Norfolk Joint Museums Committee
Minutes of the Meeting Held on 22nd March, 2001
Norfolk County Council
Breckland District Council
Mr. P. Baldwin
Mr. D. M. Bracey
Mrs. J. Britton
Mr. R. M. Clayton
Mr. G. B. Hemming
Mr. R. Johnson
Mr. A. Poberefsky (Chairman)
Mr. B. A. Seaman
Mr. P. R. W. Darby
Norwich City Council
Mrs. H. T. Nelson
Mrs. F. Hartley
Mr. R. E. N. Quinn
South Norfolk District Council
Borough Council of King’s Lynn and
West Norfolk
Mr. E. G. Benefer
North Norfolk District Council
Mrs. P. M. Dore
Broadland District Council
Mrs. S. Rose
Apologies for Absence:
Apologies for absence were received from Mr. P. Brooks, Mrs. I. E. Floering Blackman,
Mr. T. Heathcote, Mr. D. Higgins, Mr. A. Pearmain, Mr. L. G. Randall and Mr. B. Stone.
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th January, 2001, were confirmed
by the Joint Committee and signed by the Chairman.
Urgent Business: Computerised Admission and Marketing System at Norwich
The Chairman agreed to take as an item of urgent business a report by the
Head of Museums and Archaeology on progress in developing a computerised
admission and marketing system at Norwich Castle. The report was urgent
because the funding to purchase the system had only just been obtained and it
needed to be installed and staff trained before the Castle Museum re-opened to the
RESOLVED That the Joint Committee note the contents of the report and support the purchase
of a computerised admission and marketing system at Norwich Castle.
Minutes of the Area Museums Committee Meetings
Mr. P. R. W. Darby, Chairman of the Area Committee, presented the
annexed Minutes of the meeting held on 12th January, 2001.
RESOLVED That the Joint Committee:
endorse the Area Committee’s disappointment at the removal of a
security camera at Bishop Bonners Cottage;
support the principle of the African Museum Partnership Project;
that the Minutes be noted.
Great Yarmouth
Mr. D. M. Bracey, Vice-Chairman of the Area Committee, presented the
annexed Minutes of the meeting held on 15th February, 2001.
RESOLVED That the Minutes be noted.
Mr. R. E. N. Quinn, Chairman of the Area Committee, presented the
annexed Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd February, 2001.
The Chairman of the Joint Committee said that he had discussed the issue
of signage to the Castle Museum with the County Council’s Chief Executive
and Director of Cultural Services. He said that they were concerned to
ensure the issue was taken up by the City Council at Member level as a
matter of urgency. The issue needed to be addressed in the context of
putting in place a comprehensive brown signage package for all the City
Council’s heritage attractions.
The Head of Museums and Archaeology said that AA directional signs would
be funded from the Museums general marketing revenue budget.
The Joint Committee were of the view that the County and City Councils
needed to work together at Member level to address the signage issue from
cultural, tourism and economic development points of view. The long-term
success of the Castle Development Project would be partly dependent on
what was displayed on the brown signs directing visitors to Norwich.
that the City Council’s Director of Spatial Planning with European and
Economic Development should present a report on signage to the
next meeting of the Area Committee and seek the approval of the
Head of Museums and Joint Committee for whatever signage scheme
is proposed.
that the Chairmen of the Joint Committee and the Area Committee
would be discussing the issue of funding for signage with the relevant
Leaders of the two Councils.
King’s Lynn and West Norfolk
Mr. E. G. Benefer, Chairman of the King's Lynn and West Norfolk
Area Museums Committee, presented the annexed Minutes of the meeting
held on 17th January, 2001.
RESOLVED That the Minutes be noted.
North Norfolk
Mrs. H. T. Nelson, Chairman of the North Norfolk Area Museums Committee,
presented the annexed Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January, 2001.
She also outlined the items which had been on the agenda for the
Area Committee meeting of 13th March, 2001. She said that the
Area Committee had set up a pilot project to explore how effective
partnership working could be developed between the arts and the NMAS.
RESOLVED That the Minutes be noted.
Report of the Meeting of the Norfolk Archaeological Services Advisory Committee
Held on 6th March, 2001
Mr. R. E. N. Quinn, Chairman of the Norfolk Archaeological Services Advisory
Committee, presented the annexed report. He drew particular attention to the
Treasure Annual Report which had recently been published by the Department of
Culture, Media and Sport and was circulated around the table. He pointed out that
this report included a total of 444 treasure cases in England, of which 87, an
incredible 20% of the total, had been found in Norfolk.
RESOLVED That the report be noted.
The National Mapping Programme Project
The annexed report by the Head of Museums and Archaeology was received.
That approval be given for the contract for the National Mapping Programme to be
signed by the Head of Law, Norfolk County Council, and returned to
English Heritage.
Millennium Library Site, Norwich
The annexed report by the Head of Museums and Archaeology was received.
The Head of Museums and Archaeology explained the outcome of the
archaeological excavation at the Millennium Library site in Norwich and showed
members some of the discoveries.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.
Major Projects Update
The annexed report by the Head of Museums and Archaeology was received.
