Volunteer with the American Marketing Association ‐ DC Chapter Today!
You must be an AMA-DC member to volunteer!
Not a member yet? Go to http://www.marketingpower.com/join or call (800) AMA-1150 and join today.
Step 1: Choose a volunteer level of commitment
Step 2: Choose committee(s) of interest
Step 3: Include contact information / special skills
Step 4: Fax or email your form to AMA-DC
VP / Board Member
A high-visibility position (Director)
Commitment is 15-25+ hours a month with high networking (estimate…hours may vary)
A medium-visibility position (Project Manager, Coordinator, Committee Participant)
Commitment is 10-15+ hours a month with medium networking (estimate…hours may vary)
A one-time task
Commitment is limited to a one-time event or project, usually registration or event coordination
See page 4 for full descriptions. Please note that not all committees may have open positions.
How-To Series
Professional Development
Speaker Series
Collegiate Relations
Special Interest Groups
Young Leaders
Marketing Communications
Chapter Philanthropy
Networking Lunches/Happy Hours
Satellite Socials
What special skills or marketing expertise do you bring to AMA-DC? (Sales, webmaster/HTML, fundraising,
newsletter development, event planning, brand development, etc.)
Member Name
Phone #
Email Address
AMA-DC Member #
Mailing Address
City, State Zip
Application Date
Fax this form to AMA-DC at 866.405.3923 or e-mail to volunteer@amadc.org.
AMADC Volunteer Agreement: Page 1 of 6
Volunteer Agreement
Welcome to the Volunteer Program for the American Marketing Association Washington DC Chapter. Volunteers like you
are a vital part of all aspects of the chapter’s work, and we greatly appreciate your willingness to donate your valuable
time. This agreement details what AMA-DC offers in return for your volunteer service, as well as the policies and
procedures that guide our volunteer efforts.
Please read the following provisions carefully, and sign this form to indicate your acceptance of these terms. If you have
questions or concerns, or do not understand any part of this agreement, please contact us at info@amadc.org or
703.683.4883. The AMA-DC staff and Executive Committee would be happy to answer any questions you have.
We look forward to working with you!
, understand that as a volunteer for the DC Chapter of the American Marketing Association
(AMA-DC) I have a professional and ethical responsibility to ensure that the organization does the best work possible in
pursuit of its goals. I believe in the purpose and the mission of this organization, and I will act responsibly and prudently as
its steward for the tasks I own and/or the association assigned me.
A "volunteer" is anyone who, without compensation or expectation of compensation beyond reasonable reimbursement
for approved expenses, performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of the chapter. A "volunteer" must be active
member of headquarters and chapter prior to performance of the task. Volunteers are not considered "employees" of the
As a volunteer, you will receive the following benefits in appreciation for your service to the chapter: Please note that the
scope and nature of these benefits may change from time to time. You must get prior approval before receiving discount.
Complimentary or discounted admission to some AMA-DC signature and special events where you are
assisting the chapter;
Complimentary admission to up to (2) two programming events per year for as long as you are an active
Volunteers are asked to not contact organizations or individuals on behalf of AMA-DC unless requested to do by the
committee chair, or as required to fulfill the core functions of their volunteer position. Before making any statement which
might affect or obligate the chapter, volunteers should seek prior consultation and approval from their committee chair, the
VP of MarComm or the sitting President. These actions may include, but are not limited to, public statements to the press,
coalition or partnership efforts with other organizations, or any agreements involving contractual or other financial
AMA-DC respects the privacy of its members and volunteers. Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the
confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information that obtained while serving as a volunteer. AMA-DC may take
corrective action if a volunteer fails to maintain confidentiality, regardless of whether the failure occurs by accident or by
Volunteers must treat all information they receive, directly or indirectly, relating to AMA-DC and its members or operations
as confidential unless they receive written permission otherwise. The chapter will not release a volunteer's personal
information to anyone outside of AMA-DC or to other volunteers without that volunteer's permission. We may recognize
volunteers and their contributions on the AMA-DC website and may remove any or all of this information for a particular
volunteer per that person's request.
