Towards a Scintillator Based Digital Hadron Calorimeter for the Linear Collider Detector A. Dyshkant, Member, IEEE, D. Beznosko, G. Blazey, D. Chakraborty, K. Francis, D. Kubik, J. G. Lima, M. I. Martin, J. McCormick, V. Rykalin, V. Zutshi Abstract-- We report on the feasibility of a scintillator-based (semi) digital hadron calorimeter for the proposed Linear Collider Detector (LCD). A finely segmented, (semi) digital hadron calorimeter, combined with energy flow algorithms, represents one of the most promising approaches to attaining the unprecedented jet energy resolutions required to fully exploit the physics potential of a future Linear Collider. At the Northern Illinois Center of Accelerator and Detector Development at Northern Illinois University we have made a number of initial studies of a scintillator-based (semi) digital tile calorimeter. These studies include determination of optimum cell size, comparison of light yield of cast and extruded scintillator cells, optimization of cell processing and performance of candidate photo-detectors. Initial results are encouraging and indicate that a scintillatorbased (semi) digital hadron calorimeter for the Linear Collider Detector merits continued study. I. INTRODUCTION ability to distinguish between physics signals that THE involve multi-jet final states will be crucial to the success of a future Linear Collider Detector (LCD). This translates into a requirement for unprecedented precision in jet energy measurements. For instance, to effectively separate W and Z bosons in their hadronic final states, based on a reconstruction of their invariant masses, fractional jet energy resolution 30% / E will be needed [1]. The socalled Energy-Flow Algorithms (EFA) have the best potential of achieving such an ambitious goal and are now an integral part of the general approach toward LCD design. The basic premise of EFAs (also called Particle Flow Algorithms) [2] is based on separating in a jet, energy deposited by charged particles, from that left by neutrals. The former is then substituted by the more precisely determined momentum from the magnetized central tracker. A calorimeter, optimized for EFAs, must therefore have fine lateral and longitudinal segmentation to track individual charged particles Manuscript received November 15, 2003. This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Education under Grant No. P116Z010035, the Department of Energy, and the State of Illinois Higher Education Cooperation Act. A. Dyshkant, D. Beznosko, G. Blazey, D. Chakraborty, K. Francis, D. Kubik, G. Lima, M. I. Martin, J. McCormick, V. Rykalin, V. Zutshi are with Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115 USA (telephone: 815-7533504, email: in the calorimeter and separate the energy deposited by them from the hits that belong to nearby photons and neutral hadrons. Once this separation, or assignment, is achieved, the tracker momentum is substituted for the calorimeter energy that is associated with the charged tracks, and the electromagnetic calorimeter is used to measure the photons. Each system provides high precision energy measurements for the respective components. The neutral hadrons that constitute on average only 11% of a jet’s energy are then mainly measured in the hadron calorimeter with the traditional 50% / E resolution. Thus, in principle, a net jet energy resolution of ~ 30% / E could be achieved with a calorimeter that is optimized for EFAs. The large number of channels, required for fine lateral and longitudinal segmentation, poses a significant challenge in the form of complexity and cost of signal processing and data acquisition. Reducing the dynamic range of the readout is a potential solution. A (semi) digital (i.e. one or two-bit readout) approach trades dynamic range to achieve finer spatial resolution at an affordable price. Thus in the (semi) digital paradigm one records whether a cell is or is not above a certain threshold while in traditional analog calorimetry the total energy deposited in the cells (usually 12-15 bit digitization) is read out. In the following sections of this paper, we examine the feasibility of a finely segmented scintillator-based hadron calorimeter with one or two-bit readout. II. HADRONIC ENERGY RESOLUTION We have used a GEANT4 [3] simulation of the nominal LCD configuration [4] to understand the behavior of a digital hadron calorimeter and establish the feasibility of the digital approach. The main detector elements, going out in radius from the interaction point are: a) Silicon tracker b) 22.5 radiation lengths Si-W electromagnetic calorimeter (15 cm deep, with 1 cm x 1 cm cells) c) Steel-Scintillator sandwich hadron calorimeter (40 layers deep with 2 cm steel and 0.5 cm scintillator in each layer) d) 5T solenoid coil (tracker and calorimeter are immersed in its field) e) Iron-scintillator muon/tail-catcher system. 