2015 A YEAR THAT WE NEED TO INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP SIR'S ROUND TABLE BEC OFFICERS BIG SIR MIKE JOHNSON 877-7375 LITTLE SIR PHILLIP SERNA 872-8649 SECRETARY PETER BROWN 227-5882 ASST. SECTRETARY ROLLY REED 877-9522 TREASURER LARRY KREPELKA 877-4463 ASST. TREASURER DANIEL HUERBIN 530-413-9896 DIRECTORS ATTENDANCE DARRELL BRIDGES 877-9257 ASSISTANT JIM LONG 873-6938 AUDIT & ASSETS RANDY BULLOCK 872-2837 EVENTS BERNIE DUBBERT 872-8351 GREETERS FRED CARRASCA 872-7502 BEC cont’d THE PEARL OF THE SIERRAS MEMBERSHIP AREA 12 PARADISE, CA BR. 52 DAVID MOORE 893-2157 ASSISTANT OPEN 873-1761 DIRECTOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE JOHN RAWLINGS 877-1292 TED DZWONEK 873-6389 INCORPORATED DECEMBER 11, 1974 ================= A NON PROFIT PUBLIC BENEFIT WEB MASTER GEORGE SCHILLER ORGANIZATION FOR RETIRED MEN DEVOTED TO THE PROMOTION OF INDEPENDENCE AND 873-0578 DIGNITY OF RETIREMENT BULLETIN EDITOR STATE PRESIDENT GEORGE SCHILLER BOBBIE HARSTON 873-0578 707-252-0252 ASSISTANT STATE VICE PRESIDENT MIKE JOHNSON DONALD DILL 877-7375 530-885-6943 CHAPLAIN TOM HEGENBART DIRECTOR REGION 1 AREA 12 891-4630 ROBERT ROBERTS 345-6207 ASST. CHAPLAIN OPEN GOVERNOR REGION 1 AREA 12 PUBLICTY DELBERT SIEMSEN MIKE JOHNSON 530-345-4527 ANNUAL PICNIC RANDY BULLOCK CHRISTMAS PARTY MIKE JOHNSON 873-7375 RV’ERS BERNIE DUBBERT 872-8351 ASSISTANT TERRY MALLEN 877-7775 BOWLING PAUL PLASKEWICS 413-9373 MUSIC VACANT SUNSHINE JOE NAJERA 873-4249 HOUSEMAN FRED CARRASCA 872-7502 HORSESHOES FRED KOPP 872-1108 BR. 52 GOLF RALPH JOHNSON 872-8598 ASSISTANT MIKE ROEBUCK 873-0183 AREA 12 GOLF CHAIRMAN MIKE KRUGER 533-7342 GOLD PAN SAM ALLEN 872-0268 STEVE NEELEY 872-9325 TRAVEL N/A OUT TO LUNCH & TICKET SALES FRED KOPP 872-1108 WEB SITE WWW.SIRPARADISE52.COM THE NEXT LUNCHEON WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18th THE GOLD PAN IS OUR BREAD AN BUTTER PLEASE SUPPORT IT A CALL IN IS REQUIRED IF YOU EXPECT TO MISS ANY OF OUR UPCOMING LUNCHEONS Don't forget to call in if you are not going to attend this month’s meeting, as you will be charged for meals ordered on your behalf! ATTENDANCE REQUIRED: REGULAR MEMBERS ARE OBLIGATED TO ATTEND MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETINGS UNLESS PREVENTED BY ILLNESS OR ABSENCE FROM THE BRANCH LOCALE. MEMBERS UNABLE TO ATTEND A MEETING MUST NOTIFY THE ATTENDANCE CHAIRMAN OR HIS ASSISTANT THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED FOR A MINIMUM OF SIX (6) MEETINGS WITHIN A (12) TWELVE MONTH PERIOD. AN EXCUSED ABSENCE DOES NOT RELIEVE YOU OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION. ONE CANNOT MISS (3) THREE CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS WITHOUT PRIOR NOTIFICATION. INDIVIDUALS CAN EARN CREDITS TOWARD FUTURE ABSENCES BY ATTENDING LUNCHEON MEETINGS AT ANOTHER BRANCH. OBTAINING A SIGNED VISITORS CARD, AND RETURNING IT INTO THEIR BRANCH ATTENDANCE CHAIRMAN. NON- RESPONSIBILITY DECLARATION; ALL TRAVEL EVENTS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES SPONSORED BY CONVENIENCE AND PLEASURE OF THE MEMBERS AND THEIR GUESTS WHO DESIRE TO PARTICIPATE. SONS IN RETIREMENT, INC. AND ITS BRANCHES DO NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE WELL BEING OR SAFETY OF THE PARTICIPANTS OR PASSENGERS OR THEIR PROPERTY, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, IN ANY MANNER PERTAINING TO SAID ACTIVITIES. **************************************************************** VOL. 41 ISSUE 03 **************************************************************** BOARD MEETING: Executive Board Meeting is being held on the 3rd Wednesday, March 18th, at the Moose Lodge 2227 at 5275 Skyway Road, Paradise, CA 95969 Annual Picnic, & Christmas Party are not Attendance Required Events. TIME: Executive Board Meeting starts @ 10:00 AM, Sponsors are to accompany their new membership applicants before the Board. Bar opens @ 11:00 