20 Multiple Choice Questions -- Practice Exam Advanced English for Scholarly Writing Fall Semester 2012 Choose ONE answer only ______#1. Which of the following do you think best explains the goals of social science research? a. b. c. d. e. to discover truth wherever it exists to correct the errors of thinking in people who are ideologically bound to define terms so that language about society is clear and unambiguous to develop tools of analysis that are useful and persuasive to produce knowledge that raises the standard of living and dignity of the poorest in society ______#2. Richard Feynman complained that social science is not really a “science” because a. b. c. d. e. it does not use the correct methods of science such as statistics and mathematics real science is not about uncertainty social scientists cannot prove anything for certain social scientists are not able to adequately test the theories they propose they cannot produce anything useful in their research _____#3. John Maynard Keynes felt that social science was a. b. c. d. e. about using data on population, income, religion, etc. to prove theories about humans an apparatus of the mind that allowed its users to come to useful conclusions about history and the sanctity of human rights full of uncertainty and incapable of being useful capable of proving propositions about human behavior using logic _____#4. Keynes felt that social science was particularly difficult to do because a. b. c. d. e. it required that people always remember that society was changing it needed very good mathematical knowledge to generate results it could never produce anything worthwhile everyone ultimately has their own ideas, concepts, and definitions proving propositions using logic can be very time consuming and tedious _____#5. Instead of judging truth in social science, we a. b. c. d. e. make sure our errors are always small in our models avoid making grand and overarching statements in social science look to see if people incorporate social science in their behavior and actions promote only theories that can be proven empirically allow all points of views in a truly multicultural fashion _____#6. Descriptivism is different from instrumentalism because it a. b. c. d. e. says that assumptions should be as close to reality as possible says that a picture is worth a thousand words advocates proof instead of usefulness if a model is useful it need not have realistic assumptions the goal of research is to make poor people better off _____#7. The method of falsification as a way of conducting scientific research was advocated by a. Thomas Kuhn b. Karl Popper c. Paul Samuelson d. Milton Friedman e. Frank Sinatra _____#8. Who was it that said “Facts are the bricks out of which reason builds the edifice of knowledge”? a. Alfred Marshall b. Karl Popper c. Albert Einstein d. Milton Friedman e. Frank Sinatra _____#9. The F-twist refers to Paul Samuelson’s criticism that Milton Friedman advocated a. b. c. d. e. a scientific method that promoted usefulness instead of accuracy the use of assumptions in models that were known to be false giving up on the hunt for truth in social science descriptive models instead of instrumental models highly simplistic models _____#10. Which of the following would be an example of a banality? a. b. c. d. e. illegal immigration into the US is reversing course due to the rise in US unemployment polls show the US electorate is nearly evenly divided between conservatives and liberals Americans must now look into their hearts and decide what is best most scientists in the US support the Democratic Party a majority of scientists in the US believe in God or a higher power in the world. _____#11. Plagiarism, even unintentional plagiarism, cannot occur if a person writes only his own thoughts. a. true b. false _____#12. A normative statement in social science differs from a positive statement by the inclusion of the words a. b. c. d. e. proof or certain should or ought relative or absolute important or fundamental arbitrary or ad hoc _____#13. Bias in social science analysis occurs whenever our analysis includes a. b. c. d. e. our own personal conclusions to the analysis criticism of others’ works a significant lack of mathematical analysis unanswered questions to our analysis our own personal value-laden judgments _____#14. Which of the following is true about plagiarism? a. b. c. d. e. quoting anyone with full attribution is plagiarism using a table from someone else’s work with proper attribution is still plagiarism plagiarism is generally considered an unlawful act plagiarism is when you use significant portions of other’s works without attribution plagiarism is identical to copyright infringement _____#15. One of the reasons why social scientist have difficulty in applying logic to their analysis is because a. b. c. d. e. the world is illogical social science involves the behavior of people and people are not rational the rules of logic requires that things be either true or false…no in between models in social science are usually not logical social science involves making decisions _____#16. The trivium was a set of three scholarly courses taught in medieval universities and consisted of a. b. c. d. e. logic, science, mathematics geography, philosophy, language politics, economics, sociology grammar, rhetoric, logic religion, philosophy, mathematics _____#17. An inappropriate method of argument known as “ad hominem” refers to a. b. c. d. e. attacking the assumptions of an discussion rather than the conclusions attacking the person rather than what he or she is saying denying the validity of a statement because it is too controversial accepting an assertion because it sounds good falsely arguing from general to particular _____#18. An inappropriate method of argument known as “composition” refers to a. b. c. d. e. arguing that something is true because people like Einstein accepted it arguing something is true because otherwise it would have been proven wrong by now claiming that one’s theories are true because the assumptions are popular claiming that truth is a composition of smaller truths claiming that what is good for one is good for all together _____#19. Which of the following is true about a logical argument? a. b. c. d. e. it must be true for all people and all times it will be true only within a particular culture and to a particular set of people it says that if the assumptions are not true, then the conclusion cannot be true it may contain contradictions, but only rarely, using real life data it must be completely realistic and applicable in real life _____#20. A logical tautology is one in which a. b. c. d. e. the conclusion cannot be shown to be true, given the assumptions the conclusion is always true, if the assumptions are true the conclusion is true, when the assumptions are factual the conclusion is true, under all circumstances the conclusion can never be true.