
Animal Science Final Review 2011
1. Which of the following is the most common instrument used to perform
A. Stomach Tube
B. Drench Gun
C. Straw
D. Syringe
2. This type of injection is injected into large muscles, especially in the neck area.
A. Intravenous
B. Intramuscular
C. Intracardial
D. Intraocular
3. This type of injection is injected under the eyelid, into the cornea, or into another
anterior chamber.
A. Intraocular
B. Intranasal
C. Intramuscular
D. Subcutaneous
4. This type of immunity is obtained after birth and comes from another immune
animal or exposure to a disease.
A. Natural Immunity
B. Passive Immunity
C. Active Immunity
D. Acquired Immunity
5. How do newborn animals acquire passive immunity?
A. Newborn animals cannot acquire passive immunity
B. By drinking the colostrum produced by the mother
C. By injecting them with a serum
D. Both B & C
6. This tool is used to administer pills or boluses to the animal through the mouth or
down the throat.
A. Syringe
B. Balling Gun
C. Stomach Tube
D. Needles
7. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of proper livestock identification?
A. Ownership Purposes
B. Disease Prevention
C. Food Safety
D. Artificial Insemination
8. Which of the following is a common identification method for poultry?
A. Leg Band
B. Hot Iron Brand
C. Freeze Brand
D. Ear Notch
9. When identifying cattle, the method which uses ink to take an image of the
animals nose is called:
A. Finger Printing
B. Ink Printing
C. Nose Printing
D. Nose Tattoo
10. When freeze branding, what is sprayed on the animal in order to clean the
designated branding area?
A. Liquid Nitrogen
B. Water
C. Hair Spray
D. 99% Alcohol
11. Which of the following is NOT a common identification method for swine?
A. Leg band
B. Ear Notch
C. Tattoo
D. Ear tag
12. At what age should swine be ear notched, if possible?
A. 1-3 Days of age
B. 1-3 Weeks of age
C. 1-3 Months of age
D. 1-3 Years of age
13. When ear notching swine, how far apart should you leave between each notch?
A. 2 inches
B. 1/16 inch
C. 1 inch
D. ¼ inch
14. Which of the following is NOT a safety procedure mentioned in class for ear
notching swine?
A. Keep equipment clean.
B. Keep all freshly ear notched pigs confined in one pen together.
C. Avoid making notches too close to the head.
D. Store tools in a clean, dry area.
15. An animal grazing more heavily when near a water source is an example of what
type of behavior?
A. Social Behavior
B. Maternal Behavior
C. Investigative Behavior
D. Feeding Behavior
16. Distress and mating calls would be considered which type of behavior?
A. Communicative Behavior
B. Social Behavior
C. Fear Behaviors
D. Feeding Behaviors
17. What is the term for the study of animal behavior in the animal’s natural habitat?
A. Animal science
B. Ethology
C. Reality
D. Habituation
18. Which of the following is NOT an example of a social behavior?
A. Fighting
B. Social Ranks
C. Standing Heat
D. All of the above are examples of social behaviors
19. Increased temperature can be caused by infection.
A. True
B. False
20. Which of the following is a common cause of stress in animals?
A. Fatigue
B. Transportation
C. Overcrowding
D. All of the above
21. The act of exposing animals to humans in order to decrease stress on the animals
during their future contacts with people is called:
A. Imprinting
B. Impacting
C. Relating
D. Communicating
22. Which of the following is NOT one of the six classes of nutrients?
A. Water
B. Protein
C. Sugars
D. Vitamins
23. This type of protein can come directly or indirectly from plants.
A. Animal Protein
B. Good Protein
C. Bad Protein
D. Plant Protein
24. Which type of mineral is required in larger quantities and must be supplemented
in the feed?
A. Macro minerals
B. Micro minerals (Trace minerals)
C. Low quality minerals
D. High quality minerals
25. Which nutrient is considered to make up the largest component of our bodies?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Protein
C. Water
D. Minerals
26. At room temperature, fats are _________ and oils are _________.
A. liquid; solid
B. hot; cold
C. cold; hot
D. solid; liquid
27. Which type of vitamin can be deadly if given in large doses?
A. Fat-soluble vitamins
B. Water-soluble vitamins
C. Oil-soluble vitamins
D. All vitamins
28. An animal with only one stomach is referred to as a:
A. Ruminant
B. Monogastric
C. Cow
D. Horse
29. Which of the following is needed when designing a ranch?
A. Land
B. Animals
C. Equipment
D. All of the above
30. When selecting feeds, the producer must consider all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Species of animal
B. Function of animal
C. How much the feed bag weighs
D. Availability and cost of feed
31. Food for animals is:
A. Food
B. Ration
C. Snacks
D. Feed
32. The injection of semen from a male into the vagina of a female by a chosen tool is
A. Natural Reproduction
B. Artificial Insemination
C. Embryo Transfer
D. Infertility
33. What does E.P.D. stand for?
A. Expected Pedigree Diagram
B. Equine Program Diagram
C. Expected Progeny Differences
D. Equine Progeny Differences
34. What chemical is commonly used as a semen extender?
A. Liquid Nitrogen
B. Water
C. Glucose
D. Glycerol
35. Which way is the preferred method to store semen?
A. Liquid Nitrogen
B. Dry ice and alcohol
C. In the refrigerator
D. Styrofoam cooler
36. Which of the following hormones can be injected into a female in order for
ovulation management, (to cause her to come into heat)?