0 20 40 60 Number of Cells Above Threshold 800 800 4cm^2 6cm^2 600 600 9cm^2 12cm^2 16cm^2 2cm^2 400 400 200 200 0 0 0 20 40 Incident Energy (GeV) 60 Fig. 1. Mean number of cells above threshold (0.25 MIP) vs. incident energy of single charged pions. The feasibility of hit counting (see Fig. 3) as a measure of hadron energy can be confirmed with a simple algorithm based on assigning sampling weights to the calorimeter layers. The sampling weights can be calculated by minimizing the expression: ( E0 ai Li ) 2 where E0 is the incident energy ai is the sampling weight for layer i (1) Li is the energy, sampled in ith layer, or the number of cells above threshold for the analog and digital approaches respectively. Number of entries per 1000 events 0 50 100 150 1600 1600 1200 1200 800 800 400 400 0 0 0 50 100 150 Momentum (GeV/c) Fig. 2. Momentum spectrum of hadrons inside jets produced in e+e- collisions at s 500 GeV. The events were generated using PYTHIA [5]. 5 Number of Entries per Thousand Events To study the single particle hadron resolution, we generated charged pions of different energies at 90 to the beam axis and random azimuthal angle. The steel-scintillator sandwich geometry of the hadron calorimeter described previously was run successively with different transverse segmentations for charged pions in the 2-50 GeV range. The transverse segmentation was achieved by dividing the scintillator into square cells of a user specified size. Once specified all cells in all layers of the hadron calorimeter had the same size (i.e. the calorimeter had non-projective geometry). Thus simulations were first run with all hadron calorimeter cells having the dimensions 1.414 cm x 1.414 cm (2 cm2) then jobs were run with cell dimensions of 2.45 cm x 2.45 cm (6 cm2) and so on. An indication that the digital approach can work for hadrons is evident in Fig. 1. Shown there is the mean number of cells above threshold, which was chosen to be 0.25 times the energy deposited by a minimum ionizing particle (MIP), as a function of the incident energy. The different symbols correspond to different cell sizes (in cm). The proportionality between the number of cells and particle energy clearly indicates that simply counting cells above threshold will give a reasonable estimate of the incident energy. At higher energies, with increasing cell size the relationship becomes non-linear. This is not of fundamental concern because the spectrum of hadrons inside a jet is peaked towards low momenta with a mean around 9-10 GeV (Fig. 2). 35 65 95 125 155 185 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 5 35 65 95 125 155 185 Number of Cells Fig 3. Total number of cells above threshold for a 1000-event sample of 5 GeV charged pions. Fig. 4 shows the fractional energy resolution for single charged pions as a function of their energy, using the analog (only one set of points is shown as the answer is largely independent of cell size) or digital approach for different cell sizes. It can be seen that the ‘digital’ single particle resolution compares favorably with the analog resolution, especially below 25 GeV. For higher energies, the resolution in the cell counting approach begins to degrade. Simulations indicate that this degradation can be controlled by using multiple thresholds (three thresholds, or two-bit readout for instance). For initial prototyping studies we picked a cell size in the mid-range (~ 9 cm2), for which the resolution is reasonably well behaved, the total number of channels is manageable, the dimension of the cells is close to the effective Moliere radius of a steelscintillator sandwich and the 9 cm2 area does not pose problems in bending fibers for embedding inside the scintillator. 