Constitution of the Friends of Puddletown Library

Constitution of the Friends
of Puddletown Library
1. Name: The group shall be known as The Friends of Puddletown Library
Objectives: To further or benefit the residents of Puddletown and the
neighbourhood, without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political,
religious or other opinions by associating together the said residents and the local
authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance
education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation
leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the
In furtherance of these objects but not otherwise, the trustees shall have power:
To run the library sited in the Village Hall, Puddletown known as the Community
Library in Puddletown (CLIP) and to maintain, develop or manage or co-operate with
any statutory authority in the maintenance, development and management of the
library for activities promoted by the charity in furtherance of the above objects.
3. Membership: there shall be three classes of membership: a. individual membership
for persons of over 18; b. joint membership of two persons living at the same
address; and c. family membership for families living at the same address..
4. Subscription shall be £5 a year for individual members, £8 a year for couples and
£10 for families. Membership shall be for twelve months beginning in April, but those
joining on or after 1 January in any year shall additionally receive membership for up
to 15 months, to the end of March of the following membership year.
5. Committee and its duties: There shall be a managing committee comprising a
chairman, a secretary and a treasurer and up to four members elected annually at
the annual general meeting. The committee shall have general management and
direction of the funds and affairs of the group. It shall be empowered to co-opt
members and to establish sub-committees at its discretion.
6. Meetings: the quorum at all meetings shall be twelve members in good standing.
The annual general meeting, of which at least 21 days notice shall be given to all
members in writing (including electronic notification), shall be held in April of every
year. The AGM shall receive and approve the annual accounts and elect the officers
and the committee. It shall be empowered to consider and, where necessary, vote
on proposals made from the floor of the meeting.
7. The committee may meet at any time but must meet at least twice a year. Three
members shall constitute a quorum.
8. A special general meeting of the group shall be held within 14 days of the receipt by
the committee of a request for such a meeting signed by any ten members in good
9. Nominations for honorary officers and for the members of the committee may be
made only by members of the group at the annual general meeting. If there shall be
Original constitution was created for special general meeting of the group on 16 April 2012.
This version incorporates the requirements of a “community” library endorsed at AGM 15th April 2013 and also
changes suggested by the Charities Commission that were endorsed by FOPL at a Special General meeting on
20 Nov 2013
Constitution of the Friends
of Puddletown Library
more nominations than vacancies, election shall be by ballot of those present and in
good standing.
10. Procedure: all questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple
majority of those present and voting. In the case of an equality of votes the chairman
shall have an additional casting vote.
11. Minutes: a record of all meetings, including committee meetings, shall be kept by
the secretary.
12. Finance: all funds and assets in the possession of the group shall be held and
applied as the committee may direct, as long as such expenditure conforms to the
objects of the group. The funds shall be held in a separate bank account in the name
of the group. All cheques drawn on that account shall be signed by any two of the
officers or by one officer and any committee member nominated for the purpose by
the other members of the committee.
13. Auditors shall be appointed by the annual general meeting. No committee member
may serve as an auditor.
14. Alteration of this constitution shall require a two thirds majority of members
present and voting at a general or special meeting of the group.
Winding up: the group may be dissolved by resolution passed by two thirds majority
of those present and voting at a special general meeting convened for the purpose
for which notice of 21 days shall be given to all members. Such a resolution may
authorise the disposal of any assets held by the group, provided that sufficient
property be retained to discharge all the group’s debts. Any assets remaining shall
be given, at the committee’s discretion, to any charity or charities in the Puddletown
area whose objects are similar to those of the Friends of Puddletown Library or, if
this is not possible, to some other charity or charities as decided by the committee.
16. Data Protection Act: each member shall be deemed to have given consent, for the
purpose of the Act, for his or her name, postal and electronic address and telephone
number(s) to be recorded in any data processing or media system available to the
17. Interpretation: the meaning of this constitution shall be interpreted by the
management committee at its complete discretion.
(on behalf of FOPL)
Original constitution was created for special general meeting of the group on 16 April 2012.
This version incorporates the requirements of a “community” library endorsed at AGM 15th April 2013 and also
changes suggested by the Charities Commission that were endorsed by FOPL at a Special General meeting on
20 Nov 2013