Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP) THEME [FoF.NMP.2012-1] “Adaptive production systems and measurement and control equipment for optimal energy consumption and near-to-zero emissions in manufacturing processes”. GOAL To develop and demonstrate a package of integrated solutions for different energy intensive processes (ceramics, cement and glass), based on tuning alternative firing technologies to the material characteristics and on smart control systems, to provide real time information about the energy consumption as well as the product quality. Initiative Title: Development of adaptive ProductioN systems for Eco-efficient firing Processes. DAPhNE_FP7-314636 Porject KERABEN GRUPO, S.A. Miguel Ángel Bengochea <> 1 Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP) INDEX 1 INITIATIVE TITLE:.............................................................................................................. 3 1.1 R&D OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 OVERVIEW OF THE INITIATIVE ............................................................................................ 3 1.3 PLANNED WORK, RESOURCES AND TIMING ....................................................................... 4 1.4 PARTICIPATING REGIONS, PROJECTS INVOLVED AND PARTNERS .................................... 4 1.5 CONTACT INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 5 2 Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP) 1 Initiative Title: Development of adaptive ProductioN systems for Eco-efficient firing Processes. DAPhNE_FP7-314636 Porject 1.1 R&D Objectives The overall scope of the DAPhNE project is to develop and demonstrate a package of integrated solutions for different energy intensive processes (ceramics, cement and glass), based on tuning alternative firing technologies to the material characteristics and on smart control systems, to provide real time information about the energy consumption as well as the product quality. 1.2 Overview of the Initiative Many High temperature alternative heating techniques has not been implemented as a full-scale industrial-process. The DAPhNE project brings together three manufacturing sectors (ceramic, glass and cement) with common problems in relation to the energy consumption of their firing processes, seeking common solutions via the implementation of high temperature alternative technologies based on smart control and monitoring systems. DAPhNE will contribute to transform the traditional manufacturing of energy-intensive demand commodities, which is based on consumption of fossil fuels with low control process capacity, into a completely new concept of flexible, modular, re-configurable, smart and digital factory concept based on: •Smart control of high temperature alternative processes •Smart control of production lines that incorporate the above proposed alternative solutions, capable of maximizing autonomy and interaction capability with existing machinery and ensuring reuse of existing infrastructures. 3 Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP) 1.3 Planned Work, Resources and Timing 1. Control and monitoring methodologies. Development of new control and monitoring methodologies for the automatic control of the alternative firing technologies during the process. 2. Smart energy control and monitoring solutions. Development of electrical and thermal energy control and real time monitoring solutions for plugging-in the alternative firing systems to the existing processes, to ensure minimization of energy consumption. 3. Coupling MW with materials. Adaptation and coupling of high temperature alternative firing systems treatment systems solutions to each intended product. 4. Development of process manufacturing modules. Development of adaptive, modular, process modules in manufacturing processes of mass commodity products. 5. KPI’s. Definition of KPIs for each system, process and material based on monitoring data from demonstration, on the developed parameter database, as well as on extended LCA. 6. Business models. Development of techno-economic, market and business models ensuring economyecology and sustainability to accelerate the short term and wide spread implementation of the technological developments in the production chain of the selected industries. 1.4 Participating Regions, Projects involved and Partners DAPHNE initiative is a running European funded Project under the THEME [FoF.NMP.2012-1] “Adaptive production systems and measurement and control equipment for optimal energy consumption and2 near-to-zero emissions manufacturing processes”. It is formed by 18 partners from 5 European Countries, Switzerland and Mexico: 4 in Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP) 1 KERABEN GRUPO SA - KERABEN Spain 2 ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LAS INDUSTRIAS DE LA CONSTRUCCION - AIDICO Spain 3 TECNICAS REUNIDAS SA - TR Spain 4 NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS - NTUA Greece 5 COMERCIALIZADORA ESPANOLA DE INNOVACIONES Y MATERIALES -SL CEINNMAT Spain 6 AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS - CSIC Spain 7 UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA - UPVLC Spain 8 ASCEM BV - ASCEM Netherlands 9 Cemex Research Group AG - CEMEX RESEARCH Switzerland 10 CEMEX CENTRAL SA DE CV - CEMC 11 Mexico SVILUPPO TECNOLOGIE E RICERCA PER L'EDILIZIA SISMICAMENTE SICURA ED ECOSOSTENIBILE SCARL - STRESS Italy 12 UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE - UNIVPM Italy 13 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET BERGAKADEMIE FREIBERG - TU BAF Germany 14 SANTOS BAROSA VIDROS - SB Portugal 15 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO - IST Portugal 16 FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V - FRAUNHOFER Germany 17 MUEGGE ELECTRONIC GMBH - MUEGGE Germany 18 FLORIN CHRISTIAN - FLO-IR Switzerland 1.5 Contact Information Project coordinator: Miguel Angel Bengochea KERABEN GRUPO, S.A. +34 964 65 95 00 5