Year 8 Society and Environment 2015 The Ancient to the Modern World History Program Medieval Europe, Medieval Japan and Terms Two and Three (20 Weeks) Medieval Europe (c.590 – c.1500) The way of life in Medieval Europe (social, cultural, economic and political features) and the roles and relationships of different groups in society (ACDSEH008) Significant developments and/or cultural achievements, such as changing relations between Islam and the West (including the Crusades), architecture, medieval manuscripts and music (ACDSEH050) Continuity and change in society in ONE of the following areas: crime and punishment; military and defence systems; towns, cities and commerce (ACDSEH051) The dominance of the Catholic Church and the role of significant individuals such as Charlemagne (ACDSEH052) The Spanish conquest of the Americas (c.1492 – c.1572) Pre-Columbian life in the Americas, including social organisation, city life and beliefs. (ACDSEH016) When, how and why the Spanish arrived in the Americas, and where they went, including the various societies and geographical features they encountered (ACDSEH073) The nature of the interaction between the Spanish and the indigenous populations, with a particular focus on either the Aztecs OR Incas (ACDSEH074) The impact of the conquest on the Aztecs OR Incas as well as on the wider world, such as the introduction of new diseases, horses and gunpowder in the Americas, and new foods and increased wealth in Europe (ACDSEH075) The longer-term effects of colonisation, including slavery, population changes and lack of control over resources (ACDSEH076) Japan under the Shoguns’ (c.794 – 1867) The way of life in shogunate Japan, including social, cultural, economic and political features (including the feudal system and the increasing power of the shogun) (ACDSEH012) The role of the Tokugawa Shogunate in reimposing a feudal system (based on daimyo and samurai) and the increasing control of the Shogun over foreign trade. (ACDSEH063) The use of environmental resources in Shogunate Japan and the forestry and land use policies of the Tokugawa Shogunate (ACDSEH064) Theories about the decline of the Shogunate, including modernisation and westernisation, through the adoption of Western arms and technology (ACDSEH065) TERM TWO 2015 MEDIEVAL EUROPE (10 Weeks) Focus questions/time allocation (Total 2 weeks) Week 1 Intro To History/Skills Weeks 1 - 2 Suggested Teaching and Learning Strategies Resources OVERVIEW: Ancient to Modern World * Teacher Note: The Student History Workbook is to complement the Student textbook. Activities can be used for class work and/or homework. Use your discretion for activities completed from Student Workbook. Hand out Student History Workbook and go through Term Outline and class equipment requirements. Student History Textbook INTRO TO HISTORY/SKILLS Complete HISTORY Activities on pgs 4 to 24 in Student Workbook : Student History Workbook What is History? Why Study History? How can it help us to understand our world today? History Skills such as Sources, Fact and Opinions, Timelines etc Classwork and Homework OVERVIEW OF ANCIENT TO MODERN Textbook: Complete readings and pages in Student Textbook pgs 1 to 16 Watch “Why study History?” Youtube clip: Primary and Secondary Sources: Watch Youtube clip: Assessments Student History Workbook: Complete pages 25 to 30 Weeks 3 - 6 MEDIEVAL EUROPE (c.590 – c.1500) Intro To Medieval History Feudalism: What was it? How did it work? What were the pros and cons? Textbook: Pgs 2 to 4 Student Workbook Activities: Pgs 32 to 39 (Pgs 35 to 36 go with the powerpoint) Weeks 3 - 6 Watch DVD “Social Structure in the Middle Ages” Stored in the SAE office Knights Textbook: Pgs 4 – 6 Student Workbook: Pgs 40 to 44 (Pgs 40 to 41) accompany the Knights DVD Life on the Manor Textbook: Pg 6 Student Workbook: pg 1 to 7 Farming Textbook: Pg 7 Peasants / Serfs Textbook: Pg 8 to 10 Student Workbook: Pg 8 to 14 Weeks 3-6 View Powerpoint “Medieval Life” (This will be in Seqta as a resource) Christendom Watch DVD “The Knight” Stored in the SAE office Watch “Knights and Tournaments” from Lost Worlds series (in SAE folder on Groups) Watch the Serf DVD (Kept on Cheryl’s desk) And take notes of key info Watch Peasants and Nobles Lost Worlds Episode (Found in the Medieval History Folder in the 2013 Year 8 SAE Folder) (Complete pgs: 15 to 23 of Student Workbook as they watch) Watch The Noble DVD (Kept