Moyvane Parish Incorporating the Church of the Assumption, Moyvane and Corpus Christi Church, Knockanure, Fr. Kevin McNamara 068 49308 / 087 6099930 Masses from Saturday 8th August to Sunday 16th August CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION, MOYVANE Sat. 8th 7.30pm Mary O’Flaherty Tubbertoueen 1st anni. th Sun. 9 11.00am People of the Parish Tues. 11th 7.30pm James Duggan, Month’s Mind Wed. 12th 7.30pm Jackie Lyons, RIP Thurs. 13th 7.30pm Mossie O’Connor, Glin Rd. Saturday 15th is a Holy Day of Obligation. Feast of Assumption ( a special day in our Parish as our Church in Moyvane is dedicated to our Lady’s Assumption). Fri. 14th Vigil 7.30pm Sr. Carmelita Murphy (Anni.) Sat. 15th Vigil for Sunday 7.30pm Sean Nelligan, (Anni.) Sun. 16th 11.00am Patie & John Collins & their Parents CHURCH OF CORPUS CHRISTI, KNOCKANURE, Sun. 9th 10.00am Benny Collins, recently deceased Mon. 10th 7.30pm Special Mass for an improvement in the weather Sat. 15th 10.00am Ellen & Laurence Collins (Feast of Assumption) Sun. 16th 10.00am Dick, Peggy, Miley, John & Mary Sheehan OFFERTORY COLLECTION: Very many thanks for your very generous contributions last weekend. Your contributed €1823.00, very many thanks indeed. ADORATION: CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION, MOYVANE Sundays 4pm to 5pm and Wednesdays 10.00am till 7.00pm. CHURCH OF CORPUS CHRISTI, KNOCKANURE Tuesdays 10.00am to 6.00pm. Readers: Vigil Eileen Collins & Annie Coulson 11am Philip Kiely Knockanure 10am Margaret Carmody & Mary Fitzgerald A POWERFUL, DISPLAY OF LOVE, SUPPORT AND GRATITUDE IN HONOURING ALL OUR FAITHFUL DEPARTED. Our Cemetery Masses this week were truly inspirational and inspiring. The huge numbers who attended, prayerful in acknowledgement of all our faithful departed was truly inspirational. All who attended both from within the Parish and all who travelled from far & near from outside the Parish made our celebrations really special. Thanks to one and all for making our Cemetery Masses so very special and as l have said at the Masses, our three Cemeteries are maintained excellently. Well done to all involved. I was sorry to have missed the Knockanure Cemetery Mass, but I had a prior engagement booked many months ago for a dear & special friend whose first anni. was on Tuesday last. My sincere thanks to Frs Tom & Brendan for celebrating such a beautiful and meaningful Celebration on Tuesday in Knockanure. Our Graveyard Committee deserve a sincere thank you on all our behalf - very many thanks for your continued dedication and huge commitment in keeping our three Cemeteries , Sacred & Special places looking so lovely and so beautifully maintained all through the year. May God reward you for your generous work. Thanks to all who helped in any way on Mon. Tues. and Wed. evening. UPHELD BY THE LOVE AND COMPASSION OF JESUS At some time or another, every follower of Jesus is faced with trying circumstances, very difficult decisions, very great sorrows, very powerful tempations. Here are a few examples of the kind of things that the modern follower of Jesus might have to cope with in daily living: JOHN IS A YOUNG PERSON LIVING AWAY FROM HIS FAMILY HOME. It is Sunday morning and he is in a warm bed. It is raining and very cold outside. Should he leave his bed and go to Mass? He knows he will have to face the laughter of his mates as they take their “LITURGY OF THE WORD” straight out of the tabloids. Will John be able to obey the gentle voice of Jesus calling him to come to Church and listen to the uplifting and encouring Word of God? MARY IS SINGLE, WHO HAS BECOME PREGNANT: She is heading into a storm of protest from her parents and awful gossip for her nieghbours as soon as the news breaks. Then she is offered a way out - a quiet abortion. No one ever will know, but then she hears the gentle voice of Jesus sayong that abortion is wrong. Will she have the courage to listen to Jesus? EILEEN - A YOUNG MUN WITH FOUR CHILDREN: Suddenly her husband leaves her for another woman. She feels hurt and betrayed, lonely and very angry. Then she hears the gentle voice of Jesus inviting her to trust. Will she have the courage to allow the presence and touch of Jesus to guide and bless her and her four children through this awful time? TIMMY IS A GARDA: A drug dealer offers him a very large amount fo money, if he would turn a blind eye to his activities. It is very tempting. But then he hears the gentle voice of Jesus saying, “Do not participate in corruption”. Will Timmy be able to heed the gentle voice of Jesus? PAUL IS A COMMERICAL TRAVELLER: His work takes him away from home a lot. One night he meets a very attractive woman. He hasn’t been getting on of late with his wife. No one will know if he is unfaithful to her. He hears the gentle voice of Jesus reminding him of his marriage vows. Will Paul have the strength to listen to Jesus who tells him that adultery is wrong? The examples are endless, but the point has been made at some time or another, all of us face very trying circumstances. At those times Jesus will remind us that He is there to help, guide, and protect us. May we ever be attentive to His gentle voice, always inviting and calling us to do what is right and good. May His love and compassion continue to uphold us today and always. THREE NEW SPECIAL MEMBERS: This is my third Sunday with you as your new Parish Priest and each Sunday to date I’ve had the joy of having a Baptism, welcome a baby in our Christian Family here in our Parish. Please pray in thankgiving for Kathleen Adeline Saccard, Woodgrove, Sive Christina Lyons Dromurhur and Sadhbh Kennelly, Leitrim West. Bless them and their parents & families. Welcome Sive, Kathleen and Sadhbh. SACRED SPACE: As our Church in Moyvane is dedicated to our Blessed Lady we have a special sacred space erected for the month of August. A petition box will be placed in front of the ‘sacred space’ for your prayers & petitions to Our Blessed Lady. May Mary continue to guide, bless and protect our Parish. VISITORS: A special word of welcome to all our visitors to our Parish. Hope you enjoy your stay with us. PRIEST ON DUTY: Fr Kevin 087 6099930 SECOND COLLECTION: Diocesan Collection will be taken up at all Masses on the weekend of 15th /16th in aid of the Pastoral & Retreat Centres. SECOND COLLECTION: Diocesan Collection will be taken up at all Masses on the weekend of 15 th /16th in aid of the Pastoral & Retreat Centres. Rather than have this collection at the door on the way into Mass. I wish to have this collection taken up after Holy Communion with the baskets passed around as like the offertory collection. This will be easier on Collectors who in previous arrangements meant that they have to be in Church a half hour before Masses. Please God this will not inconvience you too much. Many thanks for your continual support and understanding. Meeting of Altar Servers and their Parents next Monday night 10th August in the Church at 8pm. Any new altar servers very welcome. Active Retirement Day at Knockanure Community Centre. The next social day for the Active Retirement takes place on Monday 10th August, 2015. Music by Stevie Donegan. Price 10 euro. All Welcome. If attending its important to please ring office on 068 49799. New members especially welcome Vintage Day will be held on Sunday the 16th of August, 2015 in the GAA Ground. A cake sale will be held on the day, proceeds going to Knockanure Community Centre. Donations of bread, cakes, etc will be appreciated. These can be handed in on the day.