ASSESSMENT OF ANTIFOULING AGENTS IN COASTAL ENVIRONMENTS (ACE) MAS3-CT98-0178 Annual Report (February 1999 – February 2000) Executive Summary Significant progress has been achieved during this first year of the ACE programme. All tasks are on-track with only one exception, the analytical inter-comparison study. This was postponed until the partners had selected the antifouling agents on which studies would be focussed. Now that these have been identified (see Sub-task 1.6) the inter-comparison will be organised. In other areas such as analytical method development (Sub-task 2.1), environmental surveys (Sub-task 3.1) and ecotoxicology (Sub-task 4.1), progress has exceeded expectations. In addition, publications in highly reputable journals have already been achieved. The ACE website has been set up (at and a database constructed using Microsoft Access 97. Inception/Teambuilding Workshop (workshop 1) – month 1 Responsible: Project Co-ordinator (PML) Objectives: To discuss the overall objectives and agree details of the approach. Final planning for Task 1. Agree upon the format for the national overviews to be produced (vide infra). To ensure that the activities at the interfaces between the various tasks and subtasks are well attuned to each other (e.g. the gathering of information, the setup of the database and the input needs for the models to be used). During the inception workshop (workshop 1), tasks will be classified with the participating laboratories to obtain and compile information on the usage of the antifouling agents registered for each country. The analytical data obtained will be screened as regards their quality according to the criteria agreed upon during the inception workshop (workshop 1). A proposal for the level of detail of the information will be presented to the inception workshop (workshop 1) and agreed upon and methods for dissemination, e.g. through the Internet, will be discussed. Delegates: Steering Committee Deliverables: Minutes of meeting. As scheduled, the meeting was held in Plymouth from 23 to 25 February 1999. The meeting was successful and achieved the objectives. A meeting report is attached as Annex I. Task 1 Collection and compilation of information relating to antifouling paint/booster biocide usage. This is critical to the programme to identify which agents are most used and are of most concern on a National/local basis to direct methodological/analytical, chemical surveys and ecotoxicological experiments. The gathering of data will be centralised but it is likely that usage will be susceptible to high geographical variability. 1 Sub-tasks: 1.1 Surveys of antifouling agents and products being manufactured, imported, used and marketed (including information about the level of content of the antifouling agents in the paints and leaching rates) will be conducted. Sub-task 1.1 – months 2-6 Title Surveys of antifouling agents and products being manufactured. Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 5 months Objectives: To survey antifouling agents and products being used and marketed, including information about the level of content of the antifouling agents in the paints and all available information on leaching rates. Methods: Each laboratory will assemble details regarding the national usage of antifouling products. To this end, literature and statistics will be collected relating to manufacture / registration / importation of products together with information on sales and product usage. Deliverables: Input to database (sub-task 1.4) and major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5 All partners have undertaken their national surveys. Negligible data is, however, available concerning leaching rates of the booster biocides. Details are given in below and are currently being inputted into the database. Summary Inventories conducted (per February 2000): UK Inventory of admitted products yes Nr of products (paints) 23 Nr of brands 5 Nr of manufacturers Fr Gr Sp Sw 20 6 Dk yes Nl yes 60 5 5? 20 13 Ingredients admitted small yachts < 25 m (as of 2000) UK Fr Gr Sp Sw Dk Nl + + + + + a + + Copper (1) oxide Copper thiocyanate Cu powder Zinc oxide Chromium trioxide + + Diuron Irgarol 1051 Zinc pyrithione Dichlofluanid TCMBT Chlorothalonil TCMS pyridine SeaNine 211 Ziram Zineb Folpet + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + a + + + + + ? ? + + + + + + + + + + + + Number of organic boosters 9 5 Notes: DK: voluntary agreements a – to be phased out in 6 years (leaching rate regulated) 7 2 4 1 2 5 Partner Reports Partner 1 - UK A recent (1998), and thorough survey undertaken by the Water Research centre on behalf of the UK Environment Agency provides substantial information on usage of booster biocide antifouling agents in the UK (see Environmental Problems from Antifouling Agents. Survey of Manufacturers, Chandlers (Suppliers) and Treatment Sites. R & D Technical Reports p215. Research Contractor: WRc plc. Environment Agency, 1998. ISBN: 1 873160 74 7). They provide the following summary: “The specific aims of the survey were to: 1) identify the nature of the problem based on usage data; 2) rank the booster biocides in order to target monitoring in the environment and future method development; and 3) provide the Environment Agency with information relating to the use and quantities of antifouling biocides in UK waters. The project involved an initial pilot study where staff at selected chandlers, boatyards and harbour authorities were interviewed. On the basis of these interviews a number of questionnaires were compiled and used to survey chandlers, marina and harbour operators, boatyards and boat owners. Information on the nature of antifouling products was also obtained from a number of paint manufacturers. Five main brands of antifouling paint were identified, namely International, Blakes, Jotun, XM Yachting and Awlgrip and a total of 23 products. The biocides used in these products were copper(1)oxide, copper thiocyanate, diuron, Irgarol 1051, zinc pyrithione and dichlofluanid. Based on median biocide concentrations, the rank order of biocide in terms of amount used in antifouling products in the UK was copper oxide > diuron > copper thiocynanate approximately equal to Irgarol 1051 > zinc pyrithione > dichlofluanid. The total amount of copper used in the UK in 1 year on UK coastal leisure craft was estimated at 75173 – 311769 kg. Previous estimates provided by the British Coatings Federation (ACP, 1995) were 130000 kg. Whilst a biocide may be used in large quantities, this does not necessarily mean that it will be the predominant biocide in the environment. The reason for this being that the environmental concentrations are primarily dependent on the amounts of biocide emitted to the environment during paint application and removal and through leaching. The main method of paint removal was water-blasting and data were available on likely emissions of copper during the water-blasting process. Using these data along with an estimate of the number of leisure craft in UK coastal waters, it was estimated that between 6.4 and 420 kg of copper will enter the environment in one year as a result of paint removal. This quantity is significantly less than estimated emissions through leaching (i.e. 26294 and 109502 kg yr -1). Whilst no information was available on the leaching rates of diuron, zinc pyrithione and dichlofluanid, data were available for Irgarol 1051. Using these data it was estimated that between 1793 and 28031 kg of Irgarol 1051 leaches into the environment in one year. The upper value is greater than the estimates of the actual amount of Irgarol 1051 used in antifouling paints in one year. The likely reason for this is the large range of leaching rates that are reported for Irgarol 1051 (i.e. 2.5 – 16 μg cm-2d-1). Likely concentrations of each of the biocides in a marina were also estimated using the modelling approach developed by Linders and Luttik (1995). Using the default values recommended in the model along with data from the survey on the proportion of boats treated with each biocide, concentration ranges of 127 – 254 μg1-1 for copper, 8.65 – 9.9 μg1-1 for diuron, 5.43 – 41.2 μg1-1 for Irgarol, 70 – 449 ng 1-1 for zinc pyrithione and 23 – 34 μg1-1 for dichlofluanid were obtained. In general these are more than an order of magnitude higher than the toxicity values reported. However, the estimated Irgarol 1051, diuron and copper concentrations were generally higher than levels measured previously in the marine environment (Lord et al., 1997; Lewis and Gardiner, 1995: ACP, 1995), the predictions of concentrations in marina waters were therefore probably an overestimate.” 3 Table 1 Outline of approach used for antifouling usage survey (UK) Survey Group Number Of samples Information Source Survey Medium Questions Asked Aim Biocide Manufacturers 3(2) Paint Manufacturers T Environmental fate and behaviour of biocides leaching rates Paint Manufacturers 4(2) Chandlers, International T,I paints sold in UK concentration of active ingredients total amount of pain sold/year leaching rates sales information usage information ranking of actives potential inputs to environment Chandlers 50(50) Sail and Power Nautical Almanac (1998) T,P,I paints sold total amounts sold paints recommended sales patterns regional usage information usage patterns Harbours/Marinas 50(50) Sail and Power Nautical Almanac (1998) T,P,I size distribution of boats types of boats calculation of inputs on regional basis Boatyards 50(50) Sail and Power Nautical Almanac (1998) T,P,I number of boats antifouled types of boat antifouled sizes of boats antifouled types of paint used usage patterns related to boat types Shipyards 1(1) T number of vessels antifouled size of vessels antifouled types of pain used Boat owners 500(390) size and type of boat antifouling used frequency of antifouling method of antifouling usage patterns relating to boat type calculation of inputs on local scale Royal Yachting Association 1 T number of boats afloat in the UK number of marine berths calculation of inputs on a national scale British Industries 1 T number of chandlers in the UK number of boatyards/marinas numbers of vessels afloat calculation of inputs on a national scale Marine Royal Yachting Association P T = Telephone interview; P = Postal survey; I = Face to face interview 4 information to obtain indication of amounts of biocide entering the aquatic environment Currently, nine booster biocides are approved for use in amateur and professional antifouling producing, namely: zinc pyrithione TCMTB (2-thiocyanomethyl-benzothiazole) kathon 5287 TCMS pyridine (2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-4-sulfuronyl pyridine) Irgarol diuron dichlofluanid chlorthalonil zineb NB: The booster biocides, thiram, ziram and maneb are no longer approved for use although some may be in the supply chain. The survey undertaken by WRc took the approach outlined in Table 1. Full details and results are given in their report. Results most pertinent to the ACE programme follow: Brands Five main brands of antifouling paint were identified, namely International, Blakes, Jotun, XM