Monday, January 8, 2007 - Beaverhead County, Montana

January 8, 2007 Regular Session of the County Commissioners
The Board of Commissioners, in and for Beaverhead County, Montana, met in
session on January 8, 2007, at 9:15 a.m. Present: Chairman Garth Haugland,
Commissioner Mike McGinley, Commissioner Tom Rice, and Secretary Patti Odasz.
The minutes of the January 8, 2007 meeting were read and the following motion
was made:
MOTION: Commissioner McGinley moved and Commissioner Rice
seconded that the minutes of the January 2, 2007
meeting be approved. The motion carried unanimously.
Road Manager Richard Miller joined the meeting and submitted the Road Report
for December 31, 2006 – January 6, 2007.
Dillon Area
 Gravel was mixed and stockpiled at the Rebich Gravel Pit, GP102.
 Trees and brush were cleaned up on Rebich Lane.
 Carrigan Lane, Flynn Lane, Rebich Lane, Old Stage Road, Carter Creek
Road, Nissen Lane, Downing Lane, Sweetwater road, and Bannack Pass
were plowed with a grader.
 The paved portions of the Polaris Scenic Byway, Bannack Bench Road, and
local area roads were plowed with a truck.
 Local area roads, the Scenic Byway at Polaris, and roads in the Horse Prairie
were checked
 Equipment was serviced and repaired.
Lima Area
 Local area roads, South Valley Road, Lima Dam Road, and Sage Creek
Road were checked
 Big Sheep Creek Road, Meadow Creek Road, Nicholia Creek Road, Lima
Dam Road, and South Valley Road were plowed.
 Equipment was serviced and repaired.
January 8, 2007
Wisdom Area
 Skinner Meadows Road, Miner Lake Road, Rock Creek Road, Little Lake
Creek Road, Big Swamp Creek Road, Upper and Lower North Fork Roads,
and Twin Lakes Road were plowed.
 Brush and Trees were hauled from Rebich Lane.
 Local area roads and roads in the Jackson area were checked
 Equipment was serviced and repaired.
Richard informed the Commissioners that if La Cense wants the ownership of the
bridges on its private lane, the County will have to adopt a resolution.
Richard informed the Commissioners that Ernie Harvey has approached the
owners of the County Ditch about installing a culvert through his property on Thomsen
Avenue so that he can build. There will be a meeting today at 1:00 p.m. regarding this
matter. If a culvert is installed, Richard wants to replace the culvert across Thomsen
Avenue so that there is just one long culvert. There will be grates on each end of the
Richard has given more thought to what bridges should be submitted if the
County is awarded a preliminary bridge engineering grant. These bridges are: the
bridge across the West Bench Canal, the bridge on Anderson Lane, a bridge on Nissen
Lane, and a bridge on Old Stage Road. The bridges can be rated using the engineering
There was discussion regarding Senate Bill 78 that addresses public access.
Richard stated that Montana does not have standards for bridges across creeks.
County Attorney Marv McCann and Deputy County Attorney Kurt Steadman
joined the meeting and Richard left the meeting.
Chairman Haugland informed Marv that the DUI Task Force has received money
but there has been no budget setup for this money.
Kurt reported that he has reviewed the lease agreement between the Golf
Course and the County and that he has made no changes. Mike Crosser will be sent a
copy of this lease.
Kurt reported that he has been working with John Whittingham from Basic
Biological Services on a prevailing wage clause addendum to the Native Plant Park
Kurt informed the Commissioners that he will start working on the storm water
runoff easement for the Dillon Airport. Kurt and Marv left the meeting.
Sheriff Jay Hansen joined the meeting, distributed copies of his budget, and
reviewed it with the Commissioners.
Jay reported that the Sheriff’s sale on Ron Johnson’s property will probably not
take place. Planner Rick Hartz joined the meeting.
Jay informed the Commissioners that dispatcher training on the new E911
equipment will take place January 23 and 24. Dunn Communications will have the new
equipment installed by next week. Jay left the meeting.
Rick gave the Commissioners a copy of the final Fiscal Impact Analysis of Future
Grown Scenarios for Beaverhead County. Rick has submitted the $2,500 bill to the
Financial Administrator for payment of the County’s portion to this project.
Rick informed the Commissioners that because he has not received the
information that he needed for the Wetland/Watershed request, he will not bring this
matter before the Commissioners’ today.
Rick informed the Commissioners that at 1:00 p.m., January 19 the Big Hole
Development Standards Committee will meet to review Ed Scott’s application.
January 8, 2007
The Planning Board will not be reviewing the JDS Subdivision because the
developer of the JDS Subdivision has put a hold on it.
Rick is hoping to hold a hearing on the proposed amended Subdivision
Regulations at the end of January or the first of February.
Rick said that he feels that the County contracting to have bridge standards and
road standards developed is a good idea. Rick left the meeting.
Chairman Haugland recessed the meeting at 12:00 p.m. for the lunch break and
reconvened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. with all Commissioners in attendance.
The Commissioners worked on various individual County projects.
Chairman Haugland went over the day’s business with the news media
The Commissioners reviewed and approved the December 31, 2006 – January
6, 2007 invoices for a total of $7,618.05. The Invoice Payment Schedule is located in
the Financial Administrator’s Office.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Clerk of the Board
Chairman of the Board