on Cheryl’s desk) And take notes of key info Medieval Newspaper Task Introduce Task. Students can begin to complete research notes and construct articles. Allow one period a week for this task over 4 weeks (total – 4 lessons in class) Textbook: Pg 11 to 14 Student Workbook: pgs 24 to 43 Watch The Monk DVD (Kept on Cheryl’s desk) And take notes on key info (Complete pgs 25 to 26 in Student workbook) Watch Monks and Heretics Lost World Episode (Found in the Medieval History Folder in the 2013 Year 8 SAE Folder) (Complete pgs: 27 to 34 of Student Workbook as they watch) Watch Cities and Cathedrals Lost World Episode (Found in the Medieval History Folder in the 2013 Year 8 SAE Folder) (Complete pgs: 39 to 43 of Student Workbook as they watch) The Black Death Student Workbook: pgs 44 to 46 Watch the Doctor DVD (Kept on Cheryl’s desk) And take notes on key info (Complete pgs 47 to 49 in workbook) Newspaper Task Due End Week 6 Weeks 7 - 8 Charlemagne Textbook: Pg 15 Castles Textbook: Pg 16 to 20 Student Workbook: pgs 50 to 64 The Crusades Week 8 Textbook: Pg 21 to 24 Student Workbook: pg 65 to 66 Crime and Punishment Textbook: Pg 25 to 27 Student Workbook: 67 to 71 King John and the Magna Carta Textbook: Pg 28 to 30 Student Workbook: 72 to75 Week 9 Week 10 Revision for Exam Assess 2: Complete Exam Finish Medieval Europe topic The Renaissance Textbook & SOSE Alive 2 Assess 2: Medieval Europe Exam Due: Week 9 TERM THREE 2015 – THE SPANISH CONQUEST OF THE AMERICAS (5 WEEKS) Lessons Learning Objectives Teaching Methods Resources 1 Textbook – pg 1-3 of Chapter ‘Spanish in the Americas’ Read through information and examine timeline. Students to make notes in their SAE Exercise book of dates the Aztec and Incan empires existed. Students to research boundaries of these empires and mark these on a map of North and South America. (a couple of good maps are listed – these will be available as links on the portal) Ask students to brainstorm what they think were implications for Spain/Europe, and what were the implications for the Americas (comparison Venn diagram) http://www.watertown.k12. orycentral/Graphic_Images/ 04_Encounters_in_America/ 02_Fall_of_the_Incas/inca_e mpire_map.jpg 2 3 The Americas Explorers The Spanish Empire and Christopher Colombus Show students Youtube clip “The Age of Exploration”. While watching, they are to complete worksheet. Read pg 4 of Textbook on famous explorers. Students to use table to create a timeline of explorations. Students are to read pg 5-6 and complete Qu 1,2 and 5. Students to watch “Crash Course – 15th Century Mariners” and complete worksheet. http://www.watertown.k12. orycentral/Graphic_Images/ 02_Indians_North_America/ 11_The_Aztecs/Aztec_Empir e_map_1500.jpg watch?v=SuRc5tgVnYo&feat watch?v=NjEGncridoQ Show students “Tribute to the Spanish Empire” Students to complete question sheet. Show students PowerPoint presentation on Christopher Colombus (This is in SAE Dept folder on Groups) watch?v=HDEU61IxFStudents to take notes and answer the questions at the end 8& Go through answers with students Students to fill in worksheet on Columbus Go through answers with students Students are to do question 8 from their textbooks (develop a poster to advertise to sailors) Assessment 4–6 The Aztecs Introduce students to the Aztecs – students to make notes from PPT on the Aztecs. (ppt in SAE folder on Groups) Students to watch YouTube clips linked in PPT and complete table on lifestyle of the Aztecs. Quiz on main parts of table as recap of lesson. Links in PPT: atch?v=pbL1rl08M54 atch?v=M5dMllgvnQk Students to understand the conquest of the Aztecs by reading page 9 and 10 with students Students to do question 1 and 2 on page 9 of textbook Go through answers with students Show YouTube clip “Conquistadors” to students (Also available as MP4 in SAE folder on Groups) Students to fill in worksheet whilst watching the video Go through answers with students Mark on map Cortes’ journey. watch?v=-zt68Eestn4 Students then to complete worksheets on Cortes and the Conquest of the Aztecs. Students to read pg 11 and 12 in text and do q1-6 7 – 10 The Incas Show students Inca’s lecture, reinforcing the traffic light rules with students Students to take notes in their notebook whilst watching the video (you may wish to pause at various parts in this to allow students to copy all notes) Talk through what the video told students about the Inca’s Start a comparison between the Aztecs and the Inca’s Students to read pg 13-16 in textbook and complete Q1-4 11- 17 Christopher Columbus Hero or Villian Document Study Read through textbook pages - Christopher Columbus: Villain or Hero. Students to complete questions. Introduce Assessment Task – Christopher Columbus Hero or Villian Report. Allow 5 periods for students to work on this in class Assessment 3: Christopher Columbus – Hero or Villian Report TERM WINTER 2015 MEDIEVAL JAPAN (5 Weeks) Lessons 1 Learning Objectives Japan’s Geography Students to identify location of Japan, its key features and cities. 