AM, Followed by lunch served @ 12:00 Noon. 2015 A YEAR THAT WE NEED TO INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP __________________________________________________________________________________________ BIG SIR MIKE JOHSON 877-7375 I’d like to start off this months article to spotlight our newest SIR’s - Dean Rice and Cy Morris, and we have 3 others who submitted applications. A warm welcome to our Branch. Overall our last SIR meeting went well, I did spend a few extra minutes covering the current item for our Branch members - joining the Moose Lodge. I’ve had quite a bit of conversation with many of you over these past few weeks and our leaders out side of the Branch, on the transition we are experiencing. I felt it was important to try to answer as many of your questions and hopefully supplied acceptable responses to those members with sticking points on joining the Moose Lodge. 27 of our SIR’s applied for membership to the Moose Lodge at Wednesdays meeting. I just learned each of them were approved, with the number of 27 and what we already had as Moose members, approximately 65 of our Branch are now members of the Moose 2227 Lodge. I understand a few more plan to join at our next meeting. A question that many are wondering is how many members have we lost due to the transition, my last count shows approximately 20 - Transferred to Branch’s 82 or 135; 1 applied for Inactive Status - prolonged travel was what I was informed; 5 Resigned, 3 - Personal reasons, 1 - Moving, 1 - Unknown. This brings the total to 25 of our friends decided to try another Branch or move on. I know we all wish them the best and we’ll readily accept each of them if they decide to return to our branch, because they’ll have more fun with us. I’m certain many are wondering what our new membership total is after the 25 or so departures? I’m guessing we’ll settle around 75 or so with he new members who just join us. Dave Moore - Membership Chairman will have more up to-date information at our next meeting as we receive the ‘Official’ transfer notices from the other Branches. Bowling; our Activity Chairman - Paul Plaskiewicz, has decided to transfer to Branch 135. Paul will continue to act as the Bowling Chairman, representing each of the Branch’s on the Ridge and for those in Chico who wish to continue to join the good times at the Tall Pines, in Paradise. There will be no changes other than Paul will be attending his SIR meetings at the Eagles. I spoke to Paul and he is working on finding someone in our Branch to represent the bowling groups so we will have timely information and to work with anyone wanting to join the league. Branch 52 SIR’s - advertisement. The Moose Lodge Officers have approved the request for our Branch to place an advertising sign with the Moose Lodge’s sign at the main entrance way on the Skyway. And, they said we can place our signage atop the Moose Lodge sign for higher visibility. Randy Bullock came up with the idea. Our next step is for the Moose Officers approval of the proposed signage and our BEC approval for the funding. Now that’ll be some great advertising on one of the busiest traveled points in our area. Thank you!! Bob McCormick. Bob donated 2 boxes of books to the Moose Lodge, They were delivered prior to the start of our last meeting. He said he’s read all of them so it was best to find them a good home. With that information for those of you who love to read a good book, check out the library at the Moose Lodge. They have what I understand is an exchange program, bring one and take one home. I cruised through the shelves of books located in the Bar area between the main entrance and the entrance to the dining room and found many soft and hard cover books I know I’ll be looking for as soon as I finish the one I have now. For our meeting in March, use the Members Main Entrance that takes you directly into the Bar area. As you enter the