Lechler Resume - ATLAS Geosciences Inc

Paul J. Lechler
Professional Summary
Business address:
765 Brenda Way
Carson City, Nevada 89704-9608
Business telephone:
(775) 775-843-0602
(775) 784-1709
Ph.D. Geology/Geochemistry, University of Nevada, Reno
M.S. Geochemistry, Rutgers University
B.A. Geology, Montclair State College
Analytical geochemistry
Geology/geochemistry of platinum deposits
Geothermal gas geochemistry
Mining fraud
Exploration geochemistry
Environmental geochemistry
A. Managing Member, GlobalMin LLC
Carson City, Nevada
(March 2011--Present)
Manage platinum exploration project in Guyana, South America.
B. Chief Geochemist
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
University of Nevada, Reno, Mackay School of Mines
(December 1983–March 2011)
Supervise operations of the geochemical and mineralogical laboratories. Develop new analytical
methods and conduct field and laboratory research leading to publication and technical paper
presentation at international meetings.
C. Company Geologist, Reed Rock Bit Company
Houston, Texas
(September 1981–November 1983)
Build and maintain geologic, drilling, and rock sample libraries/data bases for North American
and international hydrocarbon fields. Train and advise engineering staff in practical aspects of
geology and drilling. Manage research project on deep drilling in Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma.
Lechler 2
D. Research Geochemist, Bendix Field Engineering,
Grand Junction, Colorado
(April 1980–September 1981)
Develop geochemical/geostatistical exploration tools applicable to the search for uranium
mineralization in a variety of geological environments.
E. Geochemist, Indiana Geological Survey,
Bloomington, Indiana
(April 1977–April 1980)
Calibrate and operate Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer applied to the
inorganic analysis of black shale. Pursue and characterize the discovery of subeconomic heavy
metal mineralization at the Devonian-Mississippian boundary in the Illinois Basin.
Geological Society of Nevada
Society of Mineral Analysts
Geochemical Society
International Precious Metals Institute
Northwest Mining Association
Geothermal Resources Council
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
UNR Advanced Management Program
JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope
Jarrell-Ash Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry
Peer-Reviewed Reports Published by Geological Surveys
Price, J.G., Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., Coyner, A., and Gaskin, D., 2010, Geochemical Sampling of
Selected Playas in Nevada: Alkali Lake (Esmeralda County), Columbus Salt Marsh (Esmeralda
County), Rhodes Salt Marsh (Mineral County), and Winnemucca Dry Lake (Washoe County):
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open File Report 10-1, 30p.
Lechler, P.J., Shumaker, M., Coyner, A., and Driesner, D., 2008, Gold from water and other mining scams,
2nd edition. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 22, 18p.
Lechler, P.J., 2006, Determination of platinum-group elements in natural materials by acid digestion and
ICP-MS quantification. www.nbmg.unr.edu.
Lechler, P.J., 2006, Assay results generated by the Geochemical Laboratory of the Nevada Bureau of
Mines and Geology, 2000 through 2005. www.nbmg.unr.edu.
Lechler, P.J., 1997, Gold from water (and other mining scams): Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology,
Special Publication 22, 17 p.
Lechler 3
Articles in Refereed Journals:
Lechler, P.J., in preparation, Hydrothermal PGE mineralization: Geology, geochemistry, and exploration.
Miller, J.R., Germanoski, D., Villarroel, L., and Lechler, P.J., 2009, Spatial and Temporal Variations in the
Transport and Storage of Trace Metal Contaminants in the Upper Rio Pilcomayo, Southern
Bolivia: International Journal of Environment and Health, v.3, no.4, p.334-362.
Firestone, R.B., West, A., Kennett, J.P., Becker, L., Bunch, T.E., Revay, Zs., Schultz, P.H., Belgya, T.
Dickenson, T.J., Erlandson, J. Goodyear, A.C., Harris, R.S., Howard, G.A., Kennett, D.J.,
Kloosterman, H., Lechler, P.J., Montgomery, J., Poreda, R., Darrah, T., Que Hee, S.S., Smith, A.R.,
Stich, A., Topping, W., Wittke, J.H., and Wolbach, W.S., 2007, Evidence of an extraterrestrial impact
event 12,900 years ago that led to megafaunal extinctions and the onset of Younger Dryas cooling.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Mackin, G., Germanoski, D., Villarroel, L., 2007, Evaluation of particle dispersal
from mining and milling operations using lead isotopic fingerprinting techniques, Rio Pilcomayo
Basin, Bolivia: Science of the Total Environment, p.355-373.
Ucurum, A. Lechler, P.J., Arehart, G.B., Molnar, F., 2007, Platinum-group elements, stable isotopes, and
fluid inclusion investigation of the ultramafic rock-hosted Gunes-Sogucak Ni-Cu sulfide
mineralization in Divrigi-Sivas, east central Turkey: International Geology Review, v.49, p.169-192.
Ucurum, A., Ahmet, U., Lechler, P.J., Arehart, G.B., and Molnar, F., 2007, Geology, geochemistry, stable
isotope, and fluid inclusion investigation of the iron oxide-gold mineralization in Bakir Tepe, east
central Turkey. International Geology Review, v.49, p.753-767.
Ucurum, A., Koptagel, O., and Lechler, P.J., 2006, Main component geochemistry and platinum-group
element potential of Turkish chromite deposits, with emphasis on the Mugla area: International
Geology Review, v.48, p.241-254.
Villarroel, L., Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Germanoski, D., 2006, Lead, zinc, and antimony contamination of
the Rio Chilco-Rio Tupiza drainage system, southern Bolivia: Environmental Geology.
Villarroel, L.F., Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Germanoski, D., Puch, E., 2006, Contaminacion por metales
pesados del sistema de drenaje Rio Tupiza, region sud de Bolivia: Revista Boliviana de Ecologia y
Conservacion Ambiental.
