2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany Assessment of Thermochemistry and Preliminary Design of a Carbon Looping Combustion Process (CarboLoop) Piero SALATINO and Osvalda SENNECA 2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Piazzale Vincenzo Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy 3 Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Piazzale Vincenzo Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy *Corresponding Author, piero.salatino@unina.it Abstract – The CarboLoop concept proposed by Salatino and Senneca [1] pursues the simple idea that a carbon-based fuel can act itself as oxygen carrier as it is cycled between an Oxidizer, where the fuel uptakes oxygen at moderate temperature (say 300-400°C), and a Desorber where desorption of surface oxides is accomplished in inert atmosphere at higher temperature (in the order of 700°C). Looping of the carbon fuel between the oxidizer and the desorber enables stepwise conversion of carbon over multiple cycles yielding a nearly pure stream of CO2, ready for sequestration, at the exhaust of the Desorber. This study further contributes to the exploitation of the CarboLoop concept by reporting on the thermochemistry of the oxidation and desorption stages and by analyzing issues associated with energy integration between the Oxidizer and the Desorber. A calorimetric study on raw and pre-oxidized carbon samples indicates that carbon oxidation at temperatures in the order of 300-400°C is moderately exothermic, whereas a pronounced exothermicity is displayed upon exposure of the oxidized samples at higher temperature. The proposed mechanistic frame is based on the formation of “metastable” complexes upon exposure to oxygen at moderate temperature, followed by isomerization/rearrangement into “stable” oxides and subsequent desorption at higher temperature. Thermochemical and kinetic data provide the basis for a preliminary layout of the CarboLoop process. Carbon inventory and circulation rate between the Oxidizer and the Desorber and thermal loading in either reactor are assessed with reference to an assigned thermal throughput and set of operating/design parameters. 1 Introduction Chemical looping combustion of solid fuels is rapidly gaining interest as a challenging capture-ready combustion technology. Inherent limitations associated with direct oxidation of the solid fuel by a solid oxygen carrier have been overcome by two approaches [2]. The first one is to gasify the fuel and to introduce the syngas produced in the CLC system (syngasCLC). The second approach is based on directly feeding the solid fuel to the CLC converter (solid fuelled-CLC). In this last case two further options may be envisaged: either the solid fuel is gasified in-situ by H2O or CO2 supplied as fluidization agent (in-situ Gasification Chemical-Looping Combustion, iG-CLC); or the solid fuel is converted along the reaction 1 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany FG,O=14.3kg/s FG,D=3.7kg/s FC,1=5kg/s Desorber Oxidizer qD=24.2MW qO=1.5MW TD=1000K WD=3600kg TO=600K FC,2=4kg/s WO=4500kg solid gas heat FC,O=1kg/s FG,O,in=17kg/s Figure 1. Outline of the CarboLoop process based on a dual bed reactor. Values refer to results of base case computations path consisting of Oxygen Uncoupling from the carrier followed by heterogeneous oxidation of the fuel by the released oxygen (CLOU). An alternative method to overcome the inherent limitations of carrier-based looping combustion of solid carbons has been proposed by Salatino and Senneca [1]. The CarboLoop concept is based on the consideration of the well established role played by surface oxides as metastable reaction intermediates in the combustion of solid carbons [311]. A simple semi-lumped oxidation mechanism [12] may be helpful to understand the mechanistic basis of the CarboLoop: 1 Cf O2 C( O ) 2 C( O ) O 2 CO 2 C(O) (1) C( O ) CO C f 3 The very basis of the CarboLoop concept is to exploit the differences in the reaction rates of the individual steps in scheme 1) as a function of temperature. At moderate temperature (say 300-400°C) oxygen chemisorption (step 1) progresses at an appreciable rate, whilst switchover (reaction 2) and surface oxide desorption (reaction 3) are modest, being kinetically limited. At these temperatures it is possible to extensively uptake oxygen on carbon, with minimal release of gaseous carbon oxides. The oxidized carbon can eventually be exposed to higher temperatures, in the order of 700°C, so that oxygen complexes can be released as CO/CO2, according to step 3 in scheme 1). CarboLoop pursues the simple idea that the carbon-based fuel can act itself as oxygen carrier as it is cycled between an Oxidizer, (Fig. 1), where the fuel uptakes oxygen at moderate temperature, and a Desorber where desorption of surface oxides is accomplished in inert atmosphere at higher temperature. Looping of the carbon fuel between the oxidizer and the desorber enables stepwise conversion of carbon over multiple cycles yielding an almost pure stream of CO2, ready for sequestration, at the exhaust of the Desorber. 