20 40 60 0.5 0.5 2cm^2 Digital 4cm^2 Digital 0.4 Counts 0 0 600 900 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0.4 6cm^2 Digital 9cm^2 Digital 12cm^2 Digital 0.3 300 25 0.3 /E 16cm^2 Digital 0 Analog 0.2 0.2 0 0 300 600 900 ADC Channels 0.1 0.1 0 0 20 40 Incident Energy (GeV) 60 Fig. 4. Energy resolution as a function of the incident energy for single charged pions. The different symbols represent different cell sizes. III. LIGHT YIELD We tested the light response for our nominal 9 cm2 cells (actual size of the fabricated cells was 9.4 cm2) by studying their response to cosmic ray muons. The cells were made with 5mm thick Bicron [6] BC-408 scintillator. Kuraray [7] Y11, 0.94mm diameter wavelength shifting (WLS) fiber was embedded and glued into the scintillator in a sigma-shaped groove (see Fig. 5). The groove radius was 12mm, with a width of 1mm and a depth of 4.5mm, angled to the exit. Both ends of the fiber were polished using the fly-diamond cutting technique [8]. The end of the fiber inside the scintillator was aluminum mirrored [9], while the other end was spliced to a clear fiber. A Hamamatsu [10] 16-channel multi-anode photo multiplier tube (MAPMT) H6568 was used as the photo-detector, and its output was digitized by a 32 channel ADC (CAEN V792), sitting in a VME crate. A clear MIP signal, cleanly separated from the pedestal, can be seen in Fig. 6 for a typical channel. The light yield for the 14 cells studied was found to be between 10-12 photoelectrons. Fig. 5. Schematics of square cells with straight (left) and sigma-shaped (right) grooves. A high-resolution detector requires consistent light yield for a large number of cells. While we have not studied light yield for a very large number of cells, we have made a systematic effort to track the dispersion within a particular sample over the hundreds of cells we have fabricated. 0.9 Number of Fibers 0 Fig. 6. ADC count distribution for a 9.4 cm 2 cell showing a clear MIP signal separated from the pedestal. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Anode Current (microAmps) Fig. 7. Response distribution for about 100 fibers. For example, the dispersion obtained for a sample of about 100 fibers, is shown in Fig. 7. The fibers were cut, polished and mirrored using the same procedure. One by one, they were inserted in the same cell and their response to 90Sr source measured with a picoammeter. Over the hundred fibers we see dispersion of about 5%. This sets the lower limit in the uniformity of response that can be expected. Our measurements with the fully processed cells indicate that the net dispersion amongst cells, taking into account all the intermediate processing steps (fiber insertion, gluing, wrapping, painting etc.), is less than 10% and, therefore, well under control. We have also studied the response of the 9.4 cm2 tiles for different thicknesses. This will give us a good idea of the allowed range of thickness of the scintillator within the final calorimeter design. Fig. 8 shows the response of cells, relative to the 3mm thick cell, with a 137Cs source. The thickness of the scintillator can be reduced by (0.5-1.0) mm, if needed, and we can still stay within 10-20% of the mentioned above light yield. Responce Normalized To 3mm Thick Cell 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 1.75 1.75 1.5 1.5 1.25 1.25 1 1 0.75 0.75 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 TABLE II NORMALIZED CELL RESPONSES FOR DIFFERENT COATINGS OR WRAPPINGS Cell Thickness (mm) Fig. 8. Response of cells with thicknesses of 3, 4, and 5 mm. radioactive source was used. 137Cs IV. CELL PROCESSING 2 Even with ~9 cm cells, a few million scintillator tiles will be required. Processing such a large number represents a formidable challenge. In the following, we present some results from studies that allow the cell preparation to be simplified to a large extent, thereby opening up the possibility of semiautomated tile treatment. A minimum of 8-10 cells was used for each set of measurements. TABLE I NORMALIZED CELLS RESPONSES FOR DIFFERENT SURFACE TREATMENTS Surface treatment Unpolished top Polished top and polished and polished bottom bottom Unpolished top and unpolished bottom Response 0.98 1.02 1.00 A similar study was done on the effectiveness of various reflective treatments available for tiles. Table II shows the response of the cells with various treatments relative to Tyvek wrapping. Each cell was first wrapped in Tyvek [12] and its response measured. The wrapping was then removed and the cells were subsequently wrapped in the other reflective materials. Paint was applied last, using an airbrush to spray a specific number of coats on the tile. After comparative studies of paint available in the market (acrylic, enamel and vinyl paints were tried out), a white acrylic paint with titanium dioxide pigmentation from Liquitex, England, was chosen. While Tyvek and VM2002 (3M [13] super-radiant mirror film) give the best response, wrapping can be a daunting operation for the number of tiles under consideration. Spray-painting, however, is a convenient way to apply a reflective coating to these