An Introduction to Genetic Analysis Chapter 14 Genomics Chapter

An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
Key Concepts
Genomics is the molecular characterization of whole genomes.
Genomic analysis begins by using several different techniques to assign genes to specific
The second level of analysis is low-resolution chromosome mapping, based mainly on
meiotic recombination analysis. In analysis of humans, special cell hybrids can also be used.
Repetitive DNA variation has provided numerous heterozygous molecular marker loci for use
in high-resolution recombination mapping.
The highest level of resolution in genomic mapping analysis is physical mapping of cloned
DNA fragments.
The arrangement of cloned DNA fragments into overlapping sets is facilitated by special
molecular procedures for tagging the clones.
Ultimately, the sequence of the genome can be obtained by sequencing a representative set of
overlapping clones.
Genomics provides an information base for isolating specific genes of interest, including
human disease genes.
Functional genomics attempts to understand the broad sweep of genome function at different
developmental stages and under different environmental conditions.
Genomics aims to understand the molecular organization and information content of the entire
genome and of the gene products that the genome encodes. This subdiscipline of genetics
takes many of the modern analytical techniques that the geneticist applies to individual genes
or to small chromosomal regions and extends them globally to the entire genome. Thus
questions of large-scale gene and chromosomal organization and of global gene regulation
can be directly addressed. Even though considerable technical hurdles remain, we can
nonetheless be sure that, in a very few years, we will have a complete catalog at the
nucleotide and amino acid sequence levels of all of the genes and gene products encoded by
the genomes of many complex organisms, including humans. Having such catalogs will
provide the raw material that can serve as sources of insight into everything from practical
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
matters of human disease and agricultural genetics to basic biological phenomena such as
those underlying cell physiology, development, behavior, ecology, and evolution. The
availability of such catalogs is an exciting scientific event worthy of the millenial transition
and one that promises to have dramatic effects on the process of scientific investigation in
Genomics: an overview
Genomics is divided into two basic areas: structural genomics, characterizing the physical
nature of whole genomes; and functional genomics, characterizing the transcriptome (the
entire range of transcripts produced by a given organism) and the proteome (the entire array
of encoded proteins).
The prime directive of structural genomic analysis is the complete and accurate elucidation of
the DNA sequence of a representative haploid genome of a given species. When this sequence
is known, it opens the door to numerous possibilities. By computational analysis of the
sequence, using principles developed by genetic and molecular biological analysis of
transcripts and proteins, we can make predictions of all of the encoded proteins. We can
analyze other haploid genomes from the same species and develop a statistical picture of the
genetic variation within populations of that species. We can compare the genomic sequence of
different species and thereby gain an understanding of how the genome has been remodeled in
the course of evolution. Studies of comparative genomics have already proceeded far enough
to reveal that, in related species (for example, within all mammals), there is considerable
synteny (conserved gene location within large blocks of the genome). Studies of comparative
genomics also offer a powerful opportunity to identify highly conserved and therefore
functionally important sequence motifs in coding and noncoding genomic DNA. This
identification helps researchers confirm predictions of protein-coding regions of the genome
and identify important regulatory elements within DNA.
Even though structural genomics is only a little more than a decade old and is already
fulfilling the promise of providing complete sequences of many genomes, the leap from
classical genetic maps to complete DNA sequence maps did not happen in a single bound.
Rather, quite analogous to the way in which one proceeds through several increases in
magnification on a light microscope, there was a step-by-step progression in genome-wide
map resolution in the development of genomic technologies. In this chapter, we will focus
considerable attention on the development of high-resolution genetic and physical mapping
technologies that ultimately permitted sequencing of complex genomes. Not only were these
technologies invaluable steps on the way to the establishment of sequence-level maps, but
they also proved to be extremely important tools in themselves for disease-gene identification
and positional cloning.
It quickly became apparent that the availability of completely sequenced genomes merely
whetted the scientific appetite for additional global information. In particular, turning the
“Rosetta stone” of genomic sequence into rigorous predictions of transcript and protein
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
sequence proved to be a challenge in itself, and so projects to directly characterize the
structures and sequences of all RNAs and all polypeptides have evolved. These projects have
formed the foundation of functional genomics. Typically, transcript structures have been
characterized by sequencing full-length cDNAs (see Chapters 12 and 13) and comparing these
sequences with those of the corresponding genomic DNA. As we will see toward the end of
this chapter, the availability of these cDNA sequences has permitted the development of very
dense microspot arrays in which each microspot represents a different mRNA. These
microspot arrays, constituting an entire transcriptome, can be kept on a single microscope
slide and can then be probed by hybridization for the concentrations of transcripts in a given
cell type under a given set of environmental conditions. These hybridization experiments
permit the assay of literally hundreds of thousands of data points in a single afternoon and
provide global information on how a given condition perturbates gene activities in a
systematic way.
Similar to approaches used for the transcriptome, ways to systematically and globally identify
the proteome (that is, all proteins that a species can produce) are under development. Because,
as we shall see later in the book (Chapter 23), many biological decision-making processes
require protein modifications and changes in protein–protein interactions, understanding the
proteome (and the transcriptome for that matter) is just as important as understanding the
Genome projects: practical considerations
Genome projects are in progress in a range of different organisms, including humans and
several model organisms. The model systems are the same ones that have been intensively
exploited for standard genetic analysis. They include Mus musculus (the mouse), Drosophila
melanogaster (the fruit fly), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast), Caenorhabditis elegans
(a nematode), Arabidopsis thaliana (a plant), and several bacteria. The first genomes to have
been completely sequenced were the smaller ones. The first were complete viral genome
sequences, followed by those of mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes. Then the first of a
series of bacterial genomes was sequenced. Here, some of the genomes were chosen for their
genetic interests, others for analyzing evolutionary diversity within prokaryotes, and still
others because the organisms are important human pathogens. In 1996, the first complete
eukaryotic genome sequence, that of the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevesiae, was
published. Because of the scope of these tasks, many of the projects are international ventures,
with hundreds of researchers collaborating and sharing data about different regions of the
genome. Often groups or even whole nations specialize in analyzing certain specific
chromosomes. Because these efforts entail experimentation on a much larger scale than an
individual laboratory can mount, genome projects have succeeded by bringing together
geneticists, molecular biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, and computer scientists to
develop the necessary technologies including automation of many steps of the process. This
interdisciplinary effort in regard to genome analysis is a continuation of the scientific history
of genetics, which has benefitted in many ways from intellectual cross-fertilization from other
disciplines (Mendel himself was a physicist by training).