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AMA-DC understands and expects that many volunteers will have personal and professional interests in the same areas
where the chapter operates. Volunteers are expected to act in the best interests of the chapter by disclosing potential
conflicts of interest and by excusing themselves from respective discussions.
Use of any information about AMA-DC, including membership contact information, intellectual property and other
resources for personal financial gain or with the intent to provide the data to the volunteer’s employer, clients or
associates is absolutely prohibited and is grounds for corrective action and immediate dismissal from volunteer
responsibilities. Theft of AMA member data and/or intellectual property may also result in legal action against the
Material produced by volunteers for the chapter, including but not limited to graphics materials, web page designs,
narratives, research, compilations, instructional texts becomes the property of AMA-DC. Volunteers will be recognized
and receive credit for these and any other contributions.
Volunteers may need to contact other volunteers, members and external parties with regard to their activities. We expect
all such communications to follow commonly accepted principles of etiquette, netiquette, and professional communication.
We expect volunteers to use common sense and courtesy when communicating with other members.
If at any point you receive e-mail or other communications that you feel are inappropriate, for any reason, and you believe
you have received it in conjunction with your involvement with your volunteer service with the chapter, please notify your
committee chair and the sitting President as soon as possible.
You may cease volunteering at any time. We request that you complete any volunteer assignment or make arrangements
to transition responsibilities to another volunteer/committee member prior to resigning. You may remain a member after
ceasing your volunteer role regardless of your volunteering status. Volunteers who have resigned may return to their
original project or to a different project at a later date.
Volunteers who do not adhere to the bylaws, policies and procedures governing the chapter or who fail to satisfactorily
perform their volunteer assignment are subject to dismissal. The volunteer will have an opportunity to discuss the reasons
for possible dismissal with another AMA-DC representative prior to termination. Possible grounds for dismissal may
include, but are not limited to, gross misconduct or insubordination, theft of property or misuse of chapter materials, abuse
or mistreatment of members, staff or other volunteers, failure to abide by chapter policies and procedures, and failure to
satisfactorily perform assigned duties.
By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and accept these terms & policies:
Volunteer Signature (Type or Sign Here)
Volunteer Name (Type or Print Here)
Please check off and initial below:
I certify that I am a current member in good standing with AMA-DC.
AMADC Volunteer Agreement: Page 3 of 6
Member Initial
AMA-DC Committees
The Chapter Development committee is responsible for identifying and recruiting corporate sponsors for the chapter. In
addition, Chapter Development manages the contracts for these donations (monetary and in-kind) and works with
Programming, Marketing Communications and other relevant Board members to ensure that the terms of the contracts
are fulfilled.
The Finance committee is responsible for developing the Chapter’s financial plan, managing income and expenses and
assisting other Board Members in the development and management of each committee’s budget.
The Marketing Communications committee is responsible for all external communications on behalf of the Chapter. This
includes advertising, branding, collateral development, event promotion, newsletter development, public relations, social
media engagement and Web site development/management. This committee works closely with Programming and
Membership to help communicate the Chapter’s value to a variety of stakeholders, including current and potential
members, current and potential sponsors and the news media.
The Membership committee is responsible for the recruitment and retention of AMA-DC members. To that end, the
committee manages membership drives, owns the membership database, organizes member appreciation events,
oversees the Member Benefits Program, manages the Volunteer Program and works with the local collegiate community.
Committee members represent the Chapter at events and serve as points of contact for current and potential members
with questions or concerns about the Chapter.
The Philanthropy Initiative serves to promote a culture of giving within the professional marketing community. It engages
in fundraising activities and administers the student scholarship, provides inspirational speaker and networking events -and offers nonprofit volunteer opportunities for our members to employ their professional skills in meaningful community
The Technology committee is responsible for overseeing the technologies required for the successful operation of the
Chapter, including database management and Web site development.
The Programming and Networking committees are responsible for planning the various professional development and
networking events offered by the Chapter. This planning includes developing timely and relevant topics of interest to the
membership, securing speakers, locations and food and beverage and serving as hosts of the event.
