Marine and Oceanographic Observations

ITEM: 4.4
Original: ENGLISH
Fifth Session
Marine and Oceanographic Observations
(Submitted by the WMO Secretariat)
Summary and Purpose of the Document
This document provides information on the status of the marine and
oceanographic observations as part of the GOS.
The Meeting is invited to note the information contained in this document for discussion
under the appropriate agenda items.
Status maps of in situ ocean observing networks, June 2008
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Status of marine and oceanographic observing systems (June 2008)
The implementation plan for the global observing system for climate in support of the
UNFCCC (GCOS-92) remains as the foundation roadmap guiding the JCOMM Observations
Programme Area Work Plan. The JCOMM Observations Coordination Group has updated its
strategic workplan for “Building a Sustained Global Ocean Observing System in Support of the
GEOSS”. This updated Workplan was presented at the sixth JCOMM Management Committee
meeting (Paris, France, 3-6 December 2007).
The development of the related observing system components continued to progress
since the Fifty-Ninth Executive Council and was later recognized by the Sixtieth Executive Council.
The open-ocean component of GOOS is now 60% completed and the Argo profiling float
component became the second component to reach completion in November 2007 with 3000
operational units reporting in real-time from the world oceans. While two components have
reached completion (i.e., drifters and Argo), the sustainability of the in situ ocean observing
networks is still a matter of concern.
WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM
Following Cg-XV decisions, JCOMM has engaged in a Pilot Project for the integration of
marine and other appropriate oceanographic observations into the GOS (JCOMM Pilot Project for
WIGOS). A proposal was presented at the first meeting of the WMO EC WG WIGOS-WIS
(Geneva, Switzerland, 4-7 December 2007) and received strong support. Consequently, an ad
hoc planning meeting for the JCOMM Pilot Project was organized in Ostend, Belgium, 29 March
2008, to propose a Steering Team, key participants, and refine the project work plan. The Pilot
Project is promoting: (i) the documentation and integration of best practices and standards being
used amongst the marine meteorological and oceanographic communities; (ii) interoperability of
marine data systems with the WMO Information System (WIS) in close cooperation with the IOC
ocean community; and (iii) establish compliance with the WMO Quality Management Framework
(QMF). To ensure the successful development of the Pilot Project, Members will have to engage
in a strong cooperation with the ocean partners through JCOMM and the IODE of IOC, and provide
assistance to ocean data centres for the development or interoperable arrangements with the WIS
(ref. EC WG WIGOS-WIS). Programmes in charge of key data-sets have been approached
already (i.e., SeaDataNET, GHRSSt, GCCs) while other data-sets have yet to be included (e.g.,
Argo, satellite, World Ocean Database). A second meeting of the joint Steering Group for the
IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) and the WIGOS Pilot Project for WIGOS is planned to be held in
Geneva, Switzerland, from 18 to 19 September 2008 during the same week as the ICT-IOS-5. The
Meeting, in particular, will review in detail the draft implementation plan for the Pilot Project.
Development of an Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC)
Letters of Intent (LOIs) have been solicited by both the WMO and IOC for hosting a future
Observing Platform Support Centre (OPSC). The OPSC will include the existing JCOMM in situ
Observing Platform Support Center (JCOMMOPS) and in addition will serve the growing
requirements of the several international programmes that are working to coordinate
implementation of the sustained Global Ocean Observing System. In response, 16 letters of intent
were received. An evaluation committee which is comprised of the JCOMM Co-presidents and
one representative each from the DBCP, the Argo Steering Team, and the WMO and IOC
Secretariats was established to review the letters of intent. The evaluation committee met in Paris
on 11 April 2008, reviewed the letters of intent, and recommended a short list of 5 candidates to
remain in the evaluation and undergo more detailed evaluation. An action plan for an expanded
committee was agreed upon culminating in a final decision to be made in December 2008 by the
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Secretary-General of WMO and the Executive Secretary of IOC based on the recommendations of
the evaluation committee. EC-LX supported the development of the OPSC in cooperation with the
IOC and invited to encourage Members to commit resources through voluntary contributions to
support the implementation and operations of the Centre.
JCOMM Catalogue on Best Practices and Standards
The Sixth Session of the JCOMM Management Committee recommended with the
assistance from a consultant for a period of about one month, producing a catalogue on JCOMM
best practices and standards. The proposed catalogue will be presented to JCOMM-III, published
as a JCOMM Technical Document, and will segregate the different types of users, such as:
observing platform operators, creators and provisioners of products, and deliverers of products, to
present the material in a way appropriate to each type of user. Each platform view (to include
ocean satellites as well as in situ platforms) would hold information concerning standards and best
practices of the entire system from observing platform information to data and metadata formats,
quality control procedures, data exchange and archiving, and final products.
Ship observations
WMO Publication No. 47 lists 4336 ships recruited by WMO Members at the end of 2007;
less than 1000 of the VOS report observations at least daily. Despite the reduced number of
recruited vessels, the number of Automatic Weather Stations installed onboard ships and providing
hourly observations has increased (now over 200 units) leading to a continued increase in the total
number of SHIP reports available on the GTS.. It should be noted that there are also over 2000
ships using electronic logbook software.
WMO is addressing ship owners and masters’ concerns with regard to VOS observations
made available via public websites.
For example, European Countries participating in
E-SURFMAR, Australia, Japan, and the United States have proposed specific ship call sign
masking schemes in a way consistent with Resolution 27 (EC-LIX). In particular, USA and Japan
have implemented generic ship masking schemes (the ship’s call sign is replaced by the letters
“SHIP”) and are inviting NMHS willing to access the non-masked data through the dedicated
parallel distribution systems they have implemented in late 2007, to request access codes and sign
the dedicated terms and conditions for the use of the data.
While the VOSClim fleet has reached its initial target of 200 ships, not all of the required
additional elements (metadata, QC flags) are always recorded and distributed through the Global
Collecting Centres (GCCs). The collection of these additional elements is essential to meet the
requirements for climate studies (instrument siting, data of appropriate and known quality).
Observation of the tropospheric component of the atmosphere is needed for NWP and
radiosondes generally provided better high vertical resolution information than the aircraft data
(AMDAR) over the oceans. Radiosondes data in particular are needed for the calibration of the
satellite products. Additional deployment of Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme (ASAP)
units on ships sailing in data sparse regions can provide aerological data complementary to
In 2007, 6425 ASAP reports were received globally from the GTS. There are now 16 units
operated by EUMETNET under E-ASAP, which produced 5235 TEMP SHIP reports in 2007 from
the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, with 4029 of those being received from the GTS,
including 3574 soundings achieving the 100 hPa level, 3264 the 50 hPa level, and 8 the 10 hPa
level. EUMETNET is planning to extend the E-ASAP fleet to 19 ships in 2009. Other Members
substantially contributing to ASAP are Japan and South Africa.
The Ship Of Opportunity Programme (SOOP) also provides for valuable upper-ocean
thermal data through 41 high-resolution and frequently repeated XBT lines now fully occupied
(target 51 lines). These data complement the Argo network (see paragraph 7 below).
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Buoy networks
The last CBS Extraordinary Session held in 2006 CBS-Ext.(06), the Second Session of
the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group, and the Twenty-third Session of the DBCP have
recommended to equip the complete network of drifting buoys with barometers (1250 units).
In June 2008, 554 units were actively reporting SLP. The DBCP has also implemented a cost
effective and well proven barometer upgrade scheme for drifting buoys where standard SST
drifters where commitments for deployment already exist can be equipped with a barometer for an
extra cost of about USD 1200. The DBCP is testing the Iridium satellite data telecommunication
technology through a Pilot Project; 40 units showing promising results have already been deployed
in various ocean conditions worldwide (target 50 units).
The Tropical Pacific Ocean moored buoy array is complete and salinity is now available
on nearly every TAO mooring site. The sites also provide for sub-surface temperature profiles, and
surface meteorological observations, including wind. Substantial development of the Pilot
Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) moored array has been achieved since
2005, thanks to the SouthWest extension (2005), NorthEast extension (2006), and SouthEast
extension (2006, one year only), with good data return. The PIRATA array increased in 2007 to a
17 surface mooring and 1 sub-surface ADCP mooring configuration with the addition of 2 ATLAS
moorings in the northern tropical Atlantic. Progress continues towards the development of a
47-element Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS), a multi-national, multi-platform network
designed to support climate forecasting and research. The array has been named the Research
Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA). In 2007, the
number of ATLAS moorings in RAMA was 32% complete. In 2008, the scheduled deployments will
increase to 43%. Progress has been made towards multi-national sustained support for RAMA via
a Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Implementing Arrangements between the United
States and India, between the United States and Indonesia, and between the Peoples Republic of
China and Indonesia. An existing MOU between the United States and Japan is being updated to
include RAMA.