Yachting and Awlgrip (Table 2). International had the largest share of the market (Figure 1) with an average chandler selling approximately 550 litres and an average boatyard using 99 litres of International paint in one year. There were some differences in the paint brands sold by chandlers and those used by boatyards, the main difference being for the Jotun brand where chandlers only sold small quantities whereas boatyards used similar amounts to the Blakes brand. The majority of paints were sold and used between February and May. The most popular paint colours being red, blue, Dover white and navy. Manufacturer Products International Micron CSC, Cruiser Superior, Cruiser premium, Interspeed Extra Strong, Interspeed 2000, Micron Optima Blakes Sea Tech, Titan FGA, Tiger Cruising, Hard Racing, Lynx Plus. Broads Freshwater, Pilot Jotun Supertropic, Super, Non-Stop, Racing, Aqualine XM Yachting C2000, HS3000, P4000 Awlgrip Awlstar Gold Label Table 2 Manufacturers contacted in the survey and their products (UK) 5 60 Percentage 48 36 24 12 0 International Figure 1 Blakes Jotun 1 Brand XM Other Percentage of each antifouling paint brand used by boat owners (open bars), chandlers (hatched bars) and boatyards (cross hatched bars) (UK) Products Chandlers sold more than 23 types of antifouling paint, whereas the boatyards surveyed used on 18 products (Figure 2). The most popular products sold by chandlers were Cruiser Premium (International), Tiger Cruising (Blakes), Micron CSC (International) and Cruiser Superior (International). These products, along with Supertropic (Jotun) were also favoured by boatyards. The biocides contained in each of the products are detailed in Table 3. From the data collated by WRc, they estimate the quantities of antifouling biocides distributed/used in the UK/year. These values are listed in Table 4. Maximum Amount (kg yr-1) copper(1)oxide copper thiocyanate diuron Irgarol 1051 zinc pyrithione dichlofluanid 311769 4216 24738 10186 8246 388 Minimum Amount (kg yr-1) 75173 282 3288 59 1369 153 Table 4: Estimated the quantities of antifouling booster biocide distributed/used in the UK per year Leaching rates The EA report lists the following leaching rates: Irgarol Copper(1)oxide Copper thiocyanate : : : 2.5 – 16 μgcm-2d-1 10 – 20 μgcm-2d-1 10 – 20 μgcm-2d-1 6 Table 3 Antifouling Product Micron CSC Cruiser Superior Cruiser Premium Interspeed Extra Strong Interspeed 2000 Waterways Micron Optima VC System Prop O Drev TF Black Sea Tech Titan FGA Tiger Cruising Hard Racing Lynx Plus Broads Freshwater Pilot Hempel (tin free) Supertropic Super Non-Stop Racing Aqualine C2000 HS3000 P4000 Awlgrip Marclear VC Offshore Colour Red base Red activator Red Grey Grey Black White Black Blue Grey Black Blue Green Red Concentration ranges (% w/w) of biocides in antifouling paint products (UK) Density Copper Oxide 1.6 1.35 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.5 2.2 25-50 10-25 10-25 25-50 Copper Thiocyanate Diuron Irgarol 1051 Zinc Pyrithione Dichlofluanid 2.5-10 2.5-10 1-2.5 1-2.5 10-25 0-2.5 2.5-10 50-100 10-25 1.38 0.80 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.9 50-100 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 20-40 20-40 5-10 30-50 20-40 20-40 20-40 20-50 15-20 1.5 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 1.6* 0-50 2-5 20-50 0.1-5.0 0.1-5.0 0.1-5.0 0.1-5.0 0.1-5.0 0.1-5.0 0.5-2.0 0.5-2.0 0.1-5.0 20-30 10-30 # 21.16 10.1-41.3 33.0-35.0 32-35 0.1-5.0 0.1-5.0 # 25 30 30 42.48-46.47 # 1.0 1.0 1.0 2-10 2-10 1.35-1.53 # * - data not available, so mean density of all other products value used # - biocide present in product but information on concentrations not available 7 # 0 0 Figure 2 Non Stop Racing Titan FGA Super Micron Optima Sea Tech Supertropic Pilot Awlgrip Interspeed 2000 Waterways Broads FW Tiger Cruising P4000 6 Interspeed ES 12 Lynx Plus 18 HS3000 24 Cruiser Premium 30 Hard Racing 6 C2000 12 Cruiser Superior Aqualine Percentage 0 Micron CSC Percentage Percentage 18 12 6 Percentage of antifouling products used by boat owners (open bars and boatyards (cross hatched bars) or sold by chandlers (hatched bars) (UK) 8 Partner 2 - Netherlands The admission of antifouling biocides in The Netherlands is regulated by the “College voor Toelating van Bestrijdingsmiddelen” (CTB) in Wageningen. On their web-site ( information is available on the admission of products and the restriction of their use in certain application areas. The data collected from the web site is compiled into a data base from which a table is constructed containing the admitted products, their manufacturers and their active ingredients (Table 5). The numbers between brackets represent the CTB admission numbers (CTB, 1999). 60 products are admitted in The Netherlands as antifouling paint. 45 products were non-tin products and there is only 1 product that does not contain any (organo)metallic active ingredient, i.e., Chloorrubber Antifouling which contains dichlofluanid as the active ingredient. 35 out of the 59 (organo)metallic containing products (mainly cupric oxide) also contain booster biocides like Irgarol 1051, Diuron, Zineb, Ziram and Dichlofluanid. Figures on the sales and use of the antifouling products in The Netherlands are not readily available. To gain insight into which manufacturers are active on the Dutch market, a major national boating/yachting trade exhibition was visited, i.e. the HISWA 1999, in the RAI-exhibition centre in Amsterdam. Major stand-holders are listed below; INTERNATIONAL PAINT (NEDERLAND) B.V. KLEIDIJK 88 3161 HJ RHOON SIGMA COATINGS B.V. HEMPEL COATINGS (NEDERLAND) B.V. JAMES WATTWEG 2 3133 KK VLAARDINGEN LAK- EN VERFFABR. W. HEEREN & ZOON B.V. OOSTEINDERWEG 32 1432 AL AALSMEER AMSTERDAMSEWEG 14 1422 AD UITHOORN AKZO COATINGS B.V. RIJKSSTRAATWEG 31 2171 AJ SASSENHEIM To gain information on popular products, a chandler was visited near the largest Dutch marina, i.e., Seaport Marina IJmuiden. The following 5 products were most frequently sold: diuron, Irgarol, dichlofluanid, ziram and zineb. A survey on the antifouling biocides admitted in the Netherlands showed that 5 organic compounds are currently registered for use as antifouling agents, i.e. diuron, irgarol 1051, dichlofluanid, ziram and zineb. Figures on shipping traffic on the NCP showed that less than 40% of the ships originate from the Netherlands. This indicates that a large part of the ships that visit the harbours along the Dutch coast originate from other countries in which a different admittance policy might be conducted. The results from a survey on the distribution of yacht havens, shipping intensities and sluice passages were combined to identify the areas most relevant with regards to the contamination by antifouling agents. The following locations were selected; Harlingen, Den Helder, IJmuiden, Katwijk, Hoek van Holland, Roompot sluis and Vlissingen. These locations will be monitored during a period of at least one year (March 2000 till March 2001). 9 Table 5 Antifouling products admitted in the Netherlands Dichlofluanide Ziram Zineb Diuron 10 Irgarol FORTIS 505 ANTIFOULING (11565) HEMPEL' S MILLE DYNAMIC L 71700 (11934) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING CLASSIC 76540 (11524) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING CLASSIC 7655 (9662) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING COMBIC 71990 (11458) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING COMBIC 7199B (11419) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING COMBIC 76990 (11937) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING COMBIC 7699B (11528) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING NAUTIC 7190B (11418) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING NAUTIC HI 71900 (11089) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING NAUTIC HI 7690 B (11814) HEMPEL'S ANTIFOULING NAUTIC-HI 7690 (9661) HEMPEL'S HARD RACING 76480 (11932) HEMPEL'S HIGH SPEED HARD RACING TIN FREE 7648.1 HEMPEL'S MILLE DYNAMIC 7170-1 (10449) HEMPEL'S MILLE DYNAMIC H 71700 (11935) HISOL INTERSMOOTH (9282) INTERCLENE BCA 300 PREMIUM (10430) Chromiumtrioxide EPIFANES ZELFSLIJPENDE ANTIFOULING (11758) Copperthiocyanate x Copper VAN SWAAY SCHIJNDEL B.V AKZO NOBEL COATINGS B.V INTERNATIONAL PAINTS AMERON B.V. LAK- EN VERFFABR. W. HEEREN & ZOON B.V. LAK- EN VERFFABR. W. HEEREN & ZOON B.V. FORTIS COATINGS B.V. HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS HEMPEL COATINGS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS Tributyltinpolymer x x x x x x Tributyltinmethacry late CHUGOKU PAINTS B.V. JOTUN B.V. JOTUN B.V. JOTUN B.V. NOF EUROPE N.V. NOF EUROPE N.V. Tributyltinoxide Copper(1)oxide AF SEAFLO Z-100 LE-HS (NB) (11064) ANTIFOULING SEAGUARDIAN (10593) ANTIFOULING SEAVICTOR 40 (11244) ANTIFOULING SUPER TROPIC (10594) AWLGRIP AWLSTAR GOLD LABEL ANTI-FOULING (11256) AWLGRIP AWLSTAR GOLD LABEL ANTI-FOULING BP 501 LIGHT BLUE (11257) CELFIX OX (11381) CHLOORRUBBER ANTIFOULING 2000 (10692) CRUISER SUPERIOR (10975) DEVOE ABC NO. 3 ANTIFOULING (11925) EPIFANES BRONS BOTTOM PAINT (9577) Tributyltinfluoride Manufacturer Zincoxide Product Name x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dichlofluanide x x x Ziram x x x Zineb Diuron Irgarol 11 Chromiumtrioxide x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Copperthiocyanate INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS CHUGOKU PAINTS B.V. CHUGOKU PAINTS B.V. CHUGOKU PAINTS B.V. SIGMA COATINGS B.V., RPIC SIGMA COATINGS B.V., RPIC SIGMA COATINGS B.V., RPIC SIGMA COATINGS B.V., RPIC SIGMA COATINGS B.V., RPIC SIGMA COATINGS B.V., RPIC TOUWEN & CO B.V. INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS AKZO NOBEL COATINGS B.V. INTERNATIONAL PAINTS LAK- EN VERFFABR. W. HEEREN & ZOON Copper INTERSPEED (12022) INTERSPEED (BRA 140) (10429) INTERSPEED 340 (11858) INTERSPEED EXTRA STRONG (12023) INTERSPEED SYSTEM 2 (10290) INTERVIRON SUPER TIN-FREE SPC (12021) MICRON CSC (10976) RAVAX AF (11532) SEA TENDER 10 (12029) SEA TENDER 7 (12028) SEAFLO 15 (11063) SIGMA PILOT ECOL ANTIFOULING NL (11717) SIGMAPLANE ECOL ANTIFOULING 1154 (11459) SIGMAPLANE HA ANTIFOULING (10501) SIGMAPLANE HB ANTIFOULING (11113) SIGMAPLANE TA ANTIFOULING (9905) TENCO SCHOONSCHIP ANTIFOULING TEERVRIJ (11800) VC 17M EP ANTIFOULING (11402) VC AQUA 12 (10948) VC OFFSHORE EXTRA (11564) VC PROP O DREV, BLACK (10995) VC PROP O DREV, GREY (10996) VINYL ANTIFOULING 2000 (11648) WATERWAYS ANTIFOULING (9691) WERDOL ANTIFOULING TINVRIJ (10589) x x x Tributyltinpolymer x x x x Tributyltinmethacrylate INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS INTERNATIONAL PAINTS Tributyltinoxide INTERSMOOTH 120 PREMIUM (11706) INTERSMOOTH 210 (11728) INTERSMOOTH 220 PREMIUM (11705) INTERSMOOTH HISOL 2000 (10289) Tributyltinfluoride x Zincoxide INTERNATIONAL PAINTS Manufacturer Copper(1)oxide INTERCLENE SUPER BCA 400 (10590) Product Name Leaching rates of antifoulants Experimental determinations of leaching rates are usually conducted by manufacturers during the development and testing phases of new products, usually according to ASTM protocols. The results from these experimental studies cannot be translated to reallife