cells, and it has the potential to be easily automated. Furthermore, the response for painted cells is within 10% of that obtained for cells wrapped in Tyvek. Continuous observation of the painted cells over a six-month period has shown no chipping or aging effects. We also intend to do radiation damage testing in the near future. Unless otherwise specified, these and the following measurements were made with a 74 MBq (2mCi) 90Sr source. A Keithley [11] picoammeter, connected to a Hamamatsu R580 PMT, was used to make absolute current measurements. Table I shows the response for 9.4 cm2 cells with polished and unpolished top and bottom surfaces. Given that the accuracy for these measurements was 2%, the light response for the cells is independent of the surface treatment, thereby eliminating costly and manpower intensive surface polishing. Coating Response Tyvek 1.00 Paint 0.89 VM2002 1.08 Coating Response CM590a 0.28 CM500 0.44 Alum. Foil 0.63 Mylar 0.83 V. PHOTO-DETECTORS Due to the presence of a 4-5T magnetic field in the proposed LCD, conventional PMTs cannot be used unless the light is transported far from the detector (~10m), which can degrade the signal substantially. Consequently, we have been exploring the use of solid-state photo-detectors like Avalanche Photodiodes (APD) [14] and Silicon Photo Multipliers (SiPM) [15]. These devices operate at room temperature and have complementary strengths. The APDs have high quantum efficiency (70-80%) but low to moderate gains (see Fig.9), while the Si-PMs have low quantum efficiencies (12-15%) but high gains (~106). Fig. 10 shows a cosmic ray event, as captured on a scope, using a 32-channel Hamamatsu APD matrix (S8550). Thus the APDs have a reasonable signal-tonoise performance and, in addition, exhibit low intrinsic noise and cross-talk. However, other factors, such as cost, high sensitivity of the gain to temperature and voltage variations make APDs less attractive at the moment, when compared to Geiger-mode detectors like the Si-PMs. a CM590 and CM500 are color films from 3M. 100 1000.0 200 300 400 1 1000.0 for 587nm, yellow 151 301 451 601 751 901 1000 1000 750 750 500 500 250 250 565nm, green 100.0 486nm, blue 100.0 Gain Counts 660nm red light 10.0 10.0 0 1.0 100 1.0 200 300 0 1 151 301 451 601 751 901 ADC Channels 400 Bias Voltage (V) Fig. 11. Pulse height spectrum, obtained with a Si-PM (bias voltage = 51 V) using Ru-106 source. Fig. 9. Hamamatsu Si APD S8550 gain vs. bias voltage for different wavelength of incident light. Number of PEs 51 Fig. 11 shows the photoelectron spectrum, obtained with a Si-PM, mounted on a scintillator exposed to a 106Ru source. Since the Si-PM operates in Geiger-mode, an optimal working voltage needs to be set for them. 52 53 54 16 16 12 12 8 8 4 4 0 0 51 52 53 54 Bias (V) Fig. 12. Number of photoelectrons as a function of operating voltage for SiPM, from cosmic ray muons. VI. COST OPTIMIZATION CONSIDERATIONS Fig. 10. MIP signal from a cosmic ray event, obtained from a 5 mm thick scintillating cell with APD S8550, bias voltage of 393 V. Signal amplitude here is ~8 mV with noise of ~2 mV; signal width is ~100 nsec. Fig. 12 shows the mean response for cosmic ray muons, in number of photoelectrons, as a function of the operating voltage. We obtain ten or more photoelectrons for cosmic ray muons using Si-PMs. The high photoelectron yield indicates that Si-PMs are very promising devices for use in a (semi) digital hadron calorimeter. Extruded scintillator is five to ten times cheaper than commercially available cast scintillator. To date, extruded scintillator has mostly been used in the form of long strips. We are, however, investigating its potential for small tiles. An extruder line run jointly by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Northern Illinois Center for Accelerator and Detector Development (NICADD) [16] produced the extruded scintillator used for our studies. Our studies have shown that the tiles made from extruded material have ~70% of the light yield obtained with cast BC-408. Given that we are consistently getting more than 10 photoelectrons, extruded scintillator, cut into tiles (see Fig. 13), can already be used to instrument a (semi) digital hadron calorimeter. Since the extruded scintillator light yield is dependent on dopant concentration in the extruded material, we expect to improve the light yield. The mixture we are currently using was optimized for long strips, where the smaller attenuation length of the extruded scintillator is the primary concern. The small size of our cells implies that the attenuation