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
Characterizing whole genomes is important to a fundamental understanding of the
design principles of living organisms and for the discovery of new genes such as
those responsible for human genetic disease.
Prior to genomic analysis, the genetic knowledge of an organism is usually based on
relatively low resolution chromosomal maps of genes producing known mutant phenotypes
and some molecular markers. From this point, genomic analysis generally proceeds through
several steps of increasing resolution:
1. Position genes and molecular markers on high-resolution genetic maps of each
2. Physically characterize and position individual cloned DNA fragments relative to one
another to create physical maps of each chromosome. The genetic map of the genome can
then be anchored to the physical map.
3. Conduct large-scale genomic DNA sequence analysis to produce a complete sequence map
of each chromosome. The genetic and physical maps can then be anchored to the sequence
This progressively increasing resolution of analysis is paralleled by the increasing resolution
of analysis needed to find a specific gene. These general approaches are illustrated in Figure
Structural genomics
As its name suggests, the aim of structural genomics is to characterize the structure of the
genome. Knowledge of the structure of an individual genome can be useful in manipulating
genes and DNA segments in that particular species. For example, genes can be cloned on the
basis of knowing where they are in the genome. When a number of genomes have been
characterized at the structural level, the hope is that, through comparative genomics, it will
become possible to deduce the general rules that govern the overall structural organization of
all genomes.
Structural genomics proceeds through increasing levels of analytic resolution, starting with
the assignment of genes and markers to individual chromosomes, then the mapping of these
genes and markers within a chromosome, and finally the preparation of a physical map
culminating in sequencing.
Assigning loci to specific chromosomes
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
Several different methods are useful in assigning genes or markers to individual chromosomes.
Some of these methods have been covered elsewhere in this book but are included here for
Linkage to known loci.
In well-studied organisms, it is a simple matter to cross a strain carrying the “new,”
unmapped allele with a set of strains carrying markers spread throughout the genome, each
one of known chromosomal location. Meiotic recombinant frequencies of less than 50 percent
indicate that the unmapped allele and a specific marker are linked and therefore reside on the
same chromosome. Often such linkage data give a rough idea of chromosomal position,
perhaps in a specific chromosomal arm or even a specific band.
Pulsed field gel electrophoresis.
If chromosomes are small enough to be separated by PFGE (Figure 14-2), the DNA bands on
the gel can be used to locate new genes by hybridization. First, correlations must be made to
establish which DNA band corresponds to which chromosome. Chromosome size,
translocations between known chromosomes, and hybridization to probes of known location
are useful for this purpose. Then a new cloned gene can be used as a probe in a Southern blot
of the PFGE gel, and hence its chromosomal locus can be determined.
Human–rodent somatic cell hybrids.
The technique of somatic cell hybridization is used extensively in human genome mapping,
but it can in principle be used in many different animal systems. The methodology was
outlined in Chapter 6.
High-resolution chromosome maps
The next level of increasing resolution is to determine the position of a gene or molecular
marker on the chromosome. This step is important because the genetic maps that are produced
can be aligned with the physical maps considered in the next section and used to validate the
physical maps. In addition, the clones generated as parts of the physical map can be used to
help identify the genomic DNA corresponding to the genes on the genetic map. Several
different methods are used in localizing genes or markers.
Meiotic mapping by recombination.
Meiotic linkage mapping used in genomics is based on the principles of mapping covered in
Chapter 5—in other words, on the analysis of recombinant frequency in dihybrid and
multihybrid crosses. In experimental organisms such as yeast, Neurospora, Drosophila, and
Arabidopsis, the genes that determine qualitative phenotypic differences can be mapped in a
straightforward way because of the ease with which controlled experimental crosses (such as
testcrosses) can be made. Therefore, in these organisms, the chromosome maps built over the
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
years appear to be full of genes with known phenotypic effect, all mapped to their respective
This is not the case for humans. First, informative crosses are lacking. Second, progeny
sample sizes are too small for accurate statistical determination of linkage. Third, the human
genome is enormous. In fact, even the assignment of a human disease gene to an individual
autosome by linkage analysis was a difficult task. (Most genes with known phenotypes were
assigned not by RF analysis but by human–rodent cell hybrid mapping.)
Even in those organisms in which the maps appeared to be “full” of loci of known phenotypic
effect, measurements showed that the recombinational intervals between known genes had to
contain vast amounts of DNA. These intervals, or gaps, could not be mapped by linkage
analysis, because there were no markers in those regions. Large numbers of additional genetic
markers were needed, which could be used to fill in the gaps to provide a higher-resolution
map. This need was met by the discovery of various kinds of molecular markers. A molecular
marker is a site of heterozygosity for some type of neutral DNA variation. Neutral variation is
that which is not associated with any measurable phenotypic variation. Such a “DNA locus,”
when heterozygous, can be used in mapping analysis just as a conventional heterozygous
allele pair can be used. Because molecular markers can be easily detected and are so
numerous in a genome, when mapped by linkage analysis, they fill the voids between genes
of known phenotype. Note that, in mapping, the biological significance of the DNA marker is
not important in itself; the heterozygous site is merely a convenient reference point that will
be useful in finding one's way around the genome. In this way, markers are being used just as
milestones were used by travelers in earlier centuries. Travelers were not interested in the
milestones (markers) themselves, but they would have been disoriented without them.
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms.
RFLPs (described in Chapters 1, 5, and 13)
were the first neutral DNA markers to be applied to genome mapping by recombinant
DNA markers based on variable numbers of shortsequence repeats. Although RFLPs were
the first DNA markers to have been generally used in genomic characterization, in the
analysis of animal and plant genomes, they have now been largely replaced by markers based
on variation in the number of short tandem repeats. These markers are collectively called
simple-sequence length polymorphisms (SSLPs). SSLPs have two basic advantages over
RFLPs. First, in regard to RFLPs, usually only one or two “alleles,” or morphs, are found in a
pedigree or population under study. This limits their usefulness; it would be better to have a
larger number of alleles that could act as specific tags for a larger variety of homologous
chromosomal regions. The SSLPs fill this need because multiple allelism is much more
common, and as many as 15 alleles have been found for one locus. Second, the heterozygosity
for RFLPs can be low; in other words, if one allele of a locus is relatively uncommon in
relation to the other allele, the proportion of heterozygotes (the crucial individuals useful in
mapping) will be low. However, SSLPs, in addition to having more alleles, show much higher
levels of heterozygosity, which makes them more useful than RFLPs in mapping because
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
heterozygotes are the basis for recombination analysis. Two types of SSLPs are now routinely
used in genomics.
