HERE - Quorn Medical Centre

This report summarises the development and outcomes of Quorn Medical Centre’s Patient
Participation Group for 2013/14.
Profile of practice population and Ethnicity Breakdown
Profile of PPG
Process of Recruitment
Priorities for the survey and how they were agreed
Results of patient survey
Resulting action plan based on this years’ survey and how it was agreed
Progress made with the previous years’ action plan
Confirmation of our opening times.
Health Promotion
Practice population summary as at 6th January 2014.
8504 patients
50.65% male
49.35% female
Code Term
Ethnic category - 2001 census
British or mixed British - ethnic category 2001 census
White British - ethnic category 2001 census
Irish - ethnic category 2001 census
Other White background - ethnic category 2001 census
English - ethnic category 2001 census
Cypriot (part not stated) - ethnic category 2001 census
Greek - ethnic category 2001 census
Italian - ethnic category 2001 census
Polish - ethnic category 2001 census
White and Black Caribbean - ethnic category 2001 census
White and Black African - ethnic category 2001 census
White and Asian - ethnic category 2001 census
Other Mixed background - ethnic category 2001 census
Chinese and White - ethnic category 2001 census
Indian or British Indian - ethnic category 2001 census
Pakistani or British Pakistani - ethnic category 2001 census
Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi - ethnic category 2001 census
Other Asian background - ethnic category 2001 census
Mixed Asian - ethnic category 2001 census
Other Asian or Asian unspecified ethnic category 2001 census
Caribbean - ethnic category 2001 census
African - ethnic category 2001 census
Other Black background - ethnic category 2001 census
Chinese - ethnic category 2001 census
Other - ethnic category 2001 census
Arab - ethnic category 2001 census
Ethnic category not stated - 2001 census
PPG profile
Our Patient Participation Group commenced in December 2011. Our group size has increased
and decreased during the last 12 months. The patient group currently comprises of 14
members; attendance, gender, ethnicity and age are broken down as follows: -
In addition to this we have a Virtual PPG group, currently standing at 30 members.
Process of Recruitment
Steps Taken to Ensure PPG Is Representative
Poster displayed in both waiting rooms at the Practice
Information displayed on the Practice Website
Verbal explanation of Group to patients on an ad-hoc basis
Application packs available on reception
Application packs available to download from our website·
An advertising campaign continues to run within the Practice and on our Practice Website,
recruiting patients for our PPG.
In addition to the PPG, we also have a Virtual PPG, formed at the same time, although the
numbers are smaller; we currently have 30 members. The Virtual PPG is for those patients
who wish to make suggestions and engage with the Practice, but do not wish to attend
meetings; although some do. These suggestions can be made by e-mail via our Practice
website or in writing to the Practice; these are then passed on to the PPG Panel for discussion.
Since commencement of the group, there have been some patients who have since left the
Practice or who have decided to move to our virtual PPG due to commitments elsewhere. We
now have 14 patients on our PPG panel and this has proved to be fairly representative of our
registered patients in terms of gender and a mixed age group, however, none of our current
panel fall into an ethnic minority, but we continue to actively seek to resolve this by in-house and
website advertising and encouraging the GPs to mention our group to their patients.
We continue to advertise the PPG and if numbers drop we will attempt to recruit further
additional members. We have displayed posters at 2 local colleges, local groups, local
pharmacies and the Parish notice-board. We have provided information leaflets for our
Community Midwife to hand out.
Mrs Liz Wells, Practice Manager and Ms Karen Festa attend every meeting. Dr CR Barlow
attends as and when he is available and Dr MF Frost attends in his place providing he has no
prior commitments.
Priorities for the survey and how they were agreed
The group met on the 11th July & 5th September to discuss the survey questions. The PPG
agreed to keep the same questions with some slight changes in how they read, in order to make
a comparison. The survey was made available in paper format and online from our Practice
Once again, we placed the surveys on the seats in the waiting room as this has been shown to
have a benefit in terms of returns. The survey ran from 1st October 2013 – 31st December 2013.
Results of the patient survey
The data analysis was automated by our website, as each survey was completed and
submitted. Our results are now available to read on our website and a paper copy can be found
on our PPG notice-board in the downstairs reception waiting room.
Action Plan Based on the 2013/14 Patient Survey
Our last meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014. This was attended by 7 of out 14
PPG members, 1 Virtual PPG member, Mrs Liz Wells, Practice Manager, Ms Karen Festa,
Practice Secretary and Dr Barlow, Senior Partner. We reviewed the minutes of our last meeting
and for the remainder of the meeting we used to discuss the Patient Survey.
330 patients completed the survey this compared to 192 last year. These were presented to the
group in a paper format. Prior to the meeting, the results had been e-mailed to the group, to
enable them to consider which areas they felt were a priority.
We discussed our plan of action and identified 6 areas where improvement could be made,
based on the survey results. These were as follows: 1) We received several comments on the survey about the lack of ease to attend
appointments upstairs. We do have a downstairs consulting room for this purpose. We
will however advertise this service more, both on the PPG notice-board and on our
website. Please let the receptionist know if you need to be seen downstairs. It is worth
noting that once our premises development has been completed, we will have 2
downstairs consulting rooms available.