leaching rates from ships to which the product is applied. Available protocols have been criticised by various authors (Berg, 1995). For many of the new products, established and certified analytical methods are hardly available (Thomas, 1998). To date, no field studies with painted ships have been published in the open literature. Leaching rate estimates used in a brief selection of recent experimental or risk-assessment studies have been summarised in Table 6. For each compound a broad range of leaching rate estimates are observed. Copper leaching rates are usually higher than for other compounds. Leaching rates reported for TBT are usually below regulatory implied values of 4 g/cm2/day in some countries (USA, Sweden). A comprehensive review leaching rates is beyond the scope of this study. Compound TBT Cu Irgarol DCOI Leaching rate g/cm2/day 4 2.5 0.1 – 5 1.3 – 3.0 6.2 1-20 8 – 25 37 – 101 4–6* 2 – 16 5 1 (0.1 – 5) Table 6. * Type of study Author North Sea Marina Harbour Ships > 25m Marina Not specified Ships >12m Ships > 25m Exp. study Marina Marina Harbour Stronkhorst et al. (1996) Johnson and Luttik (1996) Willingham and Jacobson (1996) Lindgren et al. (1998) Matthiesen and Reed (1997) Hare (1993) Lindgren et al. (1998) Lindgren et al. (1998) Berg (1995) Ciba (1995) Scarlett et al. (1997) Willingham and Jacobson (1996) Summary of leaching rate estimates used in various studies. after 21 days. During the first 21 days leaching rates ranged between 7 – 61 g/cm2/day. For the Mam-Pec model the following default leachng rates were derived, based on the expertise available within the CEPE Antifouling Working Group Copper TBT Other biocides 50 g/cm2/day 4 g/cm2/day 2.5 g/cm2/day Partner 3 - Spain Copper based antifouling biocides with Irgarol , diuron and SeaNine are thought to be the most widely used on leisure craft in the different marinas in Spain. Over the last year, an increase in the use of diuron, dichlofuanid and SeaNine has been observed whereas the use of Irgarol has decreased. Partner 4 Greece A survey of antifouling agents and related products on the Greek market was performed from March to June 1999. Thirteen (13) small Greek companies are involved in the trade and promotion of the target products. Most of them are located in the Athens area. The antifouling paints used in Greece are based on the following biocides: Irgarol 1051, copper (1)oxide, 4-m-chloro-cresol, diuron, zinc pyrithione and dichlofluanid. 12 Partner 5 - Sweden Laws and regulations In Sweden, toxic antifouling paints fall under the laws concerning biocides, thus no antifouling paint containing toxic substances may be used until it is aproved by the Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate, KEMI. In 1992 they approved 20+ antifouling paints containing copper and Irgarol for use until the end of 1996. Even though the environmental risks were considered high, the KEMI saw no other acceptable alternatives at the time. In the decision, the KEMI also stated that since the antifouling paints were highly toxic they should, in the long run, be exchanged for environmentally safer alternatives. To lessen the risks during the interim time until such alternatives were developed and introduced to the market and since the copper load in the waters of the Swedish eastcoast were close to the point where serious damage to the aqutic biota could be expected, the KEMI chose to differentiate between the west- and the east-coast of Sweden. By limiting the leakage of the first 14 days after launching, the acute toxic effects are reduced in the spring and early summer when many boats are launched to sea. KEMI approved only paints with a copper leakage of less than 150 µg Cu/cm 2 the first 14 days on the Swedish westcoast and paints with less than 75 µg/cm2 on the eastcoast. No approval was given for use of antifouling paints in freshwater lakes or in the Bay of Botnia. No paint with a higher leakage rate was approved. There were no limits set for Irgarol leakage. During the years 1997 – 1999, only paints which had had their documentation completed with leakage studies and significant ecotoxicological studies have been approved. From the first of January 2000, the use of Irgarol in antifouling paints has become highly restricted. During the years 2000-2001, only antifouling paints which leak less than 200 µg/cm2 copper during the first 14 days and release less than 350 µg/cm2 until day 30 will be approved. There are no restrictions for the use of Irgarol. After the year 2001, evaluations will be made of the existing non-toxic alternatives for fouling control. If the Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate, KEMI, judge that alternative non-toxic methods are easily avaliable as substitutes for antifouling paint, all toxic antifouing paints will be banned. Currently six antifouling paints are approved for use on the Swedish westcoast only. Three of them contain 0.6 – 0.8 % Irgarol, while the remaining three do not contain Irgarol. On the Swedish eastcoast no toxic antifouling paints will be approved after the first of January 2000. Usagepattern In 1997, the KEMI investigated the observance of the rules and thus asked the local authorities to map the usage of antifouling paints in their district. Most local authorities have chosen to check the sales and try to inform about the rules since the practical difficulties involved in actually controlling use of antifouling paints were considered too big. On the eastcoast south of Örskär, observance of the rules are deemed good even though some westcoast-quality paints are sold in the southern Baltic sea area and there are suspicions of widespread missuse in some areas. North of Örskär the observance are relatively good with few indications of misuse. In the freshwater lakes, especially in lakes with connection to the sea, use of eastcoast-quality paints are considered relatively high. Sales of westcoast-quality paint in the freshwater lakes and in the Baltic, north of Örskär are small and declared to be reserved for boat owners with boats on the westcoast only. Sales and Use In 1997, the amount of antifouling paint sold was slightly less than 181000 litres, which is a small decrease since the years before. Sales of westcoast-quality paint were relatively constant, while the trend of sales for eastcoast quality paint decreased. Twenty percent of the sales in 1997 (approx. 36000 liters) were of westcoast quality and the remaining 145000 were eastcoast quality. Information has been derived from: Eriksson, U. Lindgren, P. Olsson, B. and Unger, C. (1998) “Antifoulingprodukter, Fritidsbåtar” Kemikalieinspektionen, Biocidprocessen, PM-Beslut 1998-02-24, rev. 1998-12-18 National Chemicals Inspectorate, KEMI (Stockholm) Antifouling paints Approved paints 2000-02-01 are listed in Table 7. Number of paints: 41 13 Table 7. Antifouling Paints (Sweden) Paints intended for pleasure craft Paints intended for Commercial Vessels Cruiser 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine2.3 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 5.9 % per weight Sargasso AL KNM 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 2 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 26 % per weight Cruiser White 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 2 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 5 % per weight Antifouling Seaconomy S2 Copper(I)oxide 9.6 % per weight Tributyltinmethacrylate copolymere 18 % per weight bis(Tributyltin)oxide 0.4 % per weight Fabi Copper(I)oxide 6 % per weight Trilux 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 2.1 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 5.4 % per weight Trilux White 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 1.8 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 4.8 % per weight V P - Antifouling 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 0.8 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 5.9 % per weight VC 17 New Technology 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 0.6 % per weight Copper pulver 14 % per weight VC Prop-o-Drev 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 0.8 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 5.9 % per weight Yacht Classic S Copper(I)oxide 10 % per weight Yacht Classic S II Copper(I)oxide 6 % per weight Micron WQ 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 2.1 % per weight Copper(I)oxide 5.5 % per weight Antifouling Seaguardian Copper(I)oxide 42 % per weight Antifouling Seamate FB 30 Copper(I)oxide 14 % per weight Tributyltennmethakrylat copolymer 19 % per weight bis(Tributyltin)oxide 0.4 % per weight Antifouling Seamate SB 33 Copper(I)oxide 14 % per weight Tributyltennmethakrylat copolymer 18 % per weight bis(Tributyltin)oxide 1 % per weight Antifouling Seavictor 40 Copper(I)oxide 42 % per weight Antifouling Seavictor 50 4,5-Dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazoline-3-one 2 % per weight Copper(I)oxide 40 % per weight Antifouling Super Tropic Copper(I)oxide 26 % per weight Antifouling Super Tropic-F Copper(I)oxide 26 % per weight Hempel´s Antifouling Mille Alu 7160 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazin 3.5 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 19 % per weight Interclene BCA 400-serie Copper(I)oxide 32 % per weight Intersmooth BFA 230-serie Copper(I)oxide 36 % per weight Tributyltennmethakrylat copolymer 17 % per weight bis(Tributyltin)oxide 0.5 % per weight Interspeed Extra BWO 500 Röd 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 2 % per weight Copper(I)oxide 31 % per weight Interspeed Premium Antifouling Blac 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 2.3 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 18 % per weight Interswift BKA 040-serie Copper(I)oxide 37 % per weight Tributyltennmethakrylat copolymer 17 % per weight bis(Tributyltin)oxide 0.5 % per weight Interviron BQA 100-serie Copper(I)oxide 56 % per weight Interviron Super 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 2.7 % per weight Copper(I)oxide 43 % per weight Interviron Super BQO 405 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 2.4 % per weight Copper(I)oxide 38 % per weight Seaflo 15 Copper(I)oxide 28 % per weight Tributyltennmethakrylat copolymer 27 % per weight bis(Tributyltin)oxide 0.7 % per weight Seatender 10 Copper(I)oxide 37 % per weight Hempel's Antifouling Classic S 7611 Copper(I)oxide 10 % per weight Shiranami - Vit Våg Copper powder 20 % per weight Micron WQ White 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 1.9 % per weight Copper(I)oxide 5 % per weight Hempel's Antifouling Nautic 7190 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 2.6 % per weight Copper(I)oxide 42 % per weight Sigmaplane Ecol Antifouling Copper(I)oxide 49 % per weight Mille Dynamic 2-tert-Butylamino-4-cyklopropylamino-6methylthio-1,3,5-triazine 3.5 % per weight Copperthiocyanate 17 % per weight Hempel's Antifouling Nautic SP-ACE Copper(I)oxide 43 % per weight Tributyltennmethakrylat copolymer 13 % per weight bis(Tributyltin)oxide 0.6 % per weight Hempel's Antifouling Nautic SP-ACE Copper(I)oxide 46 % per weight Tributyltennmethakrylat