Medical Terminology – Respirations Respiration Act of breathing; interchange of gases between lungs and the atmosphere. Adventitious Abnormal breath sounds. Anoxia Without or absence of oxygen. Apnea A period of cessation of breathing. Bronchial Normal breath sounds over the mainstream bronchus. Bronchovesicular Normal breath sounds over the bifurcation area. Cheyne-Stokes respirations Cyclic pattern of breathing; characterized by very rapid respirations which gradually cease for a period of time, then cycle is repeated. Cyanosis Slightly bluish gray or dark purple discoloration of the skin indicating deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood. Dyspnea Subjective complaint of labored, difficult and/or painful breathing; normal when due to vigorous work or athletic activity. Eupnea Normal breathing Hyperpnea Increased respiratory rate which is deeper than usual, a certain degree is normal after exercise. Hyperventilation Increase in rate and/or depth of respiration, may result in a fall in B/P, vasoconstriction, and sometimes syncope. Hypoventilation Reduced rate and depth of breathing. Hypoxia or Hypoxemia Insufficient oxygenation of the blood. Kussmaul’s respirations Very deep gasping type of breathing associated with severe diabetic acidosis and coma. “Air Hunger” Labored Breathing which actively involves accessory inspiratory and expiratory muscles. Orthopnea Discomfort in breathing in any but erect sitting or standing position. Polypnea Very rapid breathing; panting. Rales and Rhonchi Abnormal sound (crackling, clicking, rattling or bubbling sound) heard on auscultation of the chest. Stertorous Snoring sound of labored breathing. Stridor Harsh, high pitched sound (like the blowing of the wind) during respiration; due to obstruction of air passages; crowing sound. Tachypnea Abnormally rapid respiration. Vesicular Normal breath sounds in peripheral lung fields. Wheezing Whistling sounds during difficult breathing; like in asthma, croup.