Title of Intervention: Peer Tutoring: Listening While Reading

Title of Intervention: Peer Tutoring: Listening While Reading
Purpose: To increase reading fluency
Age/Grade level: From mastery of pre-primer reading skills (typically early first grade) until
fluency has been achieved
Format: Check all that apply
Small Group
 Whole Class
** can be done one on one between cross-age students or administered school wide as
a program
Materials Needed: Curriculum-Based measurement (CBM) oral reading fluency probes
Frequency/Duration: 2 times a week
Intervention Script:
Preparing for tutoring Session
1. Sit in a quiet location with limited distractions
2. Position the book or material selected for the reading session so that both students
can easily follow the text.
Basic Procedures
3. Reader 1 (tutor) reads aloud from the book for about 2 minutes while reader 2
(tutee) reads silently along
4. Have reader 2 read aloud the same material read by reader 1 for up to 5 minutes
5. If reader 2 commits a reading error or hesitates for longer than 3-5 seconds, Reader
1 tells reader 2 the correct words and has reader 2 continue reading
6. After the reader completes one page (1st through 3rd grade materials) or paragraph
(4th grade materials), the tutor provides the tutee with positive reinforcement.
7. Repeat steps 3 – 6 until the students have finished the selected passage or story.
8. At the end of the session, students praise each other for a job well done (e.g. Good
job! Super! Right On! Radical Dude!)
Data Collection: Curriculum-Based measurement (CBM) oral reading fluency probes
Wright, J. & Cleary, K.S. (2006) Kids in the Tutor Seat: Building School’s capacity to Help
Struggling Reader’s Through A Cross-Age Peer tutoring Program. Psychology in Schools.
43(1) 99-107
Complied By: Tom Humpage
Attached Documents:
Procedures for Documenting Integrity: a checklist has been developed that lists the 8
essential steps to be followed during each tutoring session which can be filled out by the
tutee or an observer.
Integrity checklist
Preparing for tutoring Session
Sit in a quiet location with limited distractions
Position the book or material selected for the reading session so that both students can
easily follow the text.
Basic Procedures
Reader 1 (tutor) reads aloud from the book for about 2 minutes while reader 2 (tutee)
reads silently along
Have reader 2 read aloud the same material read by reader 1 for up to 5 minutes
If reader 2 commits a reading error or hesitates for longer than 3-5 seconds, Reader 1
tells reader 2 the correct words and has reader 2 continue reading
After the reader completes one page (1st through 3rd grade materials) or paragraph (4th
grade materials), the tutor provides the tutee with positive reinforcement.
Repeat steps 3 – 6 until the students have finished the selected passage or story.
At the end of the session, students praise each other for a job well done (e.g. Good job!
Super! Right On! Radical Dude!)