J.R. Miller, J.B. Anderson, P.J. Lechler, S.L. Kondrad, P.Galbreath, and E.B. Salter, 2005, Influence of
Temporal Variations in Water Chemistry on the Pb Isotopic Composition of Rainbow Trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Richland Creek, Western North Carolina. Science of the Total
Shah, M.T., Lechler, P.J., 2004, Geochemical exploration in the Dir and Swat Kohistan, northern Pakistan:
Geological Bulletin, University of Peshawar, v.37, p.41-57.
Noble, D.C., Ressel, M.W., Lechler, P.J., and Connors, K.A., 2004. Magmatic As, Sb, Cs, Bi, Tl, and other
elements in glassy volcanic rocks of the Julcani district, Peru, and the Carlin trend, Nevada. Boletin de
la Sociedad Geologica del Peru, 97, p.29-50.
Miller, J.R., Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Lechler, P.J., Preston, D.A. and Macklin, M.G., 2004, Heavy metal
contamination of water, soil and produce within riverine communities of the Río Pilcomayo Basin,
Bolivia. Science of the Total Environment, 320, p.189-209.
Miller, J.R. and Lechler, P.J., 2003. Importance of temporal and spatial scale in the analysis of mercury
transport and fate: an example from the Carson River system, Nevada. Environmental Geology,
Special Issue, 43:315-325.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Bridge, G., 2003. Mercury contamination of alluvial sediments within the
Essequibo and Mazaruni River Basins, Guyana. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 148: 139-166.
Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Miller, J.R. Preston, D.A., Lechler, P.J., Macklin, M.G., Miners, J.S. and Turner,
J.N. 2003. Effects of heavy metal pollution in the Pilcomayo river system, Bolivia, on resident human
populations. Journal de Physique IV, 107, 637-640.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Hudson-Edwards, K.A., and Macklin, M.G., 2002, Lead isotopic fingerprinting
of heavy metal contamination, Rio Pilcomayo, Bolivia: in R. Allan, A.J. Horowitz, and J.R. Miller,
eds., Metal Mining in the Environment, Special Issue, The Journal of Geochemistry: Exploration,
Environment, Analysis, v.2, no.3, p.225-233.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Bridge, G., in press, Mercury contamination of alluvial sediments within the
Essequibo and Mazaruni River basins, Guyana: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution.
Lechler 4
Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Macklin, M.G., Miller, J.R., and Lechler, P.J., 2001, Sources, distribution and
storage of heavy metals in the Rio Pilcomayo, Bolivia: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 72, p.
Ucurum, A., Lechler, P.J., and Ekici, T., 2000, Platinum-group element (PGE) distribution in chromite ores
and its host rocks from Bursa-Eskisehir and Fethiye-Koycegiz districts: Yerbilimleri Earth Sciences, v.
17, p. 15–30.
Lechler, P.J., Miller, J.R, Lacerda, L.D., Vinson, D., Bonzongo, J.-C., Lyons, W.B., and Warwick, J.J.,
2000, Elevated mercury concentrations in soils, sediments, water, and fish of the Madeira River basin,
Brazilian Amazon: a function of natural enrichments?: Science of the Total Environment, v. 260, p.
Tempel, R.N., Shevenell, L., Lechler, P.J., and Price, J.G., 2000, Geochemical modeling approach to
predicting arsenic concentrations in a mine pit lake: Applied Geochemistry, v. 15, p. 475–492.
Pestana, M.H.D., Lechler, P., Formoso, M.L.L., and Miller, J., 2000, Mercury in sediments from gold and
copper exploitation areas in the Camaqua River basin, southern Brazil: Journal of South American
Earth Sciences.
Ucurum, A., Lechler, P.J., and Larson, L.T., 2000, Platinum-group element distribution in chromite ores
from ophiolite complexes, western Turkey: Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy,
Section B, v. 109, p. B112–B120.
Miller, J.R. and Lechler, P.J., 1998, Mercury partitioning within alluvial sediments of the Carson River
Valley, Nevada: Implications for sampling strategies in tropical environments, in Solomons, W., and
Lacerda, L.D., eds., Geochemistry of Tropical Environments.
Lechler, P.J., 1998, Modern mercury contamination from historic amalgamation milling of silver-gold ores
in the Carson River, Nevada and Jordan Creek, Idaho: Importance of speciation analysis in
understanding the source, mobility, and fate of polluted materials, in Ebinghaus, R., Turner, R.R.,
Lacerda, L.D., Vasiliev, O., and Salomons, W., eds., Mining Contaminated Sites: Characterization,
Risk Assessment and Remediation, Springer Environmental Science, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, p.
Miller, J.R., Barr, R., Grow, D., Lechler, P.J., Richardson, D., Waltman, K., and Warwick, J.J., 1998,
Effects of the 1997 flood on the transport and storage of sediment and mercury within the Carson
River Valley, west-central Nevada: Journal of Geology, v. 107, no. 1.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Desilets, M., 1998, The role of geomorphic processes in the transport and
fate of mercury in the Carson River basin, west-central Nevada: Environmental Geology, v. 33, no. 4,
p. 249–262.
Lechler, P.J., Miller, J.R., Hsu, L.C., and Desilets, M.O., 1997, Mercury mobility at the Carson River
Superfund Site, west-central Nevada, USA: Interpretation of mercury speciation data in mill tailings,
soils, and sediments: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 58,
p. 259–267.
Lechler, P.J., Miller, J.R., Hsu, L.C., and Desilets, M.O., 1997, Mercury mobility at the Carson River
Superfund Site, west-central Nevada, USA: Interpretation of mercury speciation data in mill tailings,
soils, and sediments, in Allan, R.J. and Salomons, W., eds., Mining and metals in the environment:
Elsevier, New York, 332 p.