1. Minisatellite markers. Minisatellite markers are based on variation in the number of tandem
repeats (VNTRs). A DNA fingerprint is an array of bands in a Southern hybridization of a
restriction digest (Figures 14-3 and 14-4). The individual bands of the DNA fingerprint
represent different-sized DNA sequences at many different chromosomal positions. If parents
differ for a particular band, then this difference becomes a heterozygous (“plus/minus”) locus
that can be used in mapping. A simple example is shown in Figure 14-5. This same technique
can be applied in most organisms with repetitive DNA.
2. Microsatellite markers. Recall that microsatellite DNA is a class of repetitive DNA based
on dinucleotide repeats. The most common type consists of repeats of CA and its complement
GT, as in the following example:
Probes for detecting these segments are made with the help of the polymerase chain reaction
(PCR; see Chapter 12). First, digestion of human DNA with the restriction enzyme AluI
results in fragments with an average length of 400 bp, and these fragments are cloned into an
M13 phage vector. Phages with (CA)n/(GT)n inserts are identified by hybridizing with a
(CA)n/(GT)n probe. Positive clones are sequenced, and PCR primer pairs are designed on the
basis of sequences flanking the repetitive tract:
The primers are used to amplify DNA with the use of genomic DNA as a substrate. An
individual primer pair will amplify its own repetitive tract and any size variants of it in DNAs
from different individuals. A high proportion of PCR primer pairs reveals at least three
marker “alleles” of different-sized amplification products. An example of the microsatellite
mapping technique is shown in Figure 14-6. Thousands of primer pairs can be made that
likewise detect thousands of marker loci. The latest microsatellite marker map of human
chromosome 1 is shown in Figure 14-7.
Note some differences in the convenience of RFLP and SSLP analyses. RFLP analysis
requires a specific cloned probe to be on hand in the laboratory for the detection of each
individual marker locus. Microsatellite analysis requires a primer pair for each marker locus,
but these primer sequences can be easily shared throughout the world—distributed by
electronic mail and rapidly constructed by using a DNA synthesizer. Minisatellite analysis
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
requires just one probe that detects the core sequence of the repetitive element at loci
anywhere in the genome.
Together, the discovery of RFLP and SSLP markers has enabled the construction of a human
genetic map with centimorgan [cM, or map unit (m.u.)] density. Although such resolution is a
remarkable achievement, a centimorgan is still a huge segment of DNA, estimated in humans
to be 1 megabase (1 Mb = 1 million base pairs, or 1000 kb). Currently, even higher resolution
genetic maps are being developed on the basis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
An SNP is a single base-pair site within the genome at which more than one of the four
possible base pairs is commonly found in natural populations. Several hundred thousand SNP
sites are being identified and mapped on the sequence of the genome, providing the densest
possible map of genetic differences.
Meiotic recombination analysis of loci of genes with known phenotypic effect, RFLP
markers, and SSLP markers has resulted in a map of the human genome that is
saturated down to the 1 centimorgan (1 map unit) level. SNP analysis promises even
greater resolution.
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs).
A single PCR primer designed at
random will often by chance amplify several different regions of the genome. The single
sequence “finds” DNA bracketed by two inverted copies of the primer sequence. The result is
a set of different-sized amplified bands of DNA (Figure 14-8). In a cross, some of the
amplified bands may be unique to one parent, in which case they can be treated as
heterozygous (+/−) loci and used as molecular markers in mapping analysis. Notice, too, that
the set of amplified DNA fragments (called a RAPD, pronounced “rapid”) is yet another type
of DNA fingerprint that can be used to characterize an individual organism. Such identity tags
can be very useful in routine genetic analysis or in population studies.
In situ hybridization.
If a cloned gene is available, it can be used to make a labeled probe for hybridization to
chromosomes in situ. If the individual chromosomes of the genomic set are recognizable
through their banding patterns, size, arm ratio, or other cytological feature, then the new gene
can be assigned to the chromosome to which it hybridizes. Furthermore, the locus of
hybridization reveals a rough chromosomal position.
Commonly used probe labels are radioactivity and fluorescence. In the process of
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), the clone is labeled with a fluorescent dye, and a
partially denatured chromosome preparation is bathed in the probe. The probe binds to the
chromosome in situ, and the location of the cloned fragment is revealed by a bright
fluorescent spot (Figure 14-9). An extension of FISH is chromosome painting. Sets of cloned
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
DNA known to be from specific chromosomes or specific chromosome regions are labeled
with different fluorescent dyes. These dyes then “paint” specific regions and identify them
under the microscope (Figure 14-10). If a clone of a gene of unknown location is labeled with
yet another dye, its position can be established in the painted array.
Rearrangement breakpoints.
We shall see in Chapter 17 that mutant alleles giving a new observable phenotype are
sometimes caused by a chromosomal rearrangement. Usually such mutations trace to a
chromosome break that is part of the rearrangement and that splits the gene in two, disrupting
vital coding or regulatory sequences. If the break can be seen or mapped to known markers by
recombination analysis, then this information can be used to assign a gene to a position on a
cytogenetic map of a chromosome. One helpful feature of rearrangement breaks is that they
also serve as molecular landmarks. When cloned DNA spanning a break has been identified,
the break is easily detected on Southern blots as the loss of an expected band and the
appearance of two novel bands.
Radiation hybrid mapping.
The technique that is used to localize genes to individual chromosomes can be extended to
obtain map loci. One important extension is radiation hybrid mapping. This technique was
designed to produce a higher-resolution map of molecular markers along a chromosome. The
procedure is to X-ray treat human cells to fragment the chromosomes and then fuse the
irradiated cells with the rodent cells to form a panel of different hybrids. In this case, the
hybrids have an assortment of fragments of human chromosomes, as diagrammed in Figure
14-11. Most of the fragments are seen to be embedded in the rodent chromosomes, but
truncated human chromosomes also can be found. First, the frequency of various human
molecular markers in the hybrids is calculated. The next step is to calculate the frequency of
the co-occurrence of pairs of human molecular markers. Closely linked markers are assumed
to be incorporated at high frequencies because the probability that an X-irradiation-induced
break will occur between the loci is low. Distant markers and markers on different
chromosomes should be present at frequencies close to the product of individual frequencies.
A mapping unit cR3000 is calculated, which has been calibrated to approximately 0.1 cM
A standard panel in the range of 100 to 200 radiation hybrids is quite straightforward to obtain.
Such a panel is sufficient to obtain a high-resolution cR3000 map of the human genome, which
would have 10-fold greater resolution than the current centimorgan genetic map. One
downside of the technique is that it is limited to those markers for which human–rodent
differences are available.
