Exam 2 Learning Objectives

Exam 2 Learning Objectives
Chapter 6
Define objectives, plans, and planning.
Identify and describe 3 different types of plans, 3 different organizational levels, and the
interrelationships between them. (Exhibits 6.1 and 6.2)
Identify and describe the 6 key elements of the planning process. (Exhibit 6.3)
Why is it important to analyze the firm’s external environment?
How can forecasting, contingency planning, and benchmarking be used to help analyze
the external environment?
What is environmental uncertainty and how does it affect the planning process?
Why is it important to assess the firm’s internal resources?
What are objectives and why are they important?
What are action plans and why are sequence, timing and accountability important
considerations in the development of them?
What is implementation and why is it important?
Why is monitor and adjust implementation efforts?
Why is monitoring outcomes important?
What are budgets and what are they used for?
What are capital expenditure, expense, proposed, and approved budgets?
Identify and describe the 2 most common budgeting processes.
Identify and describe 5 characteristics of effective goals.
Chapter 7
Define organizational structure, organizational design, and organizational charts.
What is differentiation and what is the main benefit of it?
What are task and cognitive differentiation?
What is specialization and how does it relate to differentiation?
What is integration?
What are interdependence and uncertainty and how do they influence the need for
Identify and describe 3 types of interdependence?
How can rules, goals, and values act as mechanisms for achieving integration?
What is formalization?
What is line of authority, unity of command, and span of control and how are they related
to formalization?
What are tall and flat organizational structures?
What is informalization or the informal structure?
What re centralization and decentralization?
Identify and briefly describe the 6 most common structural forms and the advantages
associated with each.
What is a networked structure?
Differentiate between low-networked and high-networked structures.
Why and how do the external environment and a company’s strategy affect
organizational structure?
What are environmental complexity and dynamism?
Briefly describe the international strategy and structure relationship. (Exhibit 7.16)
Briefly describe the evolution of the international strategy and structure.
What does it mean to think globally and act locally?
What re global and local approaches?
How can direct contact, liaisons, and teams increase integration?
Chapter 8
What is the strategic role of HRM and how is it related to strategy formulation and
strategy implementation?
Identify and describe 5 important HR capabilities for managers. (p. 206)
Identify and describe the 2 main goals of HRM.
Identify and describe the 4 key aspects of getting the right people. (Exhibit 8.4)
What is planning, what does it involve, and why is it important?
What is job analysis, what does it involve, and why is it important?
What is recruiting, what does it involve, and why is it important?
Identify and describe the 6 recruiting methods discussed in the chapter.
What is selection, what does it involve, and why is it important??
What is and why is it important to use valid selection techniques?
Identify and describe the 7 selection techniques discussed in the chapter.
Identify and describe the 5 key activities for maximizing performance.
What is socialization and training, what does it involve, and why is it important?
What is job design, what does it involve, and why is it important?
What are job sharing and reengineering?
What is a performance appraisal, what does it involve, and why is it important?
Identify and briefly describe 3 methods of providing performance feedback.
Why is effective performance feedback important?
What is compensation, what does it involve, and why is it important?
What are pay structure, variable compensation, incentive plans, benefits, and cafeteriastyle plans?
How are rewards and motivation related?
What is employee development, what does it involve, and why is it important?
Chapter 9
Define leadership and effective leadership.
What is power and where does it come from? (Exhibit 9.3)
What are position and people power?
Identify and describe the different types of position and people power.
Identify 4 key issues with using power effectively. (Exhibit 9.4)
What are traits and how do they affect leadership?
Identify 5 important leadership traits.
What is a charismatic leader?
What are emotional and social intelligence and how do they affect leadership?
Identify and describe 2 fundamental types of leader.
How do task and people behaviors affect leadership?
Briefly describe Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid and the basic implications it has for
effective leadership.
What are transformational and transactional leadership?
Who are followers and why are they important?
How do followers’ behaviors affect the leadership process?
Briefly describe Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Model and the basic
implications it has for effective leadership.
Briefly describe LMX theory and the basic implications it has for effective leadership.
How do tasks and organizational context affect the leadership process?
Briefly describe Fiedler’s Leadership Contingency Theory and the basic implications it
has for effective leadership.
Briefly describe House’s Path-Goal Theory and the basic implications it has for effective
What are substitutes for leadership and neutralizers of leadership?
Chapter 10
What is motivation and why is it important?
What re the 3 major sources of motivation?
What are pull and push forces?
What do content theories of motivation address?
Briefly describe each of the following content theories of motivation: Maslow’s need
hierarchy, Alderfer’s ERG theory, acquired needs theory, two-factor theory, and the job
characteristics model.
Briefly discuss the major managerial implications of each of the following content
theories of motivation: Maslow’s need hierarchy, Alderfer’s ERG theory, acquired needs
theory, two-factor theory, and the job characteristics model.
What do process theories of motivation address?
Briefly describe each of the following process theories of motivation: equity theory,
expectancy theory, social cognitive theory, and goal-setting theory.
Briefly discuss the major managerial implications of each of the following process
theories of motivation: equity theory, expectancy theory, social cognitive theory, and
goal-setting theory.
What are positive and negative reinforcements and how can they be used to increase the
probability of a behavior being repeated?
What are punishments and extinction and how can they be used to decrease the
probability of a behavior being repeated?
How can the situation influence motivation?
How can values and attitudes toward work influence motivation?