2) Clinics that run late: As a result of the recent experience of one patient, it was decided
that we would invest in a white board to inform patients if GPs/Nursing team are running
late. This has proved successful. We are currently using a temporary board, but a white
board will eventually be fixed on the wall behind the receptionists.
3) Question 20: How well do you know which days of the week your GP is available? 42%
of patients said ‘not well at all’. Based on this, it was agreed at our PPG meeting held on
16th January 2014, that a master rota would be placed on the PPG notice-board and on
our website. However, it must be noted that these rotas are subject to change to reflect
annual leave/sickness.
4) 6 out of 330 patients suggested weekend opening or holding flu clinics on a Saturday.
For the past 2 years we have held flu clinics on a Saturday and this year it was over 4
Saturdays and very well attended. Unfortunately, we are unable to open every Saturday
due to limited NHS funding at this time.
5) Several comments have been about the type of music played on our radio in the upstairs
waiting room. We contacted PRS to confirm if our licence allowed us to use an IPod
instead of a radio and this was confirmed. An IPod will be purchased and some more
suitable music provided.
6) 11 patients out of 330 commented on the telephone system and in particular the
expense. The system was sold on the basis of not costing patients any more than they
would normally pay. Since that time, however, changes on technology and phone rates
means that many people get free local calls under contracts which don’t include 0844.
The Practice does not keep people on the phone in order to speak to a doctor or nurse
and operates a very effective ring back system. This is not a requirement but is carried
out as good practice (and costs the Practice c£3,500 per 4 months).
We are however working with our existing provider and another provider with a view to
getting out of the contract, but there are cost implications to that, which we have
previously informed NHS England about.
A copy of this Action Plan was then emailed to the PPG and the Partners for comments and
approval and a ‘You said, We did’ poster placed on our website and on the PPG notice-board n
the downstairs waiting room.
Progress Made With the previous years’ Action Plan (2012-13)
You said…..
Some patients were unhappy that
other patients could overhear what
they were saying in reception. Last
year the figure dropped to 15%.
However as promised we are in the
process of arranging some premises
alterations. We will look into sound
dampening as part of the project.
This is long-term project as we have
applied for Section 106 money to
enable us to make changes to our
premises. Our intention is to bring
the reception area forward, thereby
creating an additional consulting
room downstairs.
Last year we noticed that a lot of
patients had hand written comments
on their survey
We did…..
We still plan to go ahead
development, and we have
been working with 3 different
We are just waiting for one
more quote and then all 3
quotes will be sent to NHS
England for consideration.
It was therefore agreed that This
this year our survey will extremely beneficial.
include a comments box.
high number of patients
left comments on the
survey this year and we
were incredibly pleased
with the high number of
positive comments about
all our staff, reception,
nursing, management and
GPs alike.
Last year, there appeared to be a We agreed to provide further
lack of awareness of our opening in-house
times and online appointments.
advertising and to include
this information in our
Practice Leaflet and in the
magazine. We continue to
offer extended hours 2
mornings per week and our
GPs now work concurrently
with our Practice Nurses
during these times; Thursday
and Friday 7am – 8am.
highlighted some areas
that we could improve on
and these form part of our
action plan above.
This has had a positive
effect on our survey
results as 52% of patients
are ‘very satisfied’ with the
opening hours, compared
to 42% last year and 29%
of patients are fairly
satisfied compared to 27%
last year.
For more information, please read our full patient survey results, which can be found on our
website at or on our PPG notice-board.
Confirmation of our opening times
The surgery is open at the following times: -
08:30 to 18:00
08:30 to 19:30
08:30 to 18:00
07:00 to 18:00
07:00 to 18:00
Closed all day
Telephone contact is available between 8.30am - 6.00pm
Access to pre-bookable appointments and extended hours appointments are available by
telephone, online and in person.
NB We may be closed on specific afternoons, for Practice training/education updates arranged
by the Clinical Commissioning Group or the Practice. Notices will be displayed on those days,
along with the appropriate contact number for anything that cannot wait until the following day.
This number will also be given on our telephone greeting message. Please see the 'Closure
Dates' tab on the right for more information.
** We are closed on all public/bank holidays **
Health Promotion
Our PPG continue to be Patient Health Awareness led and during the next 12 months we will
provide in-house displays for the following health awareness weeks/months: Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month 1st – 31st March 2014
Allergy Awareness Week 28th April – 4th May 2014
National Walking Month 1st – 31st May 2014
Carer’s Week 9th – 15th June 2014
A Pre-Diabetes event will be held on Monday 17th February 7pm – 8.30pm. There will be two
speaker; Dr Barlow, Senior Partner and Alex Cook, Dietician. The event will be held at Quorn
Village Hall. This event has been advertised on the PPG noticeboard, our Practice Website,
Quorn Village website, in local shops, village notices boards and in the Loughborough Echo.
Patients wishing to attend must contact the surgery to book their place.