2 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany A successful proof-of-concept of CarboLoop has been given by Salatino and Senneca [1] who simulated the cyclic fate of solid fuel by discontinuous experiments in a thermogravimetric analyzer. Further assessment of the process is reported in refs [13-14], including estimates of bed inventories per unit thermal throughput of the plant. Full exploitation of the CarboLoop concept requires energy integration between the Oxidizer and the Desorber, calling for detailed knowledge of the thermochemistry of the oxidation and desorption stages. Detailed thermochemical studies of individual steps of carbon oxidation are lacking and the subject has been recently addressed by the authors [15]. 2 2.1 Experimental Kinetics and extent of chemisorption/desorption The CarboLoop concept has received experimental support from results of discontinuous tests simulating alternated oxidation/desorption conditions. To this end cyclic thermal analysis programs have been performed in a thermogravimetric analyzer Netzsch 409C coupled with CO/CO2 IR analyser (HB URAS 3E). Experiments have been carried out with samples of a char from a South African bituminous coal. The sample was ground and sieved to obtain particles of average size 200µm. Approximately 30mg of sample have been used for each test. Tests consisted of sequential oxidation/desorption steps carried out as follows: Step 1 (sample heating up and oxidation). The sample was initially loaded into the TGA and heated in a flow of air (200ml/min) up to the desired oxidation temperature TO at the heating rate of 50°C/min. The sample was then kept the flow of air for 30min. Step 2 (desorption). The gas was swiched over from air to 100% nitrogen of chromatographic grade while the temperature was stepwise raised to the desorption temperature TD, at the heating rate of 50°C/min. The sample was held at TD for 30min before the temperature was again decreased stepwise for a new oxidation cycle. Step 3. (oxidation). Once the temperature reached pre-set oxidation temperature TO, the gas feeding to the TG was again switched over from nitrogen to air the sample was oxidized for 30min. Steps 2 and 3 were then iterated several times. During the experiments the weight loss as well as the CO and CO2 concentrations at the exhaust were continuously monitored. 2.2 Thermochemistry of chemisorption/desorption Experiments have been carried out on char from a South African bituminous coal, whose properties are reported in Table 1. The char was prepared by pyrolyzing batches of coal for 5min in a lab-scale fluidized bed reactor at 800°C in nitrogen flow. Char samples were ground and sieved in size range 100-150μm prior to further processing. A complete set of experiments aimed at the characterization of the thermochemistry of oxygen chemisorption, including Temperature programmed desorption, differential scanninc calorimetry and peribolic calorimetry, have been carried out on samples of the char, and are reported in ref. [15]. In the present paper only results of calorimetric measurement of the heat of combustion on raw and on pre-oxidized char will be presented. The char sample was dehumidified in a 3 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany OX DES OX DES OX stove at 110°C overnight. Approximately 2 g of the sample were loaded in a pyrex reactor of 3cm ID and 5 cm height. The reactor was continuously flushed with air and heated up externally by electric ovens to the temperature of 300°C. The treatment was carried out for times ranging between 5 to 600min. The sample retrieved from the reactor after treatment was analysed by means of a LECO CHN 2000 elemental analyser to determine its carbon content and by means of a Parr 2000 isoperibolic calorimeter to determine its heat of combustion (LHV). DES 700 A 600 T, °C 500 400 300 200 100 0 5000 B CO2, CO, ppm 4000 3000 2000 fractional carbon mass remaining, % 1000 0 100 80 60 40 3 Results and discussion 20 C 0 0 50 100 150 200 3.1 t, min Kinetics and extent chemisorption/desorption of Figure 2: Results of simulated looping combustion of char from a bituminous coal. The kinetics and extent of oxygen uptake/carbon loss between the Oxidizer and the Desorber have been assessed in discontinuous experiments in which the batch of carbon was subjected to periodic cycling of temperature and oxygen concentration in a thermogravimetric analyser. The value of TO was set at 300°C. The desorption temperature TD varied between 600°C and 750°C. Figure 2 reports typical results of a simulated looping