length is not an overriding issue for us, and studies are underway to optimize the light yield. solution to both of these problems. Other groups [18] have suggested mounting the Si-PM (since it is only 1 mm x 1 mm) directly onto the scintillator itself. Since the photo-detection occurs at the tile itself, the signal can be brought out by electrical cables instead of the much more fragile fibers. This will significantly reduce the amount of fiber required and eliminate the need for fiber routing. Additionally, the issues of attenuation length associated with the wavelength shifting fibers and the cumbersome process of splicing them to clear fibers, is eliminated. VII. CONCLUSIONS AND PLANS Fig. 13. Different shapes and sizes of cells fabricated from extruded and cast scintillator for studies. While we have used a sigma groove for much of our studies, we have also studied straight grooves as they can be easily machined or extruded. We have found that a straight groove has slightly higher non-uniformity across the tile [17] (this is not a big issue for digital or semi-digital approach since all you are looking for is whether a cell is above or below a specified threshold). However, a straight groove offers obvious construction advantages as it can be easily extruded. For example, with the extruded strip, shown in Fig. 14, cells can be automatically machined. Initial studies indicate that a scintillator based (semi) digital calorimeter represents an attractive alternative for the LCD. Simulations indicate that simply counting cells above MIP threshold will be sufficient for single particle resolution. This is a prerequisite for EFAs needed to achieve jet resolutions required for the LCD. Other studies, not discussed in this paper, are now underway to determine the sensitivity of complete EFAs. Nonetheless, the simulations have suggested initial cell sizes for prototype studies. These prototype studies show that both cast and extruded 3 cm x 3 cm scintillator cells have sufficient light yield and uniformity for operation in a digital hadron calorimeter. Our work also indicates that the cells can be manufactured with a number of labor saving features conducive to automated processing. These features include minimal surface preparation, painted surfaces, straight fiber grooves and, perhaps, surface mounted photo-detectors. Our simulation and cell studies have led us to assemble a hadron calorimeter stack for study with cosmic ray muons. The stack has twelve layers, each instrumented with seven cells. The cells are initially being readout with PMTs, but gradually solid-state photo-detectors will be phased in. We will characterize the cell and tower response over the next few months in preparation for the construction of a prototype for beam tests. VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Fig. 14. An extruded strip with 10 holes, the holes run along the length of the strip. For both cast and extruded scintillator, a straight groove also allows one to choose smaller cells, if desired, since the minimum bending radius for fiber is no longer an issue. The light yield is not an issue given that the light yield for a 6 cm2 cell is 93% of a 9 cm2 cell. Fibers present problems in terms of the cost and routing out of the calorimeter. Interestingly, the Si-PMs offer a potential The authors are thankful to Peter Torres and Daniel Ruggiero for their help during the cell tests. We would like to express our appreciation to B. Dolgoshein and E. Popova, from Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia, for samples of Si-PMs. Also, we would like to thank Phil Stone for providing excellent mechanical shop support. IX. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] TESLA Technical Design Report, DESY, March 2001. ALEPH Collaboration, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A360:481-506, 1995 and P. Gay, “Energy flow with high-granularity calorimeters”, Linear Collider Workshop, Fermilab, Oct. 2000. S. Agostinelli et al., “GEANT4 – a simulation toolkit”, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A506:250-303, 2003. C. Damerell et al., pg. 431 and J. Brau et al., pg. 437 in Proc. Snowmass, 1996. T. Sjostrand, P. Eden, C. Friberg, L. Lonnblad, G. Miu, S. Mrenna et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 135:238-259, 2001. SAINT-GOBAIN (Bicron), 12345 Kinsman Road, Newbury, OH 44065, USA. Kuraray America Inc., 200 Park Ave., NY 10166, USA. E. Gallas, J. Li, “Polishing optical fibers for the D ICD in Run II”, Fermilab-TN-2062. 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