Title of Lesson: How do we use mathematical equations with circles? UFTeach Students’ Names: Sarah Burkhardt and Julie Walthall Teaching Date and Time: April 2nd and 3rd Length of Lesson: 2 Days (100 minutes total) Course / Grade / Topic: Geometry/ 10th Grade/ Equations of Circles Source of the Lesson: Glencoe, McGraw Hill Florida Geometry Textbook. Authors: Carter, Cuevas, Day, Malloy, and Cummins. http://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/circle-equations.html Embedding Strategies Based on Observations and CTS: Based on the CTS and what happened in class, I am including the following teaching strategies with these students because… Recommended strategy based on observations Place students in collaborative learning groups as pre-determined by teachers (see Advanced Preparations) and as instructed on exploration worksheet Instruction by personal white boards Recommended strategy based on CTS Personal study of topic by teachers Use of Formative Assessments Reason for selecting this strategy Students alone were disengaged from lesson and not taking responsibility of their learning. In collaborative learning groups, students will be responsible for their own, as well as their classmates’, learning during explorations and investigations. When we observed, our mentor teacher gathered students’ attention by telling them to take out their white board. All students responded immediately by taking out their boards enthusiastically. They were focused, excited to participate and show Ms. Karis what they knew. By doing this, the students remained engaged (all students participated in answering questions until class ended) throughout the entire class as opposed to previously observed lessons. Reason for selecting this strategy Through the CTS, we learned that there is a strong link between teacher expertise and student achievement. It’s important to develop our knowledge through studying the textbook material and strongly considering student responses and misconceptions regarding our topic. (Deep study of concepts after considering “Student Responses / Possible Misconceptions” column of this lesson plan) Based on the CTS on Circles, I know that students are likely to have misconceptions. Thus, including formative assessments in the lesson will help us as teachers to combat these. They will allow us to see what topics our students struggle with, and provide students the chance to show how or where they are struggling. The formative assessments include jigsaw and whiteboards. (The jigsaw assessment is used on day 1 exploration in order for each student to become an expert on his/her specific aspect of equation and then teach his/her group mates. The whiteboards are used on day 2 after the explanation to assess the students’ comprehension. Students will answer questions from the board on their own whiteboards and hold them up so the teacher can see who has the correct answer and then the teacher will address any common incorrect answers/misconceptions.) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) / Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS): (CCSS) / (NGSSS) with Cognitive Complexity: Standard Number Benchmark Description MACC.912.GGPE.1.1 MACC.912.GMG.1.1 MACC.912.GMG.1.3 Cognitive Complexity Level 2 Derive the equation of a circle of given center and radius using the Pythagorean Theorem; complete the square to find the center and radius of a circle given by an equation Use geometric shapes, their measures, and Level 1 their properties to describe objects (e.g., modeling a tree trunk or an human torso as a cylinder) Apply geometric methods to solve design Level 3 problems (e.g. designing an object or structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on ratios) Concept Development: Circles are everywhere is the world. Understanding circles and how they work can lead to many discoveries. Students can apply knowledge of circles to discover facts about the natural world in science (properties of our Earth and its spherical shape) and the arts (from art, to architecture, to engineering systems). Without the properties and understanding of circles, many scientists wouldn’t have made the discoveries that have made a big impact on our lives. Not to mention the impact that circles and geometry have on the construction of our cities and communities. In this section, we look at Equations of Circles. In order to derive the equation of a circle, the Pythagorean Theorem and the Distance formula are applied. The Pythagorean Theorem states that a2+b2=c2 (according to common notation). This is applied to the equation of a circle when a triangle is graphed (on the coordinate plane for visual ease) within a circle where the hypotenuse is the radius. Now it can be seen that the leg lengths correspond to the difference between a point on the circle and the center point of the circle. Thus using substitution, the Pythagorean theorem becomes (x-h)2 + (y-k) 2 = c2 where (x,y) is the point on the circle and (h,k) is the center of the circle. (http://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/circle-equations.html). Now, this is the standard equation of a circle: written as (x-h)2+(y-k)2=r2, where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius. The center of a circle is represented by the coordinates (h,k), where h is the x coordinate of the center and k is the y coordinate of the center. The radius tells us the distance between the center and all the points that lie on the circle. All points on a circle are equidistant from the center (Glencoe, Florida Geometry Textbook, pg. 744). There are multiple ways to use the equations of circles. Given a center and radius, the equation of a circle can be determined by plugging in the numbers into the standard form. Sometimes the diameter is given instead of the radius. Since diameter=2(radius), the diameter can be divided by 2 to find the radius. Then, the same process with finding the equation of a circle occurs. When a center and a point are given, the learner must first calculate the distance between the points to find the radius and then use it to find the equation of a circle. If the equation of a circle is given, you can use the information to find the center and radius and then graph it onto a coordinate plane. Once again, this can be applied to solve real world problems such as the ones listed above under “discoveries”. Performance Objectives Students will be able to identify and use the proper terminology regarding circles as needed to solve problems (diameter, radius, center) Students will be able to identify properties of a circle (center and radius specifically) given the equation or graph Students will be able to model and solve real world problems using geometry (equations of circles specifically) Materials List 30 copies of exploration worksheet 1 per class 30 copies of exploration worksheet 2 per class 30 copies of formative assessment worksheet per class 30 copies of exploration (day2) worksheet per class 30 copies of elaboration worksheet per class 30 copies of evaluation per class 30 whiteboards and 30 markers per class 1 whiteboard worksheet for each teacher (2 total) Advance Preparations Advanced preparation of desks arranged in groups of 3-6 Advanced preparation of pre-sorting students into groups and written on Board at front and names written on highlighted worksheets with group and position. Advanced preparation of PowerPoint with directions and engagement (Advanced preparation of video for Engagement saved to PowerPoint) Advanced preparation of worksheets highlighted and organized by group number for distribution Safety No safety concerns for this lesson (video from Youtube but is saved to computer and has NO advertisements and does NOT use Internet) (video is Flinstones and is appropriate for all audiences) Students will be instructed to use whiteboards and marker appropriately 5E Lesson: DAY 1 Engagement Time: 4 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Introduce herself to the Good afternoon everyone! My name is Hello students and welcome Miss Burkhardt/ Miss Walthall and I will be them to class. your teacher for today and tomorrow. Slide 1 Introduce the topic of the Today and tomorrow we are going to Aww man not more circles lesson continue the study of circles. Introduce and play video Before we get cracking on some I love YouTube (see PowerPoint) worksheets and problem solving, let’s take Slide 2 a look at what YouTube has to offer in the way of circles! Segue into lesson Okay everyone so now that we are all I’m so ready! primed and ready to think about circles because of that amazing video, let’s begin! Exploration Time: 30 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Gather sorted worksheets Today we will work together in groups on Why are we moving and give oral instructions a worksheet. The worksheet assigns each groups? for the exploration member a job position within the group. How do we know what activity For the first part, I want you to discuss position we are? Slide 3 your assignment with you group mates. You will be moving groups shortly once I call time and I will give further instructions then. Show students who their Here are the group numbers, members, I don’t like my group group mates are and what their positions are Slide 4/5 Pass out worksheet 1 Slide 6 and each person’s job position within the group. Move to sit with your group at this time. Once you have a worksheet, make sure So what do we do? you have the appropriate worksheet with your name on it, highlighted with your group and position (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5), (A, B, or C). I will circulate to answer any questions you have. You may begin! Circulates to answer questions and to ask probing questions. How did you find the radius of the circle? [I looked at the graph and counted the squares] [I knew from the equation to take the square root of the number alone on the right side of the equals sign] “ How did you find the center of the circle? I guessed [I looked at the coordinate given on the graph] I guessed “ What do notice about the number you found for the x value of the center? I don’t know/ I haven’t found it yet I didn’t notice anything [I noticed it was the same number as the number after the x in the equation] “ What do notice about the number you found for the y value of the