combustion test. The time-temperature history of the sample during the experiment is reported in Fig. 2A, whence step 1 and the iterated cycles consisting of steps 2 (OX) and 3 (DES) are recognized. Figure 2B reports the time series of CO2 and CO concentrations at the exhaust. Figure 2C reports the time-course of the residual fractional combustible mass of the sample recorded along the experiment. Inspection of Fig. 2C confirms that the weight change of the sample during the oxidation (OX) stage, resulting from competition of oxygen chemisorption and desorption at the oxidation temperature of 300°C, is very limited. On the contrary, a pronounced weight loss is recorded during the desorption stages (DES) at 700°C, which increases to approach 10-20% fractional carbon loss per cycle. 3.2 Thermochemistry of chemisorption/desorption Figure 3 report results of calorimetric experiments. The rationale of this type of experiments is based on the relationship: H comb ,raw H chemisorption H comb ,preoxidized (2) according to which the heat of combustion of pre-oxidized samples equals the heat of combustion of the raw char samples minus the heat involved in oxygen chemisorption at moderate temperature. Figure 3A reports the LHV measured by the isoperibolic calorimeter of the raw char and of char after chemisorption of oxygen at 300°C, as a function of the duration of chemisorption. Notably the LHV per unit sample mass decreases from -28kJ/g of 4 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany the raw char to -24kJ/g after 5 minutes of treatment. Eventually it decreases almost linearly with the duration of 25000 treatment up to 600min, when it reaches a value of -14kJ/g. It must be 20000 noted that prolonged heat treatment at 15000 300°C resulted not only in oxygen uptake and formation of carbon-oxygen 10000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 complexes, but also in some loss of t,min carbon by partial oxidation. 40000 38000 Accordingly, Figure 3B reports the LHV 36000 expressed per unit of actual carbon 34000 chem mass in the sample. The LHV of the 32000 raw char per unit mass of carbon is -36 30000 kJ/gC, slightly larger than the 28000 26000 theoretical heat of combustion of 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 graphite, consistently with the partly C, w% amorphous nature of carbon and with the - limited - content of heteroatoms. A very abrupt decay of the heat of combustion is recorded after early Figure 3. Heat of combustion of raw and pre- chemisorption of oxygen, entailing only oxidized chars. Pre-oxidation performed in air at limited loss of carbon. The decay is 300°C. upper diagram) -LHV as a function of less pronouced upon further oxidation duration of chemisorption ; lower diagram) -LHV at 300°C. A reduction of the heat of combustion of nearly 4kJ/gC is normalized by the actual char carbon content. determined after prolonged oxidation of char at 300°C, i.e. when extensive treatments saturate the oxygen uptake capacity of the char. According to eq. 2, this value could be regarded as the heat involved in oxygen chemisorption at moderate temperature, though minor contributions from oxidation of residual heteroatoms (e.g. H) present in the char after pyrolyis cannot be entirely ruled out. The heat of reaction involved at this stage is very modest. The LHV of the fully oxygensaturated carbon approaches, instead, the much larger value of H=-31.5 kJ/gC. This must be regarded, within a first order approximation, as the heat cumulatively associated with processes that ultimately result into desorption of surface oxides at high temperature. -LHV (per unit mass of C) ,J/gc -LHV (per unit mass of char), J/g 30000 Results can be interpreted in the frame of the following reaction scheme: 1 Cf O2 C( O 2 ) # 2 C( O 2 ) # O 2 C(O) CO 2 , CO (3) 3 C( O 2 ) # C(O) CO 2 , CO 4 C( O ) C f CO 2 , CO According to this mechanism, mild chemisorption at moderate temperature results in nondissociative chemisorption of oxygen, with formation of a “metastable” surface oxide. The metastable oxide may further undergo complex switch-over in the presence of oxygen according to reaction 2. Alternatively, metastable oxides can be rearranged or isomerized into more energetically favourable forms, with possible release of gaseous carbon oxides, 5 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany Figure 4. Outline of the energetics of the tentative oxidation/desorption mechanism. according to the exothermic reaction 3. Finally, reaction 4 represents the endothermic abstraction of CO and CO2 from the oxidized carbon. A qualitative outline of the energetics of scheme 3 is reported in Figure 4. 