Bioengineering 190A: Introduction to Bioastronautics

Bioengineering 155: Introduction to Bioastronautics
This course aims to immerse students in the fields of Bioastronautics and Human Spaceflight.
Students will gain a strong knowledge base of specific topics in Bioastronautics, an introduction
to research methods, and learn how to structure a research team. Additionally, students will
develop leadership, management, teamwork, and communication skills.
The course is divided into four “Phases”:
The Space Environment
Impacts of Microgravity on Human Physiology
Life Support Systems and Countermeasures
Mission Logistics and Planning
Faculty Sponsor
Professor Thomas F. Budinger, Bioengineering Department Chair
Lucas Zier
Office Hours: W 2:30-4pm, 30 Evans
Office Hours: TBD
General Course Questions Contact
General Information
Units: 4 units, graded or P/NP
(Note: P/NP students will complete all work except the Individual Projects)
Prerequisites: None.
What requirements does this class fulfill?
Bioengineering Core H
College of Letters & Science: Biological Sciences
Students from Astronomy, MCB, and Assorted Engineering Majors Have Successfully
Petitioned to Satisfy Elective Requirements with this Class
We are happy to help you try to get this course approved for your major, if possible
Required Texts
1) Legner, Klaus. Humans in Space and Space Biology. United Nations Office for Outer Space
Affairs, Vienna, 2003. Available online at:
2) Human Physiology in Space, published by The National Space Biomedical Research
Institute. (Provided free of charge. A $20 deposit is required and will be returned upon return of
text in original condition)
3) Netter’s Atlas of Human Physiology. J.T. Hansen and B.M. Koeppen. 2002
Bioengineering 155: Introduction to Bioastronautics
Other References This is a great reference for Space Biology. It has educational
resources, references for books and online resources, lists of education & training opportunities,
Beatty, J.; Petersen, Carolyn; Chaikin, Andrew. The New Solar System. 4th Edition. Cambridge
University Press, 1999.
Damon, Thomas. Introduction to Space: The Science of Spaceflight. 3rd Edition. Krieger
Publishing Company, 2001.
Harris, Gary. The Origins and Technology of the Advanced Extravehicular Space Suit. AAS
History Series, Volume 24. Univelt, Inc., Publishers/Distributors of books on Astronautics.
Nicogossian, Arnauld; Huntoon, Carolyn; Pool, Sam. Space Physiology and Medicine. 2nd
Edition. Lea & Febiger, 1989.
Seeds, Michael. Horizons: Exploring the Universe. 6th Edition. Brooks/Cole, 2000.
Guest Lectures
Professor Thomas Budinger, Professor of Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley
Professor Ken Diller, Biomedical Engineering Department Chair, University of Texas, Austin
Dr. Dan Feeback, Lead Muscle/Exercise Physiology Researcher, NASA Johnson Space Center
Dr. Christopher McKay, Planetary Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center
Susmita Mohanty, Managing Director/Founder, MoonFront, LLC
Amy Ross, Space Suit Engineer, NASA Johnson Space Center
Sid Sun, Deputy Director, NASA Life Sciences Division T
Lt. Col. Rex Walheim, Astronaut and Cal Alum (GO BEARS!), NASA T
Field Trips
NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas
THIS IS THE BEST FIELD TRIP EVER. We see: Astronaut Training Facilities, Space Suit
Design Laboratories, Human Physiology Research Laboratories, the Rocket Part, Space Center
Houston, and anything else I can convince NASA to let us into.
Dates: We arrive on Sunday, March 20. We spend Monday and Tuesday onsite and leave
Tuesday (March 22) night.
Cost: Each student must cover his or her own airfare (usually ~$250 - $350) and the cost of
food, souvenirs, cowboy boots, etc. Students must also pay $100 each to cover the cost of the
hotel and rental cars.
Limitations: We can only “reasonably” take 30 students. So, this will be a first-come, first-served
basis. If you drop the class, you will probably not be allowed to go on the trip.
NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California
We may also arrange a field trip to Ames, depending on student interest and time constraints.
This is also a fun trip, and we will carpool there. Here we can see the Wind Tunnels, Centrifuge,
Space Biology Labs, Aircraft Simulators, and anything else I can convince NASA to let us into.
The only costs for this trip will be gas and lunch.