Correlation of human markers and chromosomes in hybrid rodent–human cell lines
allows chromosomal assignment of the markers. The co-occurrence of different
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
human markers in X-irradiated hybrids allows high-resolution mapping of the
chromosomal loci of the markers.
In this section on marker mapping, we have encountered techniques based on widely differing
premises—for example, meiotic crossover frequency and radiation-induced breakage. Hence,
even though these maps give the same order of markers, distances between markers on one
map may not be proportional to distances between markers on another map.
Physical mapping of genomes
A further increase in mapping resolution is accomplished by manipulating cloned DNA
fragments directly. Because DNA is the physical material of the genome, the procedures are
generally called physical mapping. One goal of physical mapping is to identify a set of
overlapping cloned fragments that together encompass an entire chromosome or an entire
genome. The resulting physical map is useful in three ways. First, the genetic markers carried
on the clones can be ordered and hence contribute to the overall genome mapping process.
Second, when the contiguous clones have been obtained, they represent an ordered library of
DNA sequences that can be exploited for future genetic analysis—for example, to correlate
mutant phenotypes with disruptions of specific molecular regions. Third, these clones form
the raw material that will be sequenced in large-scale genome projects.
In the preparation of physical maps of genomes, vectors that can carry very large inserts are
naturally the most useful. Cosmids, YACs (yeast artificial chromosomes), BACs (bacterial
artificial chromosomes), and PACs (phage P1-based artificial chromosomes) have been the
main types. Cosmids and YACs were introduced in Chapters 12 and 13. BACs (Figure 14-12)
are based on the 7-kb F plasmid of E. coli. Recall that F can carry large fragments of E. coli
DNA as F′ derivatives (Chapter 7). In a similar manner, as cloning vectors, they can also carry
inserts of fragments of foreign DNA as large as 300 kb, although the average is about 100 kb.
PACs are produced by a type of engineering similar to that of phage P1; they carry inserts
comparable to those of BACs.
Although the maximum insert sizes of BACs and PACs are not as large as those of YACs, the
former types have several advantages over YACs. First, they can be amplified in bacteria and
isolated and manipulated simply with basic bacterial plasmid technology. Second, BACs and
PACs form fewer hybrid inserts than YACs do. Hybrid inserts are composed of several
different fragments; their presence can thwart attempts to order the clones.
However, despite these useful vectors, the task of genomic cloning is a daunting one. Even
so-called small genomes still contain huge amounts of DNA. Consider, for example, the
100-Mb genome of the tiny nematode Caenorhabditis elegans; because an average cosmid
insert is about 40 kb, at least 2500 cosmids would be required to embrace this genome, and
many more would be required to narrow the number to such a complete set. YACs can
contain on the order of 1 Mb, so here the task is somewhat simpler.
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
Cloning a whole genome begins by amassing a large number of randomly cloned inserts. The
contents of these clones must be characterized in some way, and overlaps must be determined.
A set of overlapping clones is called a contig. In the early phases of a genome project, contigs
are numerous and represent cloned “islands” of the genome. But, as more and more clones are
characterized, contigs enlarge and merge into one another, and eventually the project should
end up with a set of contigs that equals the number of chromosomes.
Chromosome-specific libraries.
If a library of clones is prepared from total genomic DNA, then contig development is
relatively slow. However, if a specific chromosome can be used to develop the library of
clones, contigs emerge more rapidly. PFGE can be used to isolate individual chromosomes (if
they are small) or chromosome fragments cut with “long-cutter” enzymes such as NotI. Flow
sorting is another option for preparing DNA of a specific chromosome. Chromosomes (such
as human chromosomes) can be flow-sorted by fluorescence-activated chromosome sorting
(FACS; Figure 14-13). In this procedure, metaphase chromosomes are stained with two dyes,
one of which binds to AT-rich regions and the other to GC-rich regions. Cells are disrupted to
liberate whole chromosomes into liquid suspension. This suspension is converted into a spray
in which the concentration of chromosomes is such that each spray droplet contains one
chromosome. The spray passes through laser beams tuned to excite the fluorescence. Each
chromosome produces its own characteristic fluorescence signal, which is recognized
electronically, and two deflector plates direct the droplets containing the specific chromosome
needed into a collection tube.
Genomic cloning proceeds by assembling clones into overlapping groups called
contigs. As more data accumulate, the contigs become equivalent to whole
Several different techniques are used to order genomic clones into contigs. We shall consider
some of the main ones.
Ordering by FISH.
If good chromosomal landmarks are known, FISH analysis can be used to locate the
approximate positions of the large inserts. Figure 14-14 shows results of a FISH analysis that
generates a rough ordering of BACs and PACs in human chromosomes.
Ordering by clone fingerprints.
The genomic insert carried by a vector has its own unique sequence, which can be used to
generate a DNA fingerprint. For example, a multiple restriction-enzyme digestion can
generate a set of bands whose number and positions are a unique “fingerprint” of that clone.
The different bands generated by separate clones can be aligned either visually or by using a
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
computer program to determine if there is any overlap between the inserted DNAs. In this
way, the contig can be built up.
Ordering by sequence-tagged sites.
Unique short sequences of large cloned inserts can be used as tags to align the various clones
into contigs. For example, if clone A has tags 1 and 2 and clone B has tags 2 and 3, clones A
and B must overlap in the region of tag 2. The practical procedure is to amass a large set of
random clones with small genomic inserts (say, in λ phage) and sequence short regions of
each. From these sequences, pairs of PCR primers are designed that will amplify the short
specific sequence of DNA flanked by the primers. These short DNA sequences are known as
sequence-tagged sites (STSs). Even though initially the location of these STSs in the genome
is not known, a panel of many STSs can be used to characterize clones with large genomic
inserts (such as YAC clones). The clones that are shown to have specific STSs in common
must have overlapping inserts and therefore can be aligned into contigs. An example of this
process is shown in Figure 14-15.
Short stretches of sequence are sometimes obtained from cDNA clones. These stretches are
known as expressed sequence tags (ESTs). ESTs are obtained by sequencing into the cDNA
insert by using a primer based on the vector sequence. They can be used to align the cDNAs
on the contig, thus anchoring the gene map to the physical map. Further, if part of the open
reading frame (ORF) of the transcript is contained within the EST, the “virtual” translation of
the ORF can provide a “sneak preview” of the function of the protein encoded by the mRNA
from which the cDNA was derived.
