METHODOLOGY OF A GRID-BASED HYDROLOGICAL MODEL AND ITS APPLICATION FEI YUAN College of Water Resources and Environment, Hohai University, No.1 Xikang Road Nanjing, 210098, China Fax: +86-25-83786996; Email address: LILIANG REN College of Water Resources and Environment, Hohai University, No.1 Xikang Road Nanjing, 210098, China On the basis of raster digital elevation model data, raster flow vectors, watershed delineation and spatial topological structure were generated by the Martz and Garbrecht method for the upper area of Hanzhong station within the Hanjiang River in China. Then, the Xin’anjiang Model was applied to runoff generation in each grid element with raster precipitation data interpolated by the step-by-step correction method as the model input. Finally the Muskingum-Cunge method considering lateral flow into the stream was applied for flood routing on the raster drainage network. Thus a grid-based hydrological model was established. The model performs well in terms of the model efficiency coefficient and of the relative error of flood discharge peak value. The model is not only able to route the streamflow to the outlet, but also capable of computing conveniently the hydrograph at any grid within the catchment. As a result, the raster-based digital basin coupling with the grid-based hydrological model is of theoretical value and of practical significance to deep understanding of hydrological physical mechanism, water resources management, and flood prevention within the catchment. INTRODUCTION Topography is of great importance to the description, quantification, and interpretation of land surface processes [1]. Topographical variability not only affects soil information, plant growth, land-cover and spatial distribution of precipitation, but also controls flow path and drainage network. Topography is an easily available piece of earth information. Research over the past decades has demonstrated the feasibility of extracting topographical information directly from a raster-based Digital Elevation Model (DEM) [2]. The spatial distribution of land surface characteristics, such as topography, land-cover, soil, watershed divide, drainage network, catchment area, can be expressed digitally, so as to avoid using the conventional manual methods [3]. Digital basin derived from DEM data has become an infrastructure for hydrological research, and provided a solid technical foundation for the development of grid-based hydrological models. CONSTRUCTION OF DIGITAL BASIN Study area The upper reach of the Hanjiang River, located in Central China, was selected as the study region. As shown in Figure 1, the area controlled by the Hanzhong streamflow station is 9,329 km2 and located within 32°35′~ 34°10′ N and 106°10′~ 107°30′ E. Topography in this area is complicated. Elevation within the watershed ranges from 459 m at the outlet to 3,408 m above mean sea level at the top of the watershed divide. (a) (b) Figure 2. Sketch map showing numerical arrays of basin boundary (a) and of node index for each grid within the basin (b) Figure 1. Raster-based flow vectors in the upper area of Hanzhong station within the Hanjiang Catchment Pre-processing of DEM data In this study, raster DEM data were obtained from the National Geophysical Data Center (USA), namely the Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE) data ( at a resolution of 30 seconds. The Digital Elevation Drainage Network Model (DEDNM) developed by Martz and Garbrecht [4] was applied for assigning flow-vector directions over flat and depressive areas of the DEM, and for identifying the stream network and watershed divide. DEDNM can distinguish and fill two types of depressions: impoundment-depressions and sink-depressions. As to the flat surface, a relief imposition algorithm [4] is adopted for flow vector designation, which takes topographical characteristics around the flat area into account. Then the steepest decent method or the D8 (deterministic eight-neighbor) method [5], which defines the direction of the steepest downward slope to an adjacent cell, is used to determine flow vectors over the whole watershed. Figure 1 shows the raster flow vectors in the upper area of Hanzhong station within the Hanjiang Catchment. 