A Generalized approach to Selective Image Encryption Ms. Anuradha Konidena#1, Ms. Neha Arora*2 #* Computer Science Department, UP Technical University IILM College of Engineering and Technology, Plot No. 18, Knowledge Park – II, Greater Noida,(UP), India 1anukoni@rediffmail.com 2 neha.20july@gmail.com Abstract— Digital rights management (DRM) systems enforce the rights of the multimedia property owners while ensuring the efficient rightful usage of such property. Encryption is used to securely transmit data in open networks. Each type of data has its own features; therefore different techniques should be used to protect confidential image data from unauthorized access. In this paper we would like to describe a general approach to generate secure images by using image segmentation followed by encryption. This approach is useful for mobile devices which are low in resources. Keywords— Security, real time applications, cryptography, image processing. I. INTRODUCTION Internet applications are growing day by day and hence the number of users is using this platform. With this immense increase in the growth of internet and technologies, there is also an increase of breach of security. Information that is floated on internet is more in form of multimedia i.e. it contains text, images, audio and video. Image plays an important role, because this is one of the important methods of authentication of various entities. One image is worth of 100 words. Security of such images is crucial to all users who uses internet. Crypto graphic techniques are used to provide security to text as well as images. Image information is different from the text data, it has larger amount of data, higher redundancy and stronger correlation between pixels. Image encryption is used to protect and transform images into various forms .This paper is organized as follows: In the introduction section need of Image encryption is given. Section2 contains Literature Survey and section3 describes about the proposed methodology for image encryption .This paper is concluded with comment on advantages and disadvantages of selective encryption and future scope. II. LITERATURE SURVEY Image Encryption can be obtained by using various methods. Most widely used methods use creation of confusion using CHAOTIC METHODS, scrambling the pixels of the image, which decreases the correlation between the pixels of the image .Some methods also use compression before applying encryption methods, in order to deal with big size of images. Compressions are of two types: lossless compression and lossy compression. Each have its own advantages and disadvantages. One has to choose between these two depending on the application. Some encryption techniques makes use of Message Digest, Digital Signatures and Hash values of the image other than the image in the subject and use same as the key for encryption and decryption of the images. Hybrid approaches were also in use. It ensures more security by taking the advantages of the both the methods and overcoming disadvantages of each. Advanced method of existing encryption methods can also be used for image encryption. Some findings which used above said methods Aloka Sinha and Kehar Singh proposed Technique for Image Encryption using Digital Signatures (2003) Chang-Mok Shin, Dong-Hoan Seo, Kyu-Bo Chol, Ha Wmn Lee, and SmJmng Kim proposed “Technique for Image Encryption using multi-level and image dividing technique, 2003 . Guosheng Gu and Guoqiang Han and HuangPeiXiao , Guo-ji Zang also used chaotic approach in their work Jiun-In Guo and Jui-Cheng Yen presented an algorithm “New Mirror-Like Image Encryption Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture (1999)” ,which generates chaotic sequences as part of image encry ption S.S. Maniccam and N.G. Bourbakis have presented an algorithm which makes use of Loss less compression for binary and gray-scale image (2001). M. Zeghid, M. Machhout, L. Khriji, A. Baganne, and R. Tourki analyzed advanced encryption technique using key streams and Bibhudendra Acharya, Saroj Kumar Panigrahy, Sarat Kumar Patra, and Ganapati Panda proposed Advanced Hill Cipher algorithm The method proposed by Zhang Han, Wang Xiu Feng uses permutation followed by non linear mapping to circularly permuted image pixels Most of the above said methods encrypts the image in totality, which is not required for some application .So Selective image encryption aims at partial image encryption, it means instead of encrypting the entire image, select areas of interest or choose that crucial part of image like ‘signature’ which needs more security and apply any of the above said methods; to name a few.. In the Enhanced Toss-A-Coin Method, which is proposed by S.Kala Image is divided into two parts and half part is encrypted and the remaining part is compressed. Kalpana Singh and Shefalika Ghosh Samaddar [9] have used the selective encryption technique in RSA based on singular cubic curve for the text based documents. In this method only a random of (r) is encrypted rather than entire content. III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Proposed methodology aims at segmenting the image and then encrypting only that part of the image which needs to be transmitted securely. The result of segmentation is a set of non-overlapping coherent regions, whose union reproduces the entire original image. The proposed methodology follows as: 1. Segment the image into various parts: Text Image or picture Overlapping regions In general, in multimedia messages image’s intensity values will be higher than the text. So for segmentation purpose we can use Histogram approach. An image histogram is a type of histogram that acts as a graphical representation of the tonal distribution in a digital image. It plots the number of pixels of each tone value. By looking at the histogram for a specific image a viewer will be able to judge the entire tonal distribution at a glance 2 Identify area of interest/crucial information that needs to be encrypted 3. Using either public or private encryption methods encrypt the resultant of step2 Note: Symmetric encryption algorithms are fast compared to asymmetric ones. 4. Send the encrypted image to the receiver. 5.The receiver at the other end will decrypt the image to get back the original. IV. CONCLUSIONS In this paper we analysed need of selective image encryption, which is followed by various mechanisms implemented by various research scholars for different kinds of data. The generalized approach is useful for real life applications which use multimedia data on devices which are low in resources. We would like to conclude that there is always trade off between level of security and cost of the algorithm. Future Scope: This approach may further be extended to handle multiple images/pictures simultaneously. REFERENCES [1] A Fast Segmentation Algorithm for Bi-Level Image Compression using JBIG2 Dave A. D. Tompkins and Faouzi KossentiniSignal Processing and Multimedia GroupDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada {davet,faouzi}@ece.ubc.ca http://spmg.ece.ubc.ca (Invited Paper) [2] Image Encryption Using Block-Based Transformation Algorithm Mohammad Ali Bani Younes and Aman Jantan IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 35:1, IJCS_35_1_03 [3] A Study on Different Approaches of Selective Encryption Technique, Saurabh Sharma, Pushpendra Kumar, Pateriya International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 2(6), 658-662. [4] Analysis and Cryptanalysis of a Selective Encryption Method for JPEG Images W. Puech, J.M. 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