Final Exam

316 Final Exam
Oracle SQL commands (30%)
(Reference: Chapter 13: Introduction to SQL, Chapter 2: Oracle SQL from Oracle
Creating, Dropping Tables
Table constraints
Defining primary key, foreign key, Relationships
Column definitions and column (attribute) constraints
SQL for enterprise constraints
Inserting rows
Data manipulation
Querying the database:
Between clause, Sysdate, Date
Aggregate functions
Sub-Query, Nested query
Create view
Distinct clause
Calculated Fields
Comparison search condition
Range search condition
Set membership search (IN/NOT IN)
Pattern match search (LIKE/ NOT LIKE)
Sorting Results (ORDER BY)
Single column ordering
Multiple column ordering
Grouping Results (GROUP BY)
Any and All
Join (upto three tables)
UNION of tables
Normalization (15%)
Data redundancy
Insertion Anomaly
Deletion anomaly
Update Anomaly
Functional Dependencies
Process of Normalization
1 NF: A table that contains no repeating groups
2NF: 1NF + Every non-key attribute is fully functionally depending on the primary key
3NF: 2NF + The only determinant in the relation is the candidate key
Conceptual Database Design (20%)
(Reference: Chapter 7 Methodology Conceptual Database Design and
Chapter 5 Entity –Relationship Modeling)
From Chapter 5
Attribute Domain, Composite Attribute, Single-valued, Multi-valued
Candidate, Primary, alternate, secondary
Relationship Types
One-to-One, One-to-many, Many-to-Many
From Chapter 7
Conceptual Database Design Steps:
Entity types
Relationship types
1-1, 1-M, M-M
Attribute Domains
Candidate keys, primary keys, Alternate keys
E-R Diagram
Review Local conceptual model
Document each step
Simple/Composite attributes
Derived attributes
Document attributes
ERD examples
Chapter 8: Methodology- Logical Database Design (20%)
Starting point: Conceptual ERD
Map local conceptual data model to local logical data model
M:M relations
Recursive relations
Multi-valued attributes
Reexamine 1-1 relationship
Remove redundant relationships
Derive relations from local logical data model
Strong entities
Weak entities
Validate relational model using normalization
Validate model against user transactions
Transaction Issues: Insert, Delete
Draw ERD
Define integrity constraints
Required data
Attribute domain constraints
Entity integrity
Referential Integrity
Enterprise constraints
Handling Integrity Constraints
Inserting occurrence into child relation
Delete occurrence into child relation
Update foreign key of child occurrence
Insert occurrence into parent relation
Delete occurrence from parent relation
No action
Delete referenced child occurrence
Set Null
Set default
Build and validate global logical data model
Merge entities from local views
Check for future growth
Draw final ERD
Chapter 9: Methodology- Physical Database Design (15%)
Starting point: Global logical data model
Translate global logical data model for target DBMS
Design base relations for target DBMS
Database Design Language
Design enterprise constraints for target DBMS
Design physical representation
Analyze transactions
Tuning the Performance
Choosing indexes
Situations for Denormalizations
Design security mechanisms
Design user views
Design access rules
Monitor and tune the Operational system
Chapters Not Included for the Final Exam :
Chapter 1: Introduction to Databases
Chapter 2: Database Environment
Chapter 3 Relational Model
Chapter 15: Query-By-Example