Bioengineering 155: Introduction to Bioastronautics
“Quizterms” (4) – 7% each
28% of Total Grade
Individual Projects (2) – 8% each
16% of Total Grade
Team Projects (3) – 10% each
30% of Total Grade
Final Team Project
20% of Total Grade
6% of Total Grade
There are four exams, called Quizterms, in this course. Each Quizterm covers only the material
discussed in the most recent section of the course. They are as challenging as a midterm but
are only worth 5% each (like a quiz). Thus, the name: Quizterm.
Individual Projects
For the first three sections of the course, you must select an individual project to complete.
There will be three or four options for each section, and the projects address the most current
unresolved issues in Bioastronautics. When possible, your submissions will be viewed and
commented on by subject matter experts from NASA, academia, and industry. For exactly one
individual project, you must create a standards-based middle or high school-level lesson plan
based on the course content.
Team Projects and Final Team Project
For each section of the course, you will work in a team to create a research report related to the
current section’s content. You will be assigned to a team for the first three projects. Your team
will choose the topic to address, with instructor approval. Each project will consist of a written
report (as will be described in class) and an oral presentation, which will be given in special
evening sessions. For each project, you must conduct an interview with a subject matter expert.
For the final project, you will assemble your own team. The final project will be an original
research proposal related to any aspect of the course. There are three conditions for the
selected topic: it must be something that has not been done before, it must be viable, and it
must be relevant to Bioastronautics.
Attendance will be checked regularly. You are expected to attend lectures, and your grade will
suffer if you don’t. Attendance to discussion sections is not mandatory but strongly
recommended. Discussion Sections will cover the fundamental science concepts that are
addressed in lecture.
Participation is based on your interactions in class and in your teams. This class is based on
social interaction, so you are expected to ask questions and have discussions in class. Because
the class is heavily graded on Team Projects, your participation in teams will count towards your
grade. If the instructors sense you are not significantly contributing to your team projects, your
grade will suffer.
Bioengineering 155: Introduction to Bioastronautics
Space Environment
Week Of:
January 17
January 24
January 31
February 7
Impacts of Microgravity on
Human Physiology
February 14
February 21
February 28
March 7
March 21
March 28
April 4
April 11
April 18
Logistics and
Life Support Systems and
March 14
April 25
W – Course Overview, Why do We Explore Space?
F – History of Human Space Flight
M – Atmosphere: Structure and Composition
W – Atmosphere: Air and Air Pressure
F – Atmosphere: Humidity and Temperature
M – Atmosphere: Meteoroid, Orbital Debris, and Radiation Protection
W – Magnetosphere
F – Radiation Environment: Radiation and the Human Body, Dr. Thomas
Budinger, Bioengineering Professor, UC Berkeley
M – Radiation Environment: Galactic Cosmic Radiation
W – Radiation Environment: Solar Particle Events, 1st Group Project Due
M – Microgravity, 1st Individual Projects Due
W – Neurovestibular Adaptations
F – Fluid Redistribution
W – Cardiovascular System: The Heart – Dr. Thomas Budinger,
Bioengineering Professor, UC Berkeley
F – Cardiovascular System: Blood
M – Changes in the Endocrine System
W – Muscles – Dr. Dan Feeback, Lead Muscle/Exercise Physiology
Scientist, NASA JSC
F – Bones
M – Cellular Responses to Microgravity, 2nd Individual Projects Due
W – Immunology, 2nd Group Project Due
M – EMU: Component Overview and External Structure, 2nd Individual
Projects Due
W – EMU: Air Flow and Contaminant Removal
F – EMU: Mobility – Amy Ross, Space Suit Engineer, NASA JSC
SPRING BREAK: Trip to NASA Johnson Space Center
M – EMU: Temperature Regulation - Dr. Ken Diller, Biomedical
Engineering Chair, University of Texas, Austin
W – ISS/STS: Structural Overview
F – ISS/STS: Hull (Pressure, MMOD, and Radiation Protection)
M – ISS/STS: Temperature Control and Air Flow
W – ISS/STS: Water Reclamation
F – Countermeasures: Drugs
M – Countermeasures: Exercise
W – Countermeasures: Diet, 3rd Group Projects Due
M – What’s it Like in Space? – Lt. Col. Rex Walheim, Astronaut, NASA
3rd Individual Projects Due
W – Crew Psychology
F – Mission Planning
M – Human Factors
W – Space Architecture – Susmita Mohanty, Managing Director,
MoonFront, LLC
Bioengineering 155: Introduction to Bioastronautics
May 2
May 9
F – Lunar Mission Scenarios
M – Mars Mission Scenarios – Dr. Chris McKay, Planetary Scientist,
W – Private Space Flight
M – End of Class Wrap-Up