Tower Curing Works, Great Yarmouth
The Joint Committee received a presentation on the Great Yarmouth
Tower Curing Works project (see Appendix A and Minute 9).
The Joint Committee noted that consultation on the project would continue
over the next few months while a response was awaited from the HLF.
Norfolk Rural Life Museum, Gressenhall
The Joint Committee received a presentation on the Gressenhall
Rural Life Museum project.
The following was noted:
There would be 3 themes:
 village life;
 workhouse story;
 work on the land.
Good use would be made of interactive displays.
Audio guides would be available (including one in a Norfolk dialect).
The Joint Committee placed on record their thanks to Andrew Mackey,
the Curator and Manager of the Museum, who would shortly be moving
to a new job, and all staff of the NMAS, for their hard work throughout the
past year.
Norwich Castle Museum
It was noted that the Castle Development Scheme included:
A computerised admission and marketing system;
The Boudicca Gallery display, devoted to the Late Iron Age and Roman
periods. This would include illustrations and audio-visuals;
The interpretation of the Keep as a prison.
Marketing Strategy for Re-Opening Norwich Castle
The annexed report by the Head of Museums and Archaeology was received.
In response to questions, the Head of Museums and Archaeology said that the
NMAS was looking to allow free admission to the Castle Museum for a few
locally advertised ‘off-peak’ days per year. The pricing structure would include a
time-limited ticket at £1 (‘Castle for a Quid’) to attract repeat and short-stay visitors.
The pricing structure of the Castle Museum would maintain a basic admission
charge of less than £3 (for adults). The NMAS would be contacting
Local Authorities to see if they would be prepared to include articles in
District Council newsletters to promote the re-opening of the Castle Museum.
RESOLVED That the Joint Committee note the marketing activities planned to promote the
re-opening of Norwich Castle.
Tower Curing Works Maritime Museum Project
The annexed report by the Head of Museums and Archaeology was received.
The Joint Committee noted that the Stage 2 application would be submitted to the
Heritage Lottery Fund in April, 2001, and that there would be approximately
£8,000 of one-off transitional costs.
That the Joint Committee approve the submission of the Stage 2
Heritage Lottery Fund application;
That a further report be made to the Joint Committee once the results of
grant applications are known.
Norfolk and Waveney Maritime Partnership
The annexed report by the Head of Museums and Archaeology was received. It
was noted that the proposed aims and objectives of the Maritime Partnership would
include in paragraph 3 the words ‘To encourage wider public access’.
RESOLVED That the report be noted.
Head of Museums and Archaeology - Update
The annexed report by the Head of Museums and Archaeology was received.
The Head of Museums and Archaeology said that the foot and mouth crises could
have a significant effect on the Norfolk Rural Life Museum’s ability to meet its
income and visitor targets set out in the Museum business plan.
RESOLVED That the Joint Committee agree to the appointment of a Development Officer (on a
temporary contract) to progress the development plans for the King’s Lynn
Museums. The post-holder would be expected to take forward the proposed
NMAS/Borough Partnership Capital Development Scheme, including seeking
external funding.
The Norfolk Biological Records Centre
The annexed report by the Head of Museums and Archaeology was received.
The Joint Committee received a presentation on the Norfolk Biological Records
Centre and noted the following:
The Norfolk Biological Records Centre (NBRC) was a dynamic new initiative
which, through ‘partnership’ with existing individuals and bodies, led the way in
recording Norfolk’s wildlife;
It was being established within the Archaeology and Environment Division of the
NMAS at Gressenhall;
The NBRC would facilitate informed forward-planning for species and habitats,
aid wildlife management and promote sensitive development;
The NBRC was essential for thousands of Norfolk observers and users to focus
community efforts with those of the professionals;
This was the single most significant development for Norfolk wildlife
conservation in recent years;
The NBRC would be formally launched on 10th May, 2001;
During the PowerPoint presentation on the NBRC members were shown an
example of how the proposed new NMAS logo would work in practice. Members
had previously agreed at the meeting on 19th January that a new NMAS logo
should be developed following the change of name of the service. The Chairman
asked that this be agreed by the Joint Committee.
To approve the new logo for the Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service;
To note the significant progress that John Goldsmith is making in
establishing a Norfolk Biological Records Centre at Gressenhall;
That the Joint Committee be kept informed of progress with the NBRC.
The Identification and Recording Service for Archaeological Finds and Recent
Archaeological Finds
The Joint Committee discussed the excellent communications and trust established
between archaeologists and metal detectorists in Norfolk.
That the enormous contribution of all those who report finds to the NMAS
and thus increase the knowledge of the County’s archaeology be noted.
That the dedicated work of the staff of the Identification and Recording
Service be noted.
That the report be noted.
Chairman’s Closing Remarks
The Chairman placed on record his thanks to the members of the Joint Committee
who were not standing in the forthcoming County Council elections for all their hard
work. He paid special thanks to Mr. Peter Baldwin, who had been a long standing
member of the Joint Committee first as a co-opted member and then more recently
as a County Councillor.
[The meeting concluded at 4.55 p.m.]
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