FORM FM0910 Application for a Petroleum Safety Zone Part 1 – Details of person making the application Name: Date: Position: Email: Australian Address: Phone: On behalf of: (Name of titleholder or registered facility operator) Being the: Holder of title: or Registered Operator of facility: Part 2 – Details of well(s), Structure(s) and/or Equipment Equipment Title area Structure Description Well Name (what protection is being sought for, see also note 2) Distance sought Latitude ( Longitude ( GDA94 Datum GDA94 Datum (<=500m) Part 3 – Justification (on what basis is protection being sought) Key factors Proximity to shipping lanes (Nm): Proximity to commercial fisheries (Nm): Water Depth (m): Activities at, or in connection with the well, structure and / or equipment: Other factors (narrative) Part 4 – Timing (when is protection being sought) Commencement date: Termination date (where applicable): Part 5 – Scope All vessels other than: (vessels to be prohibited, edit/remove as appropriate) e.g. vessels under the control of the applicant e.g. vessels under the control of the operator of the [NAME] facility OR holder of [title] title(s) e.g. vessels that are [specify a class of vessels] e.g. [provide names of vessels] Part 6 – Consultation (outstanding issues) Party consulted with: (insert additional rows if required) Outstanding issue Proposed response: Part 7 – Application Checklist Yes 1 Submission is being made by a titleholder or the registered operator for the facility (or their agent) 2 A consultation summary [see note 3] report is attached and referenced in Part 9 3 For complex safety zones (multiple items) [see note 2] a line drawing is attached and referenced in Part 9 4 All coordinates provided use the GDA94 Datum Revision: 2 Revision Date: 18 March 2014 Page 1 of 2 National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority Reference: N-04800-FM0910 Objective ID: A197959 FORM FM0910 Application for a Petroleum Safety Zone Part 8 – Sign-off person making application Signed: Date: Name: Part 9 - Attachments (edit as appropriate) No. Title Document Id 1 [Consultation summary report] 2 [Line drawing of complex safety zone] Revision Dated Instructions for use: 1 This form is intended for use by titleholders and operators of facilities applying to NOPSEMA for the establishment of a petroleum safety zone. 2 Applicants should complete Parts 1 to 6 and use Part 7 as a checklist to ensure all items have been address/included as part of the application before signing Part 8. Attachments should be clearly listed in Part 9. 3 The completed form, consultation summary report and, where applicable, line diagram of the petroleum safety zone should be emailed to Notes: 1 Petroleum safety zones are provided for in Part 6.6 of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 2 From NOPSEMA Policy N-04800-0886: Where an applicant is requesting the establishment of a petroleum safety zone that encompasses a combination of one or more wells, structures or items of equipment the application shall include: (1) (2) 3 a black and white line drawing of the proposed safety zone that includes: (a) a graphical representation of boundaries of the proposed petroleum safety zone including latitudes and longitudes sufficient to clearly delineate the area; (b) graphical representations of items of significant infrastructure including but not limited to: wells, production facilities, moorings, flowlines and manifolds. a tabulation of the latitude and longitude of all wells, facilities (structures and vessels), manifolds or other significant items of subsurface infrastructure. From NOPSEMA Policy N-04800-0886: (1) (2) An application for establishment of petroleum safety zone must include a report that describes consultation the applicant has undertaken with: (a) relevant Commonwealth and State/NT agencies; and (b) any users of the ocean commons (person or organisation) likely to be especially affected by the establishment of the petroleum safety zone. The report on consultation undertaken must include: (a) a summary of each response made by an agency, person or organisation that has been consulted by the applicant; (b) an assessment by the applicant of the legitimacy of any objection or claim of adverse impact; and (c) a statement of the manner (if any) in which the applicant has responded or proposes to respond to each objection or claim. Privacy Notice NOPSEMA collects your personal information so that it can administer the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 and associated regulations. If you do not provide your personal information, NOPSEMA may not be able to process your application. NOPSEMA will not use or disclose your personal information for any other purpose without your consent, unless it is required or authorised by law, or relates to NOPSEMA’s enforcement activities. Your personal information may be disclosed to the following organisations, entities or individuals: individuals who make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 the Australian National Audit Office and other privately-appointed auditors other law enforcement bodies (for example, the police or the Coroner) NOPSEMA’s legal advisors. NOPSEMA may occasionally be required to disclose information to overseas recipients in order to discharge its functions or exercise its powers, or to perform its necessary business activities. Information about how you can access, or seek correction to, your personal information is contained in NOPSEMA’s APP Privacy Policy at If you have an enquiry or a complaint about your privacy, please contact NOPSEMA’s Privacy Contact Officer on 08 6188 8700 or by email at Revision: 2 Revision Date: 18 March 2014 Page 2 of 2 National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority Reference: N-04800-FM0910 Objective ID: A197959