DISTRICT 11 OFFICER Application Form
Full Name
Home Address
Cell/Home Phone
Candidate email
Advisors Name
School Name
School Address
School Phone
Parent Cell Phone
Parent email
Chapter Number
School Fax
Advisors Cell
Advisors email
To qualify you must provide documentation or agree to the following. Attach supporting
documentation for minimum qualifications for the officer candidate.
I have an active member submitted by January 8th.
I have endorsement from my local administration supporting my candidacy.
I actively participated at the district levels of SkillsUSA and will continue to do so. And I will
be available to represent District 11 through personal appearances, as required, which could
be any or all of the following.
a) Summer Leadership (5 days in June; may be last days of school)-mandatory
b) October District Fall Leadership Conference - mandatory (TBA)
c) District SkillsUSA Championships (February 4, 5, and 6th) - mandatory
d) SkillsUSA State Competition (March 29 thru April 2nd ) - mandatory for District President
e) SkillsUSA Texas Legislative Day in Austin (February 2015) -funding determines attendance
f) Skills Washington Leadership (September) - funding determines attendance
g) Special events and meetings called by the District Director, District Advisor, or State Director
I will abide by district, state, and national policy while serving as a District Officer.
I will respect the nomination, election and campaign policy restrictions and process.
I will attend a mandatory candidate meeting on January 16, 2016 at Kitty Hawk Middle School
where I will submit this application, a professional resume, a school transcript to include all grades
for this school year including current progress grades, a printed power point or brochure on how
Perkins funds supports SkillsUSA and my schools career technology programs. At this meeting I
will complete a written SkillsUSA knowledge exam (questions will come from the SkillsUSA
Leadership Handbook and PDP), and participate in an interview process with Senior District
Officer and District 11 SkillsUSA Board Members.
I will attend the District 11 Awards Ceremony to be held on February 6, 2016 where I will give a
1-2 minute speech on why I am a viable candidate to represent District 11. Officer positions will be
appointed upon completion of SkillsUSA Texas Summer Leadership Training.
As an officer candidate, _______________________________________, agrees to items 1 - 7
previously stated and has the support of parents, advisor, chapter president, and school
Officer Candidate
SkillsUSA Advisor
SkillsUSA Chapter President
School Administrator
Candidates name:_________________________________________________________________
Age: _______ Date of Birth: _______________________________
Polo Shirt Size: _____
College/Career Objective:
Enrolled in Program type:
Graduation date:
SkillsUSA Chapter #:
SkillsUSA Honors (offices held, awards received, etc.)
Other honors (school, district, community, state & national)
Favorite hobbies, interests and activities:
Name of local newspaper and radio-TV stations (need both names and addresses)
Please complete the following sentences:
I want to become a District Officer because
I like my trade area because
SkillsUSA is (as you would say to a Business & Industry Person)
District Officer Contract and Code of Conduct SkillsUSA Texas
As a district officer of SkillsUSA, you have the responsibility to represent all members of the organization.
Your conduct must be exemplary at all times while representing the organization, as well as, on your
personal time. You will have an opportunity to meet students, advisors, administrators, business, industry,
and legislatures during your term of office. Your actions will set a standard for all SkillsUSA members to
follow. When you sign this District Officer Contract, it should be with the understanding that your obligations
are great, as are the rewards of serving your fellow members. You will also be reaffirming the ideals of the
As a state officer of the SkillsUSA, District 11, I agree to adhere to the following code of conduct:
My conduct shall be exemplary at all times.
I will, at all times, respect all public and private property, including the hotel lodging.
I will spend each night in the room of the hotel in which I am assigned.
I will keep my advisor or assigned SkillsUSA staff persons informed of my
where-a-bouts at all times.
I will strictly abide by the curfew established and shall respect the rights of others by being as
quiet as possible after curfew.
I will not enter a sleeping room of the opposite gender without supervision from SkillsUSA
adult assigned to supervise me.
I will not use any type of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or drugs. And will report any
use of prescription drugs to my Advisor, District Advisor, or District Director supervising me.
Attendance at school is mandatory anytime it is in session. District Officers are required to
maintain a minimal of “B” average in all of my classes. All work missed while on SkillsUSA
business will be made up in a timely manner.
I will always follow good behavior, ethics, and integrity, both in person and on the internet.
I will attend all sessions and events of SkillsUSA dressed neat and carrying myself in a
professional manner.
I will adhere to the dress code set by the District Advisor, District Director, or State Director.
Violations of items 1 –11 will result in a warning with consequences, suspension of duty, or dismissal.
Violations may be grounds for disqualification or suspension from an activity or office. The violator may
be sent home at his/her own expense. Proper notification of the violation and action taken will be sent to
the appropriate authority, school administrator and parents or guardians.
I understand that, by signing this contract, if I am in violation of the above regulations and/or conduct
myself in a manner unbecoming of a SkillsUSA, District 11 Officer I may be brought before the
appropriate discipline committee for an analysis of the violation. I further agree to accept the penalty
imposed on me and I realize the severity of the penalty may increase with the severity of the violation.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Typed or Printed (Candidate)
Signature of Candidate: _____________________________________ Date: _________
I have read and I understand the SkillsUSA, District 11 Officer Contract. I agree to support the guidelines set forth
for the above named candidate to the best of my ability:
Signature of Parent/Guardian:
SkillsUSA Advisor
Signature of School Administrator: