Facility Survey - Outline Handout

Session 4.3 The Ins and Outs of Facility Survey
Slide 1
Accessibility Survey Techniques
John Salmen, AIA
Andrew Yarrish, AIA
Universal Designers & Consultants, Inc.
[Universal Designers & Consultants, Inc. logo]
Slide 2
Outline of Program
1. Tools
2. Accessibility Checklists
3. Measurement Techniques
Questions will be taken throughout
Slide 3
Become familiar with measuring techniques
Be consistent in surveying elements
Be consistent in survey documentation
Slide 4
DOJ Info http://www.ada.gov/toolstec.pdf
[image of Survey Tools and Techniques]
Slide 5
 Tape Measure
 Digital Slopemeter
 Pressure Gauge
 Camera
Slide 6
Tape Measure
 Measurements will be taken to the closest 1/8 of an inch.
[photo of tape measure]
Slide 7
 Calibrate before every survey and if dropped.
 Take readings as a %.
[photo of slopemeter]
Slide 8
Pressure Gauge
 The plunger has two scales: pounds and kilograms. Use the pounds scale.
o Read the edge of the O-ring closer to the zero end of the scale to find
the amount of force.
Slide 9
 A (good) picture is worth a thousand words.
[photo of camera]
Slide 10
Taking Pictures
Is enough shown to present a correct perspective?
[photo of restroom door]
Slide 11
Actual Condition Shows Offsets
[photos of bathroom doors from different angles]
Slide 12
Taking Pictures
[photos of slopemeter on sidewalk]
Slide 13
Outline of Program
1. Tools
2. Accessibility Checklists
3. Measurement Techniques
Questions will be taken throughout
Slide 14
Accessibility Checklists
US Department of Justice Website
 Voting Stations
Lodging Facilities
Emergency Shelters
Slide 15
Take the Standards with You
10 Chapters
 Application & Administration
 Scoping Requirements
 Building Blocks
 Accessible Routes
 General Site and Building Elements
 Plumbing Elements and Facilities
 Communication Elements and Facilities
 Special Rooms, Spaces and Elements
 Built-in Elements
 Recreation Elements
[Image of 2010 Standards for Accessible Design]
Slide 16
Outline of Program
1. Tools
2. Accessibility Checklists
3. Measurement Techniques
Questions will be taken throughout
Slide 17
Using the Accessibility Checklist
[diagram of an accessibility checklist, pointing out columns for photos, measurements &
Slide 18
Accessible Routes
[image of a page of a checklist to demonstrate how the form has different ways of
dealing with multiple elements]
Slide 19
Accessible Routes
Accessible Entry to:
 Public Transit Stops
 Accessible Parking
Public Right of Way
Accessible Entry to
 24 hr ATM
 After Hours Drop Box
 Restrooms
[image of accessibility checklist]
Slide 20
Exterior Accessible Route
[map of a facility showing route from accessible parking, route from public transit and
route from public right of way]
Slide 21
Exterior Accessible Routes
 Clear widths
 Abrupt level changes
 Gaps
 Running and cross slopes
[photos of exterior accessible routes]
Slide 22
Measuring the Accessible Route
[video of how to measure an accessible route]
Slide 23
Slope of Exterior Accessible Route
[video of measuring accessible route]
Slide 24
Interior Accessible Routes & Elements
 Clear widths
 Running and cross slopes
 Abrupt level changes
[images of interior accessible routes]
Slide 25
Interior Accessible Route
[diagram of facility showing accessible route, accessible route to restrooms, restrooms
and primary function area]
Slide 26
Measuring the Accessible Route
[video showing measuring accessible route]
Slide 27
Curb Ramps
 Flush Transitions
 Running and Cross Slopes
 Landings
 Side Flares
[image of accessibility checklist page on curb ramps]
Slide 28
Running Slope, Cross Slope and Landing
[photo showing measurement of a slope]
Slide 29
Curb Ramp Width
[video showing measuring of curb ramp]
Slide 30
Curb Ramp Flares & Landings
[diagram of curb ramp measurement]
Slide 31
Parking Spaces & Aisles
[diagram of parking spaces]
Slide 32
Parking Sign Height
[video of measurement of parking sign]
Slide 33
[photos showing striping of parking space]
Slide 34
Parking Stall Width
[video showing measuring parking spaces]
Slide 35
Parking Stall Slope
[photo showing locations to measure parking space slope]
Slide 36
Ramp Slope
 3 running slope measurements and 3 cross slope measurements
 Take the measurements down the center of the ramp.
