File - Hyunjeong Park

NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice
Trent/Fleming School of Nursing
Trent University-Peterborough Site
Fall 2014
NURS 2020H Clinical Course Evaluation
Mid-term Evaluation
Student: _______Hyunjeong (Kathleen) Park________
Clinical Instructor: ______Sara Alexander________
Preceptor______Meaghen Regts_______
Agency_____Clinical Learning Centre_________
Total Clinical Hours: __88__
NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice
Clinical Course Evaluation
Program Goals
Students graduating from this program are prepared as generalists entering a self-regulating profession in situations of health and illness.
Students graduating from this program are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups, communities
and populations) in a variety of settings.
Students graduating from this program are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups, communities
and populations) in a variety of settings.
Graduates will learn to continuously use critical and scientific inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply nursing knowledge in
their practice.
Students graduating from this program will be prepared to demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice in diverse health care
Graduates will be prepared to contribute to a culture of safety by demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by identifying, and
mitigating risk for patients and other health care providers.
Students will demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and health
care team members based upon relational boundaries and respect.
Graduates of this program will be able to enact advocacy in their work based on the philosophy of social justice.
Graduates will effectively utilize communications and informational technologies to improve client outcomes.
Graduates will be prepared to provide nursing care that includes comprehensive, collaborative assessment, evidence-informed interventions
and outcome measures.
NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice
Student Self-Evaluation (midterm):
Course Objective
Demonstrated professional responsibility and
accountability to collaboratively plan, implement
and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to
the community population served, using elements of
the course website such as the learning system and
regular, punctual communication with preceptor and
Applied their knowledge to support population
assessment, collaborative and evidence informed
health promotion project development,
implementation and process and outcome evaluation.
Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional
practice when working with community organizations
and the population with whom they work.
Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)
Demonstrated punctuality at meetings and
completed discussed work on time. Attended
all orientation sessions and seminars.
Collaboratively planned the health promotion
project with the preceptor and partner.
Demonstrated responsibility in completing
assigned work such as the ethics process
form, survey draft, and literature review.
Applied knowledge learned from NURS
2000H to the project such as the logic model
and assessment of population of interest (to
determine purpose of project).
Completed the certification of TCPS (ethics
process certification) which helped with
ethical considerations in making of the
Performed literature review to gather
Demonstrated respect for the organization,
preceptor, and to my partner.
Supported one another throughout the project.
Worked well with my partner by allocating
equal work load and communicated well.
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice
Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in
project development, respectful of group process,
leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to
meet the needs and build capacity of the population in
the given context.
Demonstrated self-regulation through the
development of a project plan and milestones,
learning plan, and ability to independently
seek means to meet goals, reflect, and respond
professionally to feedback to meet learning and
project goals that align with the SON’s program goals
and the Community Health Nursing Standards of
Practice in Canada.
Demonstrated professional work ethic with
the organization and with my partner.
Applied knowledge learned from various
courses and made sure to study material
beforehand in order to dedicate some work
and increase work efficiency.
Worked independently when needed and
wrote reflection in Praxis 1 and 2 about what I
have learned by being involved in the project.
Critical thinking and the potential impact of
my actions were thought out in reflections.
Asked for feedback for the work that was
assigned in order to address any problems.
Student Self Evaluation Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on).
Signature of Student_____________________________________________________
Signature of Clinical Instructor________________________________________________
NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice
Preceptor’s Evaluation (midterm):
Course Objective
Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Demonstrated professional responsibility and
accountability to collaboratively plan, implement
and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to
the community population served, using elements of
the course website such as the learning system and
regular, punctual communication with preceptor and
Applied their knowledge to support population
assessment, collaborative and evidence informed
health promotion project development,
implementation and process and outcome evaluation.
Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional
practice when working with community organizations
and the population with whom they work.
NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice
Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in
project development, respectful of group process,
leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to
meet the needs and build capacity of the population in
the given context.
Demonstrated self-regulation through the
development of a project plan and milestones,
learning plan, and ability to independently
seek means to meet goals, reflect, and respond
professionally to feedback to meet learning and
project goals that align with the SON’s program goals
and the Community Health Nursing Standards of
Practice in Canada.
Preceptor’s Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on).
Signature of Preceptor___________________________________________________
Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________
Signature of Student_____________________________________________________
NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice
Clinical Instructor’s Evaluation (midterm):
Course Objective
Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Demonstrated professional responsibility and
accountability to collaboratively plan, implement
and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to
the community population served, using elements of
the course website such as the learning system and
regular, punctual communication with preceptor and
Applied their knowledge to support population
assessment, collaborative and evidence informed
health promotion project development,
implementation and process and outcome evaluation.
Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional
practice when working with community organizations
and the population with whom they work.
NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice
Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in
project development, respectful of group process,
leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to
meet the needs and build capacity of the population in
the given context.
Demonstrated self-regulation through the
development of a project plan and milestones,
learning plan, and ability to independently
seek means to meet goals, reflect, and respond
professionally to feedback to meet learning and
project goals that align with the SON’s program goals
and the Community Health Nursing Standards of
Practice in Canada.
Clinical Instructor’s Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on).
Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________
Signature of Student_____________________________________________________