Miller, J.R., Rowland, J., Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., and Hsu, L.C., 1996, Dispersal of mercurycontaminated sediments by fluvial geomorphic processes: A case study from Six Mile Canyon,
Nevada, USA: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, v. 86, p. 373–388.
Bonzongo, J.C., Heim, K.J., Warwick, J.J., Lyons, W.B., and Lechler, P.J., 1996, Levels and fate of
mercury in the Carson River system, Nevada: Influence of historic mining activities: Water, Air, and
Soil Pollution.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Rowland, J., Desilets, M.O., and Hsu, L.C., 1995, An integrated approach to the
determination of the quantity, distribution, and dispersal of mercury in Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada,
USA: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Special Issue, v. 52, p. 45–55.
Hsu, L.C., and Lechler, P.J., 1991, Hydrothermal solubility of palladium in chloride solutions from 300 to
700C: Preliminary experimental results: Economic Geology, v. 86, p. 422–427.
Lechler, P.J., and Hsu, L.C., 1990, Interpretation of soil nitrite-ammonium ratios with possible application
to pedogeochemical exploration for platinum mineralization: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v.
37, p. 37–50.
Lechler 5
Lechler, P.J., and Desilets, M.O., 1990, Dissolution of native sulfur by the acid bomb digestion technique
for the determination of trace elements and total sulfur: Chemical Geology, v. 85, p. 305–309.
Lechler, P.J. and Desilets, M.O., 1988, Effect of heating appliance type on Parr Bomb temperature response
performance: Analyst, v. 113, p. 201–202.
Lechler, P.J., and Desilets, M.O., 1987, A review of the use of loss on ignition as a measurement of total
volatiles in whole-rock analysis: Chemical Geology, v. 63, p. 341–344.
Lechler, P.J., Roy, W.R., and Leininger, R.K., 1980, Major and trace element analysis of 12 reference soils
by inductively coupled plasma—atomic emission spectroscopy: Soil Science, v. 130, no. 5.
Puffer, J.H. and Lechler, P.J., 1980, Geochemical cross sections through the Watchung Basalts of New
Jersey: Bulletin Geological Society of America, v. 91, no. 1.
Puffer, J.H., and Lechler, P.J., 1979, The geochemistry of Cushetunk Mountain: New Jersey Academy of
Science Bulletin, v. 24, no. 1.
Symposium Proceedings
Coolbaugh, M., Lechler, P., Sladek, C., and Kratt, C., 2009, Carbonate Tufa Columns as Exploration
Guides for Geothermal Systems in the Great Basin: Proceedings Geothermal Resources Council, Reno.
Lechler, P.J., Coolbaugh, M., and Sladek, C., 2009, Multi-Gas Geochemistry at the Desert Queen
Geothermal System, West-Central Nevada: Proceedings Geothermal Resources Council, Reno.
Lechler, P.J., 2007, Fraudulent precious metals assaying and extraction themes: Proceedings International
Precious Metals Institute, Miami.
Lechler, P.J. and Coolbaugh, M.C., 2007, Gaseous emissions from Steamboat, Brady’s, and Desert Peak
geothermal systems: Proceedings Geothermal Resources Council, Reno.
Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Miller, J.R., Preston, D.A., Lechler, P.J., Macklin, M.G., Miners, J.S., and Turner,
J.N., 2003, Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Pilcomayo River System, Bolivia, on Resident
Human Populations: XII International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Grenoble,
Lechler, P.J., Arehart, G.B., and Knight, M., 2002, Multielement and isotopic geochemistry of the J-M
Reef, Stillwater Intrusion, Montana: Proceedings 9th International Platinum Symposium, Billings,
Price, J.G., Lechler, P.J., Lear, M.B., and Giles, T.F., 2000, Possible volcanic source of lithium in brines in
Clayton Valley, Nevada: Proceedings Geology and Ore Deposits 2000: The Great Basin and beyond,
p. 241–248.
Miller, J.R., Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Macklin, M.G., and Lechler, P.J., 2000, Heavy metal contamination
of the Rio Pilcomayo, Bolivia: Heavy Metals in the Environment, Ann Arbor.
Pestana, M.H.D., Lechler, P., Formoso, M.L.L., and Miller, J., 2000, Mercury in sediments from gold and
copper exploitation areas in the Camaqua River basin, southern Brazil: Heavy Metals in the
Environment, Ann Arbor.
Lechler, P.J. and Jewett, D.G., 1998, Geochemical features of water-rock interactions at the Sulfur Bank
Mercury Mine, Lake County, California: Clear Lake Science and Management Symposium, Lakeport,
California, 7 p.
Shevenell, L., Connors, K.A., Henry, C.D., Lechler, P.J., Price, J.G., Desilets, M.O., and LaPointe, D.D.,
1998, Chemical characteristics of past or existing pit lakes at precious metal mines in Nevada: Mine
Operation and Closure Conference, Polson, Montana.
Lechler, P.J., Miller, J.R., Hsu, L.C., and Desilets, M.O., 1995, Understanding mercury mobility at the
Carson River Superfund Site, western Nevada, USA: Interpretation of mercury speciation results from
mill tailings, soils, and river and reservoir sediments: Proceedings 10th International Conference on
Heavy Metals in the Environment, Hamburg, Germany, p. 315–318.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Warwick, J.J., and Heim, K.J., 1995, Hydrologic and sedimentologic controls on
total mercury concentration within channel bed sediments of the Carson River, west-central Nevada,
USA: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Hamburg,
Germany, p. 1–4.
Lechler, P.J., and Miller, J.R., 1993, The dispersion of mercury, gold, and silver from contaminated mill
tailings at the Carson River Mercury Superfund Site, west-central Nevada: Proceedings Perspectives
for Environmental Geochemistry in Tropical Countries, Niteroi, Brazil, p. 433–436.