Dining Room you’ll see to your right the tables and seating will be arranged appropriately for the Treasurer, Attendance, LunchOut, Golf, Raffle and other Activities. Lastly, check out the newest button on our Web Site. The information, as you read through it provides good details on what is and what is not covered by the SIR’s Insurance Policy. Big Sir Mike Johnson __________________________________________________________________________________________ LITTLE SIR PHILLIP SERNA 872-8649 This Month We will be having a speaker from the Paradise Senior Center. Little Sir Phillip Serna __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2015 A YEAR THAT WE NEED TO INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP TREASURERS REPORT: LARRY KREPELKA 877-4463 ____________________________________________________________________________________ MENU: CORN BEEF & CABBAGE Served with every meal: Tossed Green Salad, Bread And Butter. Coffee, Tea, Dessert On Request - Chef Salad. Call by Thursday before the luncheon to order your salad. The deadline for calling in is the Thursday before the meeting. (March 12th) This enables the cook to order the food. If you cannot attend the meeting, call Darrell Bridges @ 877-9257 It is OKAY to leave a message which includes your name and number and reason for your absence __________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTENDANCE: Sir Darrell Bridges 877-9257 Assistant Sir Jim Long 873-6938 Thanks to all of you who remembered to call in for your absence. I ordered 64 lunches and we sold 62 I guess we made the change from the Elks to the Moose in good style. Thank you again and see you next month. ________________________________________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP: David Moore 893-2157 Assistant Sir POSITION IS OPEN I would like to start by welcoming our three new members ; Bill Goodwin who is returning to branch 52. New to our Branch are Cy Morris and Dean Rice. Cy’s interest include Antique Cars, Football, Pool & Billiards, Travel, Wine Tasting, Veterans affairs, and Motor Cycle riding. Plan some time to introduce yourselves to these new members at the upcoming luncheon. On a sad note we lost 5 members who resigned this month; Bill Douglas for personal reasons, Ray Foulks, Barry Hollenbeck, James McLellan for personal reasons, and Byron Potts who will be moving to be closer to family. We’ll miss you guy’s and wish you the best. Also Jim Whitehouse went on inactive status due to planned extensive travel (hey that’s what it’s all about right?). Our total membership is 100 with 94 active and 6 inactive members. Let's keep bringing in new members the rest of the year, and start to volunteer to fill the position that are available. Please notify Sir David Moore of any address or Phone # changes. __________________________________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDAYS IN MARCH: Terry Mallan, Robert Matta, Donald Monzo, Dave Moore. And, RJ West __________________________________________________________________________________________ SUNSHINE: Sir Joe Najera 873-4249 Get Well Cards To following. Darrel Bridges, Bernie Dubbert, Jeff Rice, Priscilla Rawlings, Mike Kruger, Robby Bridges, Dutch Steffen, Hal Buckloz, Curtis Stark And Clyde Tynes. sympathy cards to following Jim McMillen, Mary Byfields Family If you know of any member or a family member who needs a card or is in need of our Condolences, please let Joe know so he can send a card.. __________________________________________________________________________________________ GREETERS: Sir Fred Carrasca 872-7502 This month's greeters will be: Ted Pollard and Fred Carrasca Stop by and see them on arrival shake hands and say “Hi”. Meet people and learn their names, be a greeter at least once a year so you get to meet new members __________________________________________________________________________________________ BULLETIN: Sir George Schiller 873–0578. The cutoff for the March Bulletin is Thursday March 26. Please submit your articles in a timely manner allowing the Bulletin to be E-Mailed prior to the end of the month. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation. Please submit Changes of Address & or Telephone numbers to Membership Chairman David Moore 893-2157 _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2015 A YEAR THAT WE NEED TO INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP BOWLING: Sir Paul Plaskiewicz 413-9373 UPCOMING TOURNAMENTS High Rollers Women’s Men’s High Game JACK BARNES DON MILEY BRUCE KLEINER JAY IZATT Score High Series Score 266 249 246 248 JACK BARNES RICH DAVIS GLENN WOLF JAY IZATT 662 661 627 648 High Game CAROL RENN CAROL RENN HELEN KLEINER CAROL RENN Score 159 151 166 171 High Series Score CAROL RENN 427 CAROL RENN 389 MARY MURPHY 438 MICHELLE KEVO 422 All Sirs are invited to join the fun at Tall Pines entertainment center. Sirs bowl every Friday at 9:00AM. Bring your wife or girlfriend and give it a try. I am sure that you will enjoy yourself, and it will be a great time to have some fun. The cost is only $10.00 for three games. Tall Pines is located at 5445 Clark Road, across the street from the Comfort Inn. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OUT TO LUNCH: Sir Fred Kopp 872-1108 Our third “Out To Lunch” will be held at The Italian Garden Restaurant, 6929 Skyway, Paradise, Thursday, March 26, at 1 p.m.. You will have a choice of five Entrées; all will include Bread, Salad and Tea, Coffee or Soft Drink. Gratuity included all for $15.00 each. The five choices are: (1) Chicken Alfredo (2) Egg Plant Parmigianino (3) Lasagna (4) Ravioli (5) Spaghetti and Meat Balls. If you want an alcoholic drink, you have to go to the Bar and purchase it. I will be at the Ticket Table at our March meeting. Do need all the Reservations and Money at that time. All checks should be made out to “Sir’s Branch 52. Join us for a wonderful meal and a good time. __________________________________________________________________________________________ FISHERMEN: Sir Mike Henson 327-730 Mike Henson has relinquished his role as leader of the SIRs Fishing Group. We are now looking for someone else to step up and assume this role. Please contact Mike Henson or Mike Johnson if interested. If no interest is shown, we will eliminate this activity. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HORSESHOES: Sir Fred Kopp 872-1108 We will be pitching from 9:00am to 11:00am on Tues. and Thus. at the Elks horseshoe courts. Anyone interested in learning about horseshoe pitching is welcome If you need a special time call me I will make arrangement I have 60 years experience in horseshoes and what I really enjoy now is teaching someone the art of horseshoe pitching. We play horseshoes at the Elks horseshoe courts every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 11:00 AM. If you want to join us, or learn how to pitch, just show up. You don’t need horseshoes, as we will supply them. Come join us in lots of fun and companionship. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Awards: Randy Bullocks Big Sir (2013-2013) Receives a award for years of service AS Big Sir Bruce Kleiner Receives a award For many years service as membership director 2015 A YEAR THAT WE NEED TO INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP RV’ERS: Sir Bernie Dubbert 872-8351 Assistant Sir Terry Mallan 877-777 Here are our RV Trips for 2015 May : Is still open. June: Chuck Dee;876-8353 Yreka RV Park. Yreka, Ca. June 18th thru 24th 6 Nights July: Arthur Pollock 876-9245 Pioneer RV Park. Quincy, Ca. July 7th thru 11th 4 Nights Aug: SIR Picnic 8th Sept: Terry Mallan Pomo Village RV Park Fort Bragg, Ca18tht thru 24th 6 Nights Oct: Lake Siskiyou RV 22nd thru 27th 5 Nights Oct : Marlyn Barker The RV Barba Lula Sat. the 10th We need to