4 Assessment of the CarboLoop process A preliminary assessment of the CarboLoop process has been accomplished by computing the relevant mass/energy fluxes associated with steady operation of the process. Reference is made to the scheme in Fig. 1. Simplified material and energy balances around the two basic units are hereby reported for the case when a pure (ash-free) carbon fuel is processed, using air to oxidize the fuel in the O-reactor. Material Balance on solid carbon: FC,1 FC,0 FC, 2 FC,0 FC,1 1 X (4) where X is the fractional carbon loss in the D-reactor per single pass and FC are carbon mass flow rates on an oxygen-free bases (i.e. without accounting for uptaken oxygen), whence: FC,1 FC, 0 (5) X Gas flow rates issuing from the O and the D reactors are related to the carbon feed rate: FG ,O 32 32 79 1 e 1 FC, 0 12 28 21 FG ,D ; 44 FC, 0 12 (6) where e is the excess air factor. Simplified energy balances on O and D reactors, assuming constant specific heats in the process temperature range and assuming ambient temperature Ti as the reference temperature in expressions for enthalpy of gaseous and solid streams, read: q O FC, 2 cTD Ti FC,1cTO Ti FG,O cG,O TO Ti FC,0 HO 6 (7) 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany q D FC,1cTO Ti FC, 2 cTD Ti FG,D cG,D TD Ti FC,0 H D (8) The carbon loading required in the reactors is computed on the basis of the assigned values of average carbon residence time in either reactor: WO O FC,1 WD D FC, 2 (9) Base case computations of the relevant process variables have been carried out by selecting likely values for the model input variables. Reference was made to a 1kg/s carbon feed rate (LHV=30MJ/kg) corresponding to about 30MW nominal thermal power input. X has been set at 20%. Enthalpies of oxidation/desorption have been computed as: HD=f·LHV and HO=(1-f)·LHV, taking f=0.85. Excess air was fixed at e=1.2. Reactor temperatures are TO=600K and TD=1000K. The average carbon residence time is set at 15min in both reactors. Results of the computations are illustrated in Fig. 1. Thermal balance on the two reactors indicates that carbon oxidation in the Oxidizer is selfsustained, with moderate heat extraction (qO=1.5MW), whereas most of the heat release takes place in the desorber (qO=22.4MW). Of course this result is crucially influenced by the energetics of oxidation and desorption, and more specifically by the balance between the enthalpy of mild oxygen chemisorption at moderate temperature and that associated with reactions occurring at high temperature, like the stabilization by surface oxide rearrangement of the metastable complexes, and, eventually, desorption of surface oxides as CO and CO2. 5 Conclusions Looping combustion of solid carbon may be accomplished, according to the CarboLoop concept, by alternating carbon oxidation with air at moderate temperature and desorption of carbon-oxygen complexes at higher temperature in a dual interconnected fluidized/entrained bed reactor. A key issue is energy integration between the oxidation and desorption stages, which calls for detailed characterization of the thermochemistry of each reaction step. Experiments based on a combination of thermoanalytical and calorimetric techniques indicate that mild chemisorption at low temperature is moderately exothermic. Reactions occurring as preoxidized carbon is exposed at higher temperatures are also overall exothermic. This is consistent with a mechanism that assumes that oxygen is uptaken in a metastable form at moderate temperature, and that metastable surface oxides may be stabilized at higher temperatures into more energetically favourable carbon-oxygen complexes. Stable surface oxides are eventually desorbed at high temperature into CO and CO2. A simple model of the CarboLoop process has been developed, based on simplified material and energy balances on the oxidizer and the desorber. Model computations have been performed to determine key process variables, like the solid recirculation rate, the carbon loading in both reactors, the thermal throughput at the oxidizer and at the desorber. 6 Acknowledgments This study has been carried out in the framework of the MISE-CNR Agreement “Tecnologie innovative per migliorare le prestazioni ambientali delle centrali a polverino di carbone”. The support of Ms Letizia Romano is gratefully acknowledged. 7 2nd International Conference on Chemical Looping, 26-28 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany References [1] Salatino P., Senneca O. (2009), Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48(1), 102. [2] Adanez J., Abad A., Garcia-Labiano F., Gayan P., de Diego L.F. (2012), Progr. Energy Combust. Sci. 38, 215 [3] Zhuang Q.L., Kyotani T., Tomita A. (1995), Energy & Fuels 9, 630. [4] Pan Z., Yang R.T. (1992), Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. 31, 2675. [5] Lear A.E., Brown T.C., Haynes B.S. (1991), Proc. Combust. Inst. 23, 1191. [6] Brown T.C., Lear A.E., Haynes B.S. 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