TR-30.3 liaison - Telecommunications Industry Association

Telecommunications Industry Association
TR-30.1 Meeting, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada, August 7, 2000
Technical Committee TR-30 Meetings
Liaison Reply to TR30.3-- V.92 testing considerations
Les Brown
Chair TR-30.1
TR-30.3: PN3857
Tel: (905) 507-7361
This is a liaison reply to TR-30.3 regarding V.92 testing issues. This document answers
several questions about V.92.
Statement/Question: We believe that our network model needs to be augmented by adding a digital pad
block and a second RBS block in the upstream direction. Are there any other major blocks that need to be
added to the network diagram?
Response: Not that we are aware of.
Question: Is anyone aware of the presence of digital pads in the upstream direction?
Response: We have received a liaison from TR-30.3 indicating that there are (see previous statement).
Question: Is there RBS-PAD-RBS, RBS-PAD, and/or PAD-RBS in the upstream direction?
Response: It is premature to know what combinations exist. Ask us after interop testing.
Question: How about RBS patterns?
Response: We have no comment.
We would like to refer you to G.121 for further information on pads that may exist in both directions.
Question: For the connect-more-quickly feature that is being implemented in V.92, what digital
impairments can be adapted to by the protocol?
Response: It may be implementation dependent. What digital impairments could actually change from call
to call between two fixed points?
Question: Which digital impairment changes should force a full train sequence?
Response: It may be implementation dependent.
Question: Is it sufficient to vary the number of RBS links (0,1, and 2), the digital delay (4, 5, 8 and 16 ms),
and the digital pad (0, 3, 6 dB) on each call?
Response: What other digital impairments could we vary, A-law to mu-law?
Question: In addition, we identified the following possible issues for a follow-on to PN 3857 for V.92
testing: changes in line cards within a switch from call to call, number and characteristics of digital
impairments that change from call to call due to routing, interference from other telephone services such as
xDSL, adaptive line circuitry on line cards, and environmental. What considerations have we missed?
Response: The gravitational pull from Mars.