Syllabus Quiz

English 030; Professor Gee
Fall 2015
Syllabus Quiz
15 points
Read your syllabus to find the answers. 10 minutes.
1. (3 points) It’s 30 minutes before class starts. I just found out I have no ride to school
today, even though I need to turn in an assignment and take a quiz in English. I know
Prof. Gee does not accept late work or let me make up work from class. What should I
do right now to be professional? (2-3 sentences)
2. My daughter broke my flash drive 2 hours before my typed English assignment is due on
Blackboard. I have nothing to turn in and don’t have time to type the whole thing from
scratch. Prof. Gee doesn’t accept late work.
a. (3 points) What should I do right now to be professional? (2-3 sentences)
b. (3 points) What could I have done to prevent this problem? (2-3 sentences)
3. (3 points) What day is Assignment #2 FINAL due?
4. (3 points) How will I turn in all of my final writing assignments?