TOPIC:LITERARY TERMS (Language Arts, Drama):

Language Arts, History
Grade Level
Type of Activity
Small Group, Individual, Entire Class, Oral Presentation, Ongoing
Students will understand basic literary terms from Of Mice and Men and be able
to provide specific definitions and examples.
Students will be able to use/show literary terms in their own writing.
Students will be able to successfully pass quizzes based on definitions /examples
of literary terms.
It is important for students to be able to understand, define, and apply literary terms for
any piece of literature they encounter. In their notebooks, students should keep a growing
bank of literary terms associated with the novel.
Materials Needed/Preparation
Copies of Of Mice and Men.
Students’ notebooks.
Copies of literary terms organizer (scaffolded versions: partially
completed, mostly completed). Optional.
Estimated Time
Learning and applying literary terms is an ongoing activity. The amount of time spent is
at the discretion of individual teachers.
After the teacher has introduced initial terms, as appropriate (see below), students
should be able to not only define the terms but point out specific examples of each
from the novel itself. They should place these initial terms/examples in their
notebooks. Teachers should be careful not to give away plot elements when
providing examples. There are two examples for each of the initial literary terms:
1) actual examples from Of Mice and Men (to be provided as that point in the
story is reached) and 2) a more general example (to be used for initial
Pointing out such examples can be done in pairs or threes in front of the class.
For more creative students, such examples can be acted out. For example, for
magic realism, the students would define the term, and then briefly act out the
scenes at the end of the novel involving Lennie and the giant rabbit and Lennie
and Aunt Clara.
The students in the audience will take notes and later be tested on the terms. This
is an initial list of terms that should be learned early on during the course of the
novel. For a comprehensive list, see:
Preliminary Of Mice and Men Literary Terms (all page number references are from
the 1993 Penguin Books edition)
Personification--Giving human traits (qualities, feelings, action, or characteristics) to
non-living objects (things, colors, qualities, or ideas).
General Example: The wind danced into the room.
Of Mice and Men Example: “The shade climbed up the hills toward the top” (Steinbeck
Juxtaposition--The act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side.
General Example: Judy went to the mall with her friends who loved to frequent the
clothing shops. Judy much preferred the bookstores.
Of Mice and Men Example: At first, the description of the Salinas River Valley, where
George and Lennie sleep before going to the ranch, seems idyllic and Eden-like. “The
water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight
before reaching the narrow pond” (Steinbeck 1).
Soon, the area seems a more ominous place as George instructs Lennie to hide here if he
gets into any trouble.
“Lennie—if you jus’ happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to
come right here an’ hide in the brush” (Steinbeck 15).
Symbolism--Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or
convention, especially a material object used to represent something else.
General Example: The American flag. See “Symbolism” for details.
Of Mice and Men Example: Rabbits represent Lennie’s naïve dreams of owning land in
the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Lennie constantly talks about raising rabbits on the ranch he and George hope to own.
“An’ have rabbits. Go on, George! Tell about what we’re gonna have in the garden and
about the rabbits in the cages…” (Steinbeck 14).
Foreshadowing—When the author provides hints of what may happen later in the story.
General Example: In a play, the main character in the first act might show the audience
he has a pistol by placing it in his pocket. Later, in the third act, he is attacked and is able
to defend himself with the pistol.
Of Mice and Men Example: When Lennie reveals he has a dead mouse in his pocket.
George questions him. “Uh-uh. Jus’ a dead mouse, George. I didn’t kill it. Honest! I
found it. I found it dead” (Steinbeck 5). This foreshadows the death of Lennie’s puppy
and the death of Curley’s wife.
Simile—A comparison of generally unlike objects using “like” or “as.”
General Example: His fingers were like tree branches.
Of Mice and Men Example: “On the sand banks the rabbits sat as quietly as little gray,
sculptured stones” (Steinbeck 2).
Metaphor—A direct comparison of generally unlike objects NOT using “like” or as.”