A. Prostaglandin
C. Oxytocin
D. Both A & B
37. Which of the following animals is a ruminant?
A. Cow
B. Sheep
C. Horse
D. Both A & B
38. Anemia is an example of what type of disease?
A. Viral
B. Fungal
C. Nutritional
D. Bacterial
39. Foot Rot is an example of what type of disease?
A. Viral
B. Fungal
C. Bacterial
D. Protozoan
40. How long should you isolate new members of your herd, in order to prevent
A. 3 to 4 days
B. 3 to 4 hours
C. 3 to 4 weeks
D. 3 to 4 months
41. Which of the following is an example of a protozoan disease?
A. Coccidiosis
B. Anthrax
C. Warts
D. Black Leg
42. Which of the following is a common cause of disease in livestock?
A. Poor sanitation
B. Poor management
C. Introduction of new animals to the herd
D. All of the above
43. Which of the following is NOT an example of a viral disease?
A. Foot Rot
B. Cholera
C. Newcastle
D. Warts
44. Which of the following is a common factor determining behavior in livestock?
A. Genetics/Instincts
B. Too much sugar
C. Environment
D. Both A & C
45. Which livestock behavior is a survival emotion that motivates animals to flee
from danger?
A. Investigative
B. Shelter-Seeking
C. Fear
D. Social
46. All of the following are considered to be fat-soluble vitamins EXCEPT:
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B12
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin E
47. The tool used for ear notching swine is called:
A. Notchers
B. Scissors
C. Syringe
D. Branding Iron
48. Which nutrient is the major source of energy for animals?
A. Protein
B. Minerals
C. Water
D. Carbohydrates
49. Which of the following is NOT a tool needed for freeze branding?
A. Styrofoam Cooler
B. Branding Iron
C. Gloves
D. Syringe
50. When freeze branding, which animal would require the longest branding time?
A. Cow
B. Horse
C. Calf
D. Colt
51. The bony tissues that form the framework of an animal’s body are
collectively called?
a. Skeletal System
c. Respiratory System
b. Circulatory System
d. Muscular System
52. What type of immunity is the protection one has from birth?
a. Acquired
b. Natural
53. This instrument is used to give pills or boluses to animals through the
mouth and down the throat.
a. Dose Syringe
c. Balling gun
b. Stomach tube
d. Drench gun
54. An injection just under the skin is called?
a. Intra-muscular
c. Subcutaneous
b. Intra-dermal
d. Intra-cardial
55. Injection made deeply into a large muscle.
a. Intra-muscular
c. Subcutaneous
b. Intra-peritoneal
d. Cutaneous
56. One reason for dehorning cattle is less chance of livestock handlers to
get injured?
a. True
b False
57. What is the number one thing to consider when dehorning cattle?
a. Weather
c. Size of horn
b. Type of herd
d. Sex
58. To clean dehorning instruments they should be soaked in a disinfecting
a. True
b. False
59. When chemically dehorning cattle the first thing you do is
a. the handler clips a circular band of hair near the base of the small,
undeveloped horn or buttons
b. the handler applies a ½ inch band of petrolatum or petrolatum jelly
to the hair
c. the handler wraps paper around one end of the stick and holds the
stick by the paper.
60. You should always clean the instruments for mechanical dehorning
before and after you use them but only worry about disinfecting it before they are
a. True
b. False
61. Four ounces of cresol per one gallon of water is a good ____________
a. disinfecting
b. pain numbing
c. blood clotting
62. Hot Iron dehorners are _______________________.
a. Bloody
b. Bloodless
63. Docking, the shortening of the tail of a young lamb, is a common practice
with sheep producers.
a. True
b. False
64. When is a lamb’s tail usually docked?
a. when they are born
b. four days to two weeks of age
c. 3 mouths of age
65. A _____________________ iron has a preformed letter or number on the
a. running iron
b. stamping
66. Which is an advantage to hot branding?
a. it is permanent
b. damage to the skin is undesirable to the tanning industry
c. hair over the brands must be clipped in the winter to allow
clear identification
67. Management is defined as the activities relating to the organization and
operation of a firm for the attainment of a specific goals.
