PS Tube Cleaning - University of Toronto, Particle Physics and

FCAL2 Process Sheet
University of Toronto
ATLAS Project
Process Spec:
Procedure for Tube Cleaning
Copper Tubes
Latex Gloves, Heavy Chemical Gloves
Citranox Cleaner, LPS Cleaner
Reverse Osmosis Water, Foam swabs
Ultrasonic Cleaners
Cleaning Racks, Rinsing Tanks, Bag heat sealer
QC Data Sheet:
Quality Control of Tube Cleaning
Materials Cleaning Report
Tube Processing Tag
Wear gloves whenever tubes are being handled. Heavy chemical gloves can be
worn when handling hot objects, or when handling mineral spirits.
1. - Preparation Stage 1.1. Pre-soak the tubes in mineral spirits for a minimum 7 days.
1.2. Swab out the tubes, 2 swabs each tube.
1.3. Load 124 tubes into the washing rack, and stand to dry.
1.4. Place the rack of tubes into 1st ultrasonic cleaner. Agitate with ultrasound
for 60 minutes in LPS (20% soln., 65o C).
1.5. Soak the tubes in LPS solution for 12 hours (overnight).
2. - 1st Cycle –
2.1. Agitate with ultrasound for 30 minutes in LPS (20% soln., 65o C). Lift and
plunge the tray of tubes 3 times every 10 minutes.
2.2. RO water rinsing:
2.2.1. Plunge and lift the rack in the large rinsing tank (plastic), 10 times for
a total time of 1 minute. Repeat rinse in 2nd tank.
2.2.2. Hang the rack in the large ultrasonic cleaning tank. Agitate with
ultrasound for 15 minutes. Lift and plunge 5 times every 5 min.
2.3. Citranox bath, (10% soln., 65C) with US for 30 min. Lift and plunge the tray
of tubes 3 times every 10 minutes.
Version: 02
Page 1 of 2
Date: 24 July 2001
Authorizing Signatures
Production Manager
QA Manager
Research Scientist
FCAL2 Process Sheet
University of Toronto
ATLAS Project
2.4. RO water rinsing:
2.4.1. Plunge and lift the rack in the large rinsing tank (plastic), 10 times for
a total time of 1 minute. Repeat rinse in 2nd tank.
2.4.2.Hang the rack in the large ultrasonic tank. Agitate with ultrasound for
15 minutes. Lift and plunge 5 times every 5 min.
3. – 2nd Cycle –
3.1. Agitate with ultrasound for 30 minutes in warm (65o C) 20% LPS. Lift and
plunge the tray of tubes 3 times every 10 minutes.
3.2. RO water rinsing:
Plunge and lift the rack in the large rinsing tank (plastic), 10 times for a total
time of 1 minute. Repeat rinse in 2nd tank.
3.3. Hang the rack in the large ultrasonic cleaning tank. Agitate with ultrasound
for 15 minutes. Lift and plunge 5 times every 5 minutes.
3.4. Prepare a fresh Citranox bath, (0.5% soln., 65C) in the insert tray. Place this
tray in the deep ultrasonic tank. Process with US for 1 min. Remove the
insert tray when finished.
3.4.1. RO water rinsing:
Rinse with RO in the large ultrasonic tank for 1 minute.
3.4.2. Re-fill the 2 plastic rinsing tanks with RO. Plunge and lift the rack in 10
times in each tank.
3.5. Final Step: Dip the rack in Ethanol Bath 1 for 30 seconds. Lift and allow to
drain. Dip the rack in Ethanol Bath 2 for 30 seconds. Stand to drain. Blow
down each tube with nitrogen, and then blow off exterior of tubes.
4. Stand to dry.
5. Perform Quality Control of Tube Cleaning procedure.
6. Package passed clean tubes for storage by carefully placing the batch of tubes in
a polybag, fill the bag with nitrogen gas, and then seal the bag closed. Label the
bag with Date, & Batch Number. Store the bag in the cleanroom on the shelf
designated for tube storage.
7. Complete the Tube Processing Tag and ensure the Materials Cleaning
Report is completed.
Version: 02
Page 2 of 2
Date: 24 July 2001
Authorizing Signatures
Production Manager
QA Manager
Research Scientist