General Example: His fingers are the tree branches that scraped the side of the house.
Of Mice and Men Example: “Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water…” (Steinbeck 3).
Conflict—A problem or unresolved issue in a story.
General Example: Judy wants to finish her homework, but her friend wants her to go to
the mall. Judy is confused about what to do.
Of Mice and Men Example: George tells Lennie, “God a ‘mighty, if I was alone I could
live so easy. I could get a job an’ work, an’ no do bad things and I got to get
you out” (Steinbeck 11). Lennie replies, “George, you want that I should go away and
leave you alone?’ ” (Steinbeck 12).
Climax—A turning point in the story.
General Example: Judy goes to the mall, without doing her homework, and runs into her
English teacher who asks about her work.
Of Mice and Men Example: One of the first major turning points is when George and
Lennie arrive late to the ranch; the ranch boss is mad at them and is suspicious of George
when he talks for Lennie (Steinbeck 21-23).
Resolution—The solution to conflicts presented in a story.
General Example: Judy, being smart and time efficient, is able to do both her homework
and go to the mall.
Of Mice and Men Example: George solves his conflict with the ranch boss by explaining
(falsely) that he talks for Lennie, because Lennie was kicked in the head by a horse when
he was a kid (Steinbeck 22).
Alliteration—A string of words beginning with the same consonant.
General Example: Susie sold seashells by the seashore.
Of Mice and Men Example: “On the sand banks, the rabbits sat as quietly as little gray,
sculptured stones” (Steinbeck 2).
Imagery--The use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions, or ideas.
General Example: Judy, dressed in blue jeans, a blue tee-shirt with the logo “Love
rules,” and orange Converse high top tennis shoes with mismatched red and blue
shoelaces, entered the mall. She felt as if she was the Queen of the Mall.
Of Mice and Men Example: “Evening of a hot day started the little wind to moving
among the leaves. The shade climbed up the hills toward the top. On the sand banks the
rabbits sat as quietly as little gray, sculptured stones” (Steinbeck 2).
Style—A manner of expression: how a character or writer says what he/she says.
General Example: Judy, when confronted by mall police for suspected theft, said, “You
don’t know me. I ain’t no thief!”
Of Mice and Men Example: When George confronts Lennie about misplacing his work
ticket, Lennie replies, “ ‘Oh, sure, George. I remember that now. His hands went quickly
into his side coat pockets. He said gently, ‘George . . . I ain’t got mine. I musta lost it.’
He looked down at the ground in despair” (Steinbeck 5).
Tone--The writer's attitude toward the material and/or readers. Tone may be playful,
formal, intimate, angry, serious, ironic, outraged, baffled, tender, serene, depressed, etc.
General Example: Judy, nervous and sweating bullets, felt the world closing in on her as
the cop questioned her.
Of Mice and Men Example: “Lennie avoided the bait. He had sensed his advantage. ‘If
you don’t want me, you only jus’ got to say so , and I’ll go off in those hills right there—
right up in those hills and live by myself’ ” (Steinbeck 13).
Motif—A repeating theme or event.
General Example: Judy tells the story (to anyone who will listen) about her encounter
with the mall police almost daily.
Of Mice and Men Example: Throughout the novel, Lennie constantly talks about raising
rabbits on the ranch he and George hope to own. “An’ have rabbits. Go on, George! Tell
about what we’re gonna have in the garden and about the rabbits in the cages…”
(Steinbeck 14).
Mood--The atmosphere that pervades a literary work with the intention of evoking a
certain emotion or feeling from the readers.
General Example: Judy felt nervous as the mall police continued to question her. Around
her, everything suddenly became fuzzy and dream-like. She felt helpless, alone, and
experienced a disturbing sense of floating.
Of Mice and Men Example: Upon meeting Curley, George and Lennie are clearly tense.
“Curley lashed his body around. ‘By Christ, he’s (Lennie) gotta talk when he’s spoken to.