2 Topological relationship of drainage network Given the row and column coordinates of the outlet grid, DEDNM depicts watershed boundary automatically, and outputs a raster array defining cells inside and outside the watershed, where the number ‘1’ represents an inner-watershed grid and ‘0’ indicates an outer-watershed grid as shown in Figure 2-a. Meanwhile, DEDNM generates a raster array defining flow vector on each grid cell with eight numbers (1~4 and 6~9) representing the eight possible flow directions for each studied grid. Since only sub-catchment-based drainage network can be derived from DEDNM, extraction of topological relationship for raster-based drainage network necessitates a processing on the raw outputs from DEDNM. The detailed processing procedures are as follows: (1) Encode node index for each grid cell within the watershed. Search the raster array of basin boundary (Figure 2-a.) line by line for the grid cells whose values are ‘1’, and encode those grid cells in terms of searching sequences. In this study, the upper area of Hanzhong station is composed of 13, 031 grids and the node index of the outlet grid is ‘10424’; (2) Identify the inflow and outflow nodes for each inner-watershed grid. Search the raster array of flow vectors for the inflow and outflow nodes, and identify their corresponding node indices according to the raster array of node indices (Figure 2-b); (3) Compute routing execution sequences. As shown in Figure 3, all inner-watershed grids are classified into N levels. Outlet grid belongs to Level 1; inflow grids of Level 1 are grouped into Level 2; inflow grids of Level 2 are ranked as Level 3; the rest is deduced by analogy. Assumed that grid number of each level is ki (i=1, 2,…, N), kN grids in Level N perform routing firstly, whose routing execution sequences are 1, 2,…, kN respectively; kN-1 grids in Level N-1 route after Level N, whose routing execution sequences are kN +1, kN +2,…, kN +k N-1 respectively; by analogy, kI-1 grids in Level I-1 compute routing after Level I, whose routing execution sequences are kN+kN-1+…+kI+1, kN+kN-1+…+kI+2,…, kN+kN-1+…+kI+kI-1; and outlet grid routes in the end, whose routing execution sequence is kN+kN-1+…+kI+…+k2+k1. Table 1. Routing execution sequence and topological relationship of drainage network Node Index Execution sequence 1 2 3 Inflow index 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 568 567 527 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Next node downstream index 7 7 2 7000 7001 31 35 -1 -1 7001 7002 846.1 846.1 0.7195 0.7195 13030 13031 10426 10425 -1 -1 13027 13028 846.1 846.1 0.7195 0.7195 6904 6905 -1 6906 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 6999 7092 7093 7000 -1 7094 -1 -1 -1 -1 Note: ‘-1’ in Table 1 represents a null datum. 3 -1 -1 Channel Drainage length area /m /km2 846.1 0.7195 1196.4 0.7195 846.1 0.7195 After the above data processing, raster-based routing execution sequences and topological relationship of drainage network (Table 1) are generated, which provide a solid foundation for developing a grid-based hydrological model. Figure 3. Sketch showing execution sequences of routing computation in the grid-based hydrological model Figure 4. Sketch of the Muskingum-Cunge flood routing method MUSKINGUM-CUNGE METHOD In general, there are two means for streamflow routing in the case of multi-tributaries. One is called superposition-after-routing means. Streamflow is routed from each tributary to the outlet of a catchment, respectively. Then a summation is made with respect to the routed discharge at the outlet, on the supposition that flood waves from tributaries propagate independently without disturbance each other. It is applicable to river channel with steep bed slope and fewer disturbances between mainstream and its tributaries. Muskingum method [6] belongs to this category and is usually employed in streamflow routing for multi-tributaries river channel. The other is called routing-after-superposition means. Streamflow is routed from external upstream node to the internal downstream junction node. At the junction, the discharge is routed to next downstream junction after the discharge routed from upstream tributaries is added together. The above routing algorithm continues until river flow is routed to the outlet of a catchment. Compared with superposition-after-routing means, routing-after-superposition one is more reasonable for it reflects physical process of flood propagation. Since the