RE LA TI O N SHI P F OR M Photograph Li br ar y Ex te r n al Me m be r s hi p Se rv ic es LA HO RE U NI VER SI TY OF MAN AG EME NT SC I ENCE S Level of Relationship Attach two passport-size photographs [please check √ relevant] Gold (Corporate/Institutional/Individual/Alumni) Classic (Individual/Alumni) Name (Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) _________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Phone ______________________ E-mail _____________________________ Home Address _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________ CNIC No./Passport No (attach copy) Name and Address of the Organization/Institution ___________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Designation _______________________ Phone _______________________ Fax _________________________ E-mail ___________________________ Reasons for applying ________________________________________________________________________ I declare that the information given above is correct and that I will abide by the LUMS library rules. Signature _________________________________ Date _______________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Organizational/Institutional Declaration (For corporate/institutional members to be filled in by organizational/departmental/institutional head) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms _______________________________________ may be granted membership of LUMS Library on my assurance. I declare a secure and proper conduct of the membership and ensure that all outstanding debts to the Library (if any) due to book(s) lost/damaged/fines not paid or any other liability that might be incurred because of this membership will be settled. Guarantor's Name: _________________________________________ Designation ________________________ Address (if different from above) _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Phone _____________________ E-mail: ___________________________ _________________________ Signature ________________________________ Organizational Stamp _______________ Date -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Membership No. ______________________ Gold (Corporate/Institutional/Individual/Alumni) Classic (Individual/Alumni) Date of Grant ______________________ Date of Expiry ______________________ Signature: ______________________ Chief Librarian LUMS LIBRARY Application for External Membership In response to a great demand from outside world, the library opens its doors for LUMS Alumni, corporate, faculty, researches, international visitors, postgraduate students and similar categories through External Memberships. The Library offers following types of external memberships: 1. 2. Gold (Corporate/Institutional/Individual/Alumni) Classic (Individual/Alumni) Please read the details of each type of membership to see which you would wish to subscribe. Complete the application form and return it to the library at the address given below together with the necessary documents and cheque/demand draft for the relevant amount, crossed and made payable to Lahore University of Management Sciences. 1. Gold Who may apply? Corporate organizations, institutions, individual executives, & LUMS/REDC alumni Membership Fee Membership category Registration VPN Access (optional) Smart Card (Optional) Annual Fee Corporate/Inst./Org. PKR 15,000 non-refundable (once) PKR 3,000/annum PKR 1,000/annum PKR 6,000 p.a./person Individual PKR 10,000 non-refundable (once) PKR 3,000/annum PKR 1,000/annum PKR 6,000 per annum PKR PKR 3,000/annum PKR 1,000/annum PKR 6,000 per annum PKR 3,000/annum PKR 1,000/annum PKR 6,000 per annum REDC Alumni LUMS Alumni 5,000 non-refundable (once) PKR 0.00 Organizations/institutions may apply for maximum three memberships within one registration, by paying annual membership fee of each nominee separately. Privileges 1. 4 books for 14 days. 2. Secure access to library portal with login/password for online renewals and holds. 3. Off campus VPN access to more than 35,000 E-journals, 130,000 eBooks, local and international databases 4. Smart card facility while visiting the library 5. Information and reference services 6. Subscription to EMS information bulletin (a monthly publication of LUMS library for external members). EMS Bulletin carries a list of latest added books, national press review, and table of contents of latest issues of the journals subscribed by the library. 2. Classic Who may apply? Individuals, individual executives, LUMS/REDC alumni, postgraduate students of institutes of higher learning. Membership Fee Membership category Registration VPN Access (optional) Smart Card (Optional) Annual Fee Individual PKR 10,000 non-refundable (once) PKR 3,000/annum PKR 1,000/annum PKR 4,000 per annum PKR PKR 3,000/annum PKR 1,000/annum PKR 4,000 per annum PKR 3,000/annum PKR 1,000/annum PKR 4,000 per annum REDC Alumni LUMS Alumni 5,000 non-refundable (once) PKR 0.00 Privileges 1. 4 books for 14 days. 2. Secure access to library portal with login/password for online renewals and holds. 3. Off campus VPN access to more than 35,000 E-journals, 130,000 eBooks, local and international databases 4. Smart card facility while visiting the library 5. Information and reference services. Note: The library reserves the rights to accept or reject any application and to alter the membership fee and categories. Chief Librarian Lahore University of Management Sciences, Library Opposite Sector U, DHA Lahore 54792 For more information, please call at 042-5608167 (dir) or 042-5608166 (dir) during office hours or e-mail