Analysis of Advertising Language

Analysis of Advertising Language
Emotional appeals/language
Inclusive language
Declarative sentences
Rhetorical question
 Provoke an emotional
response bypassing logic
and reason
 Position the reader to
be more sympathetic or
to agree without
thinking too much
 Makes data seem
objective and reliable so
it becomes more
 The reader is positioned
to agree with the writer
because it appeals to
their desire to belong to
a group or plays on their
fears of being ‘left out’
or regarded as an
 By stating something as
a fact, it doesn’t allow
the reader to disagree.
It makes it sound as if
there can be no
 Increases the impact of
a main point or key term
and so engages the
reader’s attention
 Can produce a more
urgent or insistent tone
encouraging the reader
to agree
 Suggests the answer is
self evident and
therefore the reader
must agree with it
 Directly addresses the
Incomplete/minor sentences
reader as a way of
engaging their
Easy to remember
Contain important
Highlight an aspect
which the advertiser
thinks is important
Shows expressions on
faces which convey an
emotion which can have
an impact on the reader
Shows people in a
familiar context that
encourages the reader
to empathise/identify
with them
Presents a landscape
that emphasises the
beauty or ugliness of the
setting. Can encourage
an emotional response if
it is either familiar or
Can use techniques like
colour, symbolism etc. to
encourage an emotional
Useful sentences:
 Heightens the impact
 Adds interest
 Establishes a credible position
 Reassures the reader
 Leads the reader to respond in a way that…
 Appeals to the reader’s fear of…
 Encourages us to agree/disagree
 Makes the reader question….
 Encourages readers to identify with
 Encourages a strong emotional reaction
Strong emotional impact on the reader
Leaves no room for doubt