Wendy Morelli, Tracy Hall, Ray Weldie Unit Topic: Polar Animals Grade Level: 2-4 Unit Objectives: Students will demonstrate their ability to: 1. Define and use new vocabulary related to polar animals 2. Identify regions where polar animals are found and locate these regions on a map 3. Describe the dietary needs of polar animals 4. Describe the food chain and it’s relation to polar animals 5. Use the internet to find information about polar animals 6. Explain the importance of protecting endangered polar animals 7. Use measurement to draw polar animal to scale 8. Practice creative writing skills regarding polar animals Prior to Day1: Read Brrr!: A Book About Polar Animals aloud to students and allow students to reflect o Materials: 1. Berger, Gilda and Berger, Melvin. Brrr!: A Book About Polar Animals. December 2000. Scholastic, Inc. Day 1: 1. Objectives: 1. Define and use new vocabulary 2. Identify regions where polar animals are found and locate on map o Materials: 1. Vocabulary list 2. Maps of polar region 3. Crayons 4. Flip chart and markers 5. Zoo trip details and permission slips 6. Reserve computer lab o Plan: KWL-polar animals-use flip chart and markers. Introduce vocabulary list for unit-students must know spelling and definitions. Show polar regions on large map. Hand out maps of polar region and direct students to locate and color regions where polar animals are found. Activity: Have students work on internet vocabulary word search: http://www.abcteach.com/wordsearch.php?words =polar%0D%0Aregion%0D%0Aice%0D%0Agla cier%0D%0Aarctic%0D%0Afreezing%0D%0Ai cy%0D%0AAntarctica%0D%0Apoles%0D%0A bears%0D%0Aseals%0D%0Apenguins%0D%0A fish%0D%0Aoceans%0D%0Awhales%0D%0Ao tters%0D%0A&create_button=Create Assignment: Take zoo permission slips home and return tomorrow. Day 2: o Objectives: 1. Define and use vocabulary 2. Identify regions where penguins and seals live 3. Identify dietary needs of penguins and seals 4. Introduce place in food chain o Materials: 1. Vocabulary list 2. Large classroom map 3. Food chain handout 4. Crayons 5. Reserve computer lab o Plan: Review vocabulary. Locate regions on classroom map where penguins and seals are found. Discuss dietary needs- focus on prey and predator- place in food chain. Label and color food chain diagram. Activity: Students will click on www.brainpop.com/science/ecology/foodchains/index .weml and watch short movie on the food chain and take an online quiz. Day 3: o Objectives: 1. Define and use vocabulary 2. Identify regions where polar bears live 3. Define “blubber” and its purpose o Materials: 1. Vocabulary list 2. Large classroom map 3. Sandwich bags 4. Crisco 5. Bowl of water 6. Ice cubes 7. Journal o Plan: Review vocabulary. Identify regions on classroom map. Discuss how humans keep warm in winter. Have students experiment with bag of Crisco, ice cubes and water to simulate polar bears’ blubber. o Activity: Blubber experiment. Have students record results in journal. Day 4: o Objectives: 1. Use internet for research on polar animals. 2. Use measurement to draw polar animal to scale. 3. Practice creative writing skills. o Materials: 1. Butcher block paper. 2. Rulers; Meter sticks 3. Paper 4. Markers 5. Reserve computer lab o Plan Go to internet sites to research actual size of assigned polar animal. Use materials to draw and color animal to scale. Use internet sites to research and write a creative paragraph on assigned polar animal. o Activity: Click on http://www.enchantedlearning.co m/subjects/birds/printouts/Penguin coloring.shtml if in the penguin group Click on http://www.enchantedlearning.co m/subjects/mammals/pinniped/No rthernfurseal.shtml if in the seal group Click on http://www.enchantedlearning.co m/subjects/mammals/bear/Polarbe arcoloring.shtml if in the polar bear group Use internet sites to draw animal to scale. Students will click on http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/gam e/ and http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~ani mal/photoquizarcticocean.html to gather information to write creative paragraph on assigned polar animal. Topic “What would it be like if a polar animal lived in your house?” needs: food, temperature, space Day 5 o Objectives: 1. Explain importance of protecting endangered polar animals 2. Enjoy trip to the zoo o Materials: 1. Confirm bus reservation 2. Bag lunches 3. Confirm parent volunteers 4. Give bus assignments 5. Journal 6. Confirm guided zoo tour guide 7. Digital Camera o Plan: Take a trip to Philadelphia Zoo. Tour guide will explain dangers (environmental and human) to the polar animals and what is being done to protect them. o Activity: Students will record facts learned about polar animals and endangerment in journal. o Assignment: Take a picture of polar animal and summarize facts about animal. Additional Hotlink Sites http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/lessons/PolarRegions.sht ml http://www.kidzone.ws/animals/penguins/books.htm http://www.amazon.com http://www.worldbookonline.com/jsp/wbPopup.jsp?/na/pc/ cp/lr004804.htm