Grade 9 Biology Unit 2 Outline – Classification of Living Organisms Unit Content: Classification of living organisms Classification and diversity of living organisms Simple keys Standards and Benchmarks: STANDARD 1: Learners understand the nature of scientific knowledge and inquiry 1. Analyze and evaluate experimental designs for accuracy, including variables, controls, adequate data sampling, and logical conclusions and suggest design improvements when appropriate. 2. Choose appropriate summary statistics to describe group differences, always indicating the spread of the data as well as the scientific data's central tendencies. 3. Make and use tables, charts, graphs, and scale drawings to justify scientific arguments and claims in oral and written presentations. 4. Participate in group discussions on scientific topics by restating or summarizing accurately what others have said, asking for clarification or elaboration, and expressing alternative positions. 5. Select the most appropriate tool for a specific, direct measurement and choose appropriate units for reporting various magnitudes. By the end of this unit students will be able to: Define and describe the binomial system of naming species as a system in which the scientific name of an organism is made up of two parts showing the genus and species List the main features of the following vertebrates: bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals Know that there are other classification systems e.g. cladistics (based on RNA/ DNA sequencing data) List the main features used in the classification of the following groups: viruses, bacteria and fungi, and their adaptation to their environment List the main features used in the classification of the following groups: flowering plants (monocotyledons and eudicotyledons (dicotyledons)), arthropods (insects, crustaceans, arachnids and myriapods), annelids, nematodes and mollusks Concept and use of a classificatory system Adaptations of organisms to their environment (to be illustrated by examples wherever possible) Use simple dichotomous keys based on easily identifiable features Schedule: Date / Day Sept. 17 Day 7 Activity Start PP 1 of Unit 2Classification of organisms Sept. 19 Day 1 In class – work on classification presentation Sept. 23 Day 3 Sept. 25 Day 5 In class presentation preparation Viewing of every groups presentation (30 – 1 hr min) ; Study for quiz next class on classification ; Answer questions on ‘Classification’ document to assist in study for quiz (formative) Quiz on Classification ; PP 2 – Dichotomous key Make your own dichotomous key in class WS. Review HW on Dichotomous key ; Review for Unit 2 Test next class Unit 2 Test (this will be a short test) Sept. 30 Day 7 Oct. 2 Day 1 Oct. 6 Day 3 Homework Work in groups of 2 or 3 to design the best method of organizing classification / distinguishing features of organisms in PP 1. (See rubric – Due Sept. 25th) Use Resource ‘Classification’ to prepare for presentation & study for quiz As above Study for quiz WS (1 and 2) on dichotomous key due next class Study for test Start Unit 3 Rubric for Presentation: As a modern scientist you have been asked to assist your college professor in explaining to students the methods of modern classification using the system shown to you in class. Your task is to make a presentation that organizes and explains the classification system for: bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals ; viruses, bacteria and fungi, and their adaptation to their environment ; flowering plants (monocotyledons and dicotyledons), arthropods (insects, crustaceans, arachnids and myriapods), annelids, nematodes and mollusks. You can make this presentation in a variety of ways: poster ; video ; iMovies (highly recommended). You will also get the chance to show it to your classmates. Rubric: Grade 9 Biology Unit 2 presentation - Classification 3 Falls short of some expectations 2 Explicit details given Some details given Explicit details given Some details given Explicit details given Some details given Missing important details Explicit details given Some details given Missing important details Explicit details given Some details given Missing important details Explicit details given Some details given Missing important details All work cited with more than 5 sources according to MLA format All work cited with less than 5 sources but not in MLA format One or no work cited Concise (within the minute time limit), clear and well stated Varity of Technology (use of iMovies) fully utilized Concise but somewhat disorganized or unclear Went on too long or was too short Limited use of technology Did only research ; poster presentation Meets or exceeds expectations Did not meet expectations 1 Content Method of Classification explained Classification of Animal Kingdom Given with Phylum Important traits discussed within adaptive features Phylum : Vertebrates Important traits discussed within adaptive features Phylum : Arthropods Important traits discussed within Plant Kingdom (Flowering Plants) Important traits discussed of classification of viruses ; bacteria and fungi Bibliography *google MLA format Missing important details Missing important details Presentation 10 minutes Creative TOTAL (out of 27) Score (out of 3)