AMADC Volunteer Agreement: Page 4 of 6
American Marketing Association
Statement of Ethics
The American Marketing Association commits itself to promoting the highest standard of professional ethical
norms and values for its members (practitioners, academics and students). Norms are established standards of
conduct that are expected and maintained by society and/or professional organizations. Values represent the
collective conception of what communities find desirable, important and morally proper. Values also serve as the
criteria for evaluating our own personal actions and the actions of others. As marketers, we recognize that we not
only serve our organizations but also act as stewards of society in creating, facilitating and executing the
transactions that are part of the greater economy. In this role, marketers are expected to embrace the highest
professional ethical norms and the ethical values implied by our responsibility toward multiple stakeholders (e.g.,
customers, employees, investors, peers, channel members, regulators and the host community).
As Marketers, we must:
1. Do no harm. This means consciously avoiding harmful actions or omissions by embodying high ethical
standards and adhering to all applicable laws and regulations in the choices we make.
2. Foster trust in the marketing system. This means striving for good faith and fair dealing so as to contribute
toward the efficacy of the exchange process as well as avoiding deception in product design, pricing,
communication, and delivery of distribution.
3. Embrace ethical values. This means building relationships and enhancing consumer confidence in the
integrity of marketing by affirming these core values: honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency
and citizenship.
To be forthright in dealings with customers and stakeholders. To this end, we will:
 Strive to be truthful in all situations and at all times.
 Offer products of value that do what we claim in our communications.
 Stand behind our products if they fail to deliver their claimed benefits.
 Honor our explicit and implicit commitments and promises.
Responsibility To accept the consequences of our marketing decisions and strategies. To this end, we will:
 Strive to serve the needs of customers.
 Avoid using coercion with all stakeholders.
 Acknowledge the social obligations to stakeholders that come with increased marketing and
economic power.
 Recognize our special commitments to vulnerable market segments such as children,
seniors, the economically impoverished, market illiterates and others who may be
substantially disadvantaged.
 Consider environmental stewardship in our decision-making.
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To balance justly the needs of the buyer with the interests of the seller. To this end, we will:
Represent products in a clear way in selling, advertising and other forms of communication;
this includes the avoidance of false, misleading and deceptive promotion.
Reject manipulations and sales tactics that harm customer trust.
Refuse to engage in price fixing, predatory pricing, price gouging or “bait-and-switch” tactics.
Avoid knowing participation in conflicts of interest.
Seek to protect the private information of customers, employees and partners.
To acknowledge the basic human dignity of all stakeholders. To this end, we will:
Value individual differences and avoid stereotyping customers or depicting demographic
groups (e.g., gender, race, sexual orientation) in a negative or dehumanizing way.
Listen to the needs of customers and make all reasonable efforts to monitor and improve
their satisfaction on an ongoing basis.
Make every effort to understand and respectfully treat buyers, suppliers, intermediaries and
distributors from all cultures.
Acknowledge the contributions of others, such as consultants, employees and coworkers, to
marketing endeavors.
Treat everyone, including our competitors, as we would wish to be treated.
Transparency To create a spirit of openness in marketing operations. To this end, we will:
Strive to communicate clearly with all constituencies.
Accept constructive criticism from customers and other stakeholders.
Explain and take appropriate action regarding significant product or service risks, component
substitutions or other foreseeable eventualities that could affect customers or their perception
of the purchase decision.
Disclose list prices and terms of financing as well as available price deals and adjustments.
To fulfill the economic, legal, philanthropic and societal responsibilities that serve stakeholders.
To this end, we will:
Strive to protect the ecological environment in the execution of marketing campaigns.
Give back to the community through volunteerism and charitable donations.
Contribute to the overall betterment of marketing and its reputation.
Urge supply chain members to ensure that trade is fair for all participants, including
producers in developing countries.
We expect AMA members to be courageous and proactive in leading and/or aiding their organizations in the
fulfillment of the explicit and implicit promises made to those stakeholders. We recognize that every industry
sector and marketing sub-discipline (e.g., marketing research, e-commerce, Internet selling, direct marketing, and
advertising) has its own specific ethical issues that require policies and commentary. An array of such codes can
be accessed through links on the AMA Web site. Consistent with the principle of subsidiarity (solving issues at the
level where the expertise resides), we encourage all such groups to develop and/or refine their industry and
discipline-specific codes of ethics to supplement these guiding ethical norms and values.
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