treatments of External Parasites in Sheep

Clostridial Diseases

Controlling Parasites in Cattle

Effective Control of Ectoparasites in Sheep


Joint ill



Liver Fluke


Scouring and Watery Mouth

Sheep Health Matters

The Influence of Ectoparasites in Welsh

Sheep Farms

Vaccination of Sheep

Wormer Resistance “The Need to Change”


Little Book of Meat Facts 2009

The Little Book of Meat Facts (2008)

How your Money is Used

The Current Trends in Breeding Ewe

Numbers and Meat Production within the



A Guide to Stock Judging “Know What

You’re Looking At”

Industry Development Activities

Hybu Cig Cymru Industry Development


Research and Development

An Assessment of the Benefits of Utilising

Inverdale-carrying Texel-type Rams to

Produce Crossbred Sheep within a Welsh


An Evaluation of the use of Video Image

Analysis to predict the classification and

Meat Yield of Sheep Carcases

CLA Genome Sequencing—Final Report

Bioreduction of Fallen Stock

Comparison of a Protien-rich Diet with a

Low-glycaemic Index Diet on Glucose


Crossbred Ewe Performance in the Welsh


Report from the Satiety Project

Crossbred Lamb Production in the Hills

Finishing Cull Dairy Cows for Beef


Identifying the Cost of Unpaid Family

Labour on Cattle and Sheep Farms

Producing Welsh Lamb High in Omega 3

Fatty Acids

The Effect of Number of Layers of Silage

Bale Wrap on Silage Microbiological and

Chemical Quality

The Effect of Sex Category on the Eating

Quality of Lamb Loin Chops

The Effect of the Double Muscling Gene on

Production Efficiency and Meat Quality

The Development of Multi-trait Selection indices for Longwool Sheep to Breed

Halfbred Ewes of Superior Economic


A Comparison of the Performance of New

Zealand Suffolks with UK Suffolks in a

Welsh Lowland Area

National Scrapie Plan


Suckler Calf Production Costs 08/09

Lamb Production Costs 08/09

Lamb Production Costs 07/08

Lamb Production Costs 06/07

Suckler Calf Production Costs 07/08

Suckler Calf Production Costs 06/07


Finishing Cattle Cost Calculator

Suckler Cows Production Cost Calculator

Lamb Production Cost Calculator

Lamb Production Costs

Alternative Bedding for Livestock

An Assessment of Woodchip Compost

Economic Appraisal of Woodchip Use

The Impact of Alternative Bedding Material on Sheep Behaviour, Health and Welfare

The Effects of the Use of Straw or

Woodchip Bedding Materials on the

Behaviour of Lambs

Productivity of Woodchip Compost

The Woodchip Demonstration Farms

The Potential of Canary Reed Grass as an

Alternative to Straw for Animal Bedding

The Woodchip for Livestock Bedding Project

— Final Report

Woodchip Compost — Options for Use

Comparison of Composted Woodchip from the Demonstration Farms

Woodchip for Livestock Bedding

Can Woodchip be Used as Animal Bedding?

Woodchip Project Farm Report —


Woodchip Project Farm Report — Bodgaeaf


Woodchip Project Farm Report — Cae Coch

Woodchip Project Farm Report —Cilgryman


Woodchip Project Farm Report — Gilfach

Woodchip Project Farm Report — Hendre


Woodchip Project Farm Report — Maindiff

Woodchip Project Farm Report — Pencefn


Sheep Breed Group Case Studies

Beulah Speckle Face

Bridga Suffolk

CAMDA Welsh Mountain

Hill Speckled Face

Llysfasi Welsh Mountain

Llywio Lleyn Group


Tregaron Welsh Mountain

Farming Connect Fact Sheets

Alternative Forage Options for Winter Feed

Alternative Forages to Control Intestinal

Worms in Sheep

Feed Budgeting for the Winter

Pasture Renovation

Ruminant Nutrition

Safe and Cost Effective Cattle Handling

Target Footrot to Improve Gains

Psoroptic Mange in Cattle

Know your Anthelmintic Groups

Are you Encouraging the Development of

Wormer Resistance in your Herd

Breed Improvement Scheme

Welsh Breed Improvement Scheme

Beef Sires for the Dairy Herd

Bull Buyers Guide

Practical Sheep Breeding

Profitable Beef Breeding

Guidance Notes and Rules for

Participation—Maternal and Hill Sheep

Guidance Notes and Rules for

Participation—Terminal Sheep

2009 Sheep Breed Benchmarks

Ram Buyers Guide


Traceability of Welsh Beef and Welsh Lamb

Sheep Breed Group Fact Sheets

Antur Texel Breeding Project

Beulah Speckle Face SRS

Brecknock Hill Cheviots

Bridfa Suffolk Sheep Breeding Scheme Ltd


CAMP Welsh Mountain Group Breeding


Cwmtawe Welsh Mountain

Elan Valley & Cwmdauddwr Group

Eryri Group Breeding Scheme

Glynllifion Border Leicester Group Breeding

Scheme Ltd

Hafod y Llan Group Breeding Scheme

Llandovery Whiteface Hill Sheep

Llysfasi Welsh Mountain Group Breeding


Llywio Lleyn Group

Nelson South Wales Mountain Breed

Penglas Bluefaced Leicester Flock

Penlle’r Castell Sheep Breeders Group

Tregaron Sire Reference Scheme

Welsh Hill Speckled Face Sire Reference


Welsh North Country Cheviot Breeding


HCC Annual Reports

HCC Annual Report 08/09

HCC Annual Report 07/08

HCC Annual Report 06/07

HCC Corporate Plan

HCC Corporate Plan 2009—2012

Strategic Action Plan for the Welsh Red Meat Industry

The Strategic Action Plan for the Welsh Red

Meat Industry

Skin-on Sheep Meat

An Appraisal of the Opportunities in the

‘Skin-on Sheep Meat’ Market for Wales

Keith Williams—New Zealand

Scholarship Reports

Marc Jones—New Zealand

Tony Davies—Norway

Nigel Scollan—Australia