Lechler 6
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Rowland, J., 1993, Heavy metal transport by physical processes in the
Carson River valley, west-central Nevada, USA: Implications to the distribution and storage of metal
pollutants in tropical environments: Proceedings Perspectives for Environmental Geochemistry in
Tropical Counties, Niteroi, Brazil, p. 131–136.
Lechler, P.J., 1993, Mercury vapor sampling at the Carson River Superfund Site: Proceedings Heavy
Metals in the Environment, Toronto, p. 377–380.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., Rowland, J., Hsu, L.C., and Price, J.G., 1993, Quantity and
distribution of mining related trace metals in Lahontan Reservoir, west-central Nevada: Proceedings
Heavy Metals in the Environment, Toronto.
Lechler, P.J., and Hsu, L.C., 1989, Review of hydrothermal platinum-group element deposits with new data
from Nevada: Society of Mining Engineers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Preprint 89-55.
Lechler, P.J., and Desilets, M.O., 1986, Determination of anions by ion chromatography—Application to
pedogeochemical exploration for metallic mineralization, in Exploration in the North American
Cordillera: Association of Exploration Geochemists Proceedings Volume.
Lechler, P.J., Hasenmueller, N.R., Bassett, J.L., and Leininger, R.K., 1979, Distribution and geochemical
characterization of the Hannibal Member of the New Albany Shale in Indiana: Preprints American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Symposium, Morgantown, West Virginia.
Lechler, P.J., and Leininger, R.K., 1978, Analysis of Black Shale by inductively coupled plasma:
Proceedings 2nd Eastern Gas Shales Symposium, Morgantown, West Virginia.
Shaffer, N.R., Bassett, J.L., Carr, D.D., Chen, P-Y, Hasenmueller, N.R., Lechler, P.J., and Leininger, R.K.,
1978, Comparison of New Albany Shale from deep and shallow parts of the Illinois Basin in Indiana:
Proceedings 2nd Eastern Gas Shales Symposium, Morgantown, West Virginia.
Other Articles
Shah, M.T. and Lechler, P.J., 2002, Gold anomalies in the Dir and Swat Kohistan, Northern Pakistan.
Journal of Science and Technology, University of Peshawar, v.26, p.1-6.
Lechler, P.J., 2002, Platinum-group element exploration concepts for mafic/ultramafic intrusions: in,
Jurassic Magmatism and Metal Deposits in Western Nevada, Bob Thomas, Ed., Geological Society of
Nevada Special Publication 35, p.129-133.
Ucurum, A., Lechler, P.J., and Larson, L.T., 2000. Platinum-group element distribution in chromite ores
from ophiolite complexes, western Turkey. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy,
Section B, p.B112-B120.
Lechler, P.J., 1997, Gold is where you find it: But, be sure you’ve really found it!: International California
Mining Journal, May.
Lechler, P.J., 1992, Mercury contamination of the Carson River: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Newsletter, no. 17.
Lechler, P.J., and Desilets, M.O., 1991, The NBMG standard reference material project: Nevada Geology,
no. 10.
Hsu, L.C., and Lechler, P.J., 1991, Hydrothermal solubility of palladium: Nevada Geology, no. 10.
Lechler, P.J., and Hsu, L.C., 1989, Platinum-group element assessment in Nevada: Nevada Geology, no. 4.
Lechler, P.J., Hsu, L.C., and Hudson, D.M., 1988, Anomalous platinum associated with hydrothermal
manganese mineralization at the Gibellini Mine, Fish Creek Range, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines
and Geology Open-File Report 88-4.
Lechler, P.J., 1988, Platinum-group-element exploration in Nevada: Explore, no. 63, p. 10–12.
Lechler, P.J., 1988, A new platinum-group-element discovery at Crescent Peak, Clark County, Nevada:
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 88-1.
Lechler, P.J., and Desilets, M.O., 1986, Stream sediment sampling in Cottonwood Canyon, Stillwater
Range, Pershing and Churchill Counties: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 8618.
Lechler, P.J., and Leininger, R.K., 1979, Analysis of Black Shale by ICAP Spectroscopy: Jarrell-Ash
Plasma Newsletter, v. 2, no. 1.
Lechler 7
Lechler, P.J., 2009, Fraudulent precious metals assaying and extraction themes: Proceedings Mine Design,
Operation, and Closure Conference, Butte.
Lechler, P.J., Coolbaugh, M.F., and Sladek, C., 2004. Exploration for hidden structures at Desert Peak
geothermal field using mercury soil gas detectors. Geothermal Energy Workshop, Reno, Nevada.
Ucurum, A., Arehart, G.B, Lechler, P.J., Molnar, F., Otlu, N., Ekici, T., Boztug, D., and Kurt, I., 2004.
Epithermal gold mineralization/deposits in Pontide island arc, northeastern Turkey. 32 nd International
Geological Congress, Florence, Italy.
Lechler, P.J., 2003. The Determination of Platinum-group Elements in Soils, Sediments, and Vegetation by
Microwave Acid Digestion/Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Society of Mineral
Analysts Annual Meeting, Elko, Nevada.
Lechler, P.J., 2003. Crucial Factors in the Environmental Impacts of Mercury. GSA North-Central Section
Abstracts with Programs, 37th Annual Meeting, Kansas City.