center? It’s in the equation, but it’s negative or not quite the same I didn’t notice anything [I noticed it was the same number as the number after the y in the equation] “ What do notice about the number you found for the radius? It’s in the equation, but it’s negative or not quite the same I didn’t notice anything I noticed it was smaller than the number on the right of the equals sign in the equation “ What can you say about the equation given? [I noticed it was the square root of the number on the right of the equals sign in the equation] I don’t know [Maybe that it relates to the center of the circle] [Maybe that it relates to the radius of the circle] “ What can you say about the numbers given in the equation and the numbers found for the coordinates of the center, or the radius? [Maybe there is a way to graph a circle from the equation if the graph hadn’t been provided] I don’t know I see some of the numbers in the equation [I see the radius squared in the equation, as well as the x and y coordinate of the center] Calls everyone’s attention to provide new I need everyone’s attention please! At this time, I would like all of you to I want to stay in this group instructions Gives new instructions “ “ “ Circulates to answer questions and to ask probing questions. “ “ “ change groups. I need all of the A Members to raise their hands. Please form a new group (or two if there are more than 6 of you A’s) in the back left of the room. I need all of the B Members to raise their hands. Please form a new group (or two if there are more than 6 of you B’s) in the back right of the room. I need all of the C’s remaining to form a group (or two if there are more than 6 of you C’s) in the front of the room. Now that you are in new groups, I would like you to discuss your findings. Keep in mind that you all worked on different problems with different numbers, but had the same task. So you all are the ___ (A/B/C) group. What did each of you find individually? Take a minute to each share what you found regarding your group’s equation. Now that you have shared, what conclusions have you all drawn together regarding the ___ (x coordinate/y coordinate/radius)? So each of you had different numbers, but each of your numbers was related to the equation given. What can you assume I don’t want to move I don’t want to move I don’t want to move There is nothing to discuss, I’m lost! I don’t know what we are supposed to be discussing! I found a number but I don’t know what to do with it [I found a number that is also in the equation here ___] [In my group’s equation, the number here ___ corresponded with the number here ___ in the center/radius] I found nothing We can’t make any conclusions across all of our equations [We found that each of our numbers for the center/radius are in the equation somewhere] We don’t know what to assume about all equations of circles then? [Regarding the ___ (x coordinate of the circle’s center / y coordinate of the circle’s center/radius)?] We found that all of our numbers we found for the x/y part of the center corresponded with the first/second number in the equation but we don’t know why We found that the radius didn’t relate to the equation [We found that the radius squared was found in the equation] [We can assume that the radius squared is in the equation every time maybe?] [We can assume that the x/y coordinate of the center can be found by looking at the number in parentheses with the x/y in the equation maybe?] Calls everyone’s attention to provide new instructions Provide Instructions Slide 7 Circulates to answer questions and to ask probing questions. Give oral instructions for next worksheet Slide 7 I need everyone’s attention please! At this time, I would like all of you to return to your original groups. Share with your group members what you have learned after discussing with others of your same position (letter A, B, or C) As a group, make conclusions regarding a standard equation of a circle. I am passing out a second worksheet now to guide your discussion. Once you have discussed, answer the questions together with your group. The questions ask you to write out the conclusions you made regarding comparing the equation to the center and I want to stay in this group I learned nothing radius. Pass out worksheet 2 Here is a second worksheet to complete once you have discussed with your group. Circulates to answer questions and to ask probing questions. Who has questions for me regarding number 6? What number in your problem corresponds with the h? How can we use that to draw conclusions in general about the equation of a circle? What number in your problem corresponds with the k? How can we use that to draw conclusions in general about the equation of a circle? What number in your problem corresponds with the r? How can we use that to draw conclusions in general about the equation of a circle? Calls attention to stop Everyone let me have your attention. It is working time to stop working on the worksheet. Student Explanation What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Transition students to explanation Each student has a copy of each graph on his/her worksheet and will be