copolymer 10 % per weight bis(Tributyltin)oxide 0.6 % per weight 14 Sigmaplane HB Antifouling Copper(I)oxide 28 % per weight Tributyltennmethakrylat copolymer 19 % per weight bis(Tributyltin)oxide 0.5 % per weight Sigmarine Antifouling Copper(I)oxide 27 % per weight National Chemicals Inspectorate, Box 1384, 171 27 Solna * e-mail: * 08783 11 00 * fax 08-735 76 98 Partners 6&7 - Denmark A recent Danish inventory (NERI) on antifouling compounds legally used on boats of less than 25 metres of length was published in 1998 (Danish EPA report No. 384, 1998). The survey included manufacturers information on the Danish antifouling market including TBT. Antifouling agents and products used in Denmark: Active compound used TBT Diuron® Irgarol 1051® SeaNine® Zink omedin® Copper Product mainly used for Commercial ships > 25 meters length Boats < 25 length Boats < 25 length Full range Full range In most antifouling paints Comment In combination with Cu In combination with Cu In combination with Cu In combination with Cu In combination with Cu Table 8. The highest volume antifouling booster biocides listed for use in Denmark 1997. The most important manufacturers of products on the Danish market are: J. C. Hempel A/S International marine paints, Jotun marine paints Sigma marine coatings The amounts of antifouling compounds were collected when a minimum of 3 manufacturers /distributors were ready to submit their figures. However, it is important to note the high uncertainty of the figures especially for Irgarol and Diuron. The high fluctuations were due to restrictions in the uses of both products, where Irgarol was barred for use and substituted by Diuron. Copper is also included in this survey as it is the base of almost all antifouling paints for most vessels with the exception of aluminium hulled boats. Compound TBT Diuron® Irgarol 1051® SeaNine® Zink omedin® Copper Estimated release to the marine environment (kg) 200 – 14001 850 – 17002 11-222 not available3 not available3 16500 – 33 0002 Comment At state of introduction Table 9. Estimated amounts of antifouling biocides released to the marine environment round Denmark 1997. 1 data from DK EPA (1997) where TBT is given as Sn, 2DK EPA (1998) only from pleasure crafts, 3not available due to market confidentiality (less than three manufacturers responded), at present both products are new to the market. Danish regulatory practices for admission and usage of antifouling agents At present, there is a regulation, as in most IMO memberstates, on antifouling use from 1991 when TBT was restricted for use only on ships larger than 25 meters. Shortly, another regulation is due, concerning antifouling paints for pleasure craft, but it is not approved by parliament at present. The main purpose is the banning of all toxic compounds used for pleasure craft, and is based on Irgarol and Diuron environmental surveys in and around a pleasure-boat marina near Århus, Denmark. The draft regulation was a total ban for any toxic compound used in antifoling paints. This caused uproar among pleasure boat owners who claimed that no serious alternatives were available at present. Another draft of the regulation was issued proposing a stepwise phase out of Irgarol and Diuron by the Year 2001. In addition, this should leave time for the manufacturers to implement and develop new products. In conjunction with the legislative work, a project rendering cleaner technology for antifouling techniques for pleasure boats is currently being completed. The participants were VKI and J.C. Hempel A/S. NERI has participated in the steering committee for expertise on TBT and antifouling in general. This project was, in brief, investigations of non-toxic alternatives for pleasure boats using silicone or epoxy based antifouling paints supposedly preventing settling due to material properties. The silicone-based material showed the most promising results, but none of these techniques showed satisfactory results. DK EPA (1997): Massestrømsanalyse for tin med særlig fokus på organotinforbindelser, Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen Nr. 7 (1997), 132 p (In Danish) DK EPA (1998): Kortlægning og vurdering af antibegroningsmidler til lystbåde i Danmark, ISBN: 87-7810-941-8 Miljøprojekt Nr. 384, Miljøstyrelsen, Copenhagen, Denmark (1998) 108 p (in Danish). 15 Partner 8 - France Methodology used: The study of paint sales on a national scale was carried out directly with the manufacturers of antifouling paints. These manufacturers were identified by consulting the various syndicates whose member firms have a paint-related activity. These syndicates are grouped within the FIPEC (Fédération des Industries des Peintures, Encres, Couleurs, Colles et Adhésifs = Federation of Industries for Paints, Inks, Dyes, Glues and Adhesives). Around 20 firms conducting activity within France were identified and contacted. A parallel study was carried out with several local distributors (about 15) along the three maritime coasts (English Channel, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea) to ensure the good representativeness of the manufacturers consulted. The study conducted with paint manufacturers concerned the following points: - the quantities of antifouling paints produced for sale in France during one year (1998), - the nature and quantities of biocide type (active substances) used in paint formulations. The specifications for the formulation of the paints were obtained, which indicated the proportions of biocides used for each type of paint. Results For reasons of confidentiality at the request of the manufacturers, the results were compiled per active substance used without indicating the names of the brands or manufacturers. The results presented concern sales in France for the year 1998. Fourteen firms out of the 20 contacted participated in our study, and six provided sales figures. Contacts were made with local sellers (some 15 distributors were consulted) to determine the manufacturers of the paint products they sold and confirm the good representativeness of the information obtained from manufacturers. The overall results indicated that around 190,000 liters (230 metric tons) of antifouling paints were sold in France in 1998. Three manufacturers accounted for more than 90% of these sales (51%, 32% and 12% respectively). The biocides used were mainly diuron, zinc pyrithione, chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid and Irgarol 1051, but also kathon 5287 (SeaNine 211) and zineb were used in quite negligible proportions. These biocides were used in association with copper oxide or copper thiocyanate. The quantities sold in 1998 per active substance are indicated in Table 10. They were calculated as a function of the annual amounts of paints sold by each manufacturer and of the mean composition of these paints. These figures represent maximal estimations. Active substances Mean percentage used in paint formulations Quantities of biocides sold in France (kg/year) Biocides sold Copper oxide 50 99,200 79 Copper thiocyanate 25 9,600 8 Diuron 5 6,398 5 Zinc pyrithione 10 4,248 3 Chlorothalonil 5 3,600 3 Dichlofluanid 5 1,350 1 Irgarol 1051 5 891 1 TOTAL --- 125,287 100 (percentage of the total amount) Table 10: Quantities of pure active substances contained in antifouling paints sold in one year (1998) in France. 16 1.2 An assessment of geographical patterns / differences in usage will be made. Sub-task 1.2 – months 2-6 Title Assessment of geographical patterns/differences in usage. Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 5 months Objectives: An assessment of geographical patterns/differences in usage. Methods: The information inputted to the database concerning usage etc. (see sub-task 1.1) will be investigated and compiled to identify patterns/differences in usage within the countries represented within ACE. During the inception workshop (workshop 1), tasks will be allocated to laboratories to obtain and compile information on the usage of such products in other regions of the world, to identify potential inputs from transient ships and potential future trends in usage. Deliverables: Input to database (sub-task 1.4) and major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5 Summary There are notable differences in usage patterns of booster biocides on pleasure boats throughout the European region. The most commonly used biocides are: copper-oxide, Irgarol, diuron, dichlofluanid, and zinc pyrithione. In some countries, recent regulations and voluntary agreements have caused a shift in the usage patterns, especially from diuron and Irgarol to zinc pyrithione and SeaNine. For copper oxide, there are regulations on leaching rates and even a ban has been proposed. A survey on the antifouling biocides admitted in U.K showed that copper(1) oxide, diuron, Irgarol 1051 and zinc pyrithion are the most used compounds. The survey in The Netherlands showed that 5 organic compounds are currently registered for use as antifouling agents, i.e. diuron, Irgarol 1051, dichlofluanid, ziram and zineb. Copperoxide will possibly be banned totally in The Netherlands. Residues of antifouling compounds have been detected in marine environments throughout Europe, sometimes where they are not permitted e.g. diuron was detected in Swedish sea water where the usage of this compound is not permitted. In Denmark a new regulation was implemented on January 1 2000, which includes a ban on Irgarol and diuron for boats < 25 m. In Denmark, from 2003 no booster biocides will be allowed unless they comply with the stringent safety and health risk assessment marked R 53 (Risk of long term effects on the aquatic environment). Geographical differences in the use of antifouling paints have been assessed indirectly by means of data for fishing boats, ferry boats, tankers, pleasure craft in U.K., France, Spain, The Netherlands, Greece, Sweden and Denmark. These data, obtained from various services belonging the Ministries of Mercantile Maritime, Equipment, Transportation and Housing concerned the following: - on a national level: the number of registered boats and the number of new registrations for a given year, as well as the number of port facilities and installations for pleasure craft, - on a regional level: the number of port facilities and installations for pleasure craft. 