Ucurum, A., Arehart, G., and Lechler, P.J., 2003. Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Epithermal Gold
Mineralization/Deposits in Northeastern Turkey. Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Bridge, G., 2003. Magnitude and sources of Hg Contamination within
alluvial sediments of the Essequibo and Mazaruni Rivers, Guyana. GSA Abstracts with Programs,
2003 Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Miller, J.R., Germanoski, D., Lechler, P., and Hudson-Edwards, K., 2003. Effects of tributary sediment
deliveries on heavy metal transport in the Rio Pilcomayo, Bolivia. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 2003
Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Bridge, G., 2003, Significance of Hg contamination of alluvial sediments by
mining activities within the Essequibo and Mazaruni rivers, Guyana: International Conference Heavy
Metals in the Environment, Grenoble.
Shah, M.T., and Lechler, P.J., 2003, Geochemical exploration in the Dir and Swat Kohistan, northern
Pakistan. International conference on The Role of Natural Resources and Environment in Sustainable
Development in South and Southeast Asia.
Mallison, S.M., Miller, J.R., and Lechler, P.J., 2003. Assessment of Heavy Metal Accumulation by
Quercus alba: A Dendrochemical-Lead Isotopic Approach: Ecological Society of America annual
Shah, M.T., and Lechler, P.J., 2001, Stream sediment exploration for base and precious metals in the Dir
and Swat Kohistan, northern Pakistan. 16th HKT International conference, Austria. Jour. Asian Earth
Sciences, v. 19. p. 60.
Kondrad, S., Miller, J.R., and Lechler, P.J., 2001, Use of lead isotopes to assess sources and mobility of
contaminants from Barber’s Orchard, North Carolina. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San
Miller, J.R. and Lechler, P.J., 2001, Elevated mercury concentrations in alluvial deposits of the humid
tropics of South America: natural vs. anthropogenic sources. Invited paper, American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
Miller, J.R. and Lechler, P.J., 2001, Heavy Metal Contamination of the Rio Pilcomayo. Colegio de
Geólogos de Bolivia, August, 2001 Meeting, La Paz, Invited Presentation.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Bridge, G., 2001, Assessment of mercury concentrations within the
Essequibo and Mazaruni Rivers, Guyana. Invited Paper, Caribbean Regional Conference on
Environmental Management of Mine Sites, Le Meridien (Pegasus) Hotel, Georgetown, Guyana, July
Lechler, P.J. and Miller, J.R., 1998, Sources, transport, and fate of mercury at Jordan Creek, Idaho:
interpretation of mercury speciation data: American Water Resources Association Annual Meeting,
Point Clear, Alabama.
Lechler, P.J. and Jewett, D.G., 1998, Geochemical features of water-rock interactions at the Sulfur Bank
Mercury Mine, Lake County, California: Lakeport, California.
Lechler, P.J., 1998, Global hydrothermal PGE mineralization: International Platinum Symposium,
Rustenburg, South Africa.
Bennett, J.C., Tempel, R.N., Shevenell, L., Lechler P.J., and Price, J.G., 1998, Arsenic variations in
groundwaters at the Getchell Mine Nevada: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Toronto.
Lechler 8
Pestana, M.H.D., Formoso, M.L., Lechler, P., and Miller, J., 1997, Mercuryio em sedimentos fluviais da
bacia do rio Camaqua, RS: VI Congresso Brasileiro de Geoquimica, Salvador, Brasil.
Nezat, Carmen A., Lyons, W. Berry, Graham, Elizabeth Y., Welch, Kathleen A., Lechler, Paul J.,
McKnight, Diane M., 1997, Chemical weathering in streams from Taylor Valley, Antarctica:
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.
Shevenell, L., Price, J.G., Lechler, P.J., and Henry, C.D., 1997, Water quality in pit lakes at Nevada
precious metal mines: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.
Basham, E.L., Lechler, P.J., and Miller, J.R., 1996, Database of sites of historic mercury amalgamation
milling of gold and silver ores in the United States: Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Hamburg,
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Warwick, J.J., 1995, Geomorphic controls on the distribution of mercury
contaminated sediments, Carson River system, west-central Nevada: Abstract Geological Society of
America Cordilleran Section Meeting, Fairbanks, Alaska.
Lechler, P.J., and Miller, J.R., 1993, An integrated approach to the characterization of mining-related trace
metal quantity, movement, and distribution at the Carson River Superfund Site, Nevada: Venezuela
Workshop on Mercury in Tropical Ecosystems, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., Rowland, J., Hsu, L.C., Price, J.G., and Ritter, D.F., 1993,
Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Meeting, Reno.
Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., and Price, J.G., 1992, Mercury, gold, and silver in the Carson and Truckee
River drainage systems, Washoe, Storey, Lyon, and Churchill Counties, Nevada: International
Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Monterey, May 31–June 4 (Sponsored by EPRI, EPA,
Vattenfall, Environment Canada).
Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., and Price, J.G., 1992, Mercury contamination in the Carson River, Nevada:
7,500 tons lost from historic mining operations in Virginia City: American Institute of Professional
Geologists Annual Meeting, Lake Tahoe, September 27–30.
Lechler, P.J., 1991, Potential for hydrothermal platinum mineralization in the western Wyoming overthrust
belt: Wyoming Geological Society Annual Field Conference.
Lechler, P.J., Larson, L.T., and Hsu, L.C., 1991, Aspects of the geology, geochemistry, and mineralogy of
carbonate-hosted PGE mineralization: Association of Exploration Geochemists Annual Meeting.
Bonham, H.F., Jr., Garside, L.J., Price, J.G., Hsu, L.C., Lechler, P.J., and Desilets, M.O., 1991, The
geochemical sampling and characterization program of the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology:
Association of Exploration Geochemists Annual Meeting.
Lechler, P.J., 1990, Potential for hydrothermal platinum mineralization in the western Wyoming overthrust
belt: Geological Society of America Rocky Mountain Section Meeting.
Lechler, P.J., and Hsu, L.C., 1990, Potential for hydrothermal platinum in the Great Basin: Geological
Society of Nevada/U.S. Geological Survey Great Basin Symposium.