instructed to fill in the other parts at this time. Formative Assessment Each group needs to explain to the other groups what conclusions they drew with their own equation and graph (worksheet 1) and how that helped them answer the questions on worksheet 2. They then will share with the class how this knowledge can be applied to any equation of a circle (worksheet 2 answers). Students not presenting should be recording the information on their own papers. This discussion will continue until students arrive at the standard equation of a circle where students can identify the center, and radius. (until worksheet 2 is completed by all students) I don’t have any I have a lot, I don’t get it [__ is in that spot] I don’t know [__ is in that spot] I don’t know [__ is in that spot] I don’t know Time: 13 minutes Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Do we have to? Teacher response: YES Do we have to write this down? Teacher response: YES Time: 3 minutes Teacher will call everyone’s attention Pass out worksheet Great job today everyone! Before we leave Can I leave yet? for the day, I am interested in knowing how well this lesson helped you learn. Is this for a grade? Please take the remainder of the class period to fill out this last worksheet. Teacher response: No, but it will be collected and read so that I can make changes to tomorrow’s lesson, so do your best. It is important that you be honest with me I don’t want to write about what difficulties you faced today in comments learning, so please be honest and write down comments and suggestions on how this can be improved tomorrow. DAY 2 Introduction / Recap Time: 5 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Gather students’ Hello again! Hello attention Yesterday you worked on the Explorations Are we going to be in groups Worksheet and discussed with your peers again? the different components of an equation of a circle. Let’s go over what you guys found. Ask students what the Who will remind the class what the I will formula for finding the standard form of the equation of a circle [(x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=r^2] equation of a circle is. is? Go over what each part of What do the h and k represent in the [The x and y coordinates of the formula represents formula? the center] Which one is the x-coordinate and which one is the y-coordinate? So what would the coordinates of the center of the circle be, based on this equation? What if I gave you an equation that looked like this: (x-p)2 + (y-q) 2 = r2 What would the coordinates of the center [Where the center of the circle is] [The h is the x-coordinate and the k is the ycoordinate.] [(h,k)] [(p,q)] be now? What does the r represent? [The radius of the circle] Exploration 8 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconception There is an Exploration We now have the equation of a circle, so What worksheet? worksheet that students let’s do some practice problems! will be doing in the same Today, we have a worksheet that you will Teacher response: I will pass groups as the day before. be working on in you same groups as them out in a minute The teacher will give yesterday. instructions to students Is it the same groups as about the worksheet. yesterday? The teacher will hand out the Exploration Worksheet to students. Students will then move to their designated groups and work on the worksheet one problem at a time. After each question, the answer will be discussed on the Elmo. (See Explanation below for discussion of answers.) The teacher will walk around the room and ask probing questions and help students with any questions they may have “ “ “ “ Here is the worksheet for you to work on. You may now move to your designated groups. In your groups, work as a team to find the solution to the problem, and once you are finished, sit quietly. We will review the answers once all the groups are finished. Teacher response: Yes, you will be in your same groups What if we finish early? Teacher response: Sit quietly with your group. You should discuss the process with your group to make sure everyone understands the problem Raise your hand if you have any questions! What does is mean if the center of the circle is at the origin? [It’s at the middle] I don’t know What would the x and y coordinates be if the center is at the origin? Given the center and diameter of the circle, how would you write the equation? Since the diameter is 18, what would the radius be? What is the distance formula? [(0,0)] I don’t know what to do because we aren’t given the radius. [9] Square root of 18 I don’t remember. [d= √(x2-x1)2+(y2-y1)2] “ [It tells us the distance between the 2 points] Explanation Time: 12 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions The teacher gathers Let me have your attention please! attention of students. The teacher will have the Since all the groups are finished with worksheet displayed on question 1, let’s review how you all got the Elmo, which will be that answer. projected on the board for students to see. (One problem will be shown at a time). After the students are finished exploring a question, the answers will be discussed as a class. Question 1 on Elmo “ “ How will the distance formula help us in this problem? Write the equation of the circle with the center at the origin and a radius of 5. Since the circle has a center at the origin, what are the coordinates of the center? Using the coordinates (0,0) as the center, we plug in the numbers to have the equation… ___? [(0,0)] (x-0)2+(y-0)2=r2 Since we subtract 0, can we just leave it as x2 and y2? [yes] “ “ “ Question 2 on Elmo “ “ “ Whenever you have the center at the origin, you can write it as x2+y2=r2 What would we put instead of r2? 