17 The objective of this sub-task is to identify the regions along the coasts of U.K., France, The Netherlands, Spain, Greece, Sweden and Denmark, where contamination from antifouling products is most likely to occur. Possible geographical differences in the use of antifouling paints were assessed indirectly by means of data for pleasure craft, fishing boats, ferry boats, tankers etc. in the above mentioned European countries. Data were obtained from different national services belonging to the Ministries of Public Works and Water management (U.K. and Netherlands), Mercantile Maritime (Greece), Equipment, Transportation and Housing (France) concerning the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Number of registered boats and the number of new registrations for a given year, as well as the number of port facilities and installations for pleasure craft, The number of port facilities and installations for pleasure craft. Boating intensities on the National Continental Shelf Counting of ship and boat traffic through sea ports and sea-going sluices and Location of marina and yacht havens in the coastal areas. A distinction is made between shipping traffic which is pleasurecraft related and shipping traffic which is related to commercial activities. The data compiled by the individual partners follows: Partner 1 U.K. From the data collated by WRc, they estimated the quantities of antifouling biocides distributed/used in the UK/year (Table 11) copper(1)oxide copper thiocyanate diuron Irgarol 1051 zinc pyrithione dichlofluanid Maximum Amount (kg yr-1) Minimum Amount (kg yr-1) 311769 4216 24738 10186 8246 388 75173 282 3288 59 1369 153 Table 11 . Antifouling biocides used per year in U.K. Area Number of vessels Torbay Milford Haven Swansea Bristol North Wales Lancashire North Shields Beaulieu River Crouch River Hamble Southwold The Wash Southampton Water 1100 1200 12 500 400 600 400 110 2500 3261 180 300 2600 Table 12. Numbers of vessels in UK rivers and estuaries 18 Partner 2 The Netherlands Dutch Continental Shelf / Nationaal Continentaal Plat (NCP). The Dutch Continental Shelf (section of the North Sea) or the “Nationaal Continentaal Plat” (NCP), that comprises only 10 % of the total area of the North Sea, contains by far the highest shipping intensities. Approximately 25 % of the total shipping traffic in the North Sea is located in this area. On the NCP an average of 390 ship pass every day, i.e. 260,000 per year. The NCP is divided into three sub areas, i.e. North, South and DW route (Figure 3). Table 13 gives an overview of the types of shipping traffic on the NCP. A distinction is made between route bound and non-route bound traffic. Non-route bound traffic mainly consist of ships used for fishery, recreation and working ships used for oil and gas production in the North Sea. In Table 14 the division of shipping traffic to nationality on the NCP is given. This is important information if we consider the fact that antifouling products may be admitted in a certain country while they are banned in, e.g., The Netherlands. Ship type Sub area Carrying-trade Tanker-trade Bulk-trade Container-trade Passenger-ferries Total Number South 97.2 28.9 15.2 8.6 2.6 DW-route 8.6 2.7 2.2 0.6 0.2 North 15.2 5.2 1.7 1.0 0.5 tot 120.9 36.8 19.1 10.2 3.3 % tot % 31.3 9.5 4.9 2.6 0.9 ROUTE BOUND Work-trade Fishery Recreation Total NON-ROUTE BOUND 152.5 29.6 85.4 8.8 14.2 2.9 19.6 0.4 23.6 6.3 42.7 0.7 190.3 38.8 147.6 9.8 49.2 10.0 38.2 2.5 123.8 22.9 49.6 196.3 50.8 276.3 37.1 73.2 386.6 100.0 Total ALL Table 13. Division of shipping traffic on the NCP to type and sub area (Netherlands) Sea-going sluices In order to gain information on the shipping intensities along the Dutch coast, counting of sluice passages were used as an additional indication. Data on sluice passages were provided by the Ministery of Public Works and Water Management and only data on sea-going sluices are presented (Table 15). From 1993 till 1997 the general trend is that an increasing number of pleasure craft chose to sail in larger open waters. A decline is seen in 1998 which is attributed to bad weather conditions during the season. nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Location Zeesluizen te Delftzijl Robbengatsluis Tsjerk Hiddessluis Goereese sluis Schutsluis Vlissinge Roompotsluisn Sluis te IJmuiden Koopvaardersschutsluis 1993 5581 9858 9985 20767 19054 10680 9540 8811 94267 1994 4842 11545 10490 20014 20473 12357 10450 9546 99717 1995 4295 11803 11213 15545 21541 13877 13324 9463 101061 1996 5666 11899 12198 10403 17305 11450 11713 7890 88524 1997 6293 12971 13414 13465 19383 13256 12793 12075 103650 1998 7842 9153 11319 10548 15641 11123 10697 7425 83749 Table 15. Counting of pleasurecraft passages in sea-going sluices. Marinas and yachting marinas To assess the distribution of yacht havens in the Dutch coastal area, information was obtained from the Dutch association in the water recreation branch (HISWA). With respect to the number of birthing places, no aggregated data are available for the Dutch yacht havens. In Table 16 an overview is given of the numbers of yacht havens along the Dutch Coast. Data were obtained from the Dutch branch organisation on water recreation (HISWA) and tourist brochures. For the Delta-area, detailed information was available on the number of birthing places in individual yacht havens. Aggregated data is shown for waters which are either 19 directly connected to the North Sea or indirectly through sluices. A graphic presentation of the distribution of yacht havens along the coast is depicted in Figure 5. From this figure it is clear that the Nieuwe waterweg, i.e. the entrance to the Rotterdam Harbour, contains a relatively high number of yacht havens, next to the high shipping traffic due to commercial activities. Country/flag % verkeer Country/flag % Netherlands 37.1 Sweden 1.8 Germany 14.6 Poland 1.5 Denmark 14.6 4.9 USA 1.4 Russian Federation 4.8 France 0.9 Panama 3.3 Finland 0.8 Norway 3.0 Spain 0.8 Belgium 2.6 Japan 0.6 Cyprus 2.3 China / Hong Kong 0.5 Liberia 2.2 Saudi Arabia 0.5 Greece 2.0 Other 6.5 Table 14. Nationality of shipping traffic using the NCP Figure 3 : Sub-division of NCP into three areas. Figure 4 A and B present the shipping intensities on the NCP for route bound and non-route bound traffic. For the route bound shipping traffic, the shipping routes along the NCP are clearly identified (areas in black; > 45 ships per 1000 km2). For the nonroute bound traffic, which includes the pleasure craft, high intensities are found around IJmuiden, Noordwijk, Katwijk and Walcheren (areas in red; 27-45 ships per 1000 km2). A B Figure 4 Shipping intensities on the NCP. A) route bound and B) non-route bound shipping traffic (Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, 1996). 20 Area Delta HISWA yacht havens 13 25 8 10 54 12 2 1 5 8 1 1 1 5 3 2 1 2 1 21 Westerschelde Oosterschelde Grevelingenmeer Veerse meer Nieuwe waterweg Haringvliet Katwijk Noordwijk IJmuiden Den Helder Ameland Den Oever Delftzijl Harlingen Lauwersoog Schiermonnikoog Terschelling Texel Vlieland Total North Sea Coast Wadden Sea Tourist information yacht havens 15 12 5 9 54 17 birthing places 2149 2358 2332 2126 6195 2693 650 4500 Table 16 : Density of yacht havens along the Dutch coast . Ameland Terschelling Schiermonnikoog Lauwersoog Harlingen Vlieland Number of yacht havens Waddenzee Delfzijl Texel 1 2-5 Den Helder 6-10 Den Oever 11-25 IJselmeer 26-50 IJmuiden 51- Katwijk Nieuwe waterweg Noordwijk Haringvliet Rotterdam Grevelinge Meer Eastern Scheldt Veerse Meer Western Scheldt Figure 5: Density of yacht havens distributed along the Dutch coast. 21 Summary A survey on the antifouling biocides admitted in the Netherlands showed that a number of 5 organic compounds are currently registered for use as antifouling agents, i.e. diuron, Irgarol 1051, dichlofluanid, ziram and zineb. Figures on shipping traffic on the NCP showed that less than 40% of the ships originate from the Netherlands. This indicates that a large part of the ships that visit the harbours along the Dutch coast originate from other countries in which a different admittance policy might be conducted. The results from a survey on the distribution of yacht havens, shipping intensities and sluice passages were combined to identify the areas most relevant with regards to the contamination by antifouling agents. The following locations were selected; Harlingen, Den Helder, IJmuiden, Katwijk, Hoek van Holland, Roompot sluis and Vlissingen. These locations will be monitored during a period of at least one year (March 2000 till March 2001). Partner 3 Spain Copper based antifouling biocides with Irgarol , diuron and SeaNine are thought to be the most widely used on leisure craft in the different marinas in Spain. Over the last year, an increase in the use of diuron, dichlofuanid and SeaNine has been observed whereas the use of Irgarol has decreased. Partner 4 Greece The assessment of geographical patterns met difficulties as far as the collection of data is concern due to the lack of information provided by relevant authorities. The places where the main boating activities take place, in Greece, are located nearby the ports of Alexadroupolis, Kavala, Thessaloniki, Volos, Halkida, Pireaus, Eleusina, Patras, Ermoupolis (Syros-Neorio), Chania, Kalamata, Preveza and Igoumenitsa. The main activities in these places are the application of antifouling compounds as well as the removal of old paint from boat surfaces using sand particles (ammovoli). Data were collected on the geographical distribution of Greek ports according to three categories: commercial ports, fishing ports and marinas. These data obtained from the services of the Ministry of Mercantile Maritim. (Table 17). Coasts Alexadroupolis Number of installations 3 Capacity (berth number) 345 Kavala 4 459 Thessaloniki 12 1320 Volos 4 540 Halkida 5 623 Pireaus 15 1730 Eleusina 11 1240 Syros 2 120 Chania 3 465 Kalamata 6 534 Patras 3 340 Preveza 3 359 Igoumenitsa 4 235 Total 75 8,310 Table 17. Number of installations and their capacity (Greece). The antifouling paints used in Greece are based on the following biocides, Irgarol 1051, copper (1)oxide, 4-m-chloro-cresol, diuron, zinc pyritnione and dichlofluanid. 22 Thirteen sites in different places in Greece, including marinas, ports and shipping lines were selected for antifouling compound monitoring in water, sediment and surface solid material from the work places. The selected areas are: - Eleusina (Attici) Marina (2 sampling stations) - Piraeus (Attici) Marina, port and shipping line (3 sampling stations) - Halkida (Eyvia) Marina, port and shipping line (3 sampling stations) - Thessaloniki-Kalamaria Marina, port and shipping line (3 sampling stations) - Patras (Pelopponesus) Port and shipping line (2 sampling stations) - Volos (Thessalia) Port and shipping line (2 sampling stations) - Preveza-Aktio (Epirus) Marina, Port and shipping line (3 sampling stations) - Igoumenitsa (Epirus) Port and shipping line (2 sampling stations) - Syros-Ermoupolis (Syros) Marina and port (2 sampling stations) - Chania (Creta isl.) Port and shipping line(2 sampling stations) Partner 5 Sweden In 1997 the KEMI asked the local authorities to map the usage of antifouling paints in their district. Most local authorities have chosen to check the sales and try to inform about the rules since the practical difficulties involved in actually controlling use of antifouling paints were considered too big. On the east coast south of Örskär observance of the rules are deemed good even though some west coast-quality paint are sold in the southern Baltic sea area and there are suspicions of widespread missuse in some areas. North of Örskär the observance are relatively good with few indications of misuse. In the freshwater lakes, especially in lakes with connection to the sea, use of east coast-quality paints are considered relatively high. Sales of westcoast-quality paint in the