Lechler, P.J., and Hsu, L.C., 1989, Possible controls on the distribution of hydrothermal platinum-group
element deposits in western North America: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Desilets, M.O., and Lechler, P.J., 1989, Rolling correlation coefficients: a new tool for the statistical
analysis of geochemical data: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Lechler, P.J., and Hsu, L.C., 1988, Interpretation of soil nitrite-ammonium ratios: A new PGM prospecting
technique: Association of Exploration Geochemists Goldschmidt Conference.
Lechler, P.J., Leininger, R.K., Shaffer, N.R., and Ripley, E.M., 1980, Enrichment of heavy metals in the
New Albany Shale, Southern Indiana: Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting.
Geiger, F.J., Puffer, J.H., and Lechler, P.J., 1980, Geochemical and petrographic evidence of the former
extent of the Watchung Basalts of New Jersey and of the eruption of the Palisades Magma onto the
floor of the Newark Basin: Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting.
Puffer, J.H., Hurtubise, D.O., Geiger, F.J., and Lechler, P.J., 1980, Geochemical comparison of the
Mesozoic basalt flows of Connecticut with those of New Jersey: Geological Society of America
Northeastern Section Meeting.
Contract Reports and Unpublished Reports
Lechler, P.J., 2009, Soda Lake Soil Gas Contract Report, 32p.
Tingley, J.V., Castor, S.B., Garside, L.J., Bonham, H.F., Jr., Lugaski, T.P., and Lechler, P.J., 1993, Energy
and mineral resources of the Desert National Wildlife Range, eastern section, Clark and Lincoln
Lechler 9
Counties, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
372 p. + appendices and maps.
Lechler, P., 1982, Surface geochemical studies, in Sayala, D., et.al., An exploration systems approach to
the Copper Mountain area uranium deposits, central Wyoming: Department of Energy/National
Uranium Resource Evaluation Project Open File Report--GJBX-201(82).
Babcock, L., Beck, P., Farley, W., Lechler, P., Lindgren, J., Miller, D., Pigott, J., Sayala, D., Trujillo, R.,
and Wayland, T., 1981, An exploration systems approach to the Spokane Mountain area uranium
deposits, northeastern Washington: Department of Energy/National Uranium Resource Evaluation
Project Open File Report--GJBX-200(81).
Solubility of palladium in chloride solutions and the distribution of platinum, palladium, and related
elements in hydrothermal mineralization: University of Nevada, Reno.
Poster Sessions
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Germanoski, D., and Hudson-Edwards, K., 2004. Lead Isotopic Fingerprinting of
Mine and Mill Tailings in Agricultural Soils, Rio Pilcomayo Basin, Bolivia, Abstract No: 75153, GSA
Abstracts with Programs Vol. 36, No. 5.
Lionel Villarroel, Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Germanoski, D. 2004. Transport and Storage of Contaminated
Mining Debris by Flood Processes, Rio Tupiza Basin, Southern Bolivia. Abstract No: 75176,GSA
Abstracts with Programs Vol. 36, No. 5.
Lechler, Paul J. and Jewett, D.G., 2000, Geochemical evolution of ground water and transport of mercury
at the Sulphur Bank Mercury Superfund Site in northern California, USA: International Geological
Congress, Rio de Janeiro.
Lechler, Paul J., Miller, J.R., and Lacerda, L.D., 2000, Elevated mercury levels in the Madeira River,
Brazilian Amazon: a function of natural sources and processes?: International Geological Congress,
Rio de Janeiro.
Lechler, Paul J., 2000, Determination of platinum-group elements in geologic samples by microwave
digestion and ICP-HEX-MS: International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro.
Arehart, G.B, Tretbar, D., Lechler, P.J., and McCormack, J., 2000, Laser ablation-ICPMS characterization
of elemental chemistry of galkhaite, a Hg-Cs-Tl sulfosalt from Getchell, USA: International
Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro.
Lechler, P.J., 2000, Determination of platinum-group elements, gold, and silver in geologic materials by
microwave digestion and ICP-HEX-MS: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno.
Jewett, D.G., Lechler, P.J., and Manges, E., 1998, Characterization of physical and chemical
heterogeneities of mine waste and their influence on mercury transport at the Sulphur Bank Mercury
Mine: American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Vinson, D.S., Bonzongo, J.C., Lyons, W.B., Lechler, P., Miller, J., and Lacerda, D., 1997, Gold mining and
mercury pollution in the Amazon River system, Brazil: Hg levels in surface waters of the Madeira
River from Porto Velho to the confluence with the Amazon River: American Geophysical Union Fall
Meeting, San Francisco.
Barr, B., Grow, D., Farleigh, K., Richabaugh, T., Richardson, D. Miller, J., Lechler, P., and Warwick, J.,
1997, Effects of geomorphic processes on heavy metal transport and storage along the Carson River
valley, Nevada during the January, 1997 flood: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San
Tempel, R.N., Bennett, J., Price, J., Lechler, P., Shevenell, L., Pasternak, K., Barta, J., and Bowell, R.,
1997, Prediction of arsenic concentrations in mine pit water at Getchell Mine, Humboldt County,
Nevada: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.
Lechler, P., Miller, J., Lyons, B., and Warwick, J., 1997, Mercury concentrations in channel bed sediments,
floodplain sediments, and lateritic soils of the Madeira River basin, Brazil: Implications for
anthropogenic versus natural sources: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
Lechler, P.J., Miller, J.R., and Warwick, J.J., 1997, Eolian modification of trace metal concentration
patterns in recent flood deposits of the Carson River valley, Nevada, USA: Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.
Lechler 10
Lechler, P.J. and Miller, J.R., 1996, Application of chemical speciation data in the discrimination of natural
and anthropogenic mercury sources in the Jordan Creek and Owyhee Reservoir system of Idaho and
Oregon, USA: Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Hamburg, Germany.
Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., Rowland, J., and Warwick, J.J., 1994, Geomorphic controls on
the distribution of mercury contaminated sediments, Carson River system, west-central Nevada: EOS,
v. 75, p. 242.
Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., and Price, J.G., 1992, Mercury, gold, and silver in the Carson Truckee River
drainage systems, Washoe, Storey, Lyon, and Churchill Counties, Nevada: International Conference on
Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Monterey, May 31–June 4, (sponsored by EPRI, EPA, Vattenfall,
Environment Canada).
Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., and Price, J.G., 1992, Mercury contamination in the Carson River, Nevada:
7,500 tons lost from historic mining operations in Virginia City: American Institute of Professional
Geologists annual meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, September.
Desilets, M.O. and Lechler, P.J., 1989, Rolling correlation coefficients: a new tool for the statistical
analysis of geochemical data: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno.
Invited Talks
Lechler, P.J., 2005, Geochemistry of Mercury at Selected Mining Sites: Goldschmidt Conference Annual
Meeting, Moscow, Idaho.
Lechler, P.J., 2003, The Determination of Platinum-group Elements in Soils, Sediments, and Vegetation by
Microwave Acid Digestion/Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry.
Lechler, P.J., 2002, Platinum-group element deposits
Lechler, P.J., 2002, Water sampling methods and analysis
Lechler, P.J., 2001, invited chapter quotation, in Hibbard, M.J., Mineralogy: A geologist’s point of view,
McGraw-Hill, Chapter 16, p. 337.
Lechler, P.J., Desilets, M.O., Callicrate, T., and Smith, S.C, 2000, Platinum-group element biogeochemical
orientation survey, SE Wyoming: pre-meeting Geochemical Exploration Workshop, Geology and Ore
Deposits 2000: The Great Basin and Beyond, Reno.
Lechler, P.J., 2000, Sampling and Analysis: 2000 Mining Fraud Conference, Las Vegas
Lechler, P.J., 2000, Platinum-group element exploration and analysis: Why Turkey? Why now?:
Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey.
Lechler, P.J. and Jewett, D.G., 1998, Geochemical features of water-rock interactions at the Sulfur Bank
Mercury Mine, Lake County, California: Lakeport, California.
Lechler, P.J., 1998, Global hydrothermal PGE mineralization: International Platinum Symposium,
Rustenburg, South Africa.
Lechler, P.J., 1997, Hydrothermal platinum-group element deposits: Nevada section of AIME, monthly
luncheon meeting.
Lechler, P.J. and Miller, J.R., 1996, Mercury contamination in the Carson River, Nevada and Jordan Creek,
Idaho: Importance of speciation analysis in understanding the source, mobility, and fate of polluted
materials: Mercury Speciation Workshop sponsored by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and
Department of Energy, Denver, Colorado
Lechler, P.J., 1996, Environmental Legacy of the Comstock: Elderhostel presentation, UNR
Television Interview by News Channel 8 special series on Mining (November, 1997).
Courses Taught
Co-taught Analytical Methods and Instrumentation, Fall, 2000.
Co-taught Mining and Exploration Geochemistry, Fall, 1998.
Co-taught Analytical Methods and Instrumentation, Fall, 1998.
Taught atomic absorption portion of Environmetal Engineering CE694 (two sections), 1997.
Half-day training for Noble, Hsu, and graduate students on theory and principles of operation of PW1404
X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (December, 1991).
Lechler 11
Taught X-ray fluorescence portion of the 416/616 X-ray Diffraction (Fall, 1991)
Co-taught 702f Geochemical Exploration (Spring, 1990)
Taught atomic absorption, inductively-coupled plasma, emission spectrography, and ion chromatography
portions of 417/617 Instrumental Analysis (Fall, 1988)
Expert witness for FBI on mining fraud case, federal court, Las Vegas, 2006
Expert witness for BLM on mining fraud case, federal court, Las Vegas, 2006
Expert witness on arsenic contamination case, federal court, Sacramento, 2002
Expert witness for BLM on mining fraud case, federal court, Las Vegas, 2000
Short course on mining fraud, BLM National Training Center, Tucson, AZ, 2012
Appointment to Reference Group steering committee of Water Research Commission of South Africa,
Consultant to Securities and Exchange Commission, Reno, NV, 2007
Consultant to Federal Bureau of Investigation, Las Vegas, NV, 2005
Consultant to BLM on mining fraud case, Las Vegas, NV, 2004
Consultant to U.S. Attorney on mining fraud case, Las Vegas, NV, 2004
Consultant to U.S. Attorney on mining fraud case, Nashville, TN, 2004
Member BLM Abandoned Mine Lands task force, 1999–2008
Member Nevada Attorney General’s Mining Fraud Task Force, 2000-2008
Adjunct professorship appointment to Department of Biology, Western Carolina University, 2002-2008
Western Carolina University thesis committee member: Shannon Mallison, 2002
Co-editor of Mercury Special Issue of Environmental Geology
Panelist, 2001, Caribbean Regional Conference on Environmental Management of Mine Sites, Le Meridien
(Pegasus) Hotel, Georgetown, Guyana, July 24–25.
Western Carolina University thesis committee member: Shannon Conrad, 2000
Technical Session Co-chair for GSA Annual Meeting, 2000
Technical Session Co-chair for GSN 2000.
Co-convener of Mineral Exploration '94 held at Lake Tahoe, 1994.
NBMG representative on Technical Advisory Committee to EPA on Carson River Superfund Site.
Assistant editor of Explore.
Manage XRF facility for Geological Sciences, including training of faculty and graduate students in its use.
Session co-chairman for annual GSA meeting held in Reno, 1991.