[photo of a ramp and diagram of ramp slope]
Slide 37
[photo of hand rails and diagram of handrail measurement]
Slide 38
Ramp Landings
[photos of ramp landings and diagrams of ramp landing measurement]
Slide 39
Edge Protection
[photo showing edge protection and diagrams of edge protection measurement]
Slide 40
Ramp Width
[photo of a ramp and diagram of ramp width measurement]
Slide 41
 Clear Width
 Hardware
 Automatic Opener
 Door Closer
 Closing Speed
 Closing Force
 Threshold
 Latch
 Door Maneuvering Clearance
o Pull Side
o Push Side
[image of accessibility checklist page on doors]
Slide 42
Door Clear Width
[video showing measurement of door width]
Slide 43
Door Hardware
[photos of different types of door hardware]
Slide 44
Door Force & Closing Speed
Door Force
• Unlatch the door
• Place plunger above or below the hardware
• Apply constant pressure
Closing Speed
• Open door to 90 degrees
• Release door and count
• End count at 12 degrees from latch
[photo depicting closing speed]
Slide 45
Door Threshold
[photo of a threshold and diagram showing threshold measurement]
Slide 46
Maneuvering Clearances
[diagrams showing various clearances for manual swinging doors and gates]
Slide 47
Self Service Items
• Reach Range
• Clear Floor Space
• Reach Over an Obstacle
• Operable with a Closed Fist
[image of accessibility checklist page on dispensers]
Slide 48
Reach Range to Self Service Items
[diagrams demonstrating reach ranges]
Slide 49
Self Service Items
[photos of different self-service items]
Slide 50
• Height
• Clear Floor Space
• Slope
• Reach Over an Obstacle
[Image of accessibility checklist page on counters]
Slide 51
[photos of different counters]
Slide 52
• Door and Hardware ( Complete Door Form)
• Size
• Grab Bars
• Lavatory Knee and Toe Clearance
• Insulated Pipes
• Mirror
• Reach Range (Complete Operable Parts Form)
• Turning Space
[image of accessibility checklist page on restrooms]
Slide 53
Space at Water Closet
[diagrams of space at water closet]
Slide 54
Grab Bars
[diagrams of grab bar measurements]
Slide 55
Grab Bars
[video of grab bar measurement]
Slide 57
Lavatory – Knee Clearance
[photos of lavatories and diagram of measurement]
Slide 56
Knee & Toe Clearance
[video showing measurement of knee and toe clearance]
Slide 58
Insulated Pipes
[photos showing insulated pipes under a sink]
Slide 59
Accessible Faucet Hardware
[photos showing accessible faucets and one that is not accessible]
Slide 60
Mirror Height
[video showing measurement of mirror height]
Slide 61
Amenity Height & Control
[photos of dispensers and an image of the dispenser page of an accessibility checklist]
Slide 62
Coat Hook Height
[photos of coat hooks showing measurement]
Slide 63
Coat Hook Height
[video showing how to measure a coat hook]
Slide 64
Turning Space & Clear Floor Space
[diagram showing turning space and clear floor space]
Slide 65
Completing the Survey
Finalize the Survey
 Make sure every line is completed
 Number the pages
 Complete the Summary (Cover) Page
 Make sure the location information, date and your name is listed on every page.
 Re-orient and re-name your photographs