Level two assessments - travel and tourism

Assessment Criteria
R2.1; R3.1;R4.1;R5.1;W1.1;W2.1;W3.1;W4.1R5.1
At the tourist information centre, your colleague receives the following unusual email. As s/he does not speak the foreign language, you are asked to:
Work out who is coming
Write a memo in English to your colleague giving the details
Now compose an e-mail in the foreign language, so that your colleague can reply to
confirm the booking of enough rooms for that week
Describe the hotel where the rooms have been reserved
Give prices and the type of accommodation
In order to confirm the reservations, explain that you need the full names of all the
Monsieur ou Madame,
C’est l’anniversaire de mon mariage, ma femme et moi sommes mariés depuis 30
ans et on va visiter l’Angleterre avec toute la famille. Nous avons invité notre fille, elle
qui est séparée et notre fils et sa femme plus les petits enfants. Ils ont deux garçons
et 3 filles. Ils sont mignons monsieur! Et puis il y a mon grand-père et sa fiancée et
ma mère et mon père, qui sont maintenant divorcés, mais il faut les inviter non?
Et alors il y a Jacques, mon meilleur ami plus sa femme et la belle-mère qui est
difficile et qui les accompagne partout et qui est assez riche dit-on, puis deux ou trois
cousins et cousines, la tante Agnès, mon oncle d’Amérique et sa jolie copine. Oh, j’ai
oublié le frère et la soeur de mon ami, tous les deux célibataires à 30 ans passé…
Monsieur Leblanc, 5 rue Napoléon, Strasbourg, France, 69300
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Lieber Herr, Liebe Frau
Es ist mein Hochzeitstag, meine Frau und ich sind seit 30 Jahren verheiratet
und wir werden England mit unserer ganzen Familie besuchen. Wir haben
unsere Tochter eingeladen – sie lebt getrennt – und unseren Sohn mit seiner
Frau plus die Enkelkinder. Sie haben zwei Söhne und drei Töchter. Die Kinder
sind süß, wissen Sie! Und dann ist da mein Großvater mit seiner Verlobten
und meine Mutter und mein Vater, die jetzt geschieden sind, aber wir müssen
sie doch trotzdem einladen, oder?
Und dann kommt Jack, mein bester Freund mit seiner Frau und seiner
Schwiegermutter, die sehr anspruchsvoll ist und die sie überall hin begleitet
und die, wie sie sagen, ziemlich reich ist, und zwei oder drei Cousinen und
Cousins, Tante Agnes, mein Onkel aus Amerika und seine hübsche Freundin.
Ach, und ich habe den Bruder und die Schwester meines Freundes
vergessen, die beide allein stehend sind obwohl sie schon über 30 sind!
Herr F. Schmidt, Beethovenstrasse 12, Mainz 45879 Deutschland
Ah, señor, es mi aniversario de boda, mi esposa y yo llevamos casados 30
años y vamos a visitar Inglaterra con toda la familia. Hemos invitado a
nuestra hija, que está separada y a nuestro hijo y su esposa más los nietos.
Tienen dos niños y 3 niñas. ¡Son preciosos señor! Y luego hay mi abuelo y
su prometida y mi madre y padre, que ahora están divorciados, ¿pero hay
que invitarles no?
Y luego hay Juan, mi mejor amigo y su esposa y la suegra que es muy difícil
y que les acompaña a todos los sitios y se dice que es muy rica, y dos o tres
primos y primas, la tía Agnes, mi tío de América y su novia guapa. Oh, se me
ha olvidado el hermano y la hermana de mi amigo, ambos están solteros y
tienen más de treinta años
Jose Delgado Calle Imperial 29 Seville 41003
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
Assessment Criteria
U2.1;U2.2; U2.3;U2.4;S2.1;S2.2;S2.3;S2.4
You are working as a receptionist in a hotel, when a foreign guest comes to the desk
and says that s/he wants to go shopping in the town. She asks about what shops
there are in the town and how to get to them.
You describe some of the shops, which are to be found in the town.
You ask which shops are of particular interest
You explain using a map where the shops are and explain how to get to them
You explain at what time the shops open and close
The Assessor will play the role of the foreign visitor and will explain which sort of
shops s/he would like to visit. S/he asks how to get there and asks for a map to help
find the shops.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
Assessment Criteria
U2.1;U2.2; U2.3;U2.4;S2.1;S2.2;S2.3;S2.4
You are working in the hotel reception, A family of two adults and five children is
staying for one week. None of them speak English. The father/mother asks about
suitable visitor attractions in the town.
You describe two attractions in the town
Explain how to get to the attraction
Find out the ages of the children and work out the cost of entry to the attraction
Change some euros into English money for the visitor
The Assessor will play the role of the mother/father of the visiting family. Ask about
suitable visitor attractions for a family with five children. Ask how to reach the
attraction. Say you will need to change some money as you do not have enough
English money in cash to pay the entry fees
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
Assessment Criteria
You are standing in as night porter in the hotel in which you work. In the middle of the
night, the foreign visitor in Room 27 telephones. S/he does not speak English. S/he
explains that s/he is not feeling at all well.
You ask her/his name
Find out what is wrong with her/him
Explain that you are not allowed to give out any medicines
Offer to call an ambulance or the hotel doctor
Say you will come up to Room 27 when medical help arrives
The Assessor plays the part of the foreign guest. S/he explains that s/he is feeling
unwell and what is wrong. Ask the porter for some suitable medicines.
