Alphabet Game for 3rd Grade Junior High School

Alphabet Game for 3rd Grade Junior High School.
Divide the class into teams of four or five and give each team a number.
Begin the class with an example of what you want the teams to do. .
Write A on the blackboard and draw a circle around it. Write a sentence on the board using lots of words beginning with A.
e.g. A girl called Anne ate apples in Aomori last autumn. Circle all the words that begin with A. and tell the class “This sentence
gets 6 points".
Expain to the teams that you want them to make original sentences using words beginning with the letter that you write on the
blackboard. Every word they use that begins with the letter on the board gets one point.
Next, explain to the class that they can get bonus points if they find and correct mistakes in other teams' sentences.
Start the game! Draw a letter on the blackboard and circle it. Give the teams five minutes to make their sentences..
[While the students are making up their sentences, draw out a grid on the blackboard.]
Team No.
Bonus Points
At the end of the five minutes ask one person from each team to come to the blackboard and write their team sentences in the grid.
When they are finished, read the sentences out loud to the class one by one and award the points.
Ask the class to look for mistakes and award more points. [If you ask the students to come to the blackboard to correct the
mistakes, give them different colored chalk, so that you don't get confused when you're awarding the points.]
Write another letter and circle it on the blackboard and tell the teams to start again.
[While the teams are making up their new sentences, rub out the old sentences without rubbing out the grid lines.’]
Repeat this process till the end of class. You will usually only get through three or four letters in 45 minutes.