Genetic nurses/counsellors in The Netherlands, a Dutch PCR (Particular Chain Reaction) Conny van der Meer, RN, Hanne Meijers Heijboer, MD PhD Erasmus MC, Department of Clinical Genetics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands The Netherlands - Europe Reasons for increase Increase in the isolation and identification of disease genes Identification of the genetic cause of common diseases like breast cancer and colorectal cancer Increase in access to testing, technically as well as financially Department of Clinical Genetics in University Hospitals Future training programme Will be developed on master's level but not yet defined Nurse Practitioner? Physician Assistant? Health counsellor/genetic counsellor? 2 years of education: theoretical and practical skills 600 hours communication/counselling skills 1000 hours human and biomedical genetics, genetic disorders, ethical en legal issues, etc. Consequences Genetic nurses/counsellors in The Netherlands: a vital link in the chain! Numbers of counselling in the Netherlands # of genetic counsellors Total # # of cancer # of counselling 14000 10000 45 Background 30 25 Main tasks 20 15 10 5 1996 2000 2004 Year 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 Cancer counselling is 35-38% of total Clinical Genetics in The Netherlands 2004 Increase since 1993, local situation 8 departments of clinical genetics > 100 out-patient clinics Year 68 clinical geneticists (~ half part-time) 32 clinical geneticists in training 16 psychologists/social workers Numbers of counselling Department of Clinical Genetics Rotterdam 2500 27 registered genetic counsellors 18 genetic counsellors in training 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total 718 876 942 Cancer 100 155 250 1080 1243 1539 1851 1962 1793 1957 2076 367 600 580 600 752 724 966 996 Year Rotterdam region 300% increase since 1993 in total numbers of counselling Cancer grows from 14% in 1993 to 48% in 2004 24 nurses 21 paramedical such as: research analyst, biologist, cytogeneticist, dietician, etc. 35 1993 Number Genetic counsellors in The Netherlands 40 0 6000 Established in 2002 2004: 45 (associate) members 50 18000 Dutch Association of Genetic Counsellors (NVGC) Awareness: need of additional appropriately trained genetics professionals beside clinical geneticists Government policy: shifting of tasks Introduction of new professionals like genetic counsellors and Nurse Practitioners Counselling (under responsibility of clinical geneticist) Assist clinical geneticist Assist in research projects Provide education to patient groups, other professionals like nurses, G.P.’s etc. Genetic counselling of Cancer: new families, presymptomatic testing Known chromosomal rearrangements in families Monogenetic disorders like: Fragile-X, Duchenne dystrophy, dystrophia myotonica, Cystic Fibrosis, SMA, NF1, hemochromatosis etc. Promotes the interests of its members and clinical genetics by Providing a forum of education Providing support for professionals in the field Representing the views of the profession Prescribing good standards of clinical practice Committees Education Accreditation More information: Need for international collaboration to Exchange knowledge and skills Strive to achieve the same (master's) level Gain international perspective and foster links Create opportunities for student and faculty exchange Co-ordinate policy Part of the genetic nurses/counsellors Rotterdam Certification National training programme (2 years) 56 hours theoretical training in genetics (national) 21 hours training in communication skills (national) On the job theoretical and practical training (supervision by a clinical geneticist) 3 weeks practical: DNA-lab, pre- and postnatal cytogenetic lab 1 research project, article or essay Highly recommended: 6 day course in Italy; 'Genetic Counselling in Practice' 6 successful assessments required Re-certification 120 hours continuing education per 5 years Working as a genetic counsellor: at least 50% FTE © C.A. van der Meer, october 2004