In 2007, 200 ice buoys were deployed for the IPY, many with a short life-time; a sub-set,
e.g., the DAMOCLES buoys did not report on the GTS. In September 2007, the buoys probably
covered 2/3 of the Arctic, but by March 2008, the array was compressed to about 1/3 of the Arctic
by high-AO conditions against the Canadian Archipelago. About 80 buoys reported on GTS from
the Arctic basin in April 2008. According to a EUCOS study, there are several indications that the
current (2008) buoy observing network is close to optimality in terms of surface pressure in
Northern Atlantic and near the Northern pole. However, the Eurasian part of the polar cap (North
of 75N, from East Greenland to the East up to 180E) is still a data-void area. Even if there is no
case of obvious synoptic forecast error was found during the winter 2007-2008, coming from this
area and affecting Europe, an obvious recommendation would be to deploy a buoy network in this
polar area (North of Europe and Siberia) comparable to what it is to the North of Canada.
The Data Buoy Co-operation Panel (DBCP) has engaged in capacity-building activities
and has organized successfully a first training course on buoy programme implementation and
data management in Ostend, Belgium, from 11 to 16 June 2007. It is planning to continue to
develop these activities in the future.
Profiling floats
The Argo profiling float programme reached completion in November 2007 (3000 units)
and is now providing essential upper-ocean thermal and salinity data. Argo data have permitted to
reduce the uncertainty of ocean heat storage calculation and therefore to improve estimates and
forecast of sea-level rise caused by thermal expansion. Argo is now playing a key role in
improving the seasonal climate forecasts, and its data are routinely being used in coupled oceanatmosphere models together with satellite products and other data from in situ observing systems.
Sustainability over decadal timescale remains an issue since most of the national Argo
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programmes are still supported through research funding. Sustainability is justified for both
research and operational applications. Argo data are increasingly being used for ocean and
climate modeling.
The completion of this implementation phase permitted to broaden the participation of
countries in the project. This phase also permitted to develop an effective data system capable of
delivering real-time and delayed-mode data, and to develop a widespread user community
covering both research and operational applications. Overall reliability of the system has been
improved, and the float lifetime extended to four years. In July 2008, 3218 floats were operational
globally. To date, all operational floats are reporting their data on GTS.
Argo is now in transition from its implementation phase to its sustained maintenance
phase where the array will be maintained for at least the next decade. Argo is now looking at
refocusing its core mission and examining how well its initial goals are being met. It is also
addressing the issue of float density and filling in identified gaps (e.g., Southern Indian and Atlantic
Oceans, Gulf of Guinea, Western Bering, off the east coast of the Kuril Islands, and Kamchatka).
The Argo Steering Team has come to the conclusion that fewer floats must be deployed in the
marginal seas and more in the open oceans, particularly in the southern hemisphere. Argo is also
looking at assuring continued coverage, and is addressing data quality, real-time distribution of the
data, delayed-mode availability, float lifetimes, and data user documentation. New technology has
been developed and new types of floats capable of doing more cycles (200 vs. 120) and going
deeper (2000m vs. 1000m) have been deployed.
Wave observations
The vast majority of existing wave measurements are made in the coastal margins of
North America and Western Europe, with a huge data void in most of the rest of the global ocean,
particularly in the southern ocean and the tropics, while other existing observational systems have
often considerable coverage in these areas. The JCOMM Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm
Surges (ETWS) has called for additional wave measurements comprising, at a minimum,
significant wave height, peak period and 1-D spectra, hourly in real-time, for assimilation into
coupled atmosphere-ocean wave models for real-time forecasting activities, and subsequent
verification. These are required for Maritime Safety Services (MSS), calibration / validation of
satellite wave sensors, the description of the ocean wave climate and its variability on seasonal to
decadal time scales, and the role of waves in the coupled ocean-atmosphere system, and their
inclusion in weather and climate models. The DBCP is also proposing to develop cost-effective
global wave observing technology, and a workshop is planned in this regard in New York City,
United States of America, from 2 to 3 October 2008. Recommendations from the workshop will be
discussed at the Twenty-fourth Session of the DBCP which will be held shortly thereafter in Cape
Town, South Africa, from 13 to 16 October 2008. Further recommendations should be made by
the DBCP to its Members in this regard.
