Bluebell Primary School Inclusion Policy Norfolk Children’s Services define inclusion as: The process of taking necessary steps to ensure that every young person is given an equality of opportunity to develop socially, to learn and to enjoy community life Aims We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment across the whole curriculum which maximises individual potential and ensures that pupils of all ability levels are well equipped to meet the challenges of education, work and life. We aim to achieve this by: providing a curriculum which promotes a range of learning, thinking and life skills providing a broad and balanced curriculum using a range of teaching and learning styles equipping children with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to succeed as individuals and as responsible members of the community We aim to be an inclusive school and offer equality of opportunity to all groups of children within the school. These include: boys and girls children from minority ethnic groups and different faiths, travellers, asylum seekers and refugees children who speak English as an additional language children who have additional needs children who are able and talented children who are ‘looked after’ by the Education Authority children who are at risk of disaffection or exclusion young carers sick children children from families under stress 1 We aim to provide a differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of all children by: setting suitable learning challenges responding to children’s diverse learning needs overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of children providing other curricular opportunities outside the National Curriculum to meet the needs of individuals or groups of children (this includes speech and language therapy and mobility training) We aim to provide a happy, healthy and safe school by: recognising, reflecting and celebrating the skills, talents, contributions and diversity of all the children providing pastoral care, support and guidance through the school’s Learning Mentors safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of the children listening and responding to the concerns of children and their parents take care to balance the needs of all members of the school community We aim to secure inclusive education of the children by reviewing and evaluation what is done by asking ourselves questions such as: Does each child achieve as much as they able? Are there differences in the achievements of different groups of children? What is in place for children who are not achieving their potential? Are our actions effective? Are all the children happy to be in this school? All members of our school community are valued and are offered a wide-range of opportunities to enable high standards of achievement Teaching and Learning Style We aim to give all our children the opportunity to succeed and reach their highest level of personal achievement. When planning work, teachers take into account the abilities of all the children in their class to ensure they have the same learning opportunities and are included in all areas of the curriculum. When the attainment of a child falls significantly below the expected level, teachers enable the child to succeed by planning work that is in line with that child’s individual needs and in accordance with the targets on their Individual Education Plan (IEP). Where the attainment of a child significantly exceeds the expected level of attainment, teachers will extend the breadth of work within the area or areas for which the child shows particular aptitude. 2 Teachers ensure that children: feel secure and know that their contributions are valued appreciate and value the differences that they see in others take responsibility for their own actions participate safely in clothing that is appropriate to their religious beliefs are taught in grouping that allow them all to experience success use materials which reflects a range of social and cultural backgrounds, without stereotyping have a common curriculum experience that allows for a range of different learning styles have challenging targets that enable them to succeed are encouraged to participate full, regardless of disabilities or medical needs Arrangements for providing access to learning and the curriculum the school will ensure that all children have access to a balanced and broadly based curriculum which is flexible enough to meet the needs of every child (No child will be excluded from any learning activity due to their impairment or learning difficulty, unless it is clearly of benefit to that individual and leads towards inclusion) learning opportunities will be absorbing, rewarding and effectively differentiated and the teaching styles will be diverse staff will work in a way to avoid the isolation of the children they are supporting, and will encourage peer tutoring and collaborative learning differentiation takes a variety of forms within teacher planning. Learning intentions are made clear and then activities may be adapted or planned separately as appropriate. children with sensory or mobility impairments or a specific learning difficulty will access the curriculum through specialist resources such as ICT. The school will ensure that extra curricular activities are barrier free and do not exclude any children Admission arrangements Children with additional educational needs are admitted to the school on exactly the same basis as for children without additional needs. Admission to the school’s Specialist Resource Base is through consultation with home schools, the SEN caseworker and parents and the decisions are made at twice-termly panel meetings. 3 Disapplication and Modification The school can, where necessary, modify or disapply the National Curriculum and its assessment arrangements. Our school policy is to do this only in exceptional circumstances. The school will make every effort to meet the learning needs of all its children without recourse to disapplication or modification. We will achieve this through greater differentiation of the child’s work, or through the provision of additional learning resources, for example children who are placed within the school’s Specialist Resource Base. Where necessary, we also support learning by involving appropriate external specialists. In such cases, staff work closely with these agencies to support the child. In exceptional circumstances we may decide that modification or disapplication is the correct procedure to follow. We would only do this after detailed consultation with parents and the Local Authority. The school’s governor with responsibility for Special Educational Needs would also be closely involved in this process. We would ensure that every effort had been made to provide the necessary support from within the schools’ resources before considering such an action. Exclusions It is our intention to include all children as much as we possibly can. In exceptional circumstances a child may need to be educated off-site for a fixed-term period due to concerns around their behaviour and the safety of others. If this is deemed necessary we can arrange for the child to be ‘included’ at the Norwich Inclusion Centre where they will continue to receive their education. A child might be ‘included’ for a period of between one and five days, following which a re-integration meeting might take place to ensure a successful return to school. Should a child not be successful after these interventions have been tried, we have the option of long-term provision of six weeks during which time assessments will take place to ascertain the suitability of the placement and if necessary arrange for that child to have a managed move to a more suitable educational provision. Person Responsible: Penny Deegan (SENCO) Updated November 2011 Review Date: November 2013 4