1 Tutta la sanctita consiste nell ‘amare Dio Tutto l’amore de Dio consiste nell adempiere la sua volonta Leendert (Leo) Pieter Mos, Ph.D., C. Psych. (AB) Department of Psychology & Department of Linguistics (joint appt.) University of Alberta Edmonton, AB T6G 2E9 Canada Tel.: 780-492-5216/5264 Fax: 780-492-1768 e-mail: lmos@ualberta.ca Home address: 4812 - 116 Street Edmonton, AB T6H 3R1 Canada Tel.: 780-436-1539 Professor of Psychology and Linguistics at the University of Alberta since 1990 Director, Center of Advanced Study in Theoretical Psychology, at the University of Alberta 1979-1987 Certified Clinical Psychologist since 1980 President, Psychologists Association of Alberta, 1987-1989 Founding member, and President, International Society of Theoretical Psychology, 1989-1991, 2003-2005 Academic interests Theoretical and philosophical foundations of psychology and linguistics; history of psychology; continental traditions in psychology and philosophy; phenomenological and hermeneutical understanding of the person in social-cultural and historical contexts; teaching and learning Some selected edited volumes Royce, J. R. & Mos, L. P. (Eds.) (1979). Theoretical advances in behavior genetics. Aphen aan den Rijn: Holland Noordhoff and Sijthoff. Royce, J. R. & Mos, L. P. (Eds.) (1981). Humanistic psychology: concepts and criticisms. NY: Plenum. Mos, L. P. (Ed.) (1984-1994). Annals of theoretical psychology (Vols. I-X). NY: Plenum. Mos, L. P. (Ed.) (2007). An alternative history of psychology in autobiography. NY: Kluwer (forthcoming). Some selected writings Mos, L. P. et al., (1973). The effect of post-weaning stimulation on factors of mouse emotionality. Developmental Psychology, 8, 229-239. Mos, L. P. et al., (1974). Effects of light environment on emotionality and the endocrine system in inbred mice. Physiology and Behavior, 12, 981-989. Mos, L. P. et al., (1977). The effect of septal lesions on emotionality factors in inbred strains of mice. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 91, 523-532. 2 Mos, L. P. (1978). Perception: philosophical and psychological issues (pp. 271-294). In J. R. Royce et al., (Eds.), Psychological epistemology: a critical review of the theoretical issues and empirical literature. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 97, 265-353. Baker, Wm J. & Mos, L. P. (1983). Mentalism and language in (and out of) psychology. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 12, 397-406. Mos, L. P. (1988). Play, friendship, and knowledge. Proceedings of the Polish Academy of Science. Warsaw, Poland. Mos, L. P. (1988). Cognitive representation: a psychology in search of the mental. In J. Mouton et al., (Eds.), Essays in social theorizing (Report Series 9, pp. 165-184). Pretoria, RSA: Human Sciences Research Council. Mos, L. P. & Boodt, C. P. (1991). Friendship and play: an evolutionary-developmental perspective. Theory & Psychology, 1, 132-144. Mos, L. P. & Boodt, C. P. (1992). Mediating between mentalism and objectivism: the conventionality of language. In C. E. Tolman (Ed.), Positivism in psychology: historical and contemporary problems (pp. 185-216). New York: Springer-Verlag. Mos, L. P. (1994). We ought to be fighting over the meaning of authenticity: review of C. Taylor’s “Ethics of Authenticity”. Theory & Psychology, 3, 447-545. Mos, L. P. (1998). A constitutive understanding of persons. In Wm Smythe (Ed.), Towards a psychology of persons (pp. 132-171). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. Mos, L. P. (1998). On methodological distinctions: nomothetic psychology or historical understanding. Theory & Psychology, 8(1), 39-57. Mos, L. P. (2002). On evil: of human nature and political ideology. In N. Stephenson et al., (Eds.), Theoretical psychology: critical contributions (pp. 90-100). Toronto: Captus. Mos, L. P. (2004). On the historical self. In Wm Smythe & A. Baydala (Eds.), Studies of how the mind publicly enfolds into being (pp. 55-82). Lewinston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press.