Sea level observations and tsunameters
GLOSS produces an annual status report in October of each year. The October 2007
status is comparable to previous years. Ongoing work is required to develop the network in such
as way that all stations report data more frequently and appear as Category 1 (i.e., “operational”
stations for which the latest data is 2003 or later). The 177 tide gauges were reporting monthly by
the end of 2007 with 73 reporting in real-time.
The International Tsunameter Partnership (ITP), established under the auspices of the
IOC International Cooperation Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation
System (IGC / IOTWS) was developed to support the establishment, effectiveness and on-going
viability and enhancement of tsunami detection and warning systems using deep-ocean monitoring
stations (tsunameters). Progress was made by the ITP with regard to: (i) Tsunameter Equipment
Performance Standards and Guidelines; (ii) data transmission standards; (iii) best practice
materials for tsunameter test and acceptance processes; and (iv) assessment of the long-term
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challenge of sustaining deep ocean tsunami observation networks. The Indian Ocean faced a
dramatic expansion in national tsunameter deployments through to end 2008. By the end of 2008,
over 40 tsunameters were planned to be deployed in the Indian Ocean and nearby seas, drawing
on at least five different tsunameter products. At least seven stations in this area were currently
reported to be operational within “local” (national) warning systems, but their data was not available
to neighbour countries’ warning centres. The tempo of new station rollouts required urgent
attention to instrument performance assessments, to achieving real-time continuous data
dissemination, and to global data management practices (including metadata). Many of the
present activities of the ITP relate directly to the role that the DBCP has exercised since its
inception, and to its current expertise base and communal data tools. In this context, a stronger
engagement with the DBCP would accelerate the ITP’s work in the near-term, and would continue
to be advantageous in the longer term, with clear and persistent common interests. EC-LX asked
for the ITP-DBCP relationship to be better formalized, and to improve and understand these
synergies. This topic will be discussed at the Twenty-fourth DBCP Session.
Summary of the status of implementation of the global networks
A summary of essential in situ observing programme implementation status and the
challenges remaining to achieve global coverage is given in Table 1 below. The status maps are
provided in Appendix to this document.
Table 1: OPA implementation status and global coverage targets
2008 status:
Target for global
Surface drifting buoys
Barometer drifting
Tropical moorings
VOS ships
Pacific Ocean: 100%
Indian Ocean: 32%
Atlantic Ocean: almost
4000 selected ships
(about 360000 obs.
per month)
1000 ships reporting
VOSClim ships
ASAP ships
About 500 profiles per
month, mainly in the
North Atlantic
To be defined in
complement to
As many ships as
Efforts to install
barometers on all
Sustainability still an
Fleet declining.
Increase of
automated systems.
Less manual and
visual observations
available for climate
Target increased
from 200 to 250
ships by SOT-IV.
The recording of the
additional elements
(QC flags, metadata)
is not sufficient
AMDAR provides for
cost effective ascent
and descent profiles
where airports are
located so availability
of such reports over
the oceans is limited
to coastal regions
and some islands.
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High-density and
frequently repeated
XBT lines
Argo Profiling Floats
Reference stations
Repeat hydrography
and carbon inventory
Full ocean survey in
10 years (37 inventory
ASAP can provide
for complementary
aerological profile
data but the
technology remain
relatively expensive.
Europe) is targeting
19 ships to provide
more than 6000
profiles yearly in the
North Atlantic and
Mediterranean sea.
No all of the lines are
well sampled. Efforts
remain to be made to
sample the lines
according to the
Status maps of in situ ocean observing networks, June 2008
Figure 1: Drifting and moored buoy observations by country (DBCP), June 2008
Figure 2: Tropical moored buoy array (operational sites in solid squares), April 2008
Figure 3: Arctic and Antarctic buoys and floats, June 2008
Figure 4: Voluntary Observing Ship observations, June 2008
Figure 5: ASAP profiles, June 2008
Figure 6: Sub-surface Temperature profiles from XBTs under SOOP, June 2008
Figure 7: Argo profiling floats by country (Sub-surface Temperature and Salinity), June 2008
Figure 8: Ocean Carbon on-going and Planned Cruises as of November 2007 (International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project)
Figure 9: Deep-ocean time-series reference stations (OceanSITES), June 2008
Figure 10: Global Sea Level Network under GLOSS, October 2007
Figure 11: Real-time sea level stations, June 2008