raster-based drainage network is derived from DEM by the steepest decent method, the routing-after- superposition means with lateral flow considered is implemented in this research, so as to build a digital river flow routing model. Basic equations Cunge [6] applied a four-point explicit finite difference scheme to solving the Saint-Venant continuity equation and deducing the Muskingum-Cunge Method. In the finite difference scheme, the space difference weight is equal to 1/2, and the time 4 difference weight x is equivalent to 1/2-D/(C·Δl), where D is the diffusion coefficient, C is the wave speed, and Δl is the space step [7]. The Muskingum-Cunge equation that considers lateral flow into the river [8] is as follows: Q nj11 C1Q nj C2Q nj1 C3Q nj1 C4 (1) where C1=(xk+0.5Δt)/[(1-x)k+0.5Δt]; C2=(0.5Δt-xk)/[(1-x)k+0.5Δt]; C3=[(1-x)k-0.5Δt]/[(1-x)k+0.5Δt]; C4=qΔtΔl/[(1-x)k+0.5Δt]; k is the flood travel time over a sub-reach with a length of Δl and is equal to Δl/C; x is the Muskingum-Cunge weight coefficient; and q is the lateral flow per unit length. Application of the Muskingum-Cunge method to grid-based drainage network Based on the D8 method, water in river channel within a grid cell is assumed to flow in vertical, horizontal or diagonal directions in an aeroview. Runoff produced within each grid cell flows into river channel in the form of lateral flow. The region as shown in Figure 4 consists of six grid cells. Streamflows Qa(t), Qb(t) and Qc(t) from a, b and c grids all flow into e grid. The total discharge into e is Qe1(t), and the outflow from e is Qe2(t). In order to compute Qe2(t), an application of the Xin’anjiang model [9] is performed to calculate lateral flows qa(t),qb(t), qc(t) and qe(t) in a, b, c and e grids respectively; then equation (1) is used to route the outflows Qa(t), Qb(t) and Qc(t) from a, b and c grids and Qe1(t) is equal to the summation of Qa(t), Qb(t) and Qc(t); finally Qe1(t) is routed by equation (1) to be Qe2(t), the outflow from e. In general, grid-based drainage network is multi-branch river network, which is much more complicated than the network in Figure 4. Flood routing over the grid-based drainage network is also complicated. According to the routing execution sequences and topological relationship of grid-based drainage network (Table 1), the Muskingum-Cunge method is applied to flood routing based on the following procedures: (1) Initialize such arrays as Sequ[M], Up1[M], Up2[M],…,Up7[M] and Down[M] to store routing execution sequence, seven inflow node indices and next code downstream index for each grid cell within the watershed, respectively; (2) Run the Xin’anjiang model to compute the lateral flow per unit length at each grid cell within the watershed; (3) Set the variable K equal to 1; (4) Search the array Sequ[M] to find a cell indexed as N, whose routing execution sequence is K. If Up1[M], Up2[M],…,Up7[M] are all equivalent to –1, there is no inflow into the cell N and outflow at N is only produced by its own lateral flow; if the inflow cells of N are indexed as L1, L2, …, Li (Li= Upi[N], Upi[N]≠-1, i=1,2, …, 7), inflow into N is equal to the sum of the outflows from cells L1, L2, …, Li; and (5) Route the inflow at N to the downstream cell indexed as Down[N] by equation (1). If Down[N] is equal to –1, flood routing is ended; if Down[N] is unequal to –1, set K equal to K+1, and go back to procedure (4). 5 CASE STUDY In this study, twenty flood events (Δt=1h ) at Hanzhong station from 1980 to 1986 were selected to perform flood simulation. First, the step-by-step correction method [10] was utilized to interpolate gauge rainfall data into raster grids with the same resolution as the DEM data; then the Xin’ anjiang Model with the raster rainfall data as its input was applied for runoff production and overland flow concentration over each cell within the watershed; finally, the Muskingum-Cunge method was employed in river flow routing. Model calibration was performed manually and focused on matching the shape of the hourly hydrograph. By calibration, the Muskingum-Cunge parameters k and x, time step Δt and space step Δl were assigned such values as 10 min, -0.4, 10 min and 1000 m, respectively. Table 2 shows flood simulation results at Hanzhong station. Table 2. Hourly flood discharge at Hanzhong station simulated by the grid-based hydrological model Flood Peak Flood