Exhibition Toolkit | Develop Exhibition Documents and Materials | Rubrics and Criteria Checklists REVISED 8/2007 Exhibition Research and Research Paper Rubric Rhode Island Depart of Education Explanation and Considerations for Use Schools that require a research component - either in development of a formal research paper or when research findings are the basis of the content for an oral presentation - may use this assessment tool. Schools will need to determine which of the rubric criteria apply to the final product being assessed. For example, an oral presentation would not be assessed using all indicators under Writing Conventions and Structures of Language, but a “Works Cited” page accompanying an oral presentation might be assessed for applying a standard format for citing resources. This is a guidance document issued by the Rhode Island Department of Education. Rhode Island schools should consider it carefully when designing an exhibition system. This tool was created and/or compiled by The Rhode Island Department of Education and The Education Alliance at Brown University, with the generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. http://www.ride.ri.gov/highschoolreform/dslat/ October, 2005 Exhibition Toolkit | Develop Exhibition Documents and Materials | Rubrics and Criteria Checklists School-Wide Diploma Assessment: Exhibition Research and Research Paper Rubric Guidelines for Using Rubric: Select the indicators that best describe student performance related to each criterion. Whenever possible, use anchor papers to help to define rubric criteria and indicators. The most difficult scoring decisions to make will be the ones when student work falls “on the line” between score points. Scorers will need to reach consensus on how to consistently make these decisions (for reliable scoring). Criteria Purpose and Idea Development [W-7] Exceeds Standard Effectively conveys Effectively conveys purpose by establishing a topic through selecting and using formal, informal, literary, and/or technical language appropriate to the audience and context [W-12-7.1; W-12-7.3] States and maintains a complex controlling idea/focus/thesis [W.12-7-7.2] Builds a cohesive argument substantiated with compelling evidence Analysis & Synthesis of Information [R-15, W-6, W-8] Meets Standard Analysis/ interpretation of information presented, is compelling while relevant/valid/credi ble to the purpose, thesis, and audience.[R12-15.2; W-12-8.1] purpose by establishing a topic appropriate to the audience [W-10-7.1; W-10-7.3] States and maintains a controlling idea/focus/thesis [W.10-7-7.2] Builds a cohesive argument substantiated with supporting evidence [W10-6.4a&b] Analysis/ interpretation of information presented, is accurate, complete and relevant to purpose, thesis, and audience.[R1015.2; W-10-8.1] Attempts to establish a topic; however, it is not developed (e.g., may simply state what is common knowledge or is too broad an issue to address) Controlling idea/focus/thesis is not consistently maintained throughout Attempts to build an argument; however evidence is lacking Analysis/ interpretation of information is not entirely accurate, complete, and/or relevant to purpose, thesis, and audience Below Standard States a topic, but lacks purpose and/or development Little evidence of controlling idea/focus/thesis Shows little comprehension of information and is unable to relate information/evidence to major ideas Analysis/ interpretation of information is mostly inaccurate, incomplete, and/or irrelevant to purpose, thesis, and audience Includes little or no Includes sufficient Includes facts and Nearly Meets Standard details or facts for appropriate depth of information to support conclusions with evidence [W-108.2; R-10-15.4] details that specifically address readers concerns with significant depth of information to support conclusions with evidence [W- Conclusion drawn Includes some facts/details to support ideas presented facts/details to support ideas presented Conclusion drawn Conclusion drawn Rhode Island Diploma System Local Assessment Toolkits http://www.ride.ri.gov/highschoolreform/dslat/ Revised August 2007 shows no connection made between purpose/thesis or lacks 2 Exhibition Toolkit | Develop Exhibition Documents and Materials | Rubrics and Criteria Checklists 12-8.2; R-12-15.4] Conclusion drawn shows evidence of sophisticated synthesis of information from multiple research studies, including primary sources Organization [W-6] shows evidence of synthesis of information from multiple research studies, including primary sources [W10-6.4a. and 4b] Uses a text structure Uses a text structure that sharpens the focus/controlling idea or thesis Uses sophisticated transitional devices to further enhance meaning appropriate to focus/controlling idea or thesis [W-10-6.1; W-10-1.3] Uses transitional words or phrases appropriate to text structure [W—10-6.3; W 10-3.4] shows little or no evidence of synthesis of information Use of text structure is somewhat appropriate to focus/controlling idea or thesis, and/or structure is not maintained throughout a conclusion Lacks a consistent or appropriate text structure for focus/controlling idea or thesis Some transitional words Few or no transitional or phrases appropriate to text structure Rhode Island Diploma System Local Assessment Toolkits http://www.ride.ri.gov/highschoolreform/dslat/ Revised August 2007 words or phrases appropriate to text structure 3 Exhibition Toolkit | Develop Exhibition Documents and Materials | Rubrics and Criteria Checklists Resources Cited (in paper or presentation) [W-6] Quality and types of sources enhance topic An extensive variety of sources relevant, accurate and reliable to the thesis expand ideas and give credibility to the research Includes required Number and/or types of Significantly number and types of sources for researching topic Sources cited in sources are nearly sufficient for researching topic Few sources cited in body of paper or presentation are relevant, accurate, and reliable to main idea/thesis Lists and cites insufficient number and/or types of sources used for researching topic Most sources cited body of paper or presentation are relevant, or accurate, or reliable to main idea/thesis Lists and cites sources sources using standard format [W10-6.5] in body of paper or presentation are missing and/or irrelevant and/or inaccurate, and/or unreliable to main idea/thesis Lists and cites with many errors in standard format Rhode Island Diploma System Local Assessment Toolkits http://www.ride.ri.gov/highschoolreform/dslat/ Revised August 2007 sources with major errors in standard format 4 Exhibition Toolkit | Develop Exhibition Documents and Materials | Rubrics and Criteria Checklists This section of the rubric is required of the Research Paper and not of an oral presentation of Research. This section may be used when assessing Conventions and Structures in any written piece of student work. Writing Conventions [W-9] Demonstrates control of usage, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling [W-12-9.1, W-12-9.2; W-129.4; W-12-9.5] Demonstrates control of usage, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling [W-10-9.1, W-10-9.2; W-10-9.4; W-10-9.5] Occasional errors do not interfere with meaning Structures of Language [W-1] Applies novel use(s) Text structure is of text structure (sentences, sentence patterns, text) to enhance meaning for particular contexts, viewpoints, or interpretations [W10-1.1; W10– 1.4] appropriate to purpose, audience, and context [W10– 1.4] Uses varied sentence length and structure to enhance meaning (e.g., including phrases and clauses) [W10-1.1] Maintains consistent Maintains organizational structure within paragraphs and throughout text organizational structure within paragraphs and throughout text [W10–1.3] Demonstrates some control of usage, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling Errors begin to interfere with meaning. Text structure is not always appropriate to purpose, audience, and context Uses some variation of sentence length and structure Exhibits some organizational structure within paragraphs and throughout text Rhode Island Diploma System Local Assessment Toolkits http://www.ride.ri.gov/highschoolreform/dslat/ Revised August 2007 Demonstrates little control of usage, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling Numerous errors interfere with meaning Text structure interferes with meaning and intent Uses little or no variation of sentence structures Exhibits little organizational structure within paragraphs and throughout text 5