Transport Purpose To detail the transport provisions of Brisbane City Plan 2014 Part 3 – Strategic Framework Theme 4: Brisbane’s highly effective transport and infrastructure Sets out the transport infrastructure to support: • the 2031 settlement pattern • safe and efficient movement for all modes • mode share targets of the Transport Plan for Brisbane Part 4 – Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP) • • • • Transport network planning provides basis for the PIP road hierarchy bicycle network Projects identified are those required to accommodate expected growth 15-20 years • Plans for trunk infrastructure now include • roads - intersection upgrades • pathways - land contribution for ‘offset’ PIP – Long Term Corridor Plan • Protects corridors along major roads to enable road widening • Applies to all major roads • Does not secure land • May seek that development is set back (condition) • Formalises Brisbane City Council’s approach Part 6 - Zones New Transport infrastructure zone precinct • Development to provide for the infrastructure that supports the functioning of the transport system including: • railway infrastructure • busway infrastructure • ferry terminals, moorings and maintenance areas • major road and cycle infrastructure not included in the road reserve. Part 7 – Neighbourhood Plans • Transport components are now in: • bicycle network overlay • road hierarchy overlay • streetscape hierarchy • priority infrastructure plan • Some detailed road planning remains • Specific road design, including road widening • Infrastructure that is not ‘trunk’ and not included in the PIP Transport Network • Transport network and policy outcomes are set out in the: • Road hierarchy overlay code and map • Bicycle network overlay code and map • Design requirements for transport network set out in: • Infrastructure design code and PSP • Subdivision code and PSP Part 8 – Bicycle Network Overlay • Protects the network and seeks contributions where appropriate • Includes RiverWalk Bicycle network classification Definition Primary cycle route A high capacity cycle route that: (a) provides for all cyclists, including high speed commuters; (b) links residential areas to major employment centres, regional activity centres and other key destinations, including public transport, educational, cultural and recreation facilities. Secondary cycle route A bicycle route that provides linkages between: (a) residential areas and primary routes; (b) suburban destinations such as schools, suburban centres, cultural activity areas and recreational facilities. Local cycle route A bicycle route that provides a link from individual properties or destinations to primary and secondary route networks Part 8 – Road Hierarchy Overlay Provide for the safe and efficient operation of the road network Road hierarchy is linked: streetscape hierarchy critical infrastructure movement network air and noise quality corridors What’s new? Roads are multi modal corridors that provide for all users Includes freight network New definition for district roads Road Hierarchy Overlay Map Freight network classification Definition Primary freight route a direct road connections for non-standard vehicles between regionally significant industrial areas and inter-regional destinations Primary freight access routes the connection between primary freight routes and freight dependant development Road classification Definition Motorway as defined by the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Arterial roads provide intra-city connections between the major designations within Brisbane and surrounding areas include the principal regional activity centres and major employment areas Suburban roads connect arterial roads through and around suburbs District roads carry through traffic between suburbs and provide access between minor roads, local centres and suburban and arterial roads Neighbourhood roads cater for local traffic and provides for connections between individual properties and local destinations Local roads provide for access to individual properties and connections to neighbourhood and district roads Part 9 - Infrastructure Design Code • Ensures that development provides transport infrastructure that is designed and constructed to: • be consistent with and links to existing transport networks • be safe • accommodate utilities • reduce impacts of traffic • meet Brisbane City Council’s standard • Infrastructure design PSP provides the design detail for transport infrastructure Infrastructure Design PSP Provides clear guidance on design and construction standards for: road corridors pathways Design standards integrate all requirements in one place Standards have been reviewed to be consistent with Austroads and DTMR standards Part 9 – Subdivision Code Ensures that new lots: have appropriate transport infrastructure links to existing transport networks Transport infrastructure is built to Council standards Design standards for transport infrastructure Infrastructure design PSP Design standards for property access, circulations serving and parking: Transport, access, parking and servicing PSP Part 9 – TAPS Code • Requirements - dependent on scale of development, traffic generated and development location for: • property access • bicycle parking and end of trip facilities • car parking • servicing • freight dependent development • connections to other transport networks • Detailed design requirements and parking rates in TAPS PSP Schedule 6 – TAPS PSP Traffic impact assessment provides clearer direction – scale of TIA linked to traffic generated Change in parking requirements - different approaches dependent on location, e.g.: reductions City core, City frame and close to major transport reduced for other uses (e.g. shop, offices) increase in visitor parking for units in suburbs Bicycles – storage and trip facilities, requires greater rates than QDC Waste removal requirements now in Refuse PSP Summary • Transport requirements included at a high level in the Strategic Framework • Includes mode share targets for Transport Plan for Brisbane • Requirements for trunk infrastructure included in Priority infrastructure plan • Two new overlays to address transport network and policy outcomes • Infrastructure design code, Transport, access, parking and servicing code and PSP include design requirements and provisions developments need to address