What the hell are you getting’ into it for?’
‘We travel together,’ said George coldly.
‘Oh, so it’s that way.’
George was tense, and motionless. ‘Yeah, it’s that way.’
Lennie was looking helplessly to George for instructions” (Steinbeck 25).
Theme—The moral or message of a story.
General Example: Judy now realizes that false accusations occur, and she decides to
forgive the mall police.
Of Mice and Men Example: A major theme in the novel is Friendship. Even though
Lennie and George have their conflicts, they remain the closest of friends. And, of
course, George exacts the ultimate act of friendship at the end of the novel.
George says to Lennie, “ ‘Because I got you an’—
‘An’ I got you. We got each other, that’s what, that gives a hoot in hell about us,’ Lennie
cried in triumph” (Steinbeck 104).
Protagonist—A main character or “hero” of a story.
General Example: Judy realized after her “false arrest” that not everyone is bad; she
remained an honest and law-abiding person.
Of Mice and Men Example: George and Lennie are most likely the main protagonists, as
they both try to do the best they can under often difficult circumstances.
George says to Lennie, “Because I got you an’—
‘An’ I got you. We got each other, that’s what, that gives a hoot in hell about us,’ Lennie
cried in triumph” (Steinbeck 104).
Antagonist—Usually the character who opposes the protagonist.
General Example: The mall police officer who questioned Judy was unfair and
Of Mice and Men Example: Curley is clearly the antagonist, as he immediately takes a
disliking to Lennie and George.
“He (Curley) glanced coldly at George and then at Lennie. His arms gradually bent at the
elbows and his hands closed into fists” (Steinbeck 25).
Magic realism--A narrative technique that blurs the distinction between fantasy and
General Example: After being freed, Judy saw herself rising into the air and landing
upon a cloud of relief.
Of Mice and Men Example: “Aunt Clara was gone, and from out of Lennie’s head there
came a gigantic rabbit. It sat on its haunches in front of him, and it waggled its ears and
crinkled its nose at him. And it spoke in Lennie’s voice too” (Steinbeck 101-102).
Standards Met
Reading Standards for Literature 6-12
o Key Ideas and Details: 1,2
o Craft and Structure: 4,5,6
o Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: 9
o Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: 10
Reading Standards for Informational Text 6-12
o Key Ideas and Details: 1,3
o Craft and Structure: 4,5,6
Writing Standards 6-12
o Text Types and Purposes: 3
o Production and Distribution of Writing: 4,5
o Research to Build and Present Knowledge: 7
o Range of Writing: 10
Speaking and Listening Standards 6-12
o Comprehension and Collaboration: 1
Language Standards 6-12
o Conventions of Standard English: 1,2
o Knowledge of Language: 3
o Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: 4,5,6
Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-12
o Key Ideas and Details: 1,2
o Craft and Structure: 4,5
Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical
Subjects 6-12
o Production and Distribution of Writing: 4,5
o Research to Build and Present Knowledge: 7
Post Activity/Takeaways/Follow-up
o Teachers are encouraged to have students “act out” ongoing scenes from Of
Mice and Men to show their understanding of literary terms.
o A final test of all literary terms, with students’ examples, is encouraged.
Teachers should regularly check students’ notebooks to ensure they are including
examples of ongoing literary terms. They will also be regularly tested on literary
Literary Terms
Complete the following chart. Remember to include the page number of your example from
Of Mice and Men.
General Example
Example from Of Mice
and Men
Magic Realism
Literary Terms
Complete the following chart. Remember to include the page number of your example from
Of Mice and Men.
Giving human traits (qualities,
feelings, action, or
characteristics) to non-living
objects (things, colors,
qualities, or ideas).
General Example
The act or an instance of
placing two or more things
side by side.
Something that represents
something else by association,
resemblance, or convention,
especially a material object
used to represent something
When the author provides
hints of what may happen
later in the story.
comparison of generally
unlike objects using “like” or
A direct comparison of
generally unlike objects NOT
using “like” or as.”