freshwater lakes and in the Baltic, north of Örskär are small and declared to be reserved for boat owners with boats on the westcoast only. Partner 6 &7 Denmark The data (Table 18) concerning Denmark were based on: a) Copper mass balance in DK b) Organotin mass balance DK c) Measurements in marinas in Aarhus County d) Includeing airborne emmissions, wastewater treatment plants, riverine inputs. e) Estimation based on 0.1-1% of argricultural use. f) Estimation on organotin massbalance, not TBT-sn only. Pleasure crafts Larger vessels Others sourcesd) Total Copper Diuron Irgarol SeaNine TBT-Sn Others 16500-33000 18000-25000ª) 45000-63000ª) 100000 850-1700 Unknown <7-70e) 2000 11-22c) Unknown 0 Unknown 0 Unknown 0 Unknown 0 200-1400b) <14f) 1400 150-300 Table 18. Input of antifouling agent to the marine environment in Denmark (kg/year) 1997 23 0 150 Partner 8 France Data were collected on the geographical distribution of French ports according to three categories: commercial ports, fishing ports, and pleasure craft harbours. For the last category, ports were classified in two subcategories according to the number of berths available (between 500 et 1,000, and more than 1,000). Moreover, the study conducted with the French Ministry of Equipment, Transportation and Housing allowed us to count the number of berths available for pleasure craft (162,331 in 466 installations). The number of boats registered on August 31, 1999, was 898,730, and the new registrations for the year 1998 were 18,595. The figures for sales of paints were provided on a national scale without any distinction as to the regions receiving them. However, several distributors indicated that their sales depended on the density of the port facilities. The study of the geographical distribution of the number of berths reserved for pleasure craft in ports indicated that 55% of the 162,331 in France were located on the Mediterranean coast, 9% on the North coast (English Channel), 20% in Brittany (English Channel and Atlantic Ocean), and 16% along the rest of the Atlantic coast (Table 19). Number of installations 45 Capacity (berth number) 15,095 Percentage of total capacity 9.3 Brittany 164 33,120 20.4 Atlantic Ocean 73 25,794 15.9 Mediterranean Sea 184 88,322 54.4 Total 466 162,331 100.0 Coasts North Table 19. Geographical distribution of berth numbers in ports (France). 1.3 A survey and critical assessment of the environmental and toxicological properties will be compiled. Sub-task 1.3 – months 2-6 Title Survey and critical assessment of the environmental and toxicological properties. Responsible: GU Partners: VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 5 months Objectives: A survey and critical assessment of the environmental and toxicological properties. Methods: For all antifouling agents, information on environmental and toxicological properties will be assembled (e.g. stability, partitioning coefficients, NOEC levels). The data obtained will be screened as regards their quality according to the criteria agreed upon during the inception workshop (workshop 1). Data meeting these criteria will be identified and included in the database to be set up (vide infra). Deliverables: Input to database (sub-task 1.4) and major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5 A literature survey on potential ACE compounds has been made and is included below. Focus is on ecotoxicological effects in the marine environment and on biochemical mode of action. The ecotoxicological information in the open literature is scarce on most compounds. 24 SURVEY AND CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTIES The survey of environmental propeties of a selection of alternative antifouling booster biocides, was initiated to provide input to the Antifouling Data Base (Task 1.4) and to serve as a basis for selection of compounds for ACE to focus the experimental work on. Much of the relevant information was found in manufacturer´s reports cited by environmental authorities in their own surveys/evaluations. When compiling such surveys the same information seem to appear over and over again. The list of reported toxicity values therefor overestimates the actual amount of (original) information. For some compounds very little information is found in the open literature. This makes our evaluation of the quality of data difficult since we do not always have access to the original report. The compilation is not yet fully completed, and the data base will most likely continue to grow throughout the ACE project. However, for most substances sufficient information is available to get a rough idea of their basic environmental properties. So far, only a very preliminary evaluation of the compiled data has been made. Also this work is likely to continue throughout the ACE project as new information emerge, and is added to the Antifouling Data Base. Procedures for classifying the quality of data, will be required before entering the information into the data base. Tentative evaluation of compiled information Ecotoxicity and biochemical mode of action A summary of the ecotoxicity information available so far is given for a selection of antifouling agents in Table 20. Chlorothalonil Chlorothalonil binds to substances containing thiol groups. It is believed that chlorothalonil exerts its fungicidal toxicity by inhibiting thiol-containing enzymes. In landliving mammals it seems primarily to cause damage to the proximal tubuli of the kidneys and tumours in the kidneys and stomach. Also the compound causes allergy and is highly irritant to the eyes and skin. The toxicity of chlorothalonil to aquatic fauna is rather well studied with a wide range of fish and invertebrate species represented (e.g. Litchfield 1996). The aquatic toxicity is high with LC50 values for various fish species down to about 10 g/l. Only one record of microbial toxicity is recorded, indicating algal toxicity to be low, with an EC50 for the diatom Amphora coffaeformis of 2 mg/l (Callow & Willingham 1996). Dichlofluanid No information on the mode of action of the fungicide dichlofluanid is recorded in the compilation. The aquatic toxicity is documented in only a few studies, suggesting acute toxicity to aquatic organisms (fish, Daphnia, algae) to be in the range of 0.031.0 mg/l. TCMTB TCMTB is a slimicide and fungicide used as wood preservative. It is toxic to aquatic invertebrates and fish (Wenell 1994), with the lowest recorded effect concentration of 1.3 g/l for Daphnia. Algal toxicity is lower with EC50 of 0.1-0.3 mg/l. Zineb Zineb is a fungicide with a broad spectrum effect. It has been largely used earlier but at this moment there are no approved products in Sweden. Zineb is an ethylenebisdithiocarbamate which in contrast to other dithiocarbamates form ethylenethiourea, which has been shown to create tumours in mice and rats, on degradation and in the metabolism of plants and mammals. It is believed that it is this and other degradation products that gives the toxic effect, probably by reacting with SH-groups of proteins. Since most dithiocarbamates have the ability to form chelates with metals this might contribute to the fungicidal effect of ethylenebisdithiocarbamates by blocking the metal group of the enzymes. No information on aquatic toxicity is recorded in the compilation. 25 Table 20. Physiocochemical properties, persistence and toxicity of antifouling biocides Biocide Solubility (mg 1-1) Kow Irgarol 2.2-11.1 631 diuron 42 Dichlofluanid 1.3 Copper(1)oxide <0.007 Copper(1)thiocyanate 5 Koc Degradability Toxicity to fish Toxicity to algae Reported environmental concentrations Ref 1240 – 3100 Photolysis half life = 273 d; not readily biodegradable 96 h LC50 for Zebra Fish = 400 μg 1-1; 96 h LC50 Bluebell sunfish = 2900 μg 1-1 72 h EC50 = 1.4 – 2.4 μg 1-1 4 – 130 ng 1-1 1 631 398 Limited photolysis; non biodegradable Bluegill 96 h LC50 8.5 – 25 mg/l 96 h EC50 0.04 – 0.12 mg/l 13 – 1000 ng 1-1 2 5000 1100 Bluegill sunfish = 0.03 mg/l EC50 = 16 mg 1-1 10 – 10 200 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) 1 – 8000 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) Median of approx. 7 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) for estuaries used by commercial and leisure craft 4 10 – 10 200 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) 1 – 8000 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) Median of approx. 7 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) for estuaries used by commercial and leisure craft 4 zinc pyrithione 0.5 1 data provided by Ciba specialities 2 Lewis and Gardiner, 1996 3 Tomlin, 1997 4 ACP, 1998 LC50 50% lethality concentration EC50 50% effect concentration 26 3 Irgarol 1051 Irgarol is a photosystem II inhibitor with affinity for the D1 protein in PSII. It is commonly used as an additive antifoulant with copper in antifouling boat paints. It is extremely toxic to aquatic plants with effect thresholds as low as about 20 ng/l for marine periphyton (Dahl & Blanck 1996). Also macroalgal reproduction-related processes is affected at low concentrations (160 ng/l for germination of bladderwrack zygotes, Andersson 199x). Also vascular plants from the marione environment (Zostera marina) is shown to be affected at 200 ng/l (Scarlett et al 1999). Irgarol 1051 is obviously less toxic to non-photosynthesising organisms. The lowest recorded effect levels for fish is 4-9 g/l. This is still considerably toxic. A probabilistic risk assessment for Irgarol 1051 has recently been published (Hall et al 1999). SeaNine 211 SeaNine 211 is an antifouling agent said to affect several enzymes in the Krebs’ cycle of microbial organisms. The fact that it is affecting several enzymes reduces the possibility of tolerance mechanisms due to mutations of enzymes. SeaNine is extremely toxic to marine microbial communities as recently shown by the preliminary data of the ACE project (Blanck et al, Gustafson et al). It is also documented to have a high toxicity towards aquatic fauna in the range of 0.6-12 g/l , with Daphnia as the most sensitive animal. Single species algal tests indicate effects from about 13 g/l . The suggested rapid degradation of SeaNine is presently under debate due to new ACE findings: its presence in the natural environment and fairly slow disappearance from a natural marine water system with bacterial activity (Gustafson et al). Diuron to be completed Zinc pyrithione to be completed 1.4 A concise database with the information obtained will be developed. Sub-task 1.4 – months 5-9 Title The development of a concise database with the information obtained Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 5 months Objectives: To develop a concise database with the information obtained in sub-tasks 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. Methods: The database will contain the information on the antifouling agents obtained, i.e. statistics on usage in different regions, leaching rates, environmental and toxicological properties. (Full details of the database and data management are provided in Section 5.2) Deliverables: Database and major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: All tasks. A concise relational database, built in Microsoft Access 97, has been constructed and will be made available through the web. Data structures have been normalised to remove redundancy in tables and formats for inputting data have been agreed by the partners. 