number 8001 8002 8004 8005 8006 8102 8104 8105 8201 8203 8302 8303 8305 8306 8402 8404 8405 8406 8502 8602 Observed / m3·s-1 Calculated / m3·s-1 Error /% Peak time error /h 3240 6040 1860 3320 1950 5980 8310 4620 2200 3460 3110 3500 5260 3370 2900 1760 1600 2800 2400 1390 2559 6925 2030 3808 1848 8228 9749 4475 1729 3860 2278 2498 5649 2810 2889 1516 1114 2411 2205 1339 -27.2 14.7 9.1 14.7 -5.2 37.6 17.3 -3.1 -21.4 11.6 -26.8 -28.6 7.4 -16.6 -0.4 -13.9 -30.4 -13.9 -8.1 -3.6 5 2 -3 -2 -3 -1 2 2 6 2 0 -3 0 2 6 -2 -4 0 3 7 Runoff depth observed / mm Calculated / mm Error /% Model efficiency coefficient 32.8 88.9 29.4 41.7 54.4 117.1 405.3 260.4 32.8 142.6 59.5 59.9 114.4 45.3 62.3 27.6 23.7 91.8 81.5 36 29.4 94.1 32.9 51.9 65.0 134.6 436.8 235.0 30.8 153.1 49.5 59.5 120.3 45.0 57.4 28.9 28.2 97.2 83.4 32.3 -10.3 6.0 11.7 24.4 19.5 15.0 7.8 -9.7 -6.3 7.4 -16.7 -0.7 5.1 -0.7 -7.8 4.6 19.0 6.0 2.2 -10.3 0.850 0.933 0.835 0.792 0.786 0.889 0.867 0.941 0.863 0.846 0.845 0.838 0.959 0.930 0.855 0.822 0.874 0.824 0.900 0.781 As shown in Table 2, the grid-based hydrological model has obtained encouraging results in simulating the hydrographs at Hanzhong station. In 70 percent of flood events, the flood peak relative error is within the range of ±20%. The peak time error that is within four hours occupies 80 percent of floods. The relative error of runoff depth in 95% of floods events is not exceeding ±20%. In terms of the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient, cases that are greater than 0.7 and 0.8 make up 100 and 85 percent of the total floods, respectively. 6 With the routing-after-superposition means, the model is not only able to route the streamflow to the outlet, but also capable of computing conveniently the hydrograph at any grid cell within the catchment. Figure 5 shows the routed hourly hydrographs for No. 8305 flood at the Hanzhong, Chadianzi, Wuhouzhen and Tiesuoguan stations. Figure 5. Hourly flow discharge of No. 8305 flood at the Hanzhong, Chadianzi, Wuhouzhen and Tiesuoguan stations, respectively CONCLUSIONS In this study, a grid-based hydrological model was established, where the Xin’anjiang model was employed in runoff production over each grid cell within the watershed and the Muskingum-Cunge method was applied to flood routing according to routing execution sequences derived from DEDNM. A case study shows that the model can simulate the floods well. Meanwhile, the model is not only able to route the discharge streamflow to the outlet, but also capable of computing conveniently the hydrograph at any grid cell within the catchment, which is of theoretical value and of practical significance to deep understanding of hydrological physical mechanism, water resources management, and flood prevention within the watershed. The grid-based hydrological model is indeed a digital hydrological model, which provides a solid foundation and powerful technical supports to apply remotely-sensed rainfall data to hydrological models. Radar-or-satellite-captured precipitation data have an advantage of high spatial and temporal resolutions. Such an advantage may be fully and completely utilized in the grid-based hydrological model. With a closed combination of remotely sensed precipitation data and rainfall-runoff models, the puzzling rainfall input problem in hydrological models can be overcome. Consequently, it will be of great benefit to enhance flood forecast accuracy and forecast period. 7 However, due to the unavailability of measured data on channel characteristics for the Hanjiang River, parameters for the Muskingum-Cunge method (x and k) have to be calibrated manually by matching observed hydrographs, and these parameter values over all the sub-reaches are set to be uniform, disaccord with spatial heterogeneity of channel characteristics. Therefore, it is suggested that an application of geographic information system (GIS) and a hydraulic method should be made to deduce a spatial distribution of routing parameters directly so as to improve the flood routing performance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by the National Key Basic Research Development Programme, Ministry of Science and Technology, the People’s Republic of China under Grant No. 2001CB309404, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 40171016. 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