Example from Of Mice
and Men
A problem or unresolved
issue in a story.
A turning point in the story.
The solution to conflicts
presented in a story.
A string of words beginning
with the same consonant.
The use of vivid or figurative
language to represent objects,
actions, or ideas.
A manner of expression: how
a character or writer says
what he/she says.
The writer's attitude toward
the material and/or readers.
Tone may be playful, formal,
intimate, angry, serious,
ironic, outraged, baffled,
tender, serene, depressed, etc.
A repeating theme or event.
Magic Realism
The atmosphere that pervades
a literary work with the
intention of evoking a certain
emotion or feeling from the
The moral or message of a
A main character or “hero” of
a story.
Usually the character who
opposes the protagonist.
A narrative technique that
blurs the distinction between
fantasy and reality.
Literary Terms
Complete the following chart. Remember to include the page number of your example from
Of Mice and Men.
Giving human traits (qualities, The wind danced into the
feelings, action, or
characteristics) to non-living
objects (things, colors,
qualities, or ideas).
The act or an instance of
placing two or more things
side by side.
Judy went to the mall with
her friends who loved to
frequent the clothing shops.
Judy much preferred the
Something that represents
The American flag.
something else by association,
resemblance, or convention,
especially a material object
used to represent something
When the author provides
hints of what may happen
later in the story.
In a play, the main
character in the first act
might show the audience he
has a pistol by placing it in
his pocket. Later, in the
third act, he is attacked and
is able to defend himself
with the pistol.
comparison of generally
unlike objects using “like” or
His fingers were like tree
General Example
Example from Of Mice
and Men
A direct comparison of
generally unlike objects NOT
using “like” or as.”
His fingers are the tree
branches that scraped the
side of the house.
A problem or unresolved
issue in a story.
Judy wants to finish her
homework, but her friend
wants her to go to the mall.
Judy is confused about
what to do.
A turning point in the story.
Judy goes to the mall,
without doing her
homework, and runs into
her English teacher who
asks about her work.
The solution to conflicts
presented in a story.
Judy, being smart and time
efficient, is able to do both
her homework and go to the
A string of words beginning
with the same consonant.
Susie sold seashells by the
The use of vivid or figurative
language to represent objects,
actions, or ideas.
Judy, dressed in blue jeans,
a blue tee-shirt with the
logo “Love rules,” and
orange Converse high top
tennis shoes with
mismatched red and blue
shoelaces, entered the mall.
She felt as if she was the
Queen of the Mall.
A manner of expression: how
a character or writer says
what he/she says.
Judy, when confronted by
mall police for suspected
theft, said, “You don’t
know me. I ain’t no thief!”
The writer's attitude toward
the material and/or readers.
Tone may be playful, formal,
intimate, angry, serious,
ironic, outraged, baffled,
tender, serene, depressed, etc.
Judy, nervous and sweating
bullets, felt the world
closing in on her as the cop
questioned her.
A repeating theme or event.
Judy tells the story (to
anyone who will listen)
about her encounter with
the mall police almost
The atmosphere that pervades
a literary work with the
intention of evoking a certain
emotion or feeling from the
Judy felt nervous as the
mall police continued to
question her. Around her,
everything suddenly
became fuzzy and dreamlike. She felt helpless,
alone, and experienced a
disturbing sense of floating.
The moral or message of a
Judy now realizes that false
accusations occur, and she
decides to forgive the mall
A main character or “hero” of
a story.
Judy realized after her
“false arrest” that not
everyone is bad; she
remained an honest and
law-abiding person.
Usually the character who
opposes the protagonist.
The mall police officer who
questioned Judy was unfair
and assumptive.
A narrative technique that
blurs the distinction between
fantasy and reality.
After being freed, Judy saw
herself rising into the air
and landing upon a cloud of
Magic Realism