2007-2008 UNR dissertation committee member: Shanewaz Mohammed
2000-2008 Acting director, NBMG
2003-2008 Chair, MSESE Space Recommendation Committee
1997–2008 Chair, MSM Analytical Equipment Committee
2006 Honors Program senior thesis advisor to Jodie Parker (The bioavailability and bioaccumulation of
mercury in Napa Valley red wines from agricultural soils)
2006 Member, NBMG Space Committee
2006 Member, LME/LMR Space Review Committee
2004 NBMG personnel committee
2001-2004 UNR dissertation committee member: Ellie Leavitt
2003-2004 Chair, NBMG economic geology search committee
2001 Member search committee: petrologist in Department of Geological Sciences
2001 UNR thesis committee member: Matt Zimmerman
2001 UNR thesis committee member: Jayne Park
Lechler 12
2001 UNR thesis committee member: Chris Sladek
2000 Ad-hoc Committee to evaluate DGS graduate faculty rules, procedures, longevity
1998 Search committee member: Director of Microbeam Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences
1997–1998 MS Thesis committee member, Pei-Lin Lan, Chem-Met Department, UNR
1997–1998 NBMG Personnel Committee member
1996–2001 MSM Geochemistry User's Group member
Recipient of UNR International Activities Grant to develop non-point source pollution research projects in
South Africa, 2007-2008, $2,642.
Co-principal investigator on DOE grant for geochemical sampling of thermal and non-thermal waters in
Nevada, 2005-2008, $189,450.
Principal investigator on DOE grant to assess geothermal applications of multi-gas geochemistry, 20052008, $126,210.
Co-principal investigator on NREL grant to investigate spatial and temporal systematics of multi-gas
geochemistry at Steamboat/Redfield, 2005-2006, $20,000.
Co-investigator on Cumuriyet University Research Council grant for investigation of the origin of worldclass celestite deposits in the Sivas Basin, Central Turkey, 2006-2007, $75,000.
Principal investigator on DOE grant to assess Hg soil gas for geothermal exploration, 2003-2004, $33,984.
Principal investigator on NSF grant to investigate contaminant sources in the Rio Pilcomayo basin, Bolivia,
using lead isotopes, 2002-2004, $43,829.
Consultant on WRRI grant at WCU to study Pb isotope systematics in fish and snail organs, 2003, $11,000.
Co-principal investigator on NATO grant to investigate isotopic and multielement geochemistry of
epithermal gold deposits in northeastern Turkey, 2002-2003, $25,000.
Contract to supply analytical geochemistry and interpretation of soil and sagebrush geochemical survey at
Ken Snyder mine, Normandy Mining Company, 2001, $50,000.
Consultant on Water Resources Research Institute grant to investigate lead and arsenic pollution in North
Carolina, 2000–2001, approximately $7,500.
Co-principal investigator on National Geographic Society grant to investigate investigate economic
liberalization, mineral investment, and environmental protection in Guyana, 2000–2001, $13,500.
Co-principal investigator on NSF grant to investigate heavy metal pollution in the Rio Pilcomayo, Bolivia,
August, 2000 to November, 2001, $22,016.
Co-principal investigator on Tubitak grant to investigate PGEs in chromitites in Turkey, 2000, $1,500.
Co-principal investigator on NATO grant to investigate PGEs in chromitites in Turkey, $9,000, August,
1997 to August, 1998.
University of Nevada, Reno International Studies Travel Grant to develop environmental mercury project
in Guyana, $1,500, July, 1997 to June, 1998.
Recipient of $1500.00 IUPUI Travel Support to conduct environmental research in Bolivia, 1998.
Recipient of $750.00 UNR International Travel Support to attend International Platinum Symposium,
Rustenburg, South Africa, 1998.
Co-principal investigator on NBMG Geochemical and Mapping Studies, $215,000, August, 1996 to
October, 1998.
Co-principal investigator on Water-rock interation at Getchell Gold Corp. open pits, $161,859, November,
1996 to October, 1998.
Project coordinator and Co-principal investigator on USFS project to investigate mercury pollution from
illegal gold mining in Brazil, $60,000, May to October, 1997.
Co-principal investigator on USBM grant to study mercury pollution in the United States; UNR portion
funded at $39,657 for the period July, 1996 to September 1997.
Principal investigator on NIEHS grant on mercury contamination in the Carson River; NBMG portion
funded at $11,400 for the period April 1995 to April 1996.
Co-principal investigator on USBM grant to study mercury pollution in the United States; UNR portion
funded at $39,657 for the period July 1994 to July 1995.
Lechler 13
Principal investigator on NIEHS grant on mercury contamination in the Carson River; NBMG portion
funded at $36,132 for the period April 1994 to April 1995.
Stipend of $1,950.00 to attend workshop on mercury in Venezuela, November, 1993.
Principal investigator on NIEHS grant on mercury contamination in the Carson River; NBMG portion
funded at $39,322 for the period April 1993 to April 1994.
Co-investigator on NIEHS grant on Mercury Contamination in the Carson River; NBMG portion currently
funded at $11,623.00 for the period April 1992 to April 1993.
University of Nevada, Reno Graduate School grant of $752.00 to support field work in France/Italy after
presenting paper at 1985 annual meeting of Association of Exploration Geochemists in Orleans,
University of Nevada, Reno Graduate School, account #8-1-228-5655-116, July 1, 1988 to December 31,
1989, $2990.00. Hydrothermal Behavior of Platinum Group Elements: A Contribution to the Search
for New Deposits. (co-investigator with L.C. Hsu)
Donated vintage laboratory balance to Geological Society of Nevada Rock Raffle and Silent Auction
Career day presentation at TMCC High School.
Donated Vreeland spectroscope to Galena High School Science Department to augment teaching of
chemistry and atomic physics.