27 During discussions at the First Annual Meeting, it was agreed that the inputting of data would be a shared responsibility between partners. It was also agreed that the most important area to concentrate efforts would be on the environmental/analytical data generated by the ACE Programme. The importance of quality assurance was also discussed. 1.5 Literature on analytical techniques used for the different antifouling agents will be screened. Sub-task 1.5 – months 2-9 Title Screening of literature on analytical techniques used for the different antifouling agents. Responsible: CSIC Partners: UILIC Duration: 8 months Objectives: To screen the literature on analytical techniques used for the different antifouling agents. Methods: A review will be made of analytical strategies for samples and information will be compiled on the concentrations of antifouling agents in estuarine and marine waters. The results will be discussed in the light of modern developments in analytical chemistry. Deliverables: Information generated to guide analyses of booster biocides. This information will be provided in major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 3, 4 Literature on analytical techniques has been screened by CSIC and ULIC. CSIC have compiled this information and it is reported in three articles which have been submitted for publication (these are listed under Sub-task 2.1). ULIC’s screening of the literature on antifouling compounds revealed thirteen (13) papers on analytical techniques and eleven (11) on monitoring. The papers were published in the Journals: Journal of Chromatographogy (3), analytical chemistry (1), Environ. Sci. Technol. (6) Chemosphere (2), Water Air and Soil Pollution (1), Water Research (2), Vibrational Spectroscopy (1), Marine Pollution Bulletin (4), Crop. Protection (1), Sci. Total Environ. (1) and Applied Organometalic Chemistry (1). Full details are provided below: Analytical methods for antifouling pesticides (a) using SPE (C18) followed by GC-MS J.W. Readman et al., Environ. Sci. Technol., 27 (1993) 1940-1942 Gough A.M., Fothergill J. and Hendrie J.D. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 28, 10 (1994) 613-620. S.Tóth, K.Becker-van Slooten, L. Spack, L.F. de Alencastro and J. Tarradellas, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 57 (1996) 426433. Tolosa, J.W. Readman, A Blaevoet., S.Ghilini, J. Bartocci and M. Horvat, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 32, 4 (1996) 426-433. (b) using dichloromethane LLE followed by GC-MS N. Voulvoulis, M.D. Scrimshaw, J.N. Lester, Chromatographia , 50, 5/6 (1999) 353-357. D.Liu et alk., Water Research, 33 (1999) 2833-2843 (c) using ELISA (only for Irgarol) I.Ferrer, B. Ballesteros , P. Marco and D. Barceló, Environ. Sci. Technol., 31 (1997) 3530-3535. B. Ballesteros et al., Anal. Chim Acta, 347 (1997) 139-147. 28 B. Ballesteros et al., Anal. Chem., 70 (1998) 4004-4014 (d) using Immunosensor (only for Irgarol) MA Gonzalez-martines et al., Envrion. Sci technol., 32 (1998) 3442-3447 (e) using SPE followed by LC-APCI-MS K.V. Thomas, J. Chromatogr. A, 825 (1998) 29-35. I.Ferrer and D. Barceló, J. Chromatogr. A, 854 (1999) 197-206 K. Thomas, J. Chromatogr.,A 825 (1998) 29-35 K. Martinez, I. Ferrer and D. Barceló, J. Chromatogra., A (in press) (f) using SPME followed by GC-MS A. Peñalver, E. Pocorull, F. Borrul and FM Marce, J. Chromatogr.,A 839 ( 1999) 253-260 (g) overview paper N. Voulvoulis, M.D. Scrimshaw, J.N. Lester, Chemosphere , 38 (1999) 3503-3516 1.6 Information available will be assessed and antifouling agents on which studies will be focussed will be selected. Sub-task 1.6 – months 8-10 Title All available information relating to usage, transport, reactivity and toxicity will be assessed and final choice of the antifouling agents on which the studies will be focused will be selected. Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 3 months Objectives: To assess all available information relating to usage, transport, reactivity and toxicity leading to the final choice of the antifouling agents on which the studies will be focused. Methods: The information obtained will be discussed at Workshop 2 (see Table 1) with all partners. The different antifouling agents will be discussed in the light of their volume of production and usage and environmental properties (e.g. persistence and toxic properties). The potential for environmental contamination / pollution will be assessed. A strategy will be set out for the next phase of the project selecting compounds for further investigations based on potential problems or, on the contrary, the expectation that the compounds will be a better choice from the environmental point of view. Decisions will be made separately about the agents to be included in a European Coastal Survey and the compounds for which persistence and toxic properties will be assessed. This distinction is made as, at the present level of use, may not justify a survey to be conducted, whereas an expert judgement may give rise to the conclusion that a formulation will (or perhaps should be recommended to) be used in the future. The decisions will be made with the perspectives and needs of the modelling in mind. The analytical chemistry requirements necessary in order to undertake the survey will be established. The types of bioassays and semi-field studies will be reviewed and agreed upon. Deliverables: Information providing final focussing of ACE (to be summarised in Major Report 1 (sub-task 1.6)). Links: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, Workshop 2 Following extensive discussions at the first Annual Workshop, booster biocides were selected for study in the countries involved. Topics discussed included usage, transport, reactivity and toxicity, and availability of analytical facilities. 29 The core group of compounds to be monitored within the ACE Programme was selected as: Irgarol 1051 Dichlofluanid Chlorothalonil SeaNine Diuron Zinc pyrithione was also considered to be important even though the compound is difficult to analyse. It was considered most feasible that sample analyses for this compound should be undertaken by those partners best suited in terms of analytical facilities. The Danes, in collaboration with the Spanish partners (and additionally zinc pryithione manufacturers -Arch Chemicals Incorporated), will investigate this problem and will report back to the ACE Partners. Toxicity tests will focus on Irgarol 1051 and SeaNine (it was considered that adequate data is already available for diuron). Further long term and field toxicity tests will then focus on zinc pyrithione (assuming appropriate analytical support is available). Endocrine disruption experiments will focus on the core compounds and additionally on zinc pyrithione. Task 2 Sub-tasks: 2.1 Develop analytical techniques and test models. Suitably sensitive analytical techniques to measure environmental levels of selected “booster” biocides will be developed. These will include IRGAROL 1051, 2,4,5,6-tetrachloroisophthalonitrile (chlorothalonil), dichlorophenyl dimethyl urea (diuron), dichlofuanid and 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4isothiazolin-3-one (SeaNine 211). Techniques will be introduced within the participating analytical chemistry laboratories where appropriate instrumentation is available. Performances will be intercompared. Sub-task 2.1.- months 3-12 Title The development, testing and intercomparison of suitably sensitive analytical techniques Responsible: CSIC Partners: IVM , UILIC, PML, IFREMER Duration: 10 months Objectives: To develop suitably sensitive analytical techniques (and to intercompare analyses) the to measure environmental levels of compounds considered to be of concern. Methods: Analytical protocols will be developed for compounds that are considered to be of concern from initial assessments of the literature, techniques for the following compounds will be developed: IRGAROL 1051, 2,4,5,6-tetrachloroisophthalonitrile (chlorothalonil), dichlorophenyl dimethyl urea (diuron), dichlofuanid and 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (SeaNine 211). Techniques will be assigned to the partners according to analytical capabilities and geographical relevance. Matrices for analyses will be determined according to the predicted linear free energy distributions between environmental compartments. 30 The analytical techniques developed will be distributed to the partner laboratories for further testing and use. Where partner laboratories do not have the analytical capacity for quantifying all determinands, samples will be provided to laboratories with the capabilities. For the other analyses, inter-laboratory studies will be developed and run. A rapid immunoassay protocol to measure IRGAROL 1051 will also be developed (Partner 3). Deliverables: The analytical protocols essential to investigate contamination, degradation and ecotoxicology. Links: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 4, 5 CSIC have been prolific in the development of analytical techniques. Three papers have been submitted for publication: Imma Ferrer & Damià Barceló, Simultaneous determination of antifouling herbicides in marina water by on-line sold-phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 854 (1999) 197-206 Montserrat Castillo and Damià Barceló. Identification of polar toxicants in industrial wastewaters using toxicity-based fractionation with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, Number 17 (1999) 3769-3776 Karell Martinez, Imma Ferrer and Damià Barceló. Part-per-trillion level determination of antifouling pesticides and their by-products in seawater samples by off-line sold Phase Extraction followed by HPLC-APCI-MS. Preliminary method development was performed by IVM for a set of selected antifouling agents. The studies aimed at finding the most sensitive analytical technique, i.e. gas chromatography coupled to iontrap tandem mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. UILIC have developed a multiresidual analytical method for analysis of 6 antifouling compounds Irgarol 1051, diuron, chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid, 4-chloro-meta-cresol and folpet in water and sediment samples was developed. The method includes of SPE-disks and SPME-fibers for sample preparation followed by GC-FTD and GC-ECD techniques. An analytical method for the determination of antifouling compounds mancozeb, maneb thiram, zineb was also developed using UV-Vis spectroscopy. PML have concentrated on the use of GC-MS to quantify Irgarol 1051, dichlofluanid and chlorothalonil. The technique has been fully tested and applied to environmental samples. Research continues into methods of diuron analyses. IFREMER are testing XAD-2 extraction with capillary GC-NPD/ECD and MS quantification to quantify Irgarol 1051, diuron, dichlofluanid and chlorothalonil. Work is on track. Details concerning the performance of the analytical techniques selected by the partners are currently being compiled for inclusion in the next annual report. The only aspect of the ACE programme which is not on schedule is the inter-comparison exercise within the Sub-task. This was postponed awaiting the outcome of discussions relating to selection of compounds to monitor (see Sub-task 1.6). This will now go ahead. 