Clinical Nurse Manager I-Private Corridor
Clinical Nurse Manager II
Director of Nursing
Current registration on the general division of An Bord Altranais
Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Demonstrate evidence of continuing professional development
Have three years post registration experience
Have a proven track record in general management
Information technology skills essential
Management qualification desirable
Domains of competence are the basis of the CNM 1 job description.
Competence is a complex multidimensional phenomenon and is defined as the ability of the Registered
Nurse to practice safely and effectively, fulfilling his/her professional responsibility within his/her
scope of practice (An Bord Altranais, 2000)
The nurse must demonstrate competence in the Domains of
- Professional /Ethical practice
- Holistic approaches to care and the integration of knowledge
- Interpersonal relationships
- Organisation and management of care
- Personal and professional development
Thus ensuring that the CNM 1 has the skills of critical analysis, problem solving, decision making,
reflective skills and abilities essential to the art and science of nursing
The primary role of the Clinical Nurse Manager I-Private Corridor is one of clinical and professional
leadership in the clinical nursing team. The post holder will
- Be a role model and will provide clinical expertise and support within the team,
- Will promote innovation and lead best practise with junior/newly appointed/newly
allocated team members
- Utilise education and training resources for the development of staff
The post holder is responsible for the efficient and effective management of the clinical area, thereby
maintaining a safe environment for patients and staff. The post holder maintains this within allocated
budget and resources. A critical element of the role is the effective liaison and communication with the
multi-disciplinary team, thus ensuring effective and efficient continuity in patient care.
The CNM 1-Private Corridor may be allocated to other clinical areas and may be required to perform
day and night duty
The CNM 1-Private Corridor is expected to maintain and enhance the Profession of Nursing in Mercy
University Hospital
Establish and maintain caring and therapeutic interpersonal relationships with individuals,
clients, groups and communities
Ensure confidentiality on all clinical and non clinical information.
Provide a high standard of professional and clinical leadership in all aspects of nursing
Deputise in the absence of the Clinical Nurse Manager II
Act as a positive and accountable role model in providing direct patient care
In consultation with the Clinical Nurse Manager II assess, plan, implement and evaluate
programmes of evidence based nursing practices.
Ensure that agreed standards of nursing care are conducted according to Mercy University
Hospital policies and procedures
Work in partnership with the CNM II in developing nurse lead initiatives and
developments that will enhance health gain for patients
Participate in the development, formulation and evaluation of guidelines, policies and
procedures and ensure a quality service
Provide supervision/direction to junior/newly appointed/newly allocated nursing and
para-nursing staff
Ensure safe storage, administration and checking of all medical preparations.
Identify training needs of staff and provide guidance and support as necessary.
Act as a contact person for patients and relatives
Ensure that hospital visiting time policies are implemented and adhered to.
Play a central role in maintaining a safe clinical environment for patients and staff
Ensure that prescribed treatments are administered and recorded accurately
Allocate staff to patients in a fair and equitable manner taking cognisance of the expertise
of staff and maximising learning opportunities for staff and students
Develop leadership skills to create a suitable environment and effective team
Ensure new members to the clinical area are made feel welcome and a have adequate
Seek help and advice from the Clinical Nurse Manager II as appropriate.
Ensure that delegation is appropriate to the skill level and knowledge of the
individual to whom the task is delegated
Ensure that all accidents / complaints are fully documented and investigated as per
hospital policies.
Attend all mandatory Safety, Health and Welfare at work educational sessions
Comply with all Health and Safety regulations
Advise Clinical Nurse Manager II as appropriate of required repairs, maintenance or
other problems in the area in relation to equipment and the environment
Ensure that all hospital policies and procedures are readily available and staff are
informed of any changes
Assess, evaluate and review the requirements of individual patient needs
Create a supportive clinical working environment in order to maintain staff morale
Be cognisant of, and ensure compliance with, job descriptions of nursing and para
nursing staff assigned to the area.
In conjunction with the CNM 2 arrange duty rosters ensuring an even distribution of
staff (Skill mix) over a 24 hour period
In conjunction with the CNM 2 co-ordinate and allocate annual and other leave for
nursing and para-nursing personnel as required
Assist in formal performance review process of staff.
Participate in ones own performance review.
Ensure the professional image of nursing is maintained, complying with all relevant
hospital policies and professional regulations and guidelines.
Ensure updated knowledge in the application of all policies dealing with emergencies
e.g major disaster, fire etc.
The CNM 1-Private Corridor will be expected to demonstrate a confidence:
In any legislation governing or affecting the nursing profession.
 In creating a safe working environment for patients and other staff, thereby
ensuring that safety codes and procedures are strictly adhered to.
 In maintaining the optimum clinical, working and learning environments
 The CNM 1-Private Corridor will be responsible for active participation in
the Nursing strategy and adherence to performance criteria in relation to:
o Evidence of patient satisfaction
o Evidence of staff satisfaction, professional development
and effective communication processes.
o Total quality management systems demonstrating an:
 Evaluation of the optimum clinical environment
 Evaluation of the optimum working environment
 Evaluation of the optimum clinical learning
Demonstrate a proactive approach to Health Promotion
- The CNM 1-Private Corridor should be equipped with the knowledge to
assist individuals, families and groups achieve optimum health,
independence, recovery or a peaceful death in a professional and a caring
Promote the optimum clinical learning environment
Educate all nursing and para-nursing staff including orientation of new staff
to develop excellent work practises
Provide learning opportunities for all staff and guide them towards research
based nursing practise
Support preceptorship programme for student nurses/newly appointed/newly
allocated nursing and para-nursing staff.
Support and participate in education, inservice programmes and journal
clubs for all staff
Facilitate new developments in nursing and encourage staff to do likewise
Identify staff mandatory in-service education requirements and ensure staff
are up to date
Ensure nursing documentation is audited weekly
Foster an environment that encourages personal and professional
development of nursing and para-nursing staff
Provide education and support to patients and relatives
The CNM1 -Private Corridor will partake in the Total Quality Management
processes thereby contributing to:
 The identification of quality/policy/guideline issues
 The evaluation of current practices against best practice
The setting of standards utilising structure, process and
The audit processes
The Hospital wide Accreditation Cycle
The National Hygiene Standards
Provide and attend ward meetings as appropriate.
Liaise with other wards and departments as appropriate to ensure that good relationships
are maintained
Develop and maintain effective communications with the multi-disciplinary teams and
provide opportunities for group discussion
Actively participate in all hospital/department staff communication forums
Demonstrate a positive and flexible attitude
Take responsibility for ones own personal development
Maintain a Professional Portfolio
Attend, participate, provide feedback from in-service programmes, lectures, seminars and
staff conferences
Maintain, update and develop knowledge of relevant professional matters..
Collaborate with the Clinical Nurse Manager II in preparing, implementing and
evaluating budget and service plans for the clinical area
Ensure that duty rosters are accurately recorded
Be proactive in monitoring and reducing absenteeism on the ward
The role of the Clinical Nurse Manager I -Private Corridor will not be limited to this outline. It is
expected that the specifics of the role will reflect the service demands of the hospital.
The extent and speed of change in the delivery of health care is such that
adaptability is essential. The hospital is at a developmental stage, therefore
this job description must be regarded as an outline of the major areas of
accountability at the present time, which will be reviewed and assessed on an
on-going basis as determined by the office of the Director of Nursing
Issued September 2008/Review January 2010/CH