5 [25] [x2+y2=25] Since the radius is 5, r2 would be equal to 25. So the final answer would be___? Write the equation of a circle with a center at (3,-2) and a diameter of 18. In this case, what would our h and k values [h=3 and k=-2] be? What would the r be? 18 [9] What do you notice about this problem Nothing that is different from the others? Hint: What is the radius? [They gave the diameter, not the radius] “ “ Go over question 3 on Elmo “ “ “ “ Draw graph on Exploration Worksheet Go over question 4 on Elmo “ “ “ “ “ “ Now that we know the h, k, and r values, what is the equation of the circle? Remember to always square your r value in the equation! The equation of a circle is (x-6)2+y2=25. State the center and radius. Then graph the equation. Who will tell me what the center of the circle is? What is the radius of the circle? [Since the diameter is 18, we know that the radius would be 9] (x-3)2+(y+2)2=9 [ (x-3)2+(y+2)2=81] (-6,0) [(6,0)] 25 [5] 2 Since r is 25, we have to take the _____ of square 25 to get r. When we take the square root [Square root] of 25 we get___ as the radius. [5] Now that we found the center and radius, we can graph it. Take a minute to graph what you think it looks like on your paper. The center would be here at the [(6, 0)] coordinate ____ . Since the radius is 5, I will count 5 spaces away from the center point. If I do this in every directions and connect the points, it will form a circle looking like this (draws circle). Write an equation of a circle with a center at (2,2) and passes through the point (6,5). This question is a little different than what I don’t know we’ve previously done. We are now given the center with an extra point instead of [distance formula] the radius. What formula would we use to determine the radius? I’ll give you a hint. It has to do with finding [The distance formula] the distance between 2 points. Who will remind us of the equation for I will. distance formula? [r= √(x2-x1)2+(y2-y1)2] We will let (x1,y1)=(2,2) and (x2,y2)=(6,5). When we plus these numbers into the formula we get r= √(6-2)2+(5-2)2. So what is our radius? [√25 or 5] Using 5 as our radius and the center of (2,2) that was given, we can now find our “ equation of the circle. Who will tell me what the equation of this circle is? [(x-2)2+(y-2)2=25] Formative Assessment Time: 15 minutes Activity What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Students will be working Now you will be able to work on examples on examples on their on your own. Go ahead and take out the personal white boards for white board under your desk. Make sure their formative you have a dry erase marker. Raise your assessment. The teacher hand if you need one. will display a problem on the Elmo and the students I will be displaying a problem on the Elmo. will write their answer on Work on your white board to find this their white board. Once answer and hold up your white board they find the answer, they when you are finished. Try to work alone, will hold up their board. If but if you have a question you may ask a their answer is incorrect, friend near you or raise your hand. they should consult a peer around them about it. Any difficult questions will be worked out on the Elmo. Display question 1 on Given the equation (x+4)2+y2=64, state the Center: (4,0) Elmo coordinates of the center and the measure [(-4,0)] of the radius. Radius: 64 [8] Display question 2 on Elmo Write the equation of a circle with a center at (3,-2) and a diameter of 24. (x-3)2+(y+2)2=24 (x+3)2+(y-2)2=24 (x-3)2+(y+2)2=12 (x+3)2+(y-2)2=144 (x-3)2+(y+2)2=576 [(x-3)2+(y+2)2=144] Always remember to make sure to check whether it provides you with the radius or diameter. Make sure it is the radius and not the diameter that you are squaring! Display question 3 on Elmo. Draw a graph of a circle with a center at (-6,4) and a radius of 5. (Hint: Use the The students may have incorrect graphs drawn. Remind students that there is a coordinate side on the white board that will be useful for graphing the circle. Display question 4 on Elmo. This problem is a real world example. Tell students to use coordinate side of white board to help visualize the problem coordinate side of the white board). Three dancers are on a stage, which is represented by a coordinate system. Dancer 1 is at the coordinate (3,-3). Dancer 2 is at the coordinate (6,-1). Dancer 3 is at the coordinate (5,3). There is a spotlight projected as a circle onto the stage with the equation (x-4)2+(y+1)2=9. Which dancers are in the spotlight? To help visualize this problem better, use the coordinate side of your white board. You should begin by plotting