The combination of these physical methods has resulted in the cloning of whole genomes of
several organisms. For example, the C. elegans genome is now available as sets of cosmid or
YAC contigs. Furthermore, the DNA of the contigs has been arranged on nitrocellulose filters
in ordered arrays; so, to find out where a specific piece of DNA of interest lies in the genome,
that DNA is used as a probe on the contig filters, and a positive hybridization signal
announces the precise location of the DNA (Figure 14-16).
An example: cloning and mapping the human Y chromosome.
Several of the smaller human chromosomes have been fully cloned as overlapping sets of
YAC clones (contigs). We shall examine the cloning of the Y chromosome as an example
because it illustrates several of the techniques of physical mapping. The STS map of the Y
chromosome was in fact obtained by two different methods—YAC alignment and deletion
YAC alignment.
Flow sorting yielded a sample of Y chromosomes, from which λ clones
were made. From clones that did not contain repetitive DNA, STS primers were designed. In
all, 160 primer pairs were made. A Y chromosome YAC library of 10,368 clones was
obtained in which the average insert size was 650 kb. From these numbers, each point on the
Y chromosome was estimated to have been sampled an average of four times. The YAC
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
clones were divided into 18 pools of 576 YACs, and the pools were screened with the STS
primers. Subdivision of positive pools led rapidly to the assignment of a particular STS to
specific YACs. The total STS content of each YAC was assessed, and overlaps between the
YACs were determined in the same way as that shown in the generalized example in Figure
Deletion analysis.
Various types of Y chromosome deletions occur naturally. For example,
some XX males contain truncated fragments of the Y, whereas some XY females have
deletions of the region containing the maleness (testis-determining) gene (see Chapters 2 and
23). These Y deletions were maintained in cell culture and formed the basis for aligning the Y
chromosome STSs. Each deletion was tested for STS content. Because by nature the deletions
were nested sets, the STS content could be used not only to develop an STS map, but also to
map the coverage of the deletions. The principle is illustrated in Figure 14-17. The STS maps
produced by YAC alignment and by deletion analysis were identical.
Clones can be arranged into contigs by matching DNA fingerprints, by matching short
sequences within cloned segments, and by analyzing deletions.
Genome sequencing
Several different strategies have been successfully applied to genome projects. Their
advantages and disadvantages depend on the size and complexity of the genome. Of particular
importance is the frequency of repetitive DNA in the genome.
Random clone sequencing.
The first genome to be cloned was that of the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae. Genomic
DNA was mechanically sheared and used to obtain a large number of random clones that
were presumed to overlap each other in numerous ways. Primers based on adjacent vector
DNA were used to sequence short regions at the ends of the cloned Haemophilus inserts.
Then these short sequences were used (much like sequence-tagged sites) to align the genomic
clones. Because so many random short sequences were obtained, together they encompassed
most of the Haemophilus genome. Gaps were filled in by “primer walking”; that is, by using
the end of a cloned sequence as a primer to sequence into adjacent uncloned fragments.
Sequencing ordered clones.
Most genomic sequencing programs start with a set of ordered clones. We have seen that an
ordered set of YAC clones was developed for the human Y chromosome and other human
chromosomes. However, YAC clones are not suitable for sequencing directly. YACs are
subcloned into overlapping BACs or PACs. The BACs or PACs are again aligned into contigs
by using STSs or the alignment of clone fingerprints. The BAC or PAC clones are again
subcloned into smaller inserts for sequencing. At this level, multiple overlapping clones are
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
sequenced randomly (without establishing clone alignment) so that any BAC or PAC clone is
sequenced as many as five times in all.
Sequencing unordered clones.
One current strategy is to sequence the two ends of cloned genomic fragments from
sequencing primers at the ends of the vector. If the length of the sequenced stretches and the
lengths of the cloned fragments are sufficiently long, these sequences can be compiled to
create long contiguous stretches of sequence that can extend over repetitive DNAs contained
within the genome (see Chapters 3 and 20 for a discussion of transposable elements and other
repetitive DNAs). The advantage of such a strategy is that the time- and labor-intensive
process of clone mapping is avoided. This strategy is currently being tested for the Drosophila
and human genomes.
All stages of genomic analysis can be speeded up by automation. The preparation of clones,
DNA isolation, electrophoresis, and sequencing protocols have all been adapted to machines.
An example of this “high throughput” machinery is shown in Figure 14-18.
Using genome maps for genetic analysis
Genetic and physical maps are an important starting point for several types of genetic analysis,
including gene isolation (including human disease genes) and functional genomics.
Isolating human disease genes by positional cloning.
We shall follow the methods used to identify the genomic sequence of the cystic fibrosis (CF)
gene as an example. No primary biochemical defect was known at the time that the gene was
isolated, so it was very much a gene in search of a function. Linkage to molecular markers
had located the gene to the long arm of chromosome 7, between bands 7q22 and 7q31.1. The
CF gene was thought to be inside this region, flanked by the gene met (a proto-oncogene; see
Chapter 22) at one end and a molecular marker, D788, at the other end. But between these
markers lay 1.5 centimorgans (map units) of DNA, a vast uncharted terrain of 1.5 million
bases. Additional markers within the region were obtained by using new probes derived from
a chromosome 7 library made by flow sorting.
However, the two key techniques that were used to traverse the huge genetic distances were
chromosome walking (Chapter 13) and a related technique called chromosome jumping. The
latter technique provides a way of jumping across potentially unclonable areas of DNA and
generates widely spaced landmarks along the sequence that can be used as initiation points for
multiple bidirectional chromosomal walks.
Chromosome jumping is illustrated in Figure 14-19. In this procedure, large fragments are
created by partial restriction cleavage of the DNA in the region believed to contain the gene
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
of interest. Each DNA fragment is then circularized, thus bringing the beginning and end of
the fragment together. This junction is cut out and cloned into a phage vector, which together
with the other junction segments make up a jumping library. A probe from the beginning of
the stretch of DNA under investigation can be used to screen the jumping library to find the
clone that contains the beginning sequence. When this clone is found, the other end of the
junction sequence is excised and used to screen the library again to make a second jump.
From each jump position, chromosome walks can be made in both directions to search for
genelike sequences.
A restriction map of the overall region was obtained with rare-cutting restriction enzymes,
and the restriction sites were used to position and orient the sequences obtained from jumping
and walking. When enough sequencing had been done to cover representative parts of the
overall region, the hunt for any genes along this stretch began. Genes were sought by several
techniques. First, human genes were known to be generally preceded at the 5′ end by clusters
of cytosines and guanines, called CpG islands, and several of these clusters were found.