a. True
b. False
68. What is the recommended sire to dam ration for a breeding beef
a. 1 to 12
b. 1 to 15
c. 1 to 25
69. Which of the following is not a sign of a sick animal?
a. Good appetite
b. abnormal Weight
c. Humped appearance
The litter number of swine is always marked on a pig’s
a. right
b. left
71. Intravenous injections are commonly made into the _______vein.
a. Right leg
b. Lungs
c. Jugular
72. Which biological products are used to produce immunity in animals?
a. Vaccines
b. Bacteria
c. Serums
d. All of the above
Sheep should not be placed on their backs when they are restrained?
a. True
b. False
74. Which of the following is not an instrument used in surgical castration.
a. Emasculator
b. Pocket knife
c. Burdizzo
75. A castrated calf is called a?
a. Bull
b. Boar
76. A gestation period is the length of time from:
a. Insemination to birth
b. Insemination to fertilization
c. Conception to birth
d. Birth to one year of age
c. Steer
d. Heifer
77. Artificial insemination is the primary breeding method used with
a. Turkeys
c. Pigs
b. Dairy cows
d. All of the above
78. What should newborn mammals consume immediately after
a. Water
c. Feed
b. Colosturm
d. Both a and b
79. The process of giving birth to an animal is called?
a. Gestation
c. Parturition
b. Conception
d. Fertilizaation
80. Bos indicus cattle are characterized by:
a. Long ears
c. Excessive dewlap
b. A humped-neck
d. All of the above
81. Cattle have a :
a. Single-compartment stomach
b. Two-compartment stomach
c. Three-compartment stomach
d. Four compartment stomach
82. Cattle from feed yards are taken to a processing plant when they
reach an average weight of:
a. 1100-1200 lbs
b. 1200-1300 lbs
c. 700-800 lbs
d. 800-900 lbs
83. A female horse, at least four years of age is called:
a. Colt
c. Mare
b. Gelding
d. Filly
84. Mohair comes from the:
a. Kashmir goat
b. Angora goat
c. Boer goat
d. Nubian goat
85. A castrated male goat is called:
a. Buck
c. Kid
b. Ram
d. Wether
86. Lanolin is produced from which part of the sheep?
a. Fat from by-products
c. The skin
b. The wool
d. Hooves
87. The average litter size fro swine is:
a. 1-3 piglets
c. 2-5 piglets
b. 5-8 piglets
d. 9-12 piglets
88. What is the term used when a sow or gilt gives birth to a litter of
a. Farrowing
c. Birthing
b. Calving
d. Foaling
89. A hog’s internal organs closely resemble those of a:
a. Human
c. Goat
b. Sheet
d. Horse
90. Hogs are taken to the processing plant when they reach:
a. 3-4 months of age
c. 4-6 months of age
b. 8 months
d. 1 year of age
91. Poultry refer to bird species such as:
a. Chickens
c. Turkeys
b. Ducks and geese
d. All of the above
92. A female chicken that lays eggs is a:
c. Pullet
c. Hen
d. Rooster
d. Capon
93. The primary by-product from chickens is:
a. Blood
c. Bones
b. Variety meats
d. Feathers
94. At a feed yard pens are cleaned:
a. Every day
c. At the beginning of each
b. After the cattle are processed d. Between each set of cattle
95. The manure scrapped out of the pens is:
a. Sold to area greenhouses pens
new pens
b. Applied to farm crops as fertilizer
c. Used as foundation for
d. burned in the barn
96. On average, cattle remain in the feed yard for:
a. 60-90 days
c. 120-150 days
b. 170-200 days
d. 365 days
97. Normal temperature for cattle is:
a. 87.4 F
c. 98.6 F
b. 101.5 F
d. 88.9 F
98. The batch mixer at a feed mill produces how many pounds of feed at
one time?
a. 1,000 pounds
c. 3,000 pounds
b. 6, 000 pounds
d. 10,000 pounds
99. Corn is harvested when it reaches the ideal moisture percentage of:
a. 12 percent
c. 20 percent
b. 41 percent
d. 68 percent
The most perfect food is considered:
a. Meat
c. Eggs
b. Milk
d. Liver
Cows usually chew their cud for three to four hours a day.
a. True
b. False
The period of time that a cow is producing milk is called?
a. Parturition
b. Lactation
b. Regurgitation
d. Gestation
The leading dairy state is?
a. Texas
c. Texas
b. California
d. Wisconsin
The udder has eight teats.
a. True
b. False
105. There is an estimated ______million dairy cattle in the United
a. 10 million
c. 5 million
b. 15 million
d. 12 million
Water is needed in the regulation of body temperature.
a. True
b. False
Nutrients are either essential or nonessential.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is not a class of nutrients?
a. Proteins
c. Water
b. Carbohydrates
d. Calcium
The heart is responsible for pumping blood to all body parts.