Accept the offer to call a doctor or an ambulance. Thank the porter for helping you.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
Assessment Criteria
U2.1;U2.2; U2.3;U2.4;S2.1;S2.2;S2.3;S2.4
The candidate is attending a one day travel exhibition in Birmingham. The
candidate meets a colleague from a foreign company, who does not speak
English and they talk about their respective journeys to the Exhibition Centre.
They discuss a number of areas such as:
• how they got there
• how long the journey took
• the reason why the journey took longer than expected
• the amount of traffic on the roads
• the price of fuel in the UK
• the availability and price of public transport.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
Assessment Criteria
W1.1b W2.1a/b/c/d/e W2.2 W3.1a/c/e W4.1a/c 5.1
You work for a large travel agency and want to contact a foreign colleague who
has recently moved to another agency in his/her country. As it is always
difficult to reach them by phone, you send a short e-mail. Using the sample email format provided:
• ask for details about the new agency and the new job
• explain that you are to visit his/her country in a month’s time
• ask them to confirm a suitable date and place
• end the message in a friendly and suitable way.
Sample e-mail format:
------- message follows ------Date sent: Wed 21 Jun 2*** 10:18:43 +0100
From: [candidate] <distanttravel.bham@yamail.co.uk>
Organisation: Distant Travel
To: [colleague’s name] @travel.cov@
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
Assessment Criteria
W1.1a W2.1a/b/c/f W2.2 W3.1a/b/e W4.1a/c/e/f 5.1
Your manager has invited you to accompany him/her to Caen/Vienna/Toledo
for work purposes. S/he does not speak the language and requires you to
compose a letter to send to a hotel recommended by a colleague in that city
and must:
• give details of requirements for room/facilities/length of stay etc
• ask for confirmation and prices
• give expected arrival time
• check on availability of food/restaurant opening hours
• use appropriate written conventions to start and end the letter.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
Assessment Criteria
R2.1; R3.1;R4.1;R5.1
You work in a Travel Agency and have booked a client into The Hotel Montecarlo. The
hotel has confirmed the booking but sent the document in Spanish. As your client
does not speak Spanish, s/he asks to write out the information in English it contains.
(Note to Assessor: The Internet source text is in Spanish only, but an English version
is included. This can be translated into French or German as required)
Hotel Montecarlo
 ¿Cuál es la hora de check-in y check-out?
Check-in: 15.00h Check-out:12.00h
 ¿Puedo dejar la habitación tarde?
 ¿Puedo elegir tipo de camas en mi habitación? (cama grande – dos camas)
Todas las camas del hotel son iguales, dos camas ajustables juntas con
colchón de látex que no se pueden separar.
 ¿Las habitaciones tienen balcón o terraza? ¿Puedo reservar una?
Algunas, no se puede confirmar.
 ¿Hay habitaciones para no fumadores?
No hay habitaciones específicas “no fumador”.
 ¿Cuántos pisos tiene el edificio? ¿Hay ascensor?
2 plantas de parking, Planta noble-recepción, 5 plantas de habitaciones y
terraza-solarium. Si tenemos ascensor.
 ¿Hay aire acondicionado en las habitaciones? ¿Funciona todo el año?
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
Sí, hay climatización individual que funciona todo el año.
 ¿Su hotel está adaptado para minusválidos?
 ¿Pueden guardarme el equipaje cuando deje la habitación?
 ¿Dónde puedo aparcar mi coche en un sitio seguro? ¿Qué coste tiene?
En el parking privado del hotel. Precio para año 2007 21 Eur + 7% IVA.
 ¿Tienen algún punto de internet o e-mail en el hotel para clientes?
Sí, gratuito.
 ¿Ofrecen internet de alta velocidad en la habitación para mi portátil? ¿Es
wireless (sin cables)?
Sí, ofrecemos Wifi gratuito.
 ¿Tienen alguna habitación romántica y tranquila? ¿Cómo la puedo
Sí, pero se deben reservar bajo petición.
 ¿Qué lenguas hablan en recepción?
Catalán, castellano, inglés, francés, italiano y alemán
 ¿Dónde puedo alquilar un coche?
En recepción.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
Hotel Montecarlo
 What time is check in and check out?
Check-in: 3.00 p.m. Check-out:12.00 p.m.
 Can I leave the room late?
 Can I choose the type of bed in my room? (Large bed – two beds)
All the beds in the hotel are the same - two adjustable beds together with
a latex mattress that cannot be separated.
 Do the rooms have a balcony or terrace? Can I reserve one?
Some, confirmation is not possible.
 Are there non-smoking rooms?
There are no special non-smoking bedrooms.
 How many storeys does the building have? Is there a lift/elevator?
2 floors of car parking, function suite-reception, 5 floors of bedrooms and
balcony-solarium. There is a lift/elevator in the building.
 Is there air conditioning in the rooms? Does it work all year round?
Yes, there is individual air-conditioning, works all year round.
 Is your hotel adapted for the handicapped?
 Can you keep my luggage when I leave the room?
 Is there a safe place to park my car? How much does it cost?
At the hotel’s own park lot. Price for 2007 21 € + VAT 7%
 Does the hotel have an Internet or e-mail terminal for guests?
Yes, it’s free.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.
 Do you have high-speed internet in the room for my portable computer?
Is it wireless
Yes, we offer free Wifi.
 Do you have a quiet, romantic room? How can I reserve it?
Yes, but must be reserved on request.
 What languages are spoken in Reception?
Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Italian and German .
 Where may I rent a car?
At reception.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.