book our trips ahead of time so we can get a head count. You can always cancel if you can’t make it. But you need to call your trail boss and let them know you are planning on going. We know things come up and you may have to cancel. Most cancelations are 1 or 2 weeks before the trip. Get on the list early, space is limited and you may not get to go. Please call and get on the list for your trips. a.s.a.p. We will post the trips at www.sirparadise52.com Start booking Now. Yearly dues can be sent to Arthur Pollock 876 9245 It's only $ 10.00 for the year. New members send in your dues. Any group is only as good as its’ members. Let’s get involved and keep them wagons rolling. Wagon Master: Bernie Dubbert - Asst. Wagon Master: Terry Mallan Treasurer: Arthur Pollock - Historian: Ted Arrouzet __________________________________________________________________________________________ GOLF: Sir Ralph Johnson Chairman 872-8598 Assistant: Sir Mike Roebuck 876-6136 Visit the Golfers Website at http://www.clrockwell.org/sirgolf.htm Website for Golf information. If you want to be contacted by e-mail concerning golf club news, cancelations, additional tournaments, format changes etc. Make sure the golf committee has your e-mail address! o March Tournaments: o 3/2 Canyon Oaks, 4 man team 2 best ball net, Sir and guests with a NCGA index 7:45 Breakfast 9:00 start o 3/16 Bidwell Park, 2 man team, modified chapman 8:00 check in 9:00 start o February Results: o Bidwell 2/2 o Well I guess I can’t believe the weatherman. We got a little lite rain for a couple holes then all turned out well. Good turn out and thanks to all for hanging in there! Lots of close scores today. Welcome back Jeff Rice! Format was 2 man scramble , 9 drives each. !st. gets $25 each, 2nd. = $20 each & 3rd. = $15 each. Flight “A” team HCP 26.0 – 31.6 score 1st. Larry Krepelka & Mike Fisher 72 card off 2nd. Larry Speck & Mike Kruger 72 3rd. Matt Cabral & Bob Hernandez 73 Flight “B” team HCP 35.3 – 46.9 1st. Rudy Malashenko & Curtis Stark 75 2nd. Clint Williams & Mike Little 78 card off o 3rd. Dan Huerbin & Burt Howard 78 Flight “C” team HCP 48,3 – 57.2 1st. Ralph Johnson & Mike Roebuck 81 card off 2nd. Marv Banta & Jim Banta 81 3rd. Paul Brown & Jake Crum 83 card off Flight “D” team HCP 58.8 – 66.8 1st. Bernie Dubbert & Jim Long 85 2nd. Tom Dixon & Jeff Rice 89 3rd. George Losada & Ron Kohler 90 card off CTP o 1st.($25) o 2nd.($20) o 3rd.($15) o o John Lewis Mike Kruger Dave Moore 24’ 9” 43’ 3” 44’ 9” 2015 A YEAR THAT WE NEED TO INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP o o o o o o o o Tuscan 2/16 results o Good turnout and great weather. The screw up by Tuscan has been addressed! Range balls will be out earlier and they will leave the hole assignments alone. o Format was 4 man 2 best ball net. 3 men teams were adjusted for lack of one man. o 1st pays $25 each, 2nd. = $15 each o FLIGHT “A” TEAM SCORE o 1ST. JEFF RICE, TOM DIXON, GEORGE BOLLES 114 o 2ND. MATT CABRAL, BOB HERNANDEZ, JOHN LEWIS ,MIKE KRUGER 120 o FLIGHT “B’ o 1ST. GARY McELROY, AL SHELLER, BILLY TROEGNER, JAKE CRUM 117 o 2ND. EVERETT GREMMINGER, GEORGE SCHILLER, JOHN RAWLINGS, LARRY KREPELKA 126 o FIGHT “C’ o 1ST. JACK GULLICK, SAM VALENTI, RICH DAVIS 112 o 2ND. JERRY HALL, GERALD RICHMOND, TOM CALDIE, BOB HARPER 121 o CTP o 1ST.($25) TOM CALDIE 8’ 10” o 2ND.($20) PETER BROWN 11’ 8” o 3RD.($15) JOHN RAWLINGS 14’6” o 4TH.($10) AL SHELLER 19’ 9 ½” o The special prize goes to HAROLD LONG! REMEMBER: When the status of a tournament is in question, i.e. rain, wind, fire, etc., call the golf course before wasting a trip. REMEMBER: PLAY A 6 INCH BUMP AND PLAY THE BALL ALL OF THE WAY into THE HOLE!!! For any questions on the format of play or rules check with Mike Kruger or any member of the golf committee. Your go to guy for golf: Ralph Johnson. __________________________________________________________________________________________