the points of the dancers. Plot the points of the 3 dancers and create the circle from the equation. Determine which dancers are in the spotlight. Make sure that the circle is drawn correctly. If some students struggled, draw the graph and display it on the Elmo. Do I need to draw it? Teacher response: It is not required, but drawing it will probably help you visualize it better. Some students may graph the circle incorrectly. If students struggle, explain how to do the problem with help from the class. Here are the points of the 3 dancers. Let’s [(4,-1)] find out where the spotlight is at. Based on our equation, who will tell me what the coordinates of the center of the spotlight? Someone else, tell me what the radius of the spotlight is? [3] Now that we have this information, plot the center and draw the circle representing spotlight on your white board. Looking at the picture of the “dancers” and “spotlight”, which dancers can be found in the spotlight? [Dancers 1 and 2] Elaboration Time: 5 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions Urge the students to At this time, we all agree on the standard explore what they have equation of a circle. But let’s explore why learned at a deeper level that formula is correct! and apply it to a challenging proof-type problem Pass out worksheet to students Reads instructions Circulates to answer questions and to ask probing questions. I am giving you all one last worksheet to complete with your group, or individually if you choose Let’s read the instructions together. Given this image, and the Pythagorean theorem, apply your knowledge to derive the standard equation of a circle. Look at the image. Look at the right angle corner. What are the coordinates of this vertex? How can we represent that “a” side of the triangle using letters from the circle equation? Look at the image. How can we represent that “b” side of the triangle using letters from the circle equation? Look at the image. How can we represent that “hypotenuse” side of the triangle Not another worksheet Yes, an added challenge! I can do this! I don’t know It’s got to have the same y coordinate as the center, and the same x coordinate as the top point on the circle, right? Maybe change it to h or k? Teacher response: No we can’t quite change its value or just call it something else yet. Since we don’t know the value of the leg we will have to say it is the difference between two values that we do know. Keep at it! I don’t know Maybe change it to h or k? Teacher response: No we can’t quite change its value or just call it something else yet. Since we don’t know the value of the leg we will have to say it is the difference between two values that we do know. Keep at it! I don’t know using letters from the circle equation? Maybe change it to h or k? Teacher response: Close! Looking at the circle, where is the radius? Where is the hypotenuse? What do you notice? Evaluation Time: 5 minutes What the Teacher Will Do Teacher Directions and Probing Questions Student Responses/Possible Misconceptions If there is time, a post Please clear your desks. I have an evaluation will be given to assessment for you all to do to show me the students so they can what you have learned in the past 2 days. display what they have learned. Pass out post Raise your hand when you are finished. evaluations to students. Once all the papers are Thank you all for having me this semester. collected, class should be It has been a pleasure getting to know over. each and every one of you. Enjoy the rest of your day! Group #:_____ Job Position: ______ Name: ______________________ EXPLORATION WORKSHEET Directions: **Each of you is part of a Team 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. **Within each Team, there are 3 job positions: A, B, or C. **Follow the instructions according to your position and only complete your Problem #. **Be prepared for further instructions by your teacher. Job Description A: Collect and discuss information regarding the x coordinate of the center of your circle Job Description B: Collect and discuss information regarding the y coordinate of the center of your circle Job Description C: Collect and discuss information regarding the radius of the circle Group 1 – PROBLEM 1 (x-1)2 + (y-2) 2 = 4 Center: _______ Radius: _______ Group 2 – PROBLEM 2 (x+3)2 + (y-1) 2 = 4 Center: _______ Radius: _______ Group 3 – PROBLEM 3 (x-2)2 + (y+2) 2 = 9 Center: _______ Radius: _______ Group 4 – PROBLEM 4 (x+2)2 + (y-2) 2 = 16 Center: _______ Radius: _______ Group 5 – PROBLEM 5 (x+1)2 + (y-2) 2 = 16 Center: _______ Radius: _______ Group #:_____ Job Position: ______ Name: ______________________ EXPLORATION WORKSHEET #2 Directions: At this time, you should be in your original Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Share with your group what you learned from your A, B, and C group collaboration. Once every Position has shared, as a Group, discuss the following questions and write an answer. Once you have finished, be prepared to share your answers with the class when called on. 1. What was your Group’s equation? Write it here: ______________________________ 2. The center for you circle was: __________. The radius for you circle was: __________. 