1. Site Description 1.1 The application site is a traditional building that fronts directly onto Chapel Street Settle. The building is finished in stucco and is set under a natural slate roof. The building has been altered over time. 1.2 To the front elevation, the building comprises 5 no window openings (3 at ground floor and 2 at first floor level). The principal entrance to the building is located to the left of the principal elevation within an attached porch structure. The left hand gable elevation is largely featureless except for a single small window opening at attic height. The front elevation and left hand gable elevation form an integral part of the street scene within a historic part of the Conservation Area. 1.3 The rear elevation of the building comprises 3 no window openings randomly distributed throughout the elevation together with a rear entrance door to the right and patio doors. 1.4 Domestic curtilage to the front of the building is minimal. To the rear is private open space incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling. Key public views of the building are to the front and left hand elevations. 1.5 Surrounding land use is principally residential. The site is within the Settle Conservation Area and the area affected by the Craven District Council (Historic Areas of Settle) Direction 1993. 2. Proposal 2.1 Article 4 consent is sought to: Retain upvc windows and doors to the rear and side elevations and; Replace on the front elevation the first floor upvc windows with vertical sliding sash windows and to retain upvc windows at the ground floor. Revised plans to replace all windows on the front elevation with timber sash windows have been submitted. 3. Planning History 3.1 5/62/117 – Change of use from shop and dwelling to dwelling. Conditional Approval 27 May 1977. 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 Adopted local plan policies BE11. 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 Settle Town Council - Approval of the application (original scheme). 6. Consultations 6.1 None. 7. Representations 7.1 None. 8. Summary of Principal Planning Issues 8.1 The effect of the proposal upon the character and appearance of the Settle Conservation Area. 9. Analysis 9.1 This application seeks to retain unauthorised works that have been carried out on the above property. The unauthorised works in question are the replacement of windows and doors in the property (including traditional vertical sliding sash windows to the front elevation) with upvc double glazed units. The proposal seeks the retention of the upvc windows and doors to the rear and side elevations whilst submitting revised proposals to the front. 9.2 Dealing with the rear and side elevations first, it is considered that within the context of the rear elevation of the property, public views of this elevation are limited. As such it is considered that retention of the upvc windows on this elevation is unlikely to be detrimental to the character and appearance of the conservation area. Given that this is the case, it is considered that retention of these features on this elevation is acceptable. With regard to the side elevation, whilst public views of this elevation from Chapel Street are considerable, the window opening in question is a small opening located at attic height. The scale of the window opening, within the context of the whole elevation is such that the retention of the upvc window in this elevation is unlikely to be detrimental to the character and appearance of the conservation area. 9.3 Turning to the front elevation, it is clear that the front elevation forms a key component of the street scene, and the building by virtue of its design, scale and massing make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. A key feature of the front elevation of the building is the fenestration apparent on it. The installation of non traditional windows of an inappropriate design and made from inappropriate materials however forms a component that has reduced the positive contribution the building made to the character and appearance of the conservation area. Of particular significance is the removal of 2 no. vertical sliding sash windows at the first floor level. Window openings at ground floor level date from the 1970’s and evidence shows that the previous windows to those currently installed were of a timber casement design. However the installation of upvc windows within this elevation at ground floor level cannot be justified on this basis. It is considered that had planning permission been sought prior to installation, upvc windows on the front elevation would not have received a recommendation of approval. 9.4 The original proposals sought to reinstate vertical sliding sash windows at first floor level and to retain the upvc windows at the ground floor. When examining the proposal as a whole however, it was considered that the existing detrimental effect upon the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and street scene would remain. Subsequently amended plans have been submitted for consideration. The amendments to the proposals now seek the replacement of all upvc windows to the front elevation with timber sash type windows. 9.5 The revised proposals seek a comprehensive treatment of the front elevation through applying a consistent design and removal windows made from inappropriate materials. Consequently, it is considered that the revised proposals are acceptable and should represent an improvement to the principal frontage, street scene and Conservation Area. 9.6 Given that the proposals as revised are acceptable in principle, it is necessary to ensure that the works that may authorised under a planning consent are actually undertaken within a reasonable time scale. It is therefore considered appropriate to recommend that, if the Council is minded to grant consent, enforcement action is authorised in the event of the approved alterations to the front elevation of the building not being undertaken within a reasonable time scale. Recommendations are therefore made accordingly. 10. Recommendation 10.1 It is recommended that: 10.2 Planning permission be granted, subject to the following conditions and; 10.3 The Head of Planning Services be given delegated authority to issue an enforcement notice if necessary should the approved alterations to the front elevation not be undertaken within a reasonable time scale. 11. Summary of Conditions 11.1 Works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved plans received by the Council on 8 May 2002. 11.2 Reason: For the avoidance of doubt. 11.3 The replacement windows shall be finished in a method to be agreed in writing with the district planning authority. 11.4 Reason: To ensure that the replacement windows are appropriately finished. 11.5 Informative: The consent hereby approved seeks the installation of acceptable window designs to a principal elevation within the Settle Conservation Area, to replace inappropriate and unauthorised designs. Therefore, in conjunction with this consent, the Council has approved that enforcement action be pursued if necessary, should the windows to the front elevation not be replaced within a reasonable time scale in accordance with the approved plans. 11.6 So that potential enforcement action be avoided, a time scale for completing the works to the front elevation of the building should be agreed in writing with the Council within 28 days of the date of this decision notice.