a. True
b. False
110. Abdominal pains, vomiting, diarrhea sometimes with blood in it is a
symptom of:
a. Brucellosis
b. Pneumonia
b. Ecoli
d. Tetanus
111 Causes abortions in all species and may permanently reduce fertility
in a herd
a. Brucellosis
b. Tetanus
b. Lockjaw
d. Warts
112. Extreme sensitivity to bright lights, sounds, or touch, usually
contracted by an animal bite. Old Yeller.
a. Tetanus
c. Brucellosis
b. Rabies
d. Warts
Headache, fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite, swollen glands,
stiff neck,
vomiting, skin rash, caused by mosquitoes.
a. West Nile
c. Tetanus
b. Rabies
d. Warts
114. Finish refers to the amount of fat produced by market animals.
a. True
b. False
115. A ration that supports growth prevents any loss or gain of tissue in
an animal’s body when no production occurs is a finishing ration.
a. True
b. False
116. Anthelmintics should be administered to livestock on a monthly
a. True
b. False
117 . A feed additive is considered to be an antibiotic if it enhances
the growth of bacteria.
a. True
b. False
118. . MGA is a hormone used as a feed additive to suppress estrus
in females.
a. True
b. False
Buffers resist changes in the pH of the rumen when acids
are present.
a. True
b. False
The FDA conducts test to see if feed additives contain cancercausing agents.
b. True
b. False
121. To control the problem of bloat n non-ruminants, poloxaline is added
to the feed.
a. True
b. False
122. The TBA regulates the use of additives.
a. True
b. False
123. Functions of antibiotics are to limit the growth of bacteria in an
animal’s body.
a. True
b. False
124. Which is not included as major information on the feed tag or label.
a. Net weight
c. Brand name
b. Analysis of feed
d. Color of feed
125. Water content in a feed sample is determined by the weighing of a
wet sample.
a. True
b. False
126. A chemical analysis determining the crude protein content of a
feedstuff also determines the nitrogen content of the sample.
a. True
b. False
127. Crude fat is often referred to as ether content.
a. True
b. False
Palatability refers to how well an animal likes the feed.
a. True
b. False
Lush legume pastures can be a source of digestive disturbances in
livestock which may cause a bloating condition.
a. True
b. False
130. The FDA publishes a pamphlet about official information about
approval of antibiotics and other animal drugs.
a. True
b. False
A collection of pus contained in an inflamed tissue.
a. Sore
c. Abscess
b. Pinch point
d. Blemish
What percent of water is in milk?
a. 87%
c. 15%
b. 25%
d. 12%
Oldest and purest dairy cattle, came from Switzerland.
a. Holstein
c. Brown Swiss
b. Jersey
d. Aryshire
Distended abdomen, violent rolling or kicking is a symptom of:
a. Rabies
c. Flu
b. Colic
d. Pneumonia
Ranks # 1 in the world for pork production.
a. United States
c. California
b. China
d. Alaska
White hog, droopy ears, small bluish freckles, very prolific.
a. Chester White
c. Yorkshire
b. Hampshire
d. Duroc
Which of the following hog does not have erect ears?
a. Hampshire
c. Yorkshire
b. Berkshire
d. Duroc
Black hog six white feet, face and legs, erect ears.
a. Poland China
c. Hampshire
b. Berkshire
d. Landrace
Which is not a primal part of the hog carcass?
a. Ham
c. Loin
b. Belly
d. Hocks
140. Originated in India and Brazil, humped cattle, heat tolerant, slick
a. Brangus
c. Hereford
b. Brahman
d. Limousine
141. Originated on the King Ranch, maternal, cherry red in color,
developed for the rough, rugged terrain of South Texas.
a. Brahman
c. Hereford
b. Limousine
d. Santa Gertrudis
142. Exotic breed, light straw in color, originated in France, very heavily
a. Brahman
c. Hereford
b. Charolais
d. Santa Gertrudis
143. Medium to dark red in color, originated in England, white underline,
switch, crest, face and legs.
a. Brangus
c. Hereford
b. Limousine
d. Santa Gertrudis
Which of the following is not a leading dairy producing state?
a. California
c. Wisconsin
b. Texas
d. New York
145. A disease prevents or impairs an animal’s function and is harmful to
the surroundings.
a. True
b. False
146. If an animal’s ration is not balanced their resistance to disease is
a. True
b. False
147. Morphological defects are such as cuts and bruises, broken bones,
scratches and scrapes.
a. True
b. False
148. Bacteria can be seen with the naked eye.
a. True
b. False
149. Iron deficiency, lack of red blood cells is a symptom of:
a. Colic
c. Rabies
b. Anemia
d. Bloat
150. Sheep and goats have a tendency to over eat and this can be
deadly to them.
a. True
b. False