3. What connections did you make between the x coordinate of the center and the equation? 4. What connections did you make between the y coordinate of the center and the equation? 5. What connections did you make between the radius of the circle and the equation? 6. Given the standard form of the equation of a circle: (x-h) 2 What do you think the h represents? The k ? The r ? + (y-k) 2 = r2 Name: __________________________ EXPLORATION WORKSHEET Directions: Work through each example in your small groups. 1. Write the equation of the circle with the center at the origin and a radius of 5. Equation of a circle (h,k)= ( _ , _ ), r=__ Simplify 2. Write the equation of a circle with a center at (3,-2) and a diameter of 18. Equation of a circle (h,k)= ( _ , _ ), r=__ Simplify 3. The equation of a circle is (x-6)2+y2=25. State the center and radius. Then graph the equation. 4. Write an equation of a circle with a center at (2, 2) and passes through the point (6, 5). Step 1: Find the distance between the points to determine the radius Distance Formula (x1,y1)=(_,_) and (x2,y2)=(_,_) Simplify Step 2: Write the equation using h=2, k=2, and r=5. Equation of a circle (h,k)=(_,_), r=__ Simplify WHITE BOARD EXAMPLES Directions: (One problem will be displayed at a time on the Elmo) *Write answers on your own white board. *Hold up answers when you are finished. *If wrong, ask a neighbor for help 1. Given the equation (x+4)2+y2=64, state the coordinates of the center and the measure of the radius. 2. Write the equation of a circle with a center at (3,-2) and a diameter of 24. 3. Draw a graph of a circle with a center at (-6,4) and a radius of 5. (Hint: Use the coordinate side of the white board). 4. Three dancers are on a stage, which is represented by a coordinate system. Dancer 1 is at the coordinate (3,-3). Dancer 2 is at the coordinate (6,-1). Dancer 3 is at the coordinate (5,3). There is a spotlight projected as a circle onto the stage with the equation (x-4)2+(y+1)2=9. Which dancers are in the spotlight? (Hint: It may help to draw it.) Name: _________________________ POST ASSESSMENT 1. Find the equation of a circle with a center at (-10,5) and a diameter of 20. 2. The equation of a circle is (x-13)2+(y+11)2=81. Find the center and radius of this circle. 3. Three dancers are on a stage, which is represented by a coordinate system. Dancer 1 is at the coordinate (2,-2). Dancer 2 is at the coordinate (0,-1). Dancer 3 is at the coordinate (5, 3). There is a spotlight projected as a circle onto the stage with the equation (x4)2+(y+1)2=9. Which dancers are in the spotlight? (Hint: It may help to draw it.) ELABORATION WORKSHEET Directions: Using the image provided and the Pythagorean Theorem, derive the equation of a circle. Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2 Where a and b are lengths of the legs, and c is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle. In the image, C represents the center of the circle, (x,y) is a point on the circle and a coordinate, (h,k) is the center of the circle and also a coordinate. Note: r is the radius AND the hypotenuse. ELABORATION WORKSHEET KEY Directions: Using the image provided and the Pythagorean Theorem, derive the equation of a circle. Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2 Where a and b are lengths of the legs, and c is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle. In the image, C represents the center of the circle, (x,y) is a point on the circle and a coordinate, (h,k) is the center of the circle and also a coordinate. Note: r is the radius AND the hypotenuse. Use the Pythagorean Theorem: a2+b2=c2 (according to common notation). This is applied to the equation of a circle when a triangle is graphed (on the coordinate plane for visual ease) within a circle where the hypotenuse is the radius. Now it can be seen that the leg lengths correspond to the difference between a point on the circle and the center point of the circle. Thus using substitution, the Pythagorean theorem becomes (x-h)2 + (y-k) 2 = c2 where (x,y) is the point on the circle and (h,k) is the center of the circle. Now, this is the standard equation of a circle: written as (x-h)2+(y-k)2=r2, where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius. ANSWER Group #:_____ Job Position: ______ Name: ______________________ EXPLORATION WORKSHEET KEY Directions: **Each of you is part of a Team 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. **Within each Team, there are 3 job positions: A, B, or C. **Follow the instructions according to your position and only complete your Problem #. **Be prepared for further instructions by your teacher. Job Description A: Collect and discuss information regarding the x coordinate of the center of your circle Job Description B: Collect and discuss information regarding the y coordinate of the center of your circle Job Description C: Collect and discuss information regarding the radius of the circle Group 1 – PROBLEM 1 (x-1)2 + (y-2) 2 = 4 Center: (1,2) Radius: 2 Group 2 – PROBLEM 2 (x+3)2 + (y-1) 2 = 4 Center: (-3,1) Radius: 2 Group 3 – PROBLEM 3 (x-2)2 + (y+2) 2 = 9 Center: (2,-2) Radius: 