2-3 Japan’s Early History Students to identify early Japanese people. Students to investigate and learn about the mythology of Japan leading to the divine right of Emperors. Teaching methods Introduction to Japan. Students to brainstorm what they know about Japan. Show students PPT on Japan. Students to complete map and worksheet on Japan’s Geography. Students to view YouTube clip on Japan and make notes. Discuss what they learnt. Students to read pg 4 – 5 of text book. Students to look at Source 2.3 and answer Q1&2. Students to view You Tube clip on “Izanagi and Izanami – the creation of Japan. Students to retell the myth in their own words in their exercise books. Students to complete Q1-4 from pg 5 of text. Students to watch “The Heian Period” and complete worksheet. SUGGESTED RESOURCES PPT Worksheet and Map ch?v=EFK9x-wmZX8 ch?v=v4-hnhqVPmw ch?v=kWSbH5bUENw Assessment 4-8 The Rise of Feudalism Students to read pg 1 of “Medieval Japan” pdf. Discuss learning outcomes and students to complete True/False activity in pairs. Discuss answers as a class. Students to read pg 6-9 of Pearson Text. Complete source questions andQ1-8 from pg 9. The Feudal Structure Complete feudal activity – class group activity. This is a role play of Japanese feudal society. Students to act out parts. Debrief and discuss learning. Students can answer essential learning questions listed on pdf in their exercise books. Students to read pg 2 -3 of “Medieval Japan” pdf. Students are to complete answers to Q4 and complete activity 5. The Kamakura Bakufu 14-16 Students to view YouTube clip “Kamakura Bakufu Kamakura Shogunate” then to answer Qu 8-11 from pg 9 of textbook. Students to read pg 10 – 11 of text and watch YouTube clip “Mongol Invasion of Japan” The Ashikaga Clan Students to answer source questions and Q1-5 from pg 11 ASSESSMENT TASK: FEUDAL STRUCTURE OF JAPAN Introduce and go through steps of task. Allow students to form pairs and complete pyramid. Partners are to decide which three classes each person is responsible for researching.Students to have three lessons to spend researching each of the social classes in feudal Japan.Students are to put portfolio research together and annotate pyramid with rights and responsibilities of each social class.(5 lessons or one week devoted to completion of task – due the following week) “Medieval Japan” PDF netter-japan PDF ch?v=_eoCI3S2iQ4&list=PLC8C D9ED5FCD6D0D5 essentials/downloads/JEH2_C h03.pdf ch?v=wYzqz3dMBCo ch?v=6ilXZHyaRDU Assessment 1 Test Assessment 2 Social Pyramid Portfolio 17 – 19 20 – 22 23 - 25 Religion and Philosophy Students to read pg12 – 15. Complete all source questions and Q1-8 on pg15 Watch documentary on Shinto Parts 1 – 4 and complete worksheet. Students to read Rituals, Values and Beliefs (pg60-61) and complete Q1-2 Students to read Expressions of Culture (pg62-63) and complete Q1a-e Show students YouTube clip from ‘Memoirs of a Geisha” to show life of Geisha Optional: Get students to make origami paper cranes while they watch YouTube clip – Sadako and the thousand paper cranes. War and Unification Students to read pg 16 – 17 of textbook and complete Q1-6 Students to watch PBS Documentary “Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire. Part 1 – Way of the Samurai” and complete worksheet. The Tokugawa Period East Meets West Students to read pg 22 of text and answer Q1,3,4,6 and 7 Students to watch PBS Documentary “Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire. Part 2 – The Will of the Shogun” and complete worksheet. Students to watch PBS Documentary “Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire. Part 3 – The Return of the Barbarians” and complete worksheet. Students to read pg 28 – 31 and complete source questions and Q1a-c, Q2a,b, Q3a,b and Q4 a,b. ch?v=VmJwBV_iJRQ ch?v=KljfHk39FQs ch?v=xPFKIIBTOts