31 2.2 Models capable of predicting concentrations and effects in coastal situations (for different scenarios of usage) will be assessed and developed Sub-task 2.2 – months 9-30 Title Implementation of models capable of predicting concentrations and effects for different scenarios. Responsible: IVM Partners: PML Duration: 21 months Objectives: Implementation of models capable of predicting transport, reactivity, concentrations and effects in model situations for different scenario’s for usage (utilising the most effective models available from EXAMS II, Delwag/Charon, EQC and Jackson0Baar Modd) Methods: Two of the partners within this project (IVM and PML) currently have proven models which, with adjustment, are admirably suited to address this sub-task. A study (financed by the European Paintmakers Association CEPE) is presently being carried out at IVM to compare and evaluate a number of existing computer models for the prediction of antifoulant levels in the aquatic environment. Among the models currently available are: ECOS (Plymouth Marine Laboratory), EXAMS II (US-EPA), Delwaq/Charon (Delft Hydraulics), EQC (Environmental Modelling Centre Canada) and the Jacobson-Bauer model (Rohm & Haas company). Based on the outcome an improved model will be developed at Delft Hydraulics; its completion is scheduled for Autumn 1998. The results will be used during the course of this project. Deliverables: An evaluation of models to predict the environmental behaviour of biocides (major report 3). Links: 1.4, 1.6, 3, 4, 5 Work within this Sub-task has now commenced and is on-track. Task 3 Environmental chemical surveys and experiments. Sub-task 3.1.- months 7-30 Title Assessment of the extent of contamination of European coastlines through chemical surveys of relevant areas Responsible: PML Partners: IVM , UILIC, IFREMER, CSIC, GU. VKI, NERI Duration: 23 months Objectives: To assess the extent of antifouling agent contamination of European coastlines. Methods: Once installed and tested, analyses will commence on environmental samples for the antifouling agents listed in Subtask 2.1. Areas previously identified as those potentially subject to most contamination will be targeted for assessment. ‘Good geographical coverage’ will also, however, be incorporated as a prerequisite in survey design. A critical feature relating to the potential for pollution by antifouling agents is the dissipation of the compounds from marinas and harbours. It is accepted that toxic concentrations are likely to exist in the direct proximity to the vessels, and the primary concern is that coastal environments adjacent to port facilities will be impacted (as was the case for TBT). As part of the surveys undertaken, intensive investigations will be performed at the most contaminated locations to investigate dissipation. 32 Samples will be exchanged between partners in order to ensure that a full data set is generated for each area. The survey data produced by individual partners will be compiled to provide a Europe-wide assessment of coastal contamination with the antifouling agents in question. Deliverables: Maps depicting the extent of contamination of European coastlines by the selected booster biocides. Links: 1.4,1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 4, 5 Field validations of the selected analytical techniques have been undertaken and coastal surveys have commenced. Locations have been selected from the information compiled in sub-tasks 1.1 and 1.2. Task 4 Sub-tasks: 4.1 Conduct ecotoxicological investigations. Develop bioassays to investigate toxic effects for IRGAROL 1051, SeaNine 211 and diuron. Sub-task 4.1 – months 3-20 Title Bioassays to investigate toxic effects of the selected antifouling agents Responsible: GU Partners: VKI, NERI, PML Duration: 18 months Objectives: Effects studies (bioassays) to investigate toxic effects. Methods: Bioassays to be conducted on IRGAROL 1051 and SeaNine 211. These will include: Short-term toxicity of antifouling agents to microbial activity in periphyton and plankton. Experimental ecosystem studies of effects on microbial communities of antifouling agents Ecosystem studies of effects on microbial communities by antifouling agents (TBT, Irgarol 1051, SeaNine 211) around selected harbours. Deliverables: An assessment of the toxicity of the “most-used” biocides. These results will form the basis of major report 6. Links: 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.3, 5 A microcosm study of SeaNine 211 focusing on marine periphyton communities was made during summer 1999, partly in co-operation with the PREDICT project. Preliminary analysis of the results suggest effects in the low nanomolar range. Further evaluation of the results are in progress and a manuscript is in preparation. (GU). A field study of Irgarol 1051 effects on periphyton communities was performed in the Fiskebäckskil area on the Swedish west coast during summer 1999. Effects were estimated according to the PICT concept, by measuring community tolerance to Irgarol 1051. Two different methods were used to measure the tolerance of periphyton: incorporation of radiolabelled carbon dioxide and variable in vivo fluorescence (PAM). A community tolerance (PICT) was observed close to the marina which was the anticipated major Irgarol source. The PAM was unable to detect this PICT signal. (GU) The observed community tolerance was stronger than observed in a previous study (Blanck & Dahl 1994, unpublished) and the reason for this is now being evaluated. The collaboration with the Barcelona group for analysis of Irgarol in Swedish waters, will reveal wheteher Irgarol exposure has increased since 1994 33 or whether Irgarol tolerance in periphyton takes several years to develop. The evaluation of the new data will be made during spring 2000. (GU) Effect of SeaNine on natural phytoplankton communities from coastal water was investigated in microcosms experiments. SeaNine was added once at start of the experiment. Distinct effect of SeaNine on photosynthetic activity, community tolerance (PICT) and species composition was seen. Preliminary analysis of the results indicates effect in nanomolar range. However the biological activity in the eutrophic water was very high the half-live for SeaNine in the experiment was about 3 days and effect of SeaNine still persist still after 15 days. (VKI) In another microcosm experiment, bacterial degradation of SeaNine was investigated. Chemical analysis indicated very slow degradation of SeaNine and the bioassays were toxicity of the water were tested on natural phytoplankton communities indicate a persist of the toxicity. In microcosms added 100 nM the toxicity persists until 28 days. At lower addition of SeaNine 32 and 10 nM the toxicity persist one week. Bacterial activity was at the beginning of the experiment two days after the GF/C filtration realistic for coastal water. Initial the bacterial activity decrease after the addition of SeaNine however, a full recovery was seen after few days. Preliminary analysis of the results indicates slow degradation of SeaNine in coastal water without phytoplankton and in dark. Results of the experiment will be submitted for publication in 2000. (VKI) PML have developed toxicological techniques using flow cymtometry and pigment analyses to assess the affect of Irgarol 1051 on natural phytoplankton populations. This work is being compiled for publication. Annual Workshops Subsequent meetings/workshops will be organised (in order to plan development of databases, analytical methodologies, surveys, experiments and models, etc., and to agree the design of the programme) on an annual basis. All workshops will be co-ordinated by the Project Co-ordinator. Following completion, results from the development of methods and models and of the measurements/experiments will be discussed and integrated within these fora. The first annual workshop to discuss results achieved during the first year of the ACE programme was held on 3 and 4 February 2000 in Barcelona, Spain. Full details are provided in the Workshop Report attached as Annex II. Initiatives for the dissemination of results An ACE web site has been set up at 34 References Anderson, C.D. (1993). Self polishing antifoulings: a scientific perspective. Courtaulds Coating, International Pain, Newcastle. Baart, A. and J. Boon (1998). Scremotox: A screening model for comparative ecotoxicological risk-assessment of substances entering the North Sea. Delft HydraulicsWL, Delft. Baur, D., A. Jacobson (1996). Modelling of marine antifoulants. Rohm and Haas Company, European Laboratories, Valbonne (France) and Research Laboratories, Spring House (PA, USA), p. 1-12 (manuscript). Belfroid, A.C., A.G.M van Hattum en J.H.N. Meerman (1999). Detectie van oestrogeen-actieve stoffen met in vitro bioassays. STOWA rapport 99/18, Utrecht. Berg, E.A. (1995). Measuring copper release from antifouling paints. EJC 7-8/95, p. 534-538. Bockting, G.J.M., E.J. van de Plassche, J. Struijs and J.H. Canton (1993). Soil-water partition coefficients for organic compounds. RIVM Report no. 679101013, p. 46. CEPE-AWG (1998). Classes of biocidal antifouling paint commercially available in the European Union. CEPE, Brussels. Ciba (1995). Summary on ecological and health effects of Irgarol 1051. Information Brochure Ciba Geigy 5/1/1995. Cooper, H., J. William and F.L. Frank (1987). Photochemistry of environmental aquatic systems. ACS Symposium Series 327. American Chemical Society, Washington DC. Cowan, C.E., D. Mackay, T.C.J. Feijtel. D. van de Meent, A. Di Guardo, J. Davies and N. Mackay (1995). The multi-media fate model: a vital tool for predicting the fate of chemicals. SETAC Press, Pensacola (Fl). CTB, (1999), Cutland et al. (1987). Cost 301 Final Report. EC-Cost 301/FRZ.00 [AN 0102], EASAMS, UK. Dahl, B. and H. Blanck (1996). Mar. Pollut. Bull., 32, p. 342-350. De Rooij, N.M. (1991). Mathematical simulation of biochemical processes in natural waters by the model Charon. Documentation report T68, WL|Delft Hydraulics, Delft. DELFT HYDRAULICS (1993). IMPAQT 4.00: User's Manual (H.L.A. Sonneveldt, J.G.C. Smits, G.A.J. Mol and R. van der Hout). DELFT HYDRAULICS (1994). DELWAQ 4.0: Technical Reference Manual (P.M.A. Boderie; draft). DELFT HYDRAULICS (1995). AQUAPOL, Chemical Database (version 1.01). Manual. DELFT HYDRAULICS (1997). Modelling Suspended of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the North Sea Z2025 (J.G. Boon, v.d. Kaaij, Vos and Gerritsen). ECB (1997). EUSES - The European union system for the evaluation of substances. Joint Research Centre European Commission Environment Institute, European Chemicals Bureau, Ispra (Italy). 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