3 Group 4 – PROBLEM 4 (x+2)2 + (y-2) 2 = 16 Center: (-2,2) Radius: 4 Group 5 – PROBLEM 5 (x+1)2 + (y-2) 2 = 16 Center: (-1,2) Radius: 4 Project Based Interactions: 2-Day Lesson Plan Group #:_____ Job Position: ______ Name: ______________________ EXPLORATION WORKSHEET #2 KEY Directions: At this time, you should be in your original Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Share with your group what you learned from your A, B, and C group collaboration. Once every Position has shared, as a Group, discuss the following questions and write an answer. Once you have finished, be prepared to share your answers with the class when called on. 1. What was your Group’s equation? Write it here: ______________________________ 2. The center for you circle was: __________. The radius for you circle was: __________. 3. What connections did you make between the x coordinate of the center and the equation? The x coordinate corresponded to the number being subtracted from x in the equation 4. What connections did you make between the y coordinate of the center and the equation? The y coordinate corresponded to the number being subtracted from y in the equation 5. What connections did you make between the radius of the circle and the equation? The radius was the square root of the number on the right side of the equals sign 6. Given the standard form of the equation of a circle: (x-h) 2 What do you think the h represents? The x coordinate of the center The k ? The y coordinate of the center The r ? The radius of the circle + (y-k) 2 = r2 Project Based Interactions: 2-Day Lesson Plan Name: __________________________ EXPLORATION WORKSHEET KEY Directions: Follow along with the examples as we go over them on the Elmo 1. Write the equation of the circle with the center at the origin and a radius of 5. x2+y2=25 Equation of a circle (h,k)= (0,0), r=5 Simplify 2. Write the equation of a circle with a center at (3,-2) and a diameter of 18. (x-3)2+(y+2)2=81 Equation of a circle (h,k)= (3,-2), r=18/2=9 Simplify Project Based Interactions: 2-Day Lesson Plan 3. The equation of a circle is (x-6)2+y2=25. State the center and radius. Then graph the equation. Center: (6,0) Radius: 5 4. Write an equation of a circle with a center at (2,2) and passes through the point (6,5). Step 1: Find the distance between the points to determine the radius r=(6-2)2+(5-2)2 25= 5 Distance Formula (x1,y1)=(2,2) and (x2,y2)=(6,5) Simplify Step 2: Write the equation using h=2, k=2, and r=5. (x-2)2+(y-2)2=25 Equation of a circle (h,k)=(2,2), r=5 Simplify Project Based Interactions: 2-Day Lesson Plan WHITE BOARD EXAMPLES KEY Directions: (One problem will be displayed at a time on the Elmo) *Write answers on your own white board. *Hold up answers when you are finished. *If wrong, ask a neighbor for help 1. Given the equation (x+4)2+y2=64, state the coordinates of the center and the measure of the radius. Center: (-4,0) Radius: 8 2. Write the equation of a circle with a center at (3,-2) and a diameter of 24. (x-3)2+(y+2)2=144 3. Draw a graph of a circle with a center at (-6,4) and a radius of 5. (Hint: Use the coordinate side of the white board). (graph will shown on Elmo) Project Based Interactions: 2-Day Lesson Plan 4. Three dancers are on a stage, which is represented by a coordinate system. Dancer 1 is at the coordinate (3,-3). Dancer 2 is at the coordinate (6,-1). Dancer 3 is at the coordinate (5,3). There is a spotlight projected as a circle onto the stage with the equation (x4)2+(y+1)2=9. Which dancers are in the spotlight? (Hint: It may help to draw it.) Dancers 1 and 2 Project Based Interactions: 2-Day Lesson Plan Name: _________________________ POST ASSESSMENT KEY Find the equation of a circle with a center at (-10,5) and a diameter of 20. (x+10)2+(y-5)2=100 The equation of a circle is (x-13)2+(y+11)2=81. Find the center and radius of this circle. Center: (13,-11) Radius: 9 Three dancers are on a stage, which is represented by a coordinate system. Dancer 1 is at the coordinate (2,-2). Dancer 2 is at the coordinate (0,-1). Dancer 3 is at the coordinate (5, 3). There is a spotlight projected as a circle onto the stage with the equation (x4)2+(y+1)2=9. Which dancers are in the spotlight? (Hint: It may help to draw it.) Dancer 1 only Project Based Interactions: 2-Day Lesson Plan Name: _________________________ Formative Assessment END OF DAY 1 1. Write the equation of a circle with a radius of 4 and a center at (0, 2) 2. What did you find most difficult about today’s lesson? 3. What improvements can the teacher make for tomorrow’s lesson? Name: _________________________ Formative Assessment END OF DAY 1 1. Write the equation of a circle with a radius of 4 and a center at (0, 2) 2. What did you find most difficult about today’s lesson? 3. What improvements can the teacher make for tomorrow’s lesson? Project Based Interactions: 2-Day Lesson Plan Name: _________________________ Formative Assessment END OF DAY 1 KEY Write the equation of a circle with a radius of 4 and a center at (0, 2) Radius: 4, so r2 =16 (x-0)2+(y-2)2=16 (x)2+(y-2)2=16 What did you find most difficult about today’s lesson? What improvements can the teacher make for tomorrow’s lesson?