Second, it was reasoned that a gene would show homology to the DNA of other animals,
because of evolutionary conservation, so candidate sequences were used to probe what were
called zoo blots of genomic DNA from a range of animals. Third, genes should have
appropriate start and stop signals. Fourth, genes should be transcribed, and transcripts should
be found.
Ultimately, a strong candidate gene was found spanning 250 kb of the region. Some CF
symptoms are expressed in sweat glands; so, from cultured sweat gland cells, cDNA was
prepared, and a 6500-nucleotide cDNA homologous to the candidate gene was detected. On
sequencing this cDNA in normal and CF patients, the cDNA of the patients showed the
deletion of three base pairs, eliminating a phenylalanine from the protein. Therefore it was
very likely that this was the CF coding sequence. Thus the CF gene had been found. From its
cDNA nucleotide sequence, an amino acid sequence was inferred. In turn, from this inferred
sequence, the three-dimensional structure of the protein was predicted. This protein is
structurally similar to ion-transport proteins in other systems, suggesting that a transport
defect is the primary cause of CF. When used to transform mutant cell lines from CF patients,
the wild-type gene restored normal function; this phenotypic “rescue” was the final
confirmation that the isolated sequence was in fact the CF gene.
The candidate-gene approach.
Inevitably, intensive cloning and sequence-level characterization of a chromosomal region
reveal the presence of genes of unknown function. If a gene of interest such as a disease gene
is mapped to that chromosomal region, then these “orphan” gene sequences become candidate
genes for the disease gene. This procedure is termed the candidate-gene approach to gene
isolation. Knowledge about the gene's phenotype such as biochemical defect and pattern of
tissue expression can be matched to the sequence domains and tissue expression of the
candidate gene. The method works in the opposite direction, too; the domains and tissue
expression of randomly sequenced genes often suggest a possible disease-gene phenotype.
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
Cloning is made easier by the availability of a set of overlapping genomic clones.
Genes underlying complex inheritance patterns.
Most of the contrasting phenotypes analyzed in this book are determined simply by alleles of
a single gene. However, many phenotypes are determined in a complex manner. Here two
situations can be distinguished.
First the phenotypic variation may be quantitative (Chapters 1 and 25), and the characters
(traits) are called quantitative traits. Examples are metric characters such as height and weight.
This type of variation is thought to be based on the cumulative interaction between 1 and −
alleles of several genes and the environment. The availability of thousands of molecular
markers such as SSLPs arranged along all the chromosomes of a genome has made it possible
to map some of the genes that contribute to quantitative variation, whose loci are called
quantitative trait loci, abbreviated QTLs. The approach is to take two lines that show widely
contrasting phenotypes for a quantitative trait and to interbreed these lines to generate
homozygous descendants that contain only one segment or a small number of segments from
one line, as shown in Figure 14-20. (These segments can be identified by the SSLP alleles that
they carry.) Such hybrid individuals are then assessed for their quantitative phenotype, and
estimates are made of the contributions (or lack of contribution) of specific segments to the
observed variation. The average phenotype of lines with, say, region A is compared with the
average of lines lacking region A; if there is a difference, region A becomes a candidate for
containing a QTL. Ideally, a derived pure line would carry only one QTL, and then in
backcrosses to the appropriate parent this QTL would segregate in a monohybrid manner. The
QTL can then be mapped precisely by recombination with SSLP markers.
The second situation is a type of discontinuous variation that is not inherited as a simple
Mendelian allele. Examples are all-or-none phenotypes such as epilepsy, heart disease,
diabetes, and Alzheimer disease. Here the model for inheritance is again alleles of one to
several contributing genes plus a large environmental component. However, to produce
discontinuous phenotypes, these factors seem to contribute to a type of cellular or organismal
“threshold” beyond which the disorder is expressed. These conditions also are amenable to
gene identification by using the approach shown in Figure 14-20, and several complex trait
loci have been identified in experimental organisms and humans. In humans, studies on
isolated populations with little genetic variation are particularly useful in identifying the
contributing loci. In the future, SNP analysis promises to accelerate the mapping of complex
Functional genomics
Large-scale sequence data are the beginning of functional genomics. The following sections
show some of the analyses that can be performed to investigate function.
Characterize the proteome by ORF analysis
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
The genomic DNA sequence is analyzed by computer gene-prediction software that, among
other things, examines each of the six reading frames of all sequences and searches for
segments beginning with the translational start codon AUG and ending with a stop codon.
Any open reading frames of at least 100 codons are candidates for genes. Most ORFs are
completely novel, not corresponding to any familiar gene with alleles producing identifiable
phenotypes. The ORFs can be analyzed for function initially by using the computer to search
data bases to look for full or partial homology to known genes characterized in other
organisms. The location, orientation, and clustering of ORFs also are important genomic
information. Examples from Haemophilus and Saccharomyces are shown in Figures 14-21
and 14-22. A provisional proteome gene distribution can be deduced from such analysis, as
shown in Figure 14-23. In higher eukaryotes, in which introns are common features of
transcripts, predicting from ORF genomic DNA is more difficult.
Gene disruption knockouts
ORF function can be investigated by systematically knocking out the gene by in vitro
mutagenesis and then looking for any possible mutant phenotype that might provide clues
about function. This process is underway in the fully sequenced genomes. Interestingly, many
knocked-out ORFs show no phenotypic effects. More than half of the predicted ORFs may
fall into this category.
The study of gene interactions by the yeast two-hybrid system
This method investigates interaction with the use of a two-plasmid system in yeast. The basis
for the test is the yeast GAL4 transcriptional activator. This protein has two domains, a
DNA-binding domain and an activation domain, both of which must be in close juxtaposition
in order for the protein to initiate transcription. A gene for one protein under investigation is
spliced next to the GAL4 DNA-binding domain on one plasmid and acts as “bait.” On another
plasmid a gene for another protein being tested is spliced to the activation domain; this
protein is said to be the “target” (Figure 14-24). The two plasmids are then introduced into the
same cell. One way of doing so is to mate haploid cells containing bait and target. The only
way in which the GAL4 binding and activation domains can come together is if the bait and
target proteins bind to each other, demonstrating a physical interaction. The two-hybrid
system can be automated to facilitate large-scale hunting for protein interactions throughout
the proteome.
The study of developmental regulation by using DNA chips
DNA chips are about to revolutionize genetics in the same way that silicone chips
revolutionized the computer industry. DNA chips are samples of DNA laid out in regimented
arrays bound to a glass “chip” the size of a microscope cover slip.
One protocol is as follows. Robotic machines with multiple printing tips resembling miniature
fountain pen nibs deliver microscopic droplets of DNA solution to specific positions
(addresses) on the chip. The DNA is dried and treated so that it will bind to the glass.
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
Thousands of samples can be applied to one chip. Commonly, the array of DNAs are known
cDNAs from different genes. In principle, all the cDNAs of the entire genome could be
arrayed on chips. The chips are exposed to a heterogeneous labeled cDNA sample made from
total mRNA isolated at some specific stage of development. Fluorescent label is used, and the
binding of the probe molecules to the glass chip is monitored automatically by laser beams. A
typical result is shown in Figure 14-25a. In this way, the genes that are active at any stage of
development or under any environmental condition can be assayed. Once again the idea is to
identify protein networks that are active in the cell at any particular stage of interest. Figure
14-26 shows an example of a developmental expression sequence.
Another protocol loads the chip with an array of oligonucleotides synthesized nucleotide by
nucleotide on the chip itself (Figure 14-27). The glass is first covered with protecting groups
that prevent DNA deposition. A mask is placed on the glass with holes corresponding to the
sites of deposition. Then laser beams are shone onto the holes where synthesis is to begin. The
light knocks off the protecting groups. Then the glass is bathed in the first nucleotide to be
deposited. Each nucleotide carries its own protection group, which can be knocked off for the
second round of deposition. Hence, by the sequential application of the appropriate masks and
bathing sequences, arrays of different nucleotides can be built up. For studying genomic
function, these oligonucleotides could be identifying sequences of genes, such as ESTs. As
before, the completed array is bathed in fluorescent probe. Binding to an oligonucleotide
array is shown in Figure 14-23b.
Note that these DNA array methods basically take an approach to genetic dissection that is an
alternative to mutational analysis. Under either method, the goal is to define the set of genes
or proteins that are important to any specific process under study. Traditional mutational
analysis does this by amassing mutations that affect a specific process under study; chip
technology does it by detecting the specific mRNAs that are transcribed during that process.
DNA chips can also be used to detect mutations. Oligonucleotides can be prepared that are
complementary to all possible simple mutational changes in a genetic region under analysis.
Alternatively, oligonucleotides complementary to all the known mutations in a human gene
(such as a breast cancer gene) can be arrayed on the chip.
Genomics is the branch of genetics that deals with the systematic molecular characterization
of genomes. Some of the methods used are traditional genetic-mapping procedures; in
addition, specialized techniques have been developed for manipulating the large amounts of
DNA in a genome. Genomic analysis is important for two reasons: (1) it represents a way of
obtaining an overview of the genetic architecture of an organism and (2) it forms a set of
basic information that can be used to find new genes such as those responsible for human
disease. Genomic analysis generally proceeds from low-resolution analysis to techniques with
higher resolution. Initially, genes must be assigned to chromosomes, which can be achieved
with a variety of techniques including linkage to standard markers, in situ hybridization,
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
pulsed field gel electrophoresis, and human–rodent cell hybridization. The arrangement of
loci along a chromosome can be determined by using various types of meiotic recombination
mapping and (in humans) X-irradiated hybrids. Particularly useful are molecular markers that
can fill in the gaps between genes of known phenotypic association. RFLPs, SSLPs, and
RAPDs all provide heterozygous loci that can be used as molecular marker loci in mapping.
The highest level of genomic resolution is physical mapping of DNA fragments. Most useful
are fragments that have been cloned in vectors that carry large DNA inserts, such as cosmids,
YACs, and BACs. The goal of physical mapping is to produce a set of overlapping clones that
encompass an entire chromosome or an entire genome. Sequence-tagged sites are particularly
useful in aligning overlapping cosmids into contigs. As more clones are characterized, contigs
grow to the size of entire chromosomes. Expressed sequence tags can slot functional genes
into the genomic map. Genomic maps have been used in the positional cloning of human
disease genes of unknown function. The maps have provided suitable starting points for
chromosome walking and jumping. Genomic sequencing often reveals genes that have never
been associated with a phenotype; such genes must be investigated by doing gene disruptions
to check for a possible mutant phenotype. Functional genomics uses a variety of approaches
such as defining all ORFs, the use of gene knockouts to probe gene function, the yeast
two-hybrid system to look for gene interaction, and DNA microarrays to determine which
genes are transcribed.
Solved Problems
1. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked recessive human disease affecting
muscles. Six small boys had DMD, together with various other disorders, and they were
found to have small deletions of the X chromosome, as shown here:
a. On the basis of this information, which chromosomal region most likely contains the
gene for DMD?
b. Why did the boys show other symptoms in addition to DMD?
c. How would you use DNA samples from these six boys and DNA from unaffected boys
to obtain an enriched sample of DNA containing the gene for DMD, as a prelude to cloning
the gene?
See answer
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
a. The only region that all the deletions are lacking is the chromosomal region labeled 5, so
this region presumably contains the gene for DMD.
b. The other symptoms probably result from the deletion of the other regions surrounding the
DMD region.
c. If the DNA from all the DMD deletions is denatured (that is, its strands separated) and
bound to some kind of filter, the normal DNA can be cut by shearing or by
restriction-enzyme treatment, denatured, and passed through the filter containing the deleted
DNA. Most DNA will bind to the filter, but the region-5 DNA will pass through. This
process can be repeated several times. The filtrate DNA can be cloned and then used in a
FISH analysis to see if it binds to the DMD X chromosomes. If not, it becomes a candidate
for the DMD-containing sequence.
1. From in situ hybridizations, five different YACs containing genomic fragments were
known to hybridize to one specific chromosome band of the human genome. Genomic
DNA was digested with a long-cutter restriction enzyme, and radioactively labeled YACs
were each hybridized to blots of the digest. The autoradio-gram was as follows:
a. Use these results to order the three hybridized restriction fragments.
b. Show the locations of the YACs in relation to the three genomic restriction fragments in
part a.
Unpacking the Problem
1. State two types of hybridization used in genetics. What type of hybridizations are used in
this problem, and what is the molecular basis for such hybridizations? (Draw a rough
sketch of what happens at the molecular level during hybridization.)
2. How are in situ hybridizations done in general? How would the specific in situ
hybridizations in this problem be done (as in the first sentence)?
3. What is a YAC?
4. What are chromosome bands, and what procedure is used to produce them? Sketch a
chromosome with some bands and show how the in situ hybridizations would look.
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
5. How would five different YACs have been shown to hybridize to one band?
6. What is a genomic fragment? Would you expect the five YACs to contain the same
genomic fragment or different ones? How do you think these genomic fragments were
produced (what are some general ways of fragmenting DNA)? Does it matter how the DNA
was fragmented?
7. What is a restriction enzyme?
8. What is a long cutter? If you do not know what a long cutter is, what do you think it
might be, and does your guess make sense of this part of the problem? If not, refer to
discussions of long cutters in the chapter.
9. Why were the YACs radioactively labeled? (What does it mean to radioactively label
10. What is an autoradiogram?
11. Write a sentence that uses the words DNA, digestion, restriction enzyme, blot,
12. Explain exactly how the pattern of dark bands shown in the problem was obtained.
13. Approximately how many kilobases of DNA are in a human genome?
14. If human genomic DNA were digested with a restriction enzyme, roughly how many
fragments would be produced? Tens? Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds
of thousands?
15. Would all these DNA fragments be different? Would most of them be different?
16. If these fragments were separated on an electrophoretic gel, what would you see if you
added a DNA stain to the gel?
17. How does your answer to question 16 compare with the number of autoradiogram bands
in the diagram?
18. Part a of the problem mentions “three hybridized restriction fragments.” Point to them
in the diagram.
19. Would there actually be any restriction fragments on an autoradiogram?
20. Which YACs hybridize to one restriction fragment and which YACs hybridize to two
DNA fragments?
21. How is it possible for a YAC to hybridize to two DNA fragments? Suggest two
explanations, and decide which makes more sense in this problem. Does the fact that all the
YACs in this problem bind to one chromosome band (and apparently nothing else) help
you in deciding? Could a YAC hybridize to more than two fragments?
22. Distinguish the use of the word band by cytogeneticists (chromosome microscopists)
from the use of the word band by molecular geneticists. In what way do these uses come
together in this problem? See answer
2. Three genes, leu2, ade3, and mata, were cloned in yeast. A Neurospora geneticist wanted to
find out if Neurospora had these three genes and, if so, wanted to clone the Neurospora
equivalents. As a first step to this analysis, he hybridized the clones as radioactive probes to
PFGE preparations of Neurospora chromosomes, with the following results. Which genes
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
are present in Neurospora and what chromosomes are they on?
3. A Neurospora geneticist wanted to clone the gene cys-1, which was believed to be near the
centromere on chromosome 5. Two RFLP markers (RFLP 1 and RFLP 2) were available in
that vicinity, so he made the following cross:
Then 100 ascospores were tested for RFLP and cys-1 genotypes, and the results were:
a. Is cys-1 in this region of the chromosome?
b. If so, draw a map of the loci in this region, labeled with map units.
c. What would be a suitable next step in cloning the cys-1 gene?
See answer
4. In a certain haploid fungus, there had been extensive genetic analysis, including genetic
mapping, and four linkage groups had been developed, suggesting four chromosomes.
However, the chromosomes were very small and difficult to see under the microscope, so it
was not known if there really were four chromosomes. The advent of PFGE technology
showed that there are four chromosomes. However, the linkage groups still needed to be
assigned to these chromosomes. To begin this process, a cloned gene P was used in a
Southern analysis with a PFGE preparation from wild type and from two translocations that
were known from genetic studies to be between linkage groups 1 and 4 in one case and
between 2 and 4 in the other. The results follow:
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
a. From these data, determine which of the four real chromosomes (bands) the gene is on.
b. Determine which chromosome (band) corresponds to each of the four linkage groups.
5. A cloned gene from Arabidopsis is used as a radioactive probe against DNA samples from
cabbage (in the same plant family) digested by three different restriction enzymes. For
enzyme 1, there were three radioactive bands on the autoradiogram; for enzyme 2, there
was one band; and, for enzyme 3, there were two bands. How can these results be
See answer
6. Five YAC clones of human DNA (YAC-A through YAC-E) were tested for
sequence-tagged sites STS 1 through STS 7. The results are shown in the following table,
in which a plus sign shows that the YAC contains that STS.
a. Draw a physical map showing the STS order.
b. Align the YACs into a contig.
7. Seven human–rodent radiation hybrids were obtained and tested for six different human
genome molecular markers A through F. The results are shown here, where a plus sign
indicates the presence of a marker.
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
a. What marker linkages are suggested by these results?
b. Is there any evidence of markers being on separate chromosomes?
8. A RAPD primer amplified two bands in Aspergillus nidulans haploid strain 1 and no bands
in A. nidulans strain 2 (which was from a different country). These strains were crossed,
and seven progeny were analyzed. The results were as follows:
a. Draw diagrams that explain the difference between the parents.
b. Explain the origin of the progeny and their relative frequencies.
c. Draw an example of a single tetrad from this cross, showing RAPD bands.
See answer
9. A Caenorhabditis contig for one region of chromosome 2 is as follows, where A through H
are cosmids:
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
a. A cloned gene pBR322-x hybridized to cosmids C, D, and E. What is the approximate
location of this gene x on the chromosome?
b. A cloned gene pUC18-y hybridized only to cosmids E and F. What is its location?
c. Explain exactly how it is possible for both probes to hybridize to cosmid E?
See answer
10. A certain disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant N. It was noted that some patients
carry reciprocal translocations in which one of the chromosomes is always chromosome 3
and the break is always in band 3q3.1. Four molecular probes (a through d) are known to
hybridize in situ to this band, but their order is not known. In the translocations, only
probe c hybridizes to chromosome 3 carrying a part of another chromosome, and probes a,
b, and d always hybridize to the translocated fragment of chromosome 3.
a. Draw diagrams that illustrate the meaning of these findings.
b. How would you use this information for positional cloning of the normal allele n?
c. Once n is cloned, how would you use this clone to investigate the nature of the
mutations in disease patients who do not have translocations?
11. The gene for the autosomal dominant disease shown in this pedigree is thought to be on
chromosome 4, so five RFLPs (1–5) mapped on chromosome 4 were tested in all family
members. The results are shown in the diagram; the superscripts represent different alleles
of the RFLP loci.
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Chapter 14
a. Explain how this experiment was carried out.
b. Decide which RFLP locus is closest to the disease gene (explain your logic).
c. How would you use this information to clone the disease gene?
See answer
12. A couple has three children with cystic fibrosis (CF). Their oldest son has recently
married his second cousin. He has molecular testing done to determine if there is a chance
that he may have children with CF. Three probes detecting RFLPs known to be very
closely linked to the CF gene were used to assess the genotypes in this family. Answer the
following questions, explaining your reasoning.
a. Is this man homozygous normal or a carrier?
b. Are his three normal siblings homozygous normal or carriers?
